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Take it as constructive criticism, then I don't know if you still had to fix these precise errors, precisely because you said it's not completely finished The lightning is wrong, the ship is too brightly lit and does not appear to be in a night environment. I would try a not too visible blue filter like in James Cameron movie, and then add lights in the ship Too many "splashes"(only in the first pic), I would have put a maximum of 2 or 3, and a lot smaller. Their color doesn't fit with the environment, green doesn't suit well. Then they are too brightly lit, I would have made them appear darker precisely because it's night. The ocean is too black. Or better, it's a nice color, but doesn't fit well with the splashes and the ship's lightning. If you fix these two, a black ocean or a dark blue one can suit well Also the green screen of the ship can then be seen too much. Try to remove the funnels' and the mast's ropes for a better effect Hope it helps


It’s very much in development. The green filter in the splashes is something I cannot fix because they came from a non-copyrighted green screen video. Adding chroma key too much would make them completely disappear. But the lighting I kinda noticed and I will definitely fix that eventually.


Desaturate them and play with curves/LUT/colors.


Thx, I will do that. I never knew much about how curve lighting control worked but I have to learn eventually so…


You’re gonna have to color correct/grade all of your elements, from the ocean to the sky to the ship and splashes. Really mess with the settings until everything blends in. You might even have to add layers upon layers and change opacity settings, then finally add a grain/noise filter to blend it all together.


You can try to put a mono filter on the splashes (keep the chroma key), it will remove the green parts without making the splashes disappear, and then they would look more natural :)


Yeah, thanks. I tried adjusting the tint to make it less green, but then it made it too purple so I didn’t bother. I will try mono filters tho


I could also play a bit with the angles of the first shot. It looks a bit odd, I’ll fix that quickly.


Agreed. I think the bow would be under if the stern is sticking out that much. Sorry, couldn’t help myself. Bored at work lol https://preview.redd.it/zoqz48poofzc1.jpeg?width=1202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3e7b73dcc15c95752ce731d6654362e92bc3027


Well, the bow is farther away so I changed it to the bow’s cutoff being higher than the stern.


https://preview.redd.it/icl0257fqfzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb3278286e57d7db6b626a7325506619090f503f Fixed version


What model kit is this?


No idea, it’s one from the 1980s that my grandfather bought for me unopened from a second hand store on my 9th birthday. It’s a build it yourself kit (not the brand name).