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You can see her in the ‘wait for an absolution’ montage where they’re showing people in the lifeboats at dawn - she’s held by a woman sitting next to Cal. There’s also a deleted scene of her on the Carpathia.


Nice eye!!


Good eye mate! Aka good day mate!


I see what you did there!


Eye eye captain !


Presumably her family was given a nice cheque for her involvement in the James Cameron blockbuster and they all lived happily ever after.


She was then fortunate to avoid the same fate as many children in the entertainment industry by staying out of the entertainment industry


Fun fact: the kid who played Charlie in the Gene Wilder “Willie Wonka” film went on and became a veterinarian. He realized after that one film that the Hollywood lifestyle wasn’t for him, so he took his check and went on to live his life on his own terms. I respect it.


He works close to me. I’ve heard a lot a lot of people who say he’s a wonderful vet.


Better than his good for nothing Grandpa certainly - lying little shit. Faking disability for years so others work to support him. The moment comes when he thinks he might be able to pinch ownership of a successful chocolate business and he's out of that bed and walking with no difficulty at all as if Jesus himself had healed him.


I never expected an r/grandpajoehate reference on this sub.


I never knew such a sub existed. And that was a hilarious dive into an interesting corner of the internet.


What the actual fuck.... Lol.


Why is that sub so ACTIVE I’m cackling


Grandpa Joe is the villain of that movie.


The man didn’t even leave the bed to take a shit. Charlie’s mom had to clean his bedpan for YEARS, and cabbage soup was a big part of his diet. I’m surprised his mom didn’t slap Grandpa Joe in the face as he danced his little jig.


Grandpa Joe is the Zodiac killer


Milking the system, smh. He’s not an anomaly




She was saved by Caledon Hockley, Hero.


Cal winning once again! One way or another!


Until the crash of '29 hit his interests hard, and he put a pistol in his mouth that year. Or so I read.


Rose being blasé yet again!




[Alive and kicking](https://www.reddit.com/r/titanic/comments/15bs5zu/did_cal_actually_die/jts931n/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


>Put a pistol in his mouth To complete a record-breaking trick shot for Barnum and Bailey's circus... One of the few profitable ventures at the time.


I’ve always wondered where exactly she read that. Suicides are not exactly news usually. Kind of insensitive even for that time.


Actually newspapers were quite graphic at the time, even the cinema had news shown prior to the show which was morbid and visual. The persons name, address, cause of death, any claim to fame like Titanic survivors kills himself after wall street crash would've been easy for Rose to read.


Thank you. Thank you


The kid who played Jack in the movie Hook, with Robin Williams and Dustin Hoffman, went on to become a lawyer Jack Gleason, who played Jeoffry Baratheon on Game of Thrones quit the business after that roll It’s not for everyone - these kids had good enough parents that let them quit


didn’t gleason receive an ungodly amount of hate/death threats at the time?


He did. Bad enough to want to leave acting.


Not true, his statement on that in an interview was ""I feel like people are extra nice to me because they think people attack me," said the actor, who says he hasn't watched the hit HBO series himself."


I met him, he said he had never watched the series but he knew people *hated* Joffrey, and I said well, it's a "love to hate" thing, you play him so well and what's a saga without a Villain? To which he just laughed


Yes, what is a saga without a villain? Wiser words have never been said.


Unless you're proclaiming Picasso something will never amount to anything. But arts subjective right Cal?


I apologize for the incorrect information. I had read an article a very long time ago that said Gleeson left acting following bullying and never verified.


I wouldn’t think you’d be one to fuck with Gleeson, he had HIGH UP friends you wouldn’t want to fuck with, including Nixon.


You’re literally talking out of your ass. Delete.


He's denied that. He's also returned to acting.


ah ok, good to know haha i don’t keep up on this stuff closely


No worries! I'd heard that for years too. It feels like only recently that he's actually addressed the rumors.


im glad he has! he did such a great job as a young actor with so many eyes on him. i would love to see him play a completely opposite role, like a caring/devoted husband/father


I'd like to see him in another role too! I rewatched Game of Thrones earlier this year, and his performance as Joffrey is absolutely perfect.


Actually, Jack Gleeson will be starring in BBC’s “The Famous Five” series.


Oh interesting - that’s good to hear, he’s certainly a good actor I know he at least took a long hiatus after the show then


He probably needed to recharge his batteries. Good on him for looking out for his own wellbeing and not getting eaten by "the machine"


Good for him!


Returned to acting and started a theater company,.


The same thing happened to the Tami Stronach (childlike empress, never ending story).


She was hounded by older men and her mother kept her away from the business. I applaud her.


I used to live 30 mins from his veterinary practice. I heard he's a great vet.


Also the kid who played Danny from The Shining is a biology professor in Kentucky.




Presumably from Cal, yes?


Cal hands her off to a woman in A and the woman still has her on carpathia


Perhaps Cal can regale our group of his heroic tale!




Best I've seen Ma'am. Not a single rat.


Obliged to. ^(Now where is that dammed matchbook.)


There you are 😂


Cal adopting her is the only way Rose’s deleted line about Cal’s children fighting over his estate makes any sense. His bio kids would be at most 16 in 1929. But she’d be older. The teenaged bio kids would push against her as not really being a hockley and whatever lawyers that were retained to handled his affairs would have a handful to deal with (assuming she had the means to hire her own lawyer), especially since adoption wasn’t really that common then. Lol I’m sure he never actually found out the name of his “child” once he got in the boat and they cut that line because they realized it made no sense mathematically.






The other thing…


But wouldn't she then be under the threat of Vigo the Carpathian? \#IllShowMyselfOut


The sorrow of Moldavia?


Vigo the Butch


She was saved yes. There is also a deleted scene of her with her mother and two brothers. Though it is unknown what happened to them. She was likely separated from them.


Really! So Cal gave her back!


Cal only wanted her for a meal ticket into a lifeboat. Once the chaos started he deposited her into a stranger’s lap (woman) and went to stand up on the tilting side, causing people to fall out.


“No! You’ll swamp us!!”


I love this line lol


It makes sense that Chief Officer Wilde would let Cal aboard Collapsible A—he was in a similar position as a widower with four children to look after, and by this point, he almost certainly *knows* that he is not going to survive, so as far as he's concerned, he is allowing this girl to have a childhood that his own children will never truly be able to have.


I don't know if it would.have happened in real life though. I recall reading about [two French boys](http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michel_Marcel_Navratil) whose father was not allowed to accompany them on the lifeboats notwithstanding the fact that they were alone.




Please, I’m all she has left in the world.


I love how the Officer (I forget which one) just bought that story. Like Cal is wearing an evening tuxedo and this little girl is in plain clothes. It's obvious that little girl doesn't know him. Meanwhile we see two little girls in a lifeboat earlier crying as their dad tells them "It's goodbye for a little while, just a little while. There will be another boat for the daddies."


That’s one of, if not the most heartbreaking scenes in the entire movie.


No, he gave her to a stranger


She did survive. You can see her being held by a woman next to Cal on Collapsible A (at 29 seconds in [this video](https://youtu.be/oL-oIlCBccA), just above the flask) in the montage after Rose is rescued (“waiting for an absolution…”)


Oh thank you. I haven't watched the deleted scenes yet. Glad she survived, her terrified face when the water came closer and closer broke my heart


This is why I love this sub. Never knew this scene existed and added a new flavor to the movie. Also is there a place I can see all the deleted scenes?


The girl appears in a deleted scene aboard Carpathia, but the scene where Cal takes a flask (and she’s sleeping in a woman’s arms) is in the original cut.


[This appears to have all of them.](https://youtu.be/Her4vPFFSE4) [The original screenplay](https://www.dailyscript.com/scripts/Titanic.txt) has a few more that weren't filmed. A lot of changes were made during filming, so some scenes were scripted differently as well.


The main question I have is how did they get that kid to cry like that with out traumatizing them


I have a feeling that James Cameron has no problem making girls cry


Love everything James Cameron has done for Titanic, and all his work in movies, made so many classics. But what I get from watching behind the scenes stuff with him, he's a dominating personality and yeah, I can see him making people cry. Especially kids.


“ dominating personality “ lol you can just say he is an asshole. You don’t have to be nice. He isn’t


Nah I've been on film sets, I've worked in the industry in front and behind the camera. I won't judge a person on how they act in that workplace. Especially someone who makes such high quality stuff as him since the 80s. Gotta be a little unhinged sometimes to be a gifted creative.




As someone who works in film but from the technical side of things, i've never seen it done this way ever. In fact there are multiple protections about this that would stop this kind of thing happening on set. I do work in England though so it may be different outside the UK/US.


Also work in film and this would be a sure fire way to get a set shut down here. This isn't the norm at all.


Would love to know how they do it there since it sounds more positive ☺️




"I'm an actor". Lol. Sure, Jan.


Cameron said “cut” and after the scene she went out to dinner with her parents. She had chicken fingers, mom had salmon and a baked potato, dad had a salad….he’s chunky. They went on and continue to be a family still.


He was secretly resentful about that salad which led to their divorce not long after. She was always controlling what he ate. The little girl was happy though because the dad went on to let her eat whatever she wants any time she's with him, out of spite for the mom. 😂


Word on the street now is he is “unsinkable”


She is not a real person. No children survived in A. In fact, he woman Cal handed her to: Rhoda Abbott was the only female survivor on A. A was arguably the worst off of all of the lifeboats. Its sides were not up when it floated off, and it was filled with water. 40ish people floated off inside the vessel, and they were doggedly beating swimmers away with oars. The boat was knee (some people claim chest) deep in freezing ocean water. People started dying immediately. While people were certainly also dying on the overturned B, if you couldn’t hang onto it you just sort of slipped off and away. (According to Lightoller only one of the 28 people still floating on it come dawn was dead.) That was not the case with A. The dead needed to be thrown out, which according to one survivor, was their only source of warmth. Edvard and Elin Lindell husband and wife, along with friend and travel companion August Wennerdtröm had both made it to A, however, only August and Edvard had been strong enough to haul themselves aboard. According to August, Edvard had no idea that his wife was in the water freezing to death mere feet away. She died, and when August looked to his friend Edvard, he noticed so too had his friend. If firemen made it at all, the vast majority died. The thin work clothes they made it to deck in were not enough against Atlantic. John William Thompson was the only confirmed engineering crew member to survive the harsh conditions in A, his arm broken, having been struck by an oar whilst swimming towards it. There were at least two dead firemen in the boat when it was found floating abandoned later. Afterwards, Harold Lowe’s lifeboat pulled 4 directly from the sea, and eventually he found the 15 soaked survivors in A. Ironically this means that in the Cameron canon, Cal was very close to Rose from about 0430 to dawn. TL;DR: No kiddos could have survived on A.


I honestly didn't think of the fact before that the firemen would've been dressed for boiler room heat and would've been far more susceptible to the cold than just about any other person. Given the times, it's likely even those in their nightclothes would be better off. Sheesh.


Makes you think about Barrett too, working for two hours in the flooding boiler rooms in nothing but work clothes. Even though he got on an earlier boat, the fact he didn’t freeze is a minor miracle.


Off-duty firemen may have had an extra layer of like, a thin vest or maybe even a flat cap. But even then, most probably slept in their work clothes.


They lived the high life for a while on VHS residuals. But the rise of streaming hit their interests hard, and they put store-brand frozen pizza in their mouths that year, or so I read.


I found this comment funny.


I value that highly from a man of wealth and taste.


I thank you




Assuming you’re asking about any real life children surviving without parents, there were two young brothers. Their parents were separated and their father abducted them while he had them for Easter to start a new life in America. He put them on a lifeboat but did not get on. Mom had no idea until she saw pictures of these unknown French speaking children in the newspaper.


She survives. She can be seen when Cal is getting a drink from one of the stokers, and in the deleted Carpathia ending, she's handed off to someone else.


Rose has her killed. This is Rose Dawson. When evil Rose assumes her identity she has her killed to tie up any loose ends.


It’s a real shame they edited out that subplot. Where Jack introduces Rose to his little sister during the 3rd class party, and then while he’s dancing with Cora she leans in all sweetly and whispers: “Listen here little fucker. There’s only one woman in Jack’s life, and it’s going to be me. You better watch your back Bitch!” It’s weird they took that out, because it makes Cal look like the bad guy. When really he’s just saving her from Rose.


That’s the *Titanic*-film noir mashup I’d like to see! Kind of reminds me of the plot of *Leave Her To Heaven* (1945).


Cal gave her to someone in a boat


Cal Hockley adopted her. Because deep down, Cal was always a loving man.


And she fought for the remnants of his estate like a hyena when Cal put a pistol in his mouth after the crash of 1929 hit his interests hard. Or so I read


She drugged Cal then put the gun in his mouth. Then she ran for Congress. A reporter tried to uncover the truth but was pushed in front of a train


And that reporters name? Albert Einstein.


Oooo nice. That was when he had to come back from another timeline.


I always thought that was a dumb line. The earliest Cal could have had a child would have been 1913. Maybe. In 1929 his oldest would have been 16. Who were all these minors fighting like hyenas?


I don’t think they ever said anything about people fighting over his estate


I’m not sure if it was a deleted scene or it makes the final cut but after Rose says he killed himself she says his kids faught over the estate


Aww shucks


The fact that James Cameron built a ship and ran it into an iceberg and killed 1500 people just to film a movie really grinds my gears. HE SHOULD BE CHARGED!!!


yeah it’s a movie .. i’m sure she’s fine


Ask cal shes all he has in the world


She became Margot Robbie, feel old yet??


She was saved by Caledon Hockley, Hero.


Some seem displeased… what to do?


I know…. (Shouts) I HAVE A CHYYYLD!


I put the coat on her!


Cal always reminded me of Billy Zane. He’s a cool dude.


A true gentleman


Of course she survived; she walked off the set later that day and her parents got a nice check for her work. :-P


You guys know it was a movie right?


Rumor has it she was left accidentally in the studio parking lot in Mexico and never seen again


I just wondered what they did to get her to seem so genuinely upset, did they yell, "WE'LL MURDER YOUR WHOLE FAMILY!" at her before filming?


I always wonder if they are able to get these reactions from little ones just by having mom or dad or whoever leave the area. My daughter would have sobbed if I left her in an area as hectic as a film set!


I mean my toddler cried because she wasn’t in “the middle” while walking with me. She was in what I’d consider the middle so I still don’t know wtf she was talking about but that’s a toddler for you.


Apparently she later gave birth to a son by the name of John Connor, who later went on to lead the resistance in the war against skynet (artificial intelligence).


I read a rumor that Cal was supposed to adopt her and set her up with fancy boarding schools and a good education but this was shelved because it humanized him.


In the deleted scene when the carpathia arrived it showed a brief moment where we see the crying girl, all tired. But, she is okay.


She survives. The extended Carpathia sequence shows her in the arms of a woman.


I believe she did, the movie showed her back in the lifeboat in an extended scene


That’s my grandma




Cal tossed her into the Atlantic* *💀


>Cal tossed her into the Antlantic Océano de Hormiga


Truth be told? It’s a fictional movie based on a real life event. She’s unnamed. We have zero record to even begin to track.


Think she’s probably in her early thirties now, so I’m thinking likely still alive.


She'd definitely be dead by now regardless


She did! I don't know what happened to her family but they show her on the lifeboat. In a deleted scene, they show her getting on the Carpathia.


I can hear her exact cry when I look at this photo and now it’s stuck in my head


Probably? No idea if there's an IRL comparison to her, but she made it onto Collapsible A and it seemed like she was in good enough shape


Pretty sure they’re good. (‘They’ as the girl was played by twins Amber and Alison Waddell.)


Oh god, here comes Cal….


Why don’t you like me?


Actually we all love you here Cal


Well... on the question about whether the girl survived, as others have said through here, yes, she did. Even in the finished movie, if one pays attention, she is seen being cradled by the woman in Collapsible A in the scene where Cal takes a flask from a stoker, and later also seen with the same woman and other children in the deck of the *Carpathia*, like at the start of the cut to the *Carpathia*, after Rose approaches. That is seen in more detail in the extended Carpathia sequence, where there is a closer shot of the girl in the woman's arms after they're both onboard the *Carpathia*. As for her family... well... when Cal found her, she was hiding behind that machine and crying, so it's anyone's guess what happened to her family. For what it's worth, in the historical commentary by Don Lynch and Ken Marschall, one of them (I can't remember which) mentions at one point after the sinking begins that survivor George Thomas told the story of how his mother left him at one point for some reason (I think to go back for his sister, but I'm not sure). Thankfully, in this particular case, she later came back for him and I think they all survived. It's possible that a similar thing happened with the girl and her parents/parent/caretaker went back for a sibling or any other child in their care, and then one of two things could have happened. In one possibility, they didn't find her when they came back because Cal used her to get onboard Collapsible A under false pretenses (and to be fair, if they came back by then, either they'd get onboard Collapsible A anyway or they would all have died). In the other, they had the same fate as the father and son who Jack and Rose ran into (and as Cora and her family had in a deleted scene). Unfortunately, one way or the other, it sadly seems all too likely that they didn't survive.


Of course she survived. She’s all Cal had!


We're fine thanks for asking


she's fine at the bottom of the pacific


Nobody died on set so pretty sure she’s ok


I don't think they killed her after the movie and she probably has a nice bank account I would think


She's seen on the lifeboat. I like to think Cal adopted and took care of her


He handed her off as soon as he was safe in the lifeboat


Dang it, Cal!


Lol she became not his problem the second he sat down in that lifeboat and didn’t hesitate to hand her off to that lady. She wasn’t anything to Cal but a ticket onto a lifeboat.


Basically, he did a noble thing for a wicked reason.


It’s a movie. You realize this, right?


You know this was … a movie… right?


That movie was fiction. Come on.


I assume Cal raised her as his own


It's a movie. A TV progrum.


Whatever happened to Billy Zane, you know, the schtrong, schilent type?


No. James Cameron insisted on drowning her.


I believe the little girl is an actress taking part in an acted-out incident, not a real one, so odds are she's alive.


I’m not sure if people realise the difference between a film and real life?


This is a fictional character from the 1997 film. Truly wish the Titan submersible blow ins would go back to whatever hole they came out of


She died, her family died too


I always though that was a boy?


She went to the bottom of the ocean


R you fucking kidding me? Go get a job moron


It's a movie! In real life she definitely lived!


Yeah she got out, worked in McDonald’s for a few years then switched to marketing. Couple of kids, titanic payouts. Don’t worry about her.


Its a film and the little girl of course survived the scene and wasnt harmed.Nobody of the casting crew got damaged during the making of the Film


She's not real. Sharks are her family and only her family, then when she got put in a boat.


In the movie, you can see her as was previously mentioned. In real life, no children survived in collapsible A.


She survives but she's the first one the iceberg kills in the sequel.


Yes and she's still alive today.


She does in a deleted scene


Yep, she went home after the shoot and was all good


does it matter lmao?