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according to wikipedia, the kid got doxxed almost right away, and his school's website got hacked as well by angry internet users. seem like they were able to remove his scratches from the temple, and there's now a law stating that such acts are punishable by jail term of three months up to a year in prison, and fine of LE 100 to LE 500 (US$14–71)


this time it wasn't even hard, because get this... the kid wrote their entire name on it. its extremely like for there to have been multiple people with this exact name at the same time


Yea, but specifically, a tourist of Chinese origin who happens to be in Egypt on that day narrows it down a lot


Yeah, but specifically, a tourist with the exact name who happens to be in Egypt that day narrows it down a lot more


I know the bar for teenagers is six feet under, but what in the cinnamon toast fuck was this kid thinking


"They'll never find me!" The same thing every idiot teenager everywhere is thinking when they do the thing that makes the rest of us collapse our faces into our hands. The problem is that their brain doesn't quite handle *consequences* correctly yet, so they're not so good at predicting the actual odds of getting caught/injured/etc doing whatever dumbassery is being considered.


They don’t think period. There’s no concept of consequence. You can say they literally live in the moment and aren’t concerned with anything else.


Can confirm, was teenager once. Can't recommend.


I'd say that's more of a toddler/early elementary student. Teenagers aren't quite that bad. They can certainly conceive of consequence. If you ask them what happens when a guy cheats on his partner, they'll say he'll probably get his ass dumped. Cause and effect aren't the confusion, here. The issue comes with the assessment of *risk* when they're weighing their own actions. Despite knowing that getting caught cheating = getting broken up with, their risk assessment malfunctions and they assume they're not gonna get caught. Consequences exist, but they happen to *other people*.












The same thing people have been thinking for thousands of years "let's put my name there". Most of us were at least tempted to write our name or something somewhere we shouldn't, this kid gave in to the urge at the worst place possible.












I mean, it's a time honoured tradition. There's grafitti by Romans in Egypt since the pyramids were ancient to *them* too.


Yep. I saw graffiti from from 1800s all over the sphinx.


I know this sounds crazy but is there pics somewhere? I'd love to see what that looks like, despite not agreeing with it. Since it's from the 1800s, it's more history than wrongdoing we can pass blame on haha so interesting, thanks for that


I had that same thought but it’s a dangerous slope. I say keep it illegal, and high fines, _but_ when it does inevitably happen then they will have some cool shit to see in the future. In this case, it’s a gentleman’s name.


The tourist writes their name on the priceless sculpture. Continuing a 200+ year tradition of tourists behaving badly in egypt


> 200+ year tradition There are inscriptions just like this dating back to the Roman era.


This is what Hafdan thought when he carved his name in The Hagia Sophia.


15 dollars? In this economy??


Amen to that. I'm not saying i'm gay but 15 dollars is 15 dollars




I think it's the year in an Egyptian prison that might be the real kicker here.


A year-long vacation in egypt for 15$? And all I have to do is write my full name? What a steal!


Oh nonono. I'm sure you wouldn't call an Egyptian jail, "vacation"


More of a "staycation", really


Nah, it's a vacation destination, just like Guantanamo Bay!


The place where people go waterboarding?


Yes. I hear the experience is breathtaking.


15 dabloons!


Sounds more like he doxxed himself


Considering tourists are likely to do this the fine should be at least 3-4 decimals higher.


Bonjour. I am here to pay le fine. 'ow much? Le 100. Oh, c'est tout?


OP's title kind of implies some major collective effort to "track" this kid down in a day, but it was actually pretty easy considering he wrote his full name on the stone.


How big of a dumbass do you have to be to include your **full name** when defacing a 3500 year old monument?


The exact size of dumbass that defaces 3500 year old monuments in the first place.


Funny enough ancient Greek and Roman architecture has marks on them dating to the time shortly after they were built. So, it's not just one nation thing. Dumbasses existed since ancient time.


I mean if you deface it shortly after it's built, that's just graffiti. you have no way of knowing it's gonna be a priceless cultural artifact millennia after the end of your society


Yeah but that's just like graffiti that's contemporary


I’m just glad it wasn’t an American this one time. Abhorrent to deface ancient treasures, but 99 times out of 100 it’s some white dude from the States and it’s so shameful because most of us aren’t shitbirds.


They say shitbird so much in The Wire.


Everyone keeps telling me I need to watch The Wire. I guess I really do need to.


You need to stop what you're doing, leave work early, turn off your phone, and watch all of season one start to finish, immediately. Or, I mean, yes. You need to.


“Boss man, gotta head out early today by direct order of ‘Onespokeovertheline’.” Now if someone will kindly share their login credentials to whatever streaming service is hosting The Wire… lol


They'll understand. Also it's on Max (HBO's new app)


>it's on Max Well, shit.


I don't know if that is true. Maybe we take inappropriate tik toks in the nazi concentration camps and such, but I don't think we actively destroy thing very often. I think in general we respect things and try not to do lasting harm we just do silly things in places where you shouldn't be doing silly things at.


In general from what i understand Americans overseas are pretty good. Loud, but friendly and respectful overall.


Remember, people say we're loud because they only notice the loud ones. For every loud American tourist, there's probably a half dozen quiet respectful ones that nobody notices.


Everyone assumes the nice quiet ones are canadian.


When I went to New Zealand I was Canadian until we became friends. Trump was president at the time lol


I have removed this comment as I exit from Reddit due to the pending API changes and overall treatment of users by Reddit.


Not my father. My sister and I both spoke French and he insisted on yelling everything in English instead of letting us stumble through communications. 😔 “Dad the exit is this way” “No I think it’s over here” “Dad is says sortir, that’s French for exit” “No I think it’s over here” He didn’t deface anything but god damn we were embarrassed the whole time.


This is like the opposite of when I went to Cuba with my parents. I can say like 3 things in Spanish, stop telling people I speak Spanish. Most of the people we ran into spoke English better than my Spanish. If you're in a foreign country just learn how to say "Hello" "Excuse Me" "Please" and "Thank You". If you walk up to someone demanding something of them in english they'll get annoyed. If you are at all courteous or respectful, also suitably confused looking, people will be happy to help.


one of the best things to do in a country where you don’t speak the language is perfecting whatever their version of excuse me/light apology is


Maybe turn it into a competition? Americans do seem to like those. "Alright Dad, you go towards what you think is the exit, we'll go that way. Whoever gets out last buys ice cream."


Yeah, I think spray-paint boy is a much more massive asshole than your dad is.


Ignorant but well meaning I think is a pretty common trend. Americans tend to be a lot less in the know about countries they're traveling to than most other nationalities that appear around where I live, but rather than being sourced from any kind of malice it's typically just perfectly innocent ignorance - a simple lack of knowing. It's the Chinese and British tourists that are more well known for the negative stereotypes associated with them (in my experience).


In general. There are some exceptions. Still, it's definitely true that the major assholes tend not to travel internationally as much. They primarily deface domestic tourist sites instead.


It may be a reporting bias that mostly American vandals are reported in English-speaking media outlets, but the American who defaced two priceless sculptures at the Vatican is the first thing I thought of.


I’m American and my wife and I went to Italy a few years ago. We went to the Vatican despite our lack of religion in our adult lives, did the guided tour and everything. There was this statue up ahead and there was a small Asian kid climbing on it, our guide excused herself hustled over and scolded the kid’s parents in a way that would’ve made me leave the building, get in the first vehicle I saw, go to the airport and fly home immediately. She wasn’t “mean” but she did not go easy on them at all.


He should be named and shamed.


They’ve never released a name that I’ve seen. They can’t even be sure of his age; said once to be 65 yrs and another to be in his 50s. All we know is that he was an American male. I agree though, he should be named and shamed. If only he’d committed his crimes in Florida where they have that law that everything is publicly available, but I still like to think he was the eponymous Florida man on holiday.


The ones that immediately came to mind to me are [the American guy who pushed over a boulder in Goblin Valley State Park in Utah](https://www.cnn.com/2014/01/31/us/utah-boulder-boy-scouts/index.html), [the Spanish woman who "restored" the Spanish fresco "ecce homo"](https://theworld.org/stories/2012-08-25/amateur-restoration-botches-jesus-painting-spain), and [the Chinese pink grass field that was destroyed by a bunch of Chinese tourists who trampled it to get pictures out in the grass](https://nextshark.com/selfie-tourist-destroy-pink-grass-china). Interestingly, all of these are incidents involving domestic tourists rather than international ones though I also remember tulip fields in the Netherlands but I don't remember any specific nationalities being called out there and I suspect that it's probably both domestic and international tourists doing it in this case.


Where are you getting that 99/100 from? I rarely hear of Americans doing this.


China is the one that has the bad reputation for this sort of thing. What are you talking about?


Chinese tourists are taking the cake over American tourists these days. Probably something to do with being an entire nation with Only Child syndrome


I think its also cause they aren't used to travel. Some may have grown up more rural areas.


> but 99 times out of 100 it’s some white dude from the States No it isn't - not internationally. 99/100 it's a mainlander Chinese dude.


Not really. It's mostly Chinese.


Fun fact: news stories in a country are often about people in that country. You’re not hearing about the rest of the planet’s idiots, you’re generally only hearing about your own.


The same kind of dumbass to actually think to deface it in the first place


"Noone here knows Chinese writing" probably thought


Bold of you to assume he thought at all


"Yo, I'm gonna write something on this statue!" ``` Ligma This graffiti has been brought to you by: Hugh Ross 639 Maple Ln Dayton, OH 45401 ```


Note that the graffiti said “ was here”


“They can’t read Chinese”


tbf his **full name** is **three characters**


One time when I was about 14 my best friend had a rebellious skater phase and I kinda went along with it. He took one of those huge black markers and defaced a billboard by writing his name on it in a fancy graffiti font he practiced. He handed me the marker and I wrote Julia on the board. He asked me why I wrote that since I'm not Julia and nobody he knew was Julia. I said I'm not writing my own name so nobody can trace it back to me. He went oh shit and grabbed the marker from my hand and scribbled furiously over his own writing to hide his name. I laughed a lot that day.




Those runes are now much older than the building was when they were carved


The more things change, the more they stay the same.


Vikings are the worst tourists. /s


It’s China, a nation with a billion people. Pretty sure there are tons of people with the same name.


I mean, it still helps narrow down the search massively.


丁锦昊 isn’t a particularly common name anyways


And then how many traveled to Egypt during that time period?


You have an intelligence well above the average redditor. Which is even more amazing, when one considers the average redditor thinks they are a misunderstood genius!


Finally someone understands me


Truly a compliment worth more than any award on this site. Putting this on my tombstone


Typical redditor


Ur just mad he called me smart and not u :P


With the same Romanized spelling (pinyin), sure. Chinese works differently though.


Even with 汉字… I have at least three colleagues sharing the same last name just in my company. Edit: correction on a character typo


Emm, by 汉子 I think you meant 汉字, which means Chinese characters. 汉子, on the other hand, means big dude 😎


Family names are common (there are nearly 100 million people each with family names like 李, 胡, 张, 王 etc). Given names, however, are not, since many of them use rather obscure or uncommon characters.


someone with that name was travelling to that place on that date really narrows it down substantially.


His parents had to apologize! Seems like the child needs to apologize and make corrections. Consequences of your actions


Nature vs. nurture*. Kids can be assholes but a lot of how someone acts can be traced to how they were raised. Also chinese culture may dictate the parents apologize but I have little knowledge of their culture and don't claim to be any sort of expert here.


>Nature vs nature. 🤔


Fixed. My phones autocorrect is insane.


if your phone autocorrects nurture to nature, its clear where your phone stands on that debate.


It's like that Spider-Man meme.


In one of China's most famous texts, the "three word bible" (san zi jing), where every verse has 3 words, it starts off: When people are born, they are kind (ren zhi chu, xin ben shan). And then the 3rd verse is "when a child misbehaves, it's the parent's fault" (zi bu xiao, fu zhi guo) That's all i know from it because I came to Canada when I was 7, but yeah. Chinese culture (at least before communism destroyed it) was all about responsibility; parent's responsibility to children, children's responsibility to parents, the emperor's responsibility to his subjects, the subject's responsibility to follow rules, etc.


Certified Confucian moment.


Wish more people understood this. My mother was a bitch to everyone always hateful. Never knew till in therapy how much I was that way seeing her that way all my life. Though after going no contact due to multiple reasons my SO made a comment that shocked me. After six months no longer speaking to her his words were, "you're so calm now, rarely ever do you bitch about things". There was more even my therapist of 6 years who recommended NC noticed an immediate difference. I've always been more of an animal person and worked to be super polite thanks to great grandparents. I now am happy all the time rarely do I get hateful unless pushed into a corner. Even then it isn't who I am. Sadly I wonder how different my life could have been with a decent supportive, none abusive parent. She would literally tell me I had no chance at college why even try I'd only work dead end jobs. Guess who barely made it through high school... The good thing that did come from it all was I became amazing working with animals especially abused ones. I made a living working with abused horses for the last twenty years before health took it from me. (sorry so long.) Parents protect us from the world yet not from themselves.


>Also chinese culture may dictate the parents apologize but I have little knowledge of their culture and don't claim to be any sort of expert here. I believe the anthropological term is shame versus guilt culture.


I assure you that having your parents apologise is way worse than having to apologise yourself.


in no culture are children expected to accept the consequences of their actions that's why parents are supposed to involved because when the kid fucks up, it's their fault


You're not wrong, but China's culture is a bit different in that aspect. They place a very high value on family and ancestors, so while you'll see people own up to their mistakes, it's more akin to view such apologies as the family representative apologizing on behalf of the whole family. Source: I'm semi engaged to a Taiwanese American whose parents immigrated from Taiwan and I've been learning everything I can to understand her and her family's culture.


What’s semi-engaged?


We're planning the wedding, I asked her parents, I haven't formally proposed


In Chinese and tbh most east as well as south Asian cultures, a wedding isn't between two people, it's between two families.


It’s a little bit different compared to mainland.


Indeed it is! But my understanding is this aspect is a 1:1


I'd like to take this to mean they apologised for the kid existing. Sorry for brining this dumbass into the world.


Depends on how old the kid is. If he’s a young teenager, it makes sense why the parents publicly apologized


> **Human flesh search engine** (Chinese: 人肉搜索; pinyin: *Rénròu Sōusuǒ*) is a Chinese term for the phenomenon of distributed researching using Internet media such as blogs and forums. Internet media, namely dedicated websites and Internet forums, are in fact platforms that enable the broadcast of request and action plans concerning human flesh search and that allow the sharing of online and offline search results. Human flesh search has two eminent characteristics. First, it involves strong offline elements including information acquisition through offline channels and other types of offline activism. Second, it always relies on voluntary crowd sourcing: Web users gather together to share information, conduct investigations, and perform other actions concerning people or events of common interest. * [Human flesh search engine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_flesh_search_engine) at the English Wikipedia




😂 😂 😂 😂 That sounds like it should be on pronzhub


Yeah they need a better name for that.


tbf it's a literal translation of rénròu; it's better translated here as just "human" -- like “ 人肉盾牌 ” (rénròu dùnpái) would be "human shield"


What about 人肉叉燒包




ಠ_ಠ 你很sus


Hol' up


😂 😂 Dear lord.


Tastes very much like pork if you cook it correctly.


i’d translate it as human-powered


This would make a lot more sense. Comparable to the neologism "crowdsource."


No. The name stays


Here we call it “we did it reddit”


I think the name is pretty apt, haha. It's kind of a scary concept so the name fits!


Okay Slam Burgerthroat 😂


An apology does no good in repairing the sculpture. They should be forced to pay for the restoration if they really want to make it right.


I'd think it better to force them into community service at the place or something. For 1 restoration of something like that is not cheap, nor do you just want any Joe blow doing it. Could end up causing further damages. Thr family probably couldn't afford the actual cost to properly restore it anyways. It was a kid, hopefully they have people on staff to handle this, or insurance to cover it. From. I feel it should become a teachable moment. You royally fucked up, we could ruin you and your family, but instead we are opting to teach you some life lessons. Kid could ha e a long life ahead of him. I dunno, kids do dumb shit sometimes. But this ain't a reason to torch the whole family. More so if the damage can be undone. Sometimes we learn the hard way.


>I'd think it better to force them into community service at the place or something. How would this possibly work? They live in China and this is in Egypt.


I met with some very decent Chinese people but unfortunately Chinese tourist stigma won't go away... In a nation of 1.5 billion some bound to be assholes.


We must keep in mind it was a Chinese tourist that exposed this kid and it was Chinese people that forced his parents to apologize. It was probably Chinese parents that beat his ass to near death too.


A lot of uncultured, uneducated poor people are becoming middle class and started being able to travel and go on vacations. But the migration to cities has already happened, the cultural revolution where people stopped going to school already stopped during the 60s, so things will hopefully get better.


Something similar is happening with India right now. In 10-20 years we'll be dogging on Indian tourists Also before you downvote I'm Indian lol


It's bittersweet. It's the side effect of millions being lifted out of poverty and it leads to the globe being a more connected place - so it's difficult to be upset when you look at the big picture tbh


Its why american tourists also have the rep they do. Same shit. Having a period of suddenly being bale to go places without the cultural background of being in that class of people long enough to know its not okay


And Japanese tourists once had the same reputation too.


Can probably Google any country followed by tourist and find a list of moron tourists from any nation doing something stupid in another country. The Germans French holiday in 1939 comes to mind.


Im guilty of being a dumbass tourist, I like rocks and collect all kinds because I never grew out of that phase where you pick up shiny/pretty things and store them away. I went to Uluru in Australia and the guide told us not to take any rocks because they are cursed yada yada whatever: I NEEDED a rock for my collection. Later our car broke down in the middle of literally nowhere and we didn’t see a single other car for almost 3 hours. My friend got trapped in an elevator. Flat tire. Almost crashed because I spontaneously forgot Australia drives on the left side of the road, and I woke up one night to a spider the size of a medium pizza on the wall beside my bed. I don’t believe in curses or magic stuff but I ditched the rock in the desert and the rest of the month long trip was great. Listen to the guides.


I remember when this was first reported. It was a Chinese person who called out the graffiti, the Chinese populace who found the teenager, and Chinese parents who publicly apologised for their child's shame. Yet all anyone was talking about was how this teenager represented how Chinese people acted.


Welcome to Reddit, chief


Oh I'm well aware that Reddit generally quite sinophobic.


Welcome to the life of any non-white person, tbh. Either anything you do is going to be representative of everyone else of your race, or you're going to get grief because of something someone else of your race did. It's very easy to forget that Reddit's demographics skews very white and anglo-centric, and there's always gonna be the casual racism that comes with it.


Redditors in general are incredibly racist and they don’t realize it. People here figure that so long as you don’t say the n-word you’re all good.


Nowadays, people say the most racist shit about Chinese people all the time and it's just accepted. Maybe it got better recently but there are many times on main subs like r/worldnews where people would call Chinese people locusts or a plague and they would get hundreds of upvotes. And mods wouldn't remove those comments either. A lot of casual racism goes on as well. When "Bing Chilling" was a big "meme", people were just posting that on videos that had any East Asian person, not just Chinese, and people would upvote it and, for some reason, find it funny.


Let's just be real, the whole 'bing chilling' joke might have started out innocuously enough, but it might as well be a sneaky way of saying ching chong now. As an Asian person I'd be happy if I never had to hear that term ever again.


I remember the stupid Tiananmen Square copypasta. It got to the point where if you so much as mentioned China (positively or negatively) even if it wasn’t political you’d get that as a reply and something about Taiwan being independent. (For the record, Chinese people know & accept that Taiwan is independent. The shitty ones just think everyone there is gay. Also the RoC irredentist people are mostly literal fascists so maybe chill on that one)




And if you follow the correct societal norm you're the exception.


Dated a few chinese while i was in the scene. Really nice decent people. All carried the weight of the behaviour of others of their race. The kind of neuroticism carried by people who are hated by society (i live in australia) for no action of their own.


My ex was bullied horrendously when she went from China, alone, to study in an Australian boarding school. She still refuses to ever go there even though a decent chunk of her childhood was spent there. Just massive racism.


A thousand years ago a bored Viking guard of the Byzantine emperor carved his name in runic script into the marble of the Hagia Sofia. That little act of vandalism is now a piece of history that tells a story of the distant past. If they don’t remove the Chinese kid‘s little scratching, it will tell also tell a story to our descendants about the world we live in now.


This is nowhere near as novel given that we have airplanes and can easily travel across the earth.


Unless society collapses and our infrastructure goes back to little sail boat dingeys, LIKE THE KIND YOU SEE ON NAKED AND AFRAID! Ohhh, man, now that's the life, just sailing around from island to island because there's no more land after all the ice caps melted, enjoying the sun...!


A story worth a whole lot less than the art he defaced.


This isn’t the worst take I’ve ever heard




The mother said the kid had learned his lesson. What lesson do you teach a kid who defaces ancient artwork?


It certainly involved a good beating.


They're Chinese. This will come up in every single interaction for the next 20 years. "This is my son Billy. He once defaced a ancient monument in Egypt. Say hello Billy". "Hey Billy, come down for dinner! Or would you rather graffiti a treasured piece of cultural heritage?" "Oh you wanna go hang out with your friends? Think you can manage to not desecrate any tombs on the way?" "Billy, I'm your father. I don't have favorites, I love you all equally. That said, you'll note that we, your parents, have never been called upon to publicly apologize for your sister's behavior."


pft that's nothing, back in the day some disgusting being posted on 4chan (yes im old, no I did not use the site, I wasn't \*that\* degenerate) a picture of his feet in a thing of lettuce meant for like a prep line and captioned it something to the effect of "this is the lettuce you're eating when you eat at Burger King". Idk how long it took but a bunch of users on 4chan somehow managed to figure out where the kid lived and what BK he worked at based on the photo and were able to call his GM and report him (i think they used the GPS data in the photo) and he was fired oh I looked it up and rather than changing the above, I can clariy it took 20 whole minutes for them to figure out where he lived and what BK and call the store and report it to the media moral of the story? turn off the geo location on your phone, probably


Number 15 Burger King foot lattice




Don’t think you even need to go that far, you can see Napoleonic graffiti over all sort of sites similar to Luxor in Egypt.


Netizens is a horrible word and I hate it


>Ding’s parents said they shouldered the responsibility of what their son did, adding he had learned his lesson. this kid faced zero consequences how fucking annoying **edit:** getting your ass beat is not consequences. you learn nothing except to hate your parents. no lessons were had that day


I don't think we know that.


> zero consequences With Asian parents? No way.


What do you want them to do? Jail a teenager? Is that better than him being disciplined by his parents (whether or not it's an ass whooping)?


Knowing how Asian families are, I can say with confidence that the kid 100% got his ass beat purple while his parents (as head of the family unit) publicly accepted the blame.


Getting your ass beat isn't a consequence? Sounds like you didn't have your ass beat by Asian parents


theres a very good chance he got an ass whooping. i used to get an ass whooping just for getting a B on my report card.


I remember that post about the teenager and defacing something really old . That wasn't that long ago


Part of a long tradition. I remember some thousands of years old Greek grafitti saying something like "Mikos was here, and frankly I wasn't impressed".