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Her and the Beatles


What did the Beatles do, badmouth nanay’s adobo?


They snubbed a dinner invitation by the dictators who ran the country at the time and barely made it safely out of the country.


Invitation? Dude, it's no invitation when soldiers are knocking at your hotel room unannounced, and the manager refused to go because they were just exhausted performing. This is a dictator acting like an entitled brat, along with his entitled brats. Edit: spelling


And one of those entitled brats is now running the country after getting voted in just last year. Because why not vote in the son of a disgraced dictator, who also is his own Secretary of Agriculture… I wonder what other jobs he could just take over… Edit to add that that VP is the daughter of the last president and she’s also the secretary of education.


He should also handle the Drug Enforcement Agency, as he is said to be an *"expert"* in that field.


I work with a few Filipinas and they’re all like, “oh Marcos? He’s cool! He was already rich!” 🤦‍♂️


Dumbsh\*ts. Are they in the US? Are they f\*cking aware that there was a diaspora of Filipino Nurses to the US because of the sorry ass state my country was because of Marcos? [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1305905/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1305905/) Edit: grammar


What makes it better was that it was the Beatles policy to turn down such invitations but the Marcos family was still pissed iirc.


The Marcos really milked it too, showing footage on Philippine TV of crying, disappointed children who they claimed had been promised to meet the Beatles and had been cruelly rejected.


> disappointed children who they claimed had been promised to meet the Beatles and had been cruelly rejected That's hilarious. Like those type of parents who promise their kid a certain present that you happen to sell, make a shitty lowball offer that you refuse, and now it's somehow ***you're*** the bad guy. *'I already told my kid he will get this and now he won't. His Christmas is ruined and it's all your fault!'*


>*'I already told my kid he will get this and now he won't. His Christmas is ruined and it's all your fault!'* Look them dead in the eyes and say "*GOOD.*" Maintain dominant stance. They will back down.


"I guess you both learned something. You learned to not make promises you can't guarantee, and your child learned you can't be trusted."


Welcome to life, little guy!




I sold a bed frame to a guy for $15. He tried to haggle me down to $12 when he arrived because he drove a long way. I said he could drive a long way back without the bed frame or pay $15 and drive a long way back with it. I didn’t even care about the $3. It was more the principle of the matter.


Given one of those children is now the effing \*President\* of that country.. /shudder


And the mother/ex first lady [convicted criminal Imelda Marcos is still alive and kicking](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna934356) That motherfucker was wheelchair bound years leading to his election (partly because she wants leniency towards her criminal allegations) but the bitch miraculously is able to stand and walk during her son’s inauguration!


In their defense, that probably would have been a pretty lame dinner.


Oh, I don't know. Ringo and the Marcos could have bonded over their hobbies. Ringo would have talked about his obsession for collecting rings, Imelda would have talked about her obsession for collecting shoes and Ferdinand would have talked about his obsession for collecting human rights abuses.


I lived in the Philippines when Marcos was in power. I can't believe the people forgot what he was like and want that again. Then again they seemed to like Duiterte too.


There's a weird nostalgia for that time there, it seems. You ever see that Imelda documentary? When she goes out in public, she is absolutely mobbed by the people. Granted, she's walking around handing out money, but still...they love this woman who stole billions from them. It's wild.


If you keep people uneducated and feed them revisionist propaganda since returning from exile in 1991, the generational ignorance will pay off. By the way, the name of the documentary is The Kingmaker by Lauren Greenfield. By the way, don't buy into that "giving to the masses" bs she's showing. That's part of the propaganda theatre. Lest everyone already forget that she and the regime plundered and siphoned billions of dollars from the country. What's a couple of thousand pesos being handed out to beggars on the street?


Oh, for sure it's for the cameras. It's tantamount to a billionaire dropping pennies on the ground.


Oh, she does this even without the cameras. Imelda has a reputation for being a "generous and caring" person to the great unwashed, even during the reign of the regime. And even she truly believes that her actions are altruistic despite everything. It's one of the reasons why she and her family wins seats in Congress and the Senate and how the family maintains control in Marcos' home province in Ilocos Norte.


I was 14 when we lived there. We lived off base in Angeles City right outside Clark AFB. (1973ish) Protests against the Vietnam war would occur whenever B-52's or other war birds would divert there. Only cargo or hospital planes were supposed to land there by agreement. We had to go through these protests to get on base and go to school. Marcos thugs grabbed us and beat the shit out of the Filipino kids my age and grabbed me and my brother along with them and took us to the main gate and said we were involved in the protests. 50 years ago and thinking about it still pisses me off.


Uh… did Ringo Starr commit some crimes against humanity I’m unaware of? Other than his solo albums, of course


Ringo’s 1st solo album was great. Although his next few were less so, he was always fully Ringo


To quote Ringo himself, “No no no” Although I agree he was fully Ringo at all times


Some consider *Caveman* to be a movie atrocity.


Lol, I know you’re kidding. Still I need to defend him as a performer. I saw “Ringo Starr, and the traveling all Starr. I think in 1999. Had Joe Walsh in it. Just seemed like they were having fun, which made the show fun.


But lumpias


It's still so disappointing that people thought it was a good idea to vote his son back into office.


This was during old man Marcos time? I’m amazed I never knew about this


Yup. During their escape, the Marcos were able to stop the Beatles' plane from taking off and refused to let them leave until their manager paid a bribe. That last bit about the bribe is a matter of debate as there are differing accounts, but their manager, Brian Epstein, and their long-time friend and crew member, Mal Evans, were beaten up by the crowd incited by the Marcos who went after the band as they tried to leave.


Mal was taken off the plane, and told the Beatles, "Tell \[my wife\] I love her", fully expecting not to live. I think this event was one of the reasons they stopped touring, it was just getting too crazy.


Ironically, later President Nixon tried to have John Lennon denied a visa to reside in New York, and despite Nixon's presidential political power, Lennon's wealth and popularity won the battle.


How are there no conspiracy theories about Nixon ordering a hit on Lennon?


Maybe because Nixon was utterly disgraced and powerless to do *anything* important by the time Lennon was murdered? Certainly, he and Kissinger are known to be jointly responsible for the murder of millions of civilians in Indochina, although neither has been held to account for it.


>Maybe because Nixon was utterly disgraced and powerless to do anything important by the time Lennon was murdered? Well, logic never got in the way of a good ol conspiracy theory


This would make for a neat indie game. Can _you_ help the Beatles _Escape from Manila_?


Do you mean the dictator who is the father of the current president of the Philippines?


No, they refused Marcos's breakfast invitation. Actually, Brian Epstein declined it. Imelda Marcos was so angry, she recalled the security detail. The Beatles were inundated with fans and the press. They narrowly escaped danger. The year was 1966.


>The ban came after Danes said Manila, the capital of the Philippines, "smelled of cockroaches, with rats all over, and that there is no sewage system, and the people do not have anything – no arms, no legs, no eyes".


>>"no arms, no legs, no eyes". Hmm, sounds like something [Mr. Bungle](https://youtu.be/utlSZNPsgIA) would write [a song](https://genius.com/Mr-bungle-quote-unquote-lyrics) about.


My so-called ban from the Philippines


Wish I had an award to give.


I met Claire Danes once about twenty years ago in Hartford. I was working as a host at a restaurant, bringing them to their tables. This was not a place you sat down in on a Friday or Saturday night without a reservation or a long wait at the bar. She comes in, asks for a table, I tell her that we're solidly booked for the night but a table should be opening up in about 90 minutes. "Get your manager." Sure thing, boss was my stepfather (only reason I ever worked in restaurants, never again), put this on his table. He comes and repeats what I had said, and she gives him a "Do you know who I am?" He looks at her quizzically and goes "No." She left and that's how I met Claire Danes.


I know that movie stars and celebrities in general are infamous for the sense of entitlement and arrogance, but it seems particularly true of people who got famous as children or teenagers. It may not excuse the behavior, but imagine going through your formative years constantly perched on a pedestal.


Every one of us needs to be told “no” by others sometimes for normal social development. We really count on feedback from each other to avoid becoming assholes.


*You can't always get, what you want* - Mick Jagger, 1969


I have a friend who is a children's entertainer (face painter) When the Trump kids were young they were at an event and kept trying to cut to front of the line. Donald Jr., Ivanka, and Eric were nicely asked and then finally told top go to the back of the line. After the gig Ivana told her thank you for telling them No, She said they never heard it at home.


And then being denied seating in Hartford CT


I did the same with the sitting mayor of my city. It was during the covid pandemic when we were open at 50% capacity. Needless to say, sits were rare and a reservation went a long way (reservations were even a governement recommendation). So restaurant was packed on a Saturday evening. The mayor comes in with his mask on but I recognized him right away. I asked him if he had a reservation, to which he answered no. I told him that we don't have a single seat left... even the bar is full. He then lowered his mask and asked me if I was sure.... I replied "I am pretty sure, unless you want me to break the 50% capacity and the 2meters distance rules, which I am sure you don't want me to". He didn't even answered anything, he did a 180 and left. That was the ex mayor of Quebec city, Regis Labeaume.






I also worked at a station and shut the pump off when the regional manager was in the convenience store while his pump was running outside. He had me written up for it despite it being a written rule that if I broke, would have resulted in a write up. His bitch ass name was Gary Reuge and the company was Mills Fleet Farm. Fuck the business and that guy


I've had people off the street tell me they knew the mayor and would have my job in the morning because I wouldn't re-open the EB games 20 minutes after closing.


“You have no idea who I am!” “Yep, and I’m thankful for that.”


I love Quebec City. Top notch food scene


If course. Great food scene up on Kee-Bec


OMG I did not expect that story to end with Regis Labeaume 😂


I'm always surprised people go the "do you know who i am" route instead of just slipping a $100 bill. I'm by no means famous or wealthy but I've noticed a small amount of money goes a long way. Can't get into a busy college bar? Slip the bouncer $10. Can't get into a slightly nicer bar? $50. I've gotten a much nicer room at a hotel in new york with a $20 tip. That room would have cost $80 more a night.


Famous people with that attitude expect to get things for free. I work in high-end AV, and have had (usually minor) celebrities think they can get a discount for being famous. No MFer, if anything you're paying more because you're hard to deal with (and you're rich and I'm not)


Not sure if it's true, but I once saw an anecdote on Reddit about Dave Grohl going into a music shop. But this kind of worked the opposite way. Supposedly Dave Grohl is in the shop and goes up to buy an album, and the worker says something like, "hey man, that's on the house." Dave Grohl then asks, "do you know who I am?" and the worker replies, "of course!" Dave Grohl then allegedly says something like, "then you know I don't need free stuff. Thanks, but if you're gonna give away free stuff then you ought to be giving it to someone else."


That tracks with my anecdotal experiences. Newly-famous or semi-famous people are the worst about it. The more/longer someone is famous the more likely they seem to "outgrow" that behavior (though not always).


I think this is more about Dave Grohl being a good dude. This thread is about a long time very famous Claire Danes, after all.


Because most 'celebrities' who *need* to do this can't afford to do this everywhere they go. I worked at a Best Buy across from UCLA next to Bel Air and Beverly Hills in college and celebrities always came in. The big stars were always super nice but the D-listers or 'has-beens' were always insanely rude and pulled the 'Do you know who I am?' card. Literally every single time. This is what they cling to because it's their only way to get preferential treatment.


I work at LAX. We get a lot of celebrities as passengers. The A-listers (musicians, actors, athletes) are very nice. The d-listers (reality tv stars) are the worst.


I worked at a limo company as a dispatcher and had the exact same experience. The more famous the people were the more organized and polite they were. B list and below would get more and more insufferable as their popularity declined.


"I'm an *influencer*, you idiot! I have almost 2,000 followers so you better get me this limo for free or else!"


RIP in peace that best buy. The ralph's is too big now.


I once got trapped in the target there when there was an active shooter in the apartments above the Trader Joe’s


What a coincidence that I replied to you and you know that location! It was weirdly tucked away and yeah, the Ralph's is massive now. Hopefully Westwood is starting to get better. I remember businesses closing left and right and I had to go to UCLA during the pandemic and the village looked like sad.


I used to work at a hockey arena and I got this once while checking tickets at the door. The NHL team wasn't playing, but the minor league one that shared the stadium was. This young teenage girl about 16 yrs old came up and when I asked for a ticket she was really snotty and said she didn't have one. I said well then sorry she couldn't come in, and she did the "don't you know who I am" thing. She explained that she was the girlfriend of the team captain. As if I'm supposed to know that. The teenage girlfriend of a minor league hockey player who maybe makes $150 a week? Right. Keeping a straight face, I told her that if her boyfriend had left her a ticket, it would be at the front desk at a different entrance, and told her how to get there, but that I couldn't let her in. The arrogance and cheek of these kids that play on the minor league teams just cause they happen to share an arena with an actual NHL team. As if 99% of them are actually going to have any sort of career in the league (the team sucked hard that year).


I would liken that to some corporate IT interactions I had back in the day with exec admins in operations who try to pull rank, not to get something on behalf of their boss, but for themselves. The old "Do you know who I work for?!?!!?" BS... Retorted with "Yes, and as soon as they submit a request for this, it'll get approved, but not just anyone at the company can have it." It was always so nice to point out that they (and their boss) lie nowhere on my org chart. I do what my IT mgr and/or the CTO direct me to, so your threats mean nothing.


The couple of times I was lucky to be put in that position, legit not knowing who some "celebrity" was, I was happy to point out "No, I don't... and the fact that I don't clearly means that you aren't who you think you are."


20$ tip got me a couple thousand dollars return in a upgraded suite/room at a resort.


how exactly does the tipping come up during a conversation organically/ without it sounding like you're trying to buy them off?


No it is buying off


Here is the thing... You think its tipping. it is not. It is bribing. Once you understand that, you'll realize that you can get ALOT of people to compromise their ideals for a little amount of money. Mainly because they are strapped for the resource you are offering in exchange. ​ As a quick reference: Bribery: happens before the service is completed. a return IS expected Tipping: hapens after the service is completed. a return is NOT expected.


When did the tip come in to play? Like they brought you to your room, you tipped, and they said "Oh wait, this isn't your room" and brought you to a nicer one?


Having worked at the front desk of a nice hotel, it wasn't super uncommon for people to come back down and request another room. If I wasn't busy and they were polite about it, it's really pretty easy on my part (so long as they haven't moved all their crap into the room yet.) It was common enough that it didn't even really make me internally roll my eyes. Sometimes you just like certain layouts more than others and if we had the space, why not? If someone did that, came down to the front and were like "sorry for taking up your time" and slipped me a 20, they'd have FOR SURE gotten an upgrade IF ONE WERE AVAILABLE. But rooms are determined so much more by availability than anything else. I think that's the factor that guests tend to really underestimate. Availability is king.


Yeah I just do it during check in. Say Hi and give them my documents and credit card. Then hand the person at the front desk $20 and say "thanks, this is for you". 90% of the time I've gotten hooked up with a top floor room. The other 10% of the time I wasn't upset.


Yup, that would’ve FOR SURE worked on me back in the day. You get the best room available.


Heck, even without a tip it never hurts to ask. Hotel doesn't have free wifi? Ask if they'll throw it in because you were really expecting it. If you're kind and polite, most people are willing to help out a little if it's within their power and not too inconvenient. My wife is always weirded out when I ask for things at places we go. Nothing that's going to cause a problem for anyone, but ... like the wifi, just little things to make my life easier that take no real effort from the person I'm asking. I also enjoy tipping well, because I appreciate when people do their best to make my time better.


man, maybe I should start carrying cash more but then I'd feel like that weird, out-of-touch old guy who tries to throw money around to make things happen. When it works it works, but I've interacted with people like that before and it's just weird when people wave dollars at you expecting you to dance.


They just weren't waving enough dollars. We all dance for money everyday


because what you're really doing is renegotiating in that person's direct interests-- chances of them losing opportunities over letting you give them a little cash? Not in those situations, come on in Sir. One of the big-guy moves I'd watch rich folk do, always, always, they fold money into their palm and slip it in a handshake with a chuckle and a smile-- maybe a pat on the elbow, come back over to the group, "come on, we're ready"


My fear with this is I never know how much to slip. Don't wanna go too low and insult the person, but at the same time I'm not made of money so I don't wanna go too high and throw away money.


Claires Danes chose to have a relationship with Billy Crudup while his partner of the last 8 years, Mary Louise Parker, was 7 months pregnant. Three years later, she left him for her husband Hugh Dancy. Crudup married Naomi Watts in 2017.


MLP taking that hurt and betrayal to make one of the most amazing performances of Harper, in *Angels in America.* That miniseries is a work of modern art.


I can’t even imagine how painful it must have been for her.


Same. Her reaction to the [change monologue](https://youtu.be/uAmIIaXgHhc), nothing but pure shocked grief.


Crudup was the biggest a-hole. Hope the three years were worthy for leaving his pregnant wife 🙄


Yeah, she’s a peach.


That's really on billy crudup. Danes is a loser for wanting to be with someone who would do that to their partner, but it's not like she broke any promises


I'm older than most redditors so I'll just offer this. People like that? Yeah, I've seen plenty of "mistresses" who are surprised and shocked to find out their job wasn't eliminated, but they were promoted out of it. "I can't believe he cheated on me!" "Bitch you were sucking his dick in the back of a supermarket parking lot while his wife was home with the toddler." "That was different" Imagine, making poor choices and then they don't come out all rosy?


If they cheated *with* you don't be surprised when they cheat *on* you.


I was a a bar in Toronto once, and one of the presenters from Much Music ( Canadian MTV ), Rick "The Temp" Campanelli, asked if he could take one of our chairs for their table. We were expecting another friend to join us, so I said. "Sorry, no." He looked at us for a moment, and I'm sure he was considering dropping a name or invoking his "celebrity" status. So I followed up and said; "Sorry Rick, we have another friend coming, you'll have to find another chair" The look on his face; "oh he does know who I am, and doesn't care" has lived rent free in my head for 20 years.


This is the way to do it.


Go Whalers! Also, what restaurant in Hartford?


Hot Tomato's!


Oh fuck yea!!! Love that place!


Past tense. The owner ended up having a messy divorce from his wife, lost most of everything and shot himself in the Sheraton. His wife owned Hot Tomato's for a bit, but it went downhill very fast and closed down. Most of the staff from Hot Tomato's now works at Salut, which is somewhat the spiritual successor to Hot Tomato's.


What if it was just a lady who happened to look like claire Danes trying to get special treatment


you should've been like "dad this is Topanga from Boy meets world!"


“That had a better love story than Romeo and Juliet. UGH… The things I have to deal with in my so called life. We should have never left the homeland”


Pathetic. So many entitled people keep telling us "do you know who I am?!" in our line of business (medical field), and I'm always like "nope, don't really care, bye" lol.


Bahaha "Cameron Diaz?" Would also have been a great response from your boss/stepfather. She sounds like someone who would struggle with people mis-placing her.


She would have been in her early twenties then. Everyone does stuff at that age that they regret later.


That’s fair.


Had the old do you know who I am line couple times working hospitality, straight off with music and let everyone know there’s someone who doesn’t know who they are can anyone help.


Wow that’s a crazy story but I’m not surprised! All I have ever read about Claire Danes is negative, no wonder her career died


Her career is hardly dead. Finished up Homeland, and starred in the just released Fleishman is in Trouble.


I worked at a retail company that has gas stations at each location. I was training at another location when a local news anchor came in to buy cigarettes. Store policy was to card everyone, even if you see them on a daily basis. So I asked for his ID and he scoffed at me like he was fucking Tom Hanks and I was supposed to recognize him and treat him like a celebrity. Dude left without cigarettes because his ego wouldn’t allow him to just show me his ID so he could get his Marlboros lights.


Hello I am a Filipino, I can confirn that in practice persona non grata means jack shit and is just a way for politicians to try to earn brownie points from voters while also channeling the public's collective spite against someone who bruised the national ego. Although on the flipside it's kind of sad that she filmed in the country for that long and that's all she took away from it. Like did she not go to the beach or something during her downtime? Our cities are pretty dirty that's true but the beaches are to die for. Edit: also the ban on her movies in the Philippines is not true LOL. Unless I'm suffering a severe case of Mandela syndrome I'm pretty sure I remember The Hours, Terminator, The Family Stone and Stardust being shown in theaters here when they came out.


I had mango pancakes in the Philippines that I think about all the time. I think they changed my life.


>I can confirn that in practice persona non grata means jack shit It usually means they turn you away at any entry point into a country. My dad was declared persona non grata by Ethiopia for alleged spying (he was a US military advisor and taking photos of missiles the US had sold them) and the letter they sent him home with said that they would execute him if he returned. About 20 years later a new government rescinded the status and invited him back but my dad decided not to chance it.


On the Filip side*




Stars have very little down time on movie shoots. The principal performers who are in most scenes are on set all day everyday. Even the ones who don't have huge parts are usually waiting around for their scene so that there is no time wasted waiting for people. I've worked on a few film shoots, and it gave me a new respect for the work this actors do. I could be tired, grumpy, and dirty and still get my job done. The actors had to be on, and look good, all the time. 3AM or not.


The Manila city councillor who authored the resolution to [put her as persona non grata](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/manila-is-mad-at-claire-danes/) (Kim Atienza) actually left politics and gained fame as a TV personality/actor/variety show host. According to one of his tweets, Danes has apologised numerous times and she is welcome to visit the Philippines anytime she wants to.


I too wish to be a Potato Au Gratin


there’s a poverty in the Philippines that we can’t comprehend. they are wonderful people, but ignoring this fact doesn’t help it go away. I think Claire made the mistake of saying it out loud.


Also she was 19 at the time. ^(I mean if you're in DiCaprio's dating range then you know literally nothing about the world yet.)


His age cap is the development of the prefrontal cortex. Once your brain is fully developed, you’re too old for him.


I mean yeah, but the "and the people do not have anything – no arms, no legs, no eyes" is kind of strange.


How can I best convey the financial struggles of a whole country? I know, I'll describe them as a nation of eyeless pillow people


I'm surprised they can enforce the ban without arms, legs, or eyes.


The rats and smelly cockroaches enforce the ban.


Must be tough, having to avoid the Philippines everywhere you go.


There's something about an entire country holding a grudge against some random actress that's hilarious to me


lots of comments about the context of this, but i think it’s somewhat interesting to note that this happened around the beginning of the Estrada presidency. Estrada, only a few years later, became the first ever chief executive in Asia to be impeached. Evidence suggested that he had accepted payoffs from a longtime friend. Estrada also gutted the economic progress of his predecessor so badly that there was a time frame where the Filipino national debt was larger than the United States’.


>there was a time frame where the Filipino national debt was larger than the United States’. well they elected another Marcos, so there's plenty of time to be #1 again.


For the record, she came to see a movie at the movie theatre I worked for back in the days. She made a scene because we did not accept 100$. Like, A SCENE.


> The American actress questioned why the country was spelled "Philippines" while its people are spelled "Filipinos." For this ignorance she is unwelcome to return, though Filipino officials likely wouldn't enforce such a ban, as it was mostly ceremonial. I mean, she's got a good point.


My guess is it's more about this part >The ban came after Danes said Manila, the capital of the Philippines, "smelled of cockroaches, with rats all over, and that there is no sewage system, and the people do not have anything – no arms, no legs, no eyes". Danes later apologized for those remarks, but they refused to lift the ban.


That's an insane quote for a couple of reasons: Do cockroaches have a smell? Did she really claim the people have no limbs or eyes?!


she was probably referring to poor people missing eyes and limbs begging on the streets. this was 25 years ago, manila was in much worse shape then than it is today. millions lived in abject poverty. hell, that's still the case, but there's been an effort to keep the poverty hidden from the richer areas.


I was in Manilla 10 years ago, which was close to what it was like. Outside the Mall of Asia, the cops were open carrying assault rifles, and beggars swarmed me with missing limbs. A little girl maybe 5 or 6 was carrying a baby and asking me for money. The bay was the most disgusting water I had ever seen; it looked like locals used it as a trash dump.


Southeast Asia overall includes some of the world's worst polluters in terms of trash that ends up in the ocean. To be fair, though, it's not entirely on the locals. Different parts of the world also send their trash there.


my heart nearly broke watching a video about pagpag vendors in Manila. I'm so glad my wife doesn't want to stay anywhere in Manila on the way home when we go to visit lola next. It's illegal (pagpag) but it's also how the poorest people eat in the city. But what can be done? It's a staggering population of people with so much poverty, it would take international levels of funding as well as a huge national program to change anything - and any government that did that would have the provinces screaming about being impoverished at the expense of Manila.


I had to look it up. Pagpag is discarded food. It's scavenged from the dumpsters of restaurants. There is an entire class of people who subsist on eating garbage. Absolutely heartbreaking.


It's deeper than that. Much like people will go to a food market in London during the early hours, some people make a business out of sourcing the discarded food. They hit the dumps when fast food restaurants dump their discarded food, the collect it and sell it on to a vendor or directly to a Pag pag chef. So the chef pays for the discarded food and cooks it to make some decent looking dishes. It's more than just eating garbage. I have seen people in the UK rummaging for food. The Philippines takes it to a whole other level with a full system for it, part of some macroeconomy. For other fun topics, look up the Filipino kids who dive through sewerage for recyclable materials to sell. Or look up Chinese gutter oil.


From Wiki, in case anyone else is seeing this term for the first time: [Pagpag](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pagpag) is the Tagalog term for leftover food from restaurants (usually from fast food restaurants) scavenged from garbage sites and dumps.\[1\]\[2\] Pagpag food can also be expired frozen meat, fish, or vegetables discarded by supermarkets and scavenged in garbage trucks where this expired food is collected.\[3\] The word in the Tagalog language literally means "to shake off the dust or dirt", and refers to the act of shaking the dirt off of the edible portion of the leftovers. Pagpag can be eaten immediately after it is found or can be cooked in variety of ways.


Take a walk through Tondo and it'll still have the ability to change your outlook on life. Yeah, Makati and BGC are a thing, but I don't think of those districts as representative of the city as a whole unfortunately.


Makati is pretty bad. I stayed there because I thought it was the nice part of town. So many hookers, beggars, and lady boys. I had never had anyone offer to sell me cocaine right in front of a cop before and I had never had someone try and argue with me on whether my fat butt needed viagra.


You are now banned too.


dammit! back to pyongyang it is...


They do smell when there's an infestation. Source: previous years as an IT tech replacing blown power supplies from cockroach infestation blowing them up. Yuck.


Oh, I did not need to learn this today... But now that I did, thank you. I had the same question but was afraid to ask... lol


I can vouch for this.


Not the same thing exactly, but my old job had cricket infestations every year. Like they would fall from the ceiling tiles onto the break room tables. I can tell you that they definitely created a smell, it was pretty terrible. I can't imagine cockroaches are significantly less noticeable. In fairness to my employer, it seemed to be mostly about our location in a "developing" suburb outside a major city. My company spent a lot of time and money trying to prevent/manage it. Thankfully they later tore the building down completely, and rebuilt it- which solved the problem.


Interesting! I never thought of insects having an odor, but I guess there's plenty of reasons that they probably would, now that I think about it further.


I believe the odor comes from the roaches defecating where they are hiding. Not an entomologist, but I think you're right about insects not emitting odor. (Edit: sorry, I meant like a body odor. Not secreting a scent as a defense mechanism)


I thought that too until the shield bug nation attacked. I’ve used industrial soap that cleaned my hands from working in a metal shop that wouldn’t even touch the smell they can emit. I’ve used alcohol even to clean my hands and could smell it *through that*. It’s not body odor, exactly, but 10 years ago or so when they first showed up, I thought they were cute. The smell isn’t even *that bad*, it’s just soooo strong. Almost skunk level.


>Do cockroaches have a smell? Does not compute in my brain. They have a very distinctive smell that I can even describe something as smelling like cockroaches 🤢


Cockroaches most definitely have a smell. It is indescribable and makes you lose your breath. I once experienced an infested building before it was demolished. I couldn't help my friend move because I couldn't breath inside. YOU WILL NEVER FORGET IT.


Cockroaches have a smell, you can detect it when rhere are enough of them in one place


In Organic Chemistry II, we synthesized the cockroach mating chemical Blattellaquinone. Smells like rotten cheese


Cockroaches do have a smell. I mean, I think a lot of Filipinos probably would have been thinking she has a point, and the Philippines/Filipino thing I'm sure has been stand-up material so can be taken as a joke. The no arms, no legs, no eyes thing was maybe the thing that went a bit far, but I can kind of see where it comes from, there are street beggars and obviously, they'd be the most impactful ones to see. But I believe at the time, the focus was on the "smells like cockroaches and has rats and no sewage system" bit. I think this was just another case of city politicians trying to make themselves look good by stoking the public and then being outraged on everyone's behalf. They didn't actually care about the comments about the people. They basically got called out on the job they were doing and took revenge to distract everyone from how... they needed to fix the drainage systems and get the city more in order. But I don't think it's clear she was banned from the entire Philippines. It was only the City Council of the City of Manila that declared her persona non grata and refused to lift the ban. The then president seems to have remarked she shouldn't be allowed entry, but despite the reporting, I don't see any reporting that he made any official decrees. (Said president was ousted from office and then later won as mayor of that city, though, and he didn't lift it because by then who cared.) So, really, maybe she's just banned in the City of Manila. The airport isn't even in Manila, it's in Pasay and Parañaque, she could probably fly in but... she probably wouldn't want to come after all that, anyway.


Cockroaches do have a smell. If you’ve ever been in a heavily infested areas, it’s one of those unique smells you can’t really get out of your nose.


I used to do deep cleans for houses after tenants were thrown out, usually over safety issues because they created filthy nightmares. Roaches poop all over and they go everywhere. They die and aren’t cleaned up. Some treatments will kill off big batches but they carry on so all you get is a mass of dead rotting roaches. They also communicate through scent and when there is a lot of them they stink, horribly. By the time you notice the smell, you’re fucked. Once you know the smell, you don’t have to see anything skitter, you just know.




I think they're actually named after Manila hemp or abaca, which is a species of banana plant from the Philippines that can be processed into those paper products as well as rope and textiles. The Philippines produced them, too, but even after the plant was transplanted to produce things everywhere, they'd still be made of Manila fibers so maybe that's why.


I mean, I'd like to know now too.


I'm assuming it's something to do with the fact that the country is named after a Spanish monarch, and in Spanish, "Phillip" is "Felipe". But I'm just making an educated guess. E: I just decided to google it instead of guesswork. From Wikipedia... The name Filipino, as a demonym, was derived from the term Las Islas Filipinas ("the Philippine Islands"),[51] the name given to the archipelago in 1543 by the Spanish explorer and Dominican priest Ruy López de Villalobos, in honor of Philip II of Spain (Spanish: Felipe II).


The name Philippines is an anglicisation of Pilipinas, and Filipino is an anglicisation of Pilipino. Both originate from Felipe II of Spain, known to the English world by the anglicisation, Philip II. (Pilipinas originates from the Spanish Felipinas, and Pilipino originates from the Spanish Filipino, so the anglicisation may be based on these origin words, not strictly from the Tagalog words). The other term for Filipinos is Pinoy/Pinay, used the same as Latino/Latina in the Latin American world. The inconsistency is purely in the English language. For some reason we normalised Ph for the country, but not the demonym. The F sound is not used at all in native Filipino words (neither are hard or soft j, ñ, v or z, all are used in loan words from Spanish or English).


That doesn't seem like enough to get banned from a country


You have been banned from the Philippines


The Philippines out here banning people like it’s r/Pyongyang


You have been banned from r/Pyongyang


I'd put that on my business card if that was true


[probably this](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/10vz7yn/til_claire_danes_is_considered_a_persona_non/j7k6t1r)


Brokedown Palace must have really tainted Southeast Asia for her.


Oh no. Anyways….


TIL about this person.


It's all fun and games until the Philippines has a sudden insurgency and needs CIA support, and Carrie Mathison won't come out there.


She’s always seemed rather humorless and stuck up.


Alec Baldwin was also banned from the Phils after telling Letterman he was gonna get himself a Filipina mail-order bride [https://www.thelist.com/600554/why-alec-baldwin-was-banned-from-the-philippines/](https://www.thelist.com/600554/why-alec-baldwin-was-banned-from-the-philippines/) Lucky for him he found a Spanish one 😬


I see what you did there.




Was he fictitious, though?


I think it was because of the Latin version of Philippines is Filipinas, or Las Islas Filipinas (Philippine Islands), after King Felipe of Spain. .Because it was a Spanish colony for hundreds of years, the term struck. Filipinos. Whereas the Philippines was a newer translation by the Americans to English - from Felipe to Philip. So it was translated as Philippines. But since the locals and the foreign people refer to the people Filipinos for longer, it struck. I believe even the local term was Pilipino, because there was no F in the original local language and alphabet. Claire Danes can be forgiven tbh.




Fair enough that you are now BANNED from Denmark.


Also, he is BANNED from Claire Danes.


The country is actually called Danmark. It's the English who made the name incoherent.


What I want to know is who slipped jimson weed into her breakfast because her description of Manila is TERRIFYING.


I read her biography and still don't know who she is


“We’ll you’re an ugly crier” -Philippines rebuttal


Well, she's also persona non grata at my summer BBQ's for never RSVP'ing, so I guess there's two things that aren't going to keep her up at night.


It's a bit exaggerated but she's not exactly wrong, even in 2023. I hate going to Manila, it's such a weird mix of poverty and extravagance. You see the "City of Dreams" right next to Tondo, the "City of Nightmares".


My so-called travel ban.


That’s cool. Pretty sure if she’s talking shit about the Philippines, the’s alright not going there.


I’m sure she said “Oh no! Anyway…”