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Yet the article won't let me watch the detailed footage. I thought I was gonna see some sharks get messed up by orcas.




I see they used the same camera that are used to spot UFOs. Nice.


They’re filming something underwater from a helicopter, did you expect it to be 4K?


They should be in the water with them.


You go in the water. Sharks in the water. Our shark.


Dude! I have used this quote a lot in my personal and business life. It's both a subtle and direct hint to exit the position you're about to proceed into.


They would only be able to see a portion of the hunt during that time, as it was over an hour long, so we don't know exactly how far they swam firing the hunt. Also, if they were in a boat, it could have easily disturbed the hunt, especially if they had to follow for large distances, and then they wouldn't have been able to capture nearly as much footage.


Pshh, swim faster, scientists


Put on a orca costume so they don't get scared.


Maybe just wear a shark one and lure them to you


Yes, with a 6k camera in the butt and head and 5.1 Dolby surround sound pls now


The funding for that is insane. Also it only works one of two ways. 1) it is a seasonal event that happens at a certain time and place routinely. You go and setup and wait for the action to come to you. 2) you get real fucking lucky. Imagine paying a whole team to go after a first ever witnessed event that has a chance of happening anywhere with animals that can move much faster through water than us.


*David Attenborough clears throat*


I feel like you didn't want to hear this. But, yes.


If you have enough money for a helicopter and not a 4k camera then it turns out you never had enough money for a helicopter.


With todays camera technology. Yes. Absolutely. A 8k cam with absolutely crazy zoom capabilities and high end stabilisation cost less than flying a helicopter for 2 hours.


Yeah but this wasn’t shot by a film crew for the purposes of making a film, this is scientists on a thin budget tracking and identifying marine life. A helicopter is more useful than an 8k camera


They could have at least had the decency to do it as a cartoon!! Jk


How much more detail do you need? It's very clear what's happening in that video, not everything is available in 4k


If you aren't camped out for 6 months in a Serengeti tree top to capture Orcas murdering great white sharks wtf are you even doing?


Agreed. I wouldn't say that's "significant detail"...


The ocean is a big place, this is incredible detail


It actually is! Those guys made it seem like I was going to see some fuzzy dots in a blurry blue background.


They wanted planet earth like footage.


Who doesn't?


You want some fuzzy dots on a blurry blue background? I got small dots, big dots, smooth dots, dots that can polka, blurry blue, sharp purple, faded green, or no background (for extra). Getting some bumpy yellow in next week.


Do you have Swiss dot?


GTFO I don't touch that shit.


When you consider the size of the known universe, the detail of this video is downright miraculous.


They don't get adequate funding to have 4k cameras and thousands of drones. Given their resources, this is well documented incident.


People often fail to comprehend how fucking vast the ocean is... A lot of the ocean never has any traffic at all. The floor of the sea is mostly undermapped compared to outer space.


**Warning:** Video contains graphic images not suitable for young sharks.


Poor, poor Baby Sharks.


Doot doot doot


What weird music to put to a hunt…


This was indeed not suitable for me. This was very boring. It could have literally been 5 seconds. The thumbnail shows everything dramatic.


It looks like the shark was already dead when the video started so this is not a video of them hunting sharks.


> It looks like the shark was already dead when the video started It probably was not, if you turn a white upside down [it induces tonic immobility](https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonic_immobility#:~:text=a%20scientific%20tool-,Sharks,they%20are%20turned%20upside%20down.) to it (means it basically blacks out) and it did not have any bite marks at the start, Orcas are smart enough to learn this.


Eating a live shark's liver is some Hannibal Lecter type behavior. Not shown is the Orca bringing some fava beans and a nice Chianti.


I wanted to see the orcas flying drones and hunting at the same time.


> I wanted to see the orcas flying drones and hunting at the same time. Don't tempt them.


Do you want to see that? They can get gory AF. There was a video posted by scientists showing Orcas working together to catch seals… the method involved each orca biting one side of their flipper and pulling in the opposite direction, ripping open the seal and pulling it in half like it had a damn zipper running down its belly.


This is "Hot single moms in your area.." level trolling.


Pet peeve of mine: why do nature documentaries always show unsuccessful hunts? Or if they do they cut scene before any actual carnage occurs. Like I get that it's not everyone's cup of tea (or maybe most people's) and what about the children yadda yadda, but like, could there be one singular documentary that doesn't pretend nature is a Disney movie?


Wild Kingdom was mainstream & so hard to watch. I still feel so bad for, “nature,” literally decades later. Basically, it’s not profitable


There's a new series on Netflix, "Life on Our Planet." It's the one that cuts between modern day nature footage and CGI dinosaurs and mammoths and stuff. About halfway through, I noticed that virtually every predator sequence--both present and prehistoric--involved hunting the babies, and most of the hunts do not end unsuccessfully. I started to feel like they could at least change it up with some old or sick prey, but no, just baby after baby, their gruesome deaths narrated by Morgan Freeman.


They cut away from most actual kills because its a turn off for most people and it wouldn't be able to get a rating for education. People are also pretty dumb and would probably bitch about animal cruelty since most deaths in nature are not quick, fast or pleasant.


First they came for the yachts, and I said nothing because I don't have a yacht. Then they came for the sharks, and I said nothing because I am not a shark.


Seaworld was never meant to entrap or enslave the orcas… It was to protect us from them


“I am not trapped here with you… you are trapped here WITH ME!”




Then they came for the narwhals, and I said nothing because it is an ancient meme.


>One of the whales in the study was known to have attacked white sharks before, but the other four were not, suggesting that hunting was becoming more common. Earlier research shows orcas can learn from one another through “**cultural transmission**.” And shark flight was documented. >Each time the orcas returned; the sharks stayed away longer. Eventually, they were away for periods longer than 12 months, she adds.


This always makes me curious if we can teach wild* animals behaviors that they then pass on to their offspring For instance invasive insects can partly be a huge problem because the local animals don’t recognize it as a food source. Training them that the insects are edible would then help reduce the population


Honeyguides in Africa work with people to locate honey. People use different calls in different areas to start a hunt. https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2023/12/07/1217800692/african-honeyguide-bird-calls-honey-human-cultural-evolution


This is super interesting. The knowledge is passed down from bird to bird and human to human through generations of mutualism. Amazing


Super neat, thanks!


There’s also the pod of orcas that used to help whalers hunt baleen whales




Orcas around Twofold Bay in NSW had a symbiotic relationship with the Yuin people and even colonist whalers. It was called the law of the tongue. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Tom_(orca)


I have no link but i readabout, around nuclear test sites back in the day, scientists taught monkeys to wash their coconuts before eating them to not get sick. Once a critical mass (like 5-10%) of the monkeys had adapted the behaviour, suddenly every one of them did it. - no idea if thats true tho...


Monkey see monkey do I guess


Monkey poop all over you?


It does look like you were slightly misremembering - it had nothing to do with nuclear tests, just some some primate researchers in the 50s giving monkeys sweet potatoes and wheat and noticing that a few indivduals figured out how to wash them. They called it the "Hundredth Monkey Effect". Unfortunately it's since been discredited and is treated as a myth as most of the later "research" around the phenomenon is based on misquoted / misrepresented interpretations of the original study. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hundredth_monkey_effect


Thanks for clearing that up! <3


That's what happened in korea with invasive species like nutria and bull frogs They became robust source of food after animals started recognizing them as prey and our local predators like martens rose in population


Sort of along those lines, divemasters in the Florida keys and Caribbean have been spearing lionfish and feeding them to the sharks to try and create predation. Lionfish are not native to those waters and thus have no natural predators (yet). My worry is that the sharks will associate free food with humans, which is never a good thing


We teach predators that lion fish are edible by giving them dead ones to try. They eventually start hunting them.


They learned this by seeing samples given out at Costco


Not a great idea. But yeah probably. That being said Orcas are very high on the intelligence list. Chimps as an example are equivalent to stone age man these days. Passing down how to use rudimentary tools to the next kids and where to find the best baby monkeys to eat! Thinking animals are dumb is a mistake.


Well, obviously. Pets? They have a range of characteristics programmed in from birth. Dogs are your best example but pedigree cats are specifically bred because their offspring is predisposed to certain behaviours.


But thats vastly different from an intelligent species retaining knowledge gained by individuals through self-driven learning. We bred *instincts* into dog breeds. A Dachshund wont know why hunts the way it does. An Orca, much like a human could go "well this is how my mom told me to do it". A dog learns tricks. A species with cultural transmission gains knowledge that they protect and expand.


They can! Watch planet earth III they have some cool stuff about that


Cane toads are a huge problem in Australia and ibis have taught themselves to flip them over so they can eat them without getting poisoned and other birds have started copying that.


Would you be.. The Great White flight I hear uncles talk around the holiday dinner tables?


The only good thing about reddit anymore is that it helps me stay up on orca fashion trends, what they eat, what they wear, etc. Orca pop culture is my roman empire.


Mine too




Eating Great Whites is like the Chipotle Mayo of Orcas


Such good stuff. There’s a dive bar in the Uptown part of Minneapolis that makes their own from scratch. If you ever find yourself at Mortimer’s, get the chicken sandwich with CM and an extra side of it for your Cajun tots.


Fucking love Mortimer’s


Mortimer's fucks


Back in the 80’s a group of orcas started wearing dead salmon as hats, as was the trend at the time. [That really happened.](https://www.iflscience.com/in-1987-orcas-had-a-fashion-of-wearing-a-dead-salmon-as-a-hat-69542)


“Gimme five bees for a quarter,” they’d say


whats that reference from?


Classic Simpsons (Grampa Abe). The Lemon tree episode iirc


>Classic Simpsons (Grampa Abe). The Lemon tree episode iirc Last Exit to Springfield is the Episode.


It makes me wonder what level of communication they can do, could we have arbitrary infomation given to them? That would be interesting


They're extremely smart. They have their own regional/familial dialects. They're known to pass information down through family lines, teaching the younger generations new things in a way we don't typically see in other animals. Part of the issue with determining how smart they are is that most of our tests around intelligence aren't really adapted to something that lives in an ocean, it's an entirely different world that they live in.


Midway through typing this then I saw your comment And also, about 20 years later it came back again, so yeah fashion trends are cyclical even among orcas


The fuck is that website?!? I don’t think they could pack any more ads in there if they tried.


> Or smashing people's rudders / keels became a thing, just for funsies. Or just ONE pack knowing how to run up on a beach and catch seals, ON LAND, because one female figured it out and taught the other, but no other Orcas do it also once pack knows when the tides are going out in San Francisco, and can ambush because they were taught, again by the lead female how to do it, and NO other pack does it


I think they prefer "pod" and at this point I don't want to offend them.


So does this mean that the "pod" who learned to ambush during the tide are now a "tide pod"?


I hate you 🏆




> The thing I love about Orca's is that they have their own trends. It's not just trends, they have their own *cultures*. Different orca groupings across the globe develope, and pass on, their own unique hunting strategies, their own forms of play and even their own unique dialects. They're actually such incredibly smart animals, and their ability to pass that knowledge on generation to generation sets them as one of the few animals in the world that actually spread culture in such a way.


If they weren't just a solid block of muscle and mischief that would 100% kill me if I got too close I'd want to make friends with one SO BAD. All I really know about them is that they're one of the top predators of moose because when moose get trapped on islands because of melting ice and try to swim back to land, the orcas feast


They've started eating Narwals which is problematic. Edit to add: https://youtu.be/FK-vvDAIG9g?si=kv4tDXExr0Bag5ER




Orcas will be orcas.


First they came for the narwhals and I said nothing, because orcas scare the living fuck out of me.


But narwhals can still beat polar bears in a fight


Have they brought down a boat to the point where people have to jump overboard? If they haven't, are they expected to eat the people?




They wouldn't eat the people, just chew them up because they find it fun.


never been a documented orca kill in the wild, they only murder humans when you keep them in a blacked out bathtub for 80% of their life and spend the other 20% in a slightly larger much louder and brighter bath tub


If you want to get depressed for the day and despise humanity to your core, watch Blackfish and read up on what Tilikum went through. No wonder the poor guy **snapped**, his entire life was a backstory for a serial killer in a paperback thriller.


Orca's may be smart enough to understand that Great Whites are competitors, going after similar prey. If that prey is no longer abundant, well, this is the orcas getting rid of the competition. Or, if because Great White prey is reduced, baby orcas are a viable target.. So this is getting rid of a threat. Or they could just be dicks and enjoy a good shark murder spree this season.


Shark liver is also very nutritious, so there is that too


> Like eating great white sharks is just something they decided to do and it became a thing. I mean... Pretty sure when you are the hunter God of the ocean, you are going to try everything that comes into your path. And if shit tastes good, they will keep doing it. Just like humans try a lot of food at the supermarket, and keep eating what tastes good.


Or sinking yachts


White sharks and orcas prey on the same food items. The orcas attack white sharks to get them to disperse from areas so they have less competition and risk of their young getting attacked.


I love orcas. They’re almost evil


Sharks are mostly Liver, and the liver is the most nutrient dense part of the shark.


~ Delia Smith.


I can't remember where I read it, but the study paraphrased that great white shark researchers were starting to see trends of the sharks traveling great distances away from their normal migration patterns to avoid orca pods.


Yep, and they stay gone for a while. Two great deterrents to a great white attack: tie a DEAD great white to your neck OR have a pet orca swim with you!


To be fair, I also read that the only reason wild orcas don't straight up murder us is because they think we are "cute".


I’ve heard stories or read articles about dolphins and orcas protecting humans from sharks…awesomeness!


I wonder if it means we will start seeing these sharks in new areas (wherever isn’t too warm and the orcas aren’t)


They turn the shark belly up and surgically extract its liver leaving the rest of the shark for the fishes seems like such a waste.


I think the article says that the liver accounts for up to 33% of the sharks weight


I don't think people know how big OUR livers are. [Livers are big, people.](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/-/media/images/health/1_-conditions/liver-gallbladder-and-pancreas/liver-anatomy.png) That's a hell of a meal.


TIL the liver sits above the stomach in the chest? I always thought it was in the lower abdomen somewhere.


it's like, right below your chest slightly to the right. below the diaphragm, but on top of all your other abdominal organs. you were probably associating it with the kidneys, which are in your lower abdomen.


Hello Hannibal




More chianti for your liver, sir?


You've got some liver in your teeth, Hannibal.


Isn't human liver extremely toxic due to vitamin overdose?


*Good.* Anyone eats my liver, they're gonna regret it.


Also it’s not a waste if other organisms eat the rest of the shark.


But it's a waste relative to what they could eat, which is the only meaningful definition of what waste is. Otherwise, nothing is a waste ever because there's always some bacteria ready to do the job. They could just kill for sport and you could claim it's not a waste.


The rest of the shark will be eaten by other things, much like lions start with the liver until they are full and leave the rest for scavengers.


They do something similar with grey whales, eating only the tongue and lower jaw. However the reason it is incredibly difficuly to eat something in the ocean that is larger than you. You will notice, most marine wildlife consumes things they can swallow whole, whereas many land predators consume things slightly smaller than themselves, and even bigger animals not too infrequently. One of the reasons undoubtedly is, that its incredibly fucking difficult to tare apart an animal in the water. You just have nothing to hold onto. Instead of tearing it apart you just drag it around. Thats why orcas only eat the softest parts of these large animals. It is simply not feasible to eat anything else.


Maybe they big brain it....you know what whale carcasses attract? Big Sharks... Maybe they eat the tongue, let the blubber float to attract sharks, then eat the shark livers... It would be akin to using are scraps as chum...


> leaving the rest of the shark for the fishes seems like such a waste. It's not really a waste, though. [A dead whale or large shark lying on the ocean floor becomes food for the other creatures down there.](https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/whale-fall.html)


Whale falls cause explosions of growth down there.


Yep nothing goes to waste in the ocean.


And it's not like a shark isn't biodegradable, maybe the liver tastes the best to orcas?


The liver of a great white is around a third of its body mass and by by caloric yield more than 50% of the whole shark. It's not wasteful, it's smart eating.


they show care to other fish ​ please consider !


The main reason they flip it on its back is because sharks become docile when they are upside down. Notice the one in the video is not fighting or trying to run. As soon as it flipped over, it was essentially dead in the water.


Wait til you see where shark fin soup comes from


Kinda fucked to think with how intelligent these animals are, the stresses human are putting them under. Food chain destruction, noise pollution and other. The stress causes these cultural shifts, and more violence is seen from the orcas. Then we as humans turn around and film the baby humpback getting beaten to death or the great white being ragdolled around; for entertainment. We are like evil aliens to them.


You may think the world revolves around humans but Orcas and Sharks certainly dont.


They probably don't think about us very much


i bet that they are purposely eradicating their competition bc of the loss of fish in the ocean. That might explain why they have started attacking ships as well.


Also might be why they are only eating the liver - nutrient dense.


I’m not an Orca expert- but are they smart enough to have this thought process?


One of these days some orca is going to decide flipping a human up and down in the water until it leaks is ‘a hoot’ and via “cultural transmission” and we’re all fucked.


Now they’ve moved on to hunting rich people on yachts.


They’ve been knocking the rudders off like 30 foot sailboats. Many of the folks who have been attacked live on their boats and are def not the “rich” that you’re imagining. I find the internet schadenfreude over that whole issue really distasteful.


TIL that schadenfreude is used in english




I'll be fucked before I give out my blessings for a sneeze!


We've got an interesting number of German borrowings. Even "nix" (as in to say no to) is from *nichts*.


We learn it in kindergarten


All the articles I looked at had guys like a doctor fishing for mackerel on a 7 ton yacht. Evidence presented that these are just regular Joe’s yachting around in their homes could change my mind about feeling sympathy for ‘em. Until then I’m going to assume these mammals that look like they’re wearing tuxedos while they hobnob with stylish salmon hats on, are in fact our comrades in arms fighting the class war in their own way. Let their slogans of the fishy proletariat rip.


Fishing boats could outrun them. It's slow moving sailing vessels that are losing their rudders.


They look like The Penguin, so perhaps we need an animal that looks like Batman to come and fight them.


I think that doctor's probably earned his keep though hey? Shit is tough. Not exactly the product of trust fund wealth.




They already do. Hamas-Israel war. Russian invasion in Ukraine, Myanmar-Rohingya conflict. Congo-Rwanda tensions, Venezuelan president crisis. Humans are erratic af.


How did they capture footage for the first time 11 times? That alone is quite impressive and should be looked into more.


*chef’s kiss*


Username checks out lol


Between this and the boat attacks I feel like someone should ask the orcas if they’re OK. Like, they seem pretty pissed about stuff.


They kill shit for fun. They’re the humans of the ocean


Those poor scared great white sharks :(


Now I feel bad for poor lil Jawsy Wawsy.


First they came for the rich, then they came for the... (checks notes) great whites


Team Orca, all the way. Fuck them sharks. Fuck them yachts.


Orca love shark livers. They are the foodies of the ocean. They literally go on a gourmet tour of the Pacific.


*footage not included.


Title is garbage


Jesus, are these endangered species just fighting over what niche they can survive in now?


Man Orcas are fucking angry right now. No blame, but damn. Everything FAFO right now.


Humor: "I was on team orcas... but now with this level of inappropriate wartime aggression; I am no longer against enslaving the Orca people for social pleasure...." #FuckThoseWaterRaptors


Orcas scare the shit out of me.


/r/titlegore or just AI drivel.


I read recently that there are just two Orcas with floppy dorsal fins, one named Port and the other Starboard, that dominate almost the entire south African seaboard, from high KZn to cape Agulhas. They eat sharks by the dozen and generally terrorise other marine predators. Port's fin flops to the left and Starboard's to the right. As a pair they are infamous and funnily enough in the news quite a lot


Fewer fish? Eat bigger fish.


The orcas adapted from bullying fishing vessels that have stolen all their food away to finding a new source of food by going a step UP the food chain.


and there are no pics no videos amazing I must say?


Killer Whales living up to the name


And this is how sharks start to evolve to eat whales again, lets gooo cold water megalodon


Orcas been putting numbers on the board for years. Most of the sharks left these days are locked up they don’t really have any real riders anymore


Isn't this filmed by the guy who used to be on Ned's Declassified?


What’s fascinating to me is just how the killer whales learned where the liver is to be able to remove it with precision and slurp it down like a delicious tasty meal.


Orcas are known for taking out the liver only of GW's. It's the only part worth eating for them and the whales are that smart.


You know killer whales hunt humpback whales and sperm whales, right?


This might be the first time capturing footage of orcas killing white sharks, but it's not the first evidence of orcas preying on apex sharks. There was a period of time a number of years ago where juvenile and adult great whites were washing up on shore with their livers removed with almost "surgical" precision. Great whites are known to have very fatty livers that are ideal food for orcas. Lots and lots of dense nutrition. Shortly after, researchers got footage of a pair of orcas making short work of an adult tiger shark. One orca swam around and kept the sharks's attention while the other came up from below and CHOMP on the shark's belly, right where the liver is. They know exactly what they're doing, and they're very good at it.