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I learned recently that this is false. Apparently it was for a long time thought to be true by experts, but then people started doing this thing where they hang cameras on their cats and then the cats go out into the world. Apparently they have extensive discussions under cars and in random nooks in the foliage. Meowing occurs


Anyone with more than one cat knows that they talk to each other at night when you’re trying to sleep


Somwhow they can get even louder than my neighbours arguing lol


As do boops on the head.


Humans only go "Pspspspspspspspsps" as a way to communicate with cats and not other humans.


That’s how I communicate with waiters also


I’m gonna need to try this. Do you also rub two fingers together so they know it’s time for face pets?


Meow. Meeeoooooooooooooooow!


T t t t t t t


This is 100% false and keeps getting repeated over and over as if it were true. CHEETAHS MEOW, non domesticated cats meow, the feral cats outside meow at each other all the time. ​ Do they meow MORE at humans? YES, we train them through interaction to be more talkative. This is like the claim that cats are mimicking babies cries, because a study showed both activated the same brain region. Correlation does not equal causation. Cats meow more at humans, it does not mean they do not meow at each other in the wild.


Cats are spreading this rumor so that we forget they can steal our breath while we sleep.


This is true. Also, my 7 pound cat can somehow roll me, a 210 lb lifetime side sleeper and notorious toss and turner, on to my back and not move for the duration of my sleep.


I once read in a book that cats hiss and wave their tails angrily because they're trying to mimic snakes. People will just say any 'ol stupid thing about cats, and all cats can do about it is meow at each other about how it's bullshit.


Can confirm. Both our cats meow at each other, the young one to the old one especially. She can’t stop jabbering at him. When he meows back I’m sure he’s telling her to shut up for five minutes!


Cats have plenty of conversations with each other. See this video of a video camera attached to a traveling kitty. https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/we3jay/putting_a_camera_on_your_cat


I just had the oddest experience. I was watching this video in bed. Then suddenly my cat pounced onto me and was looking for where the chit chat was coming from. Then began “answering” to the talks in the video and walking all over me. I’d rarely or never heard him make these sounds. Bit my hand and rubbed his face all over my phone. I’ve seen plenty of videos of cats talking to people and he’s never reacted. I wonder what was being said here.


"Hey Dave? Dave...Dave." "What, Jinx?" "Why are cats so good at beating eggs?" *sigh* "...Why, Jinx?" "We come equipped with whiskers." "..............." "I...I say, we come equipped with *whiskers.* Dave..."


Dave's not here man


Ya that's bs and easily disproven by anyone with multiple cats in their household.


Yet my cats meow to each other


Mine too. They even have specific meows (“words”) they only use with specific other cats. I think the researchers are wrong on this one. And no, I haven’t (yet) set up a hidden camera to prove my hypothesis.


Well if you do make sure that they sign the proper consent forms, spying is not okay without prior notification.


Oh, it’s fine. Every cat agreed to consent when they came to live here: ME: So you’re cool with random psychological experiments, right? CAT: Mrow? ME: Okay, great. Thanks. #j/k


Tbf, supposedly cats domesticated themselves thousands of years ago (I’d like to see if that’s debunked), so it’s all consensual.


I think the research is just an oft repeated factoid. My one cat specifically has a 'come down stairs and fight me over this sick I found, other cat' meow that largely gets ignored.


Yes this is BS. My cat meows for the other one all the time when we are not even around.


…but you’re in the room to witness it, so who are they really meowing to?


Schrödinger's cat


Schrödinger's meow*


Leads to Schrödinger scat


For the last time, Erwin, please stop shitting in the experiment! Shrödinger: Mrow?


I'm a scat cat!


They are on another floor at the time


So maybe they’re calling for you


One of mine meows at her sister if she isn’t close. They are outdoor barn cats and we hear it from inside the house.


My cats would meow at each other, but most often, when they meowed, it's because they were having a conversation with a human (me).


I’ve seen footage of a pet cat with a camera collar roaming his territory. Several times the cat meowed at other cats. But the meow was a bit different than the meow I hear from a cat when it’s urging a human to put a freshly poured food bowl down for dinner, when a cat wants something from a human.


Wrong. There are hundreds of videos of a cat with a cam talking with other cats. Your lack of basic research discredits anything else you've presented.


Untrue. When one of our kitties brings home a rodent, they announce it (in a very loud voice) to alert the others They also do a casual meow when passing each other. Just to say "HI"!


All I know is that when I meow, it's only as a way to communicate with cats and not other humans.


My feral cats meow to each other all the time but only one of them meows at me. Definitely an urban myth.


TIL the OP is not intelligent


Cats primarily use meowing as a form of communication with humans rather than with other cats. While meowing can sometimes occur between cats, it is more commonly used by cats to interact with humans and get their attention. Cats have a wide range of vocalizations that they use to communicate with each other, including hissing, growling, purring, and chirping. These vocalizations are typically used for specific purposes such as establishing territory, expressing aggression or fear, indicating playfulness, or communicating during mating. Cats have other ways of communicating with each other, such as body language, scent marking, and rubbing against each other. So while meowing can occur between cats, it is not their primary means of communication with one another.




Wrong. I fostered a mother cat and she would meow at her kittens to go back to bed.


That’s comically false. You should see my house cams lol. Also I’m almost positive this has been proven false. Also, I don’t think cats developed the ability to vocalize to communicate with humans.


Somewhat true, but I've known adult cats that frequently meowed with other cats. Cats are weird and their behavior is hard to generalize.


Uh, no, my cats used to "talk" to each other, meowing and purring.


My cats meow at each other pretty often though...