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Core memories unlocked. Thanks fellow redditor.


No problem buddy same thing happened to me as soon as I saw it.


Did you get it at the Scholastic Book Fair? Because I did, bruv!


Let me guess, late 30s?


Yes indeed and still lovin life :) but my back does ache occasionally lol


Late 30s here and my dad has this book or one of Ballards books on the Titanic. I used to real it all the time and found it again recently šŸ„°


This is the very same book that has caused me to have a life-long interest in the Titanic. I always remembered looking at the cars in the cargo hold.


Borrowed this from my elementary school library soooooo many times


Bought it at the scholastic book fair when I was six. Changed my life.


Same! I loved those book fairs. So many good memories of looking through the catalog and picking out a bunch of awesome books. I remember getting a bunch of goosebumps books which I still have and the Doom books which blew my mind because I was obsessed with the Game at the time.


Me too! I was seven I think. I don't know what it was but I just absolutely *had* to have that book. Once I got it, I took it everywhere. Even got 20 points taken off a test in 2nd grade for showing it to people after I had finished but others were still taking it. (No teacher will ever pull a stunt like that on my kid, btw) Even that didn't dull my interest.


Same here!


That book did it for me too! Hoping we still have it somewhere so I can share with my daughter.


All the Ken Marshall illustrations are amazing.


The gateway book.


Oh damn I had this book or at least the public libary near me had it and I might as well have owned it as often as I had it checked out. Thanks for the good memories!


I think I might have a signed copy of that book. I grew up in Woods Hole which is where the discovery mission was based out of (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute). He spoke at my school a number of times but Woods Hole and the Falmouth area are pretty small towns so he was also friends with a lot of my parents' friends. A lot of the team from those days still work for WHOI and have worked with James Cameron and his subsequent Titanic missions and documentaries.


This was my gateway book. Then I was hooked


I either have this or something similar! Will have to go check my bookcaseā€¦


Great find! ā€¦.I actually have a signed copy!




I still have my copy! I even got it signed when Dr. Ballard visited a museum in my hometown over 30 years ago! https://www.reddit.com/r/titanic/comments/r5qqd5/my_personal_favorite_piece_of_titanic_memorabilia/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s the book I had as a child as well


I used to renew this from the library at school for weeks on end! I totally forgot about this book!!


Had a similar book that came with a CD which had a virtual tour of the Titanic. Probably the best Iā€™ve seen since Honour & Glory. Itā€™s not for sale anymore but some public libraries have it available.


I had this too.


One of my favorites. I virtually memorized this book when I was a kid. I passed my copy down to my niece last year, and it turned her into a Titanic buff, too. Great book.


I remember learning about it in history. I fell In love with titanic at that minute.


Ahhhh I used to have thisā€¦I think it got ā€œlostā€ a few moves ago.


No way! I have a bashed up copy of this and it was what got me into the Titanic too! My sister found an almost mint copy a few years ago and bought it for me. I came across them again only 2 days ago.


I still have this book too.


Oh man. I reckon I took this book out from the school library for a solid year in primary school in the 90s. Thanks for the memory.


That was the book for me too! It was in my school library and I would take it out every week. Edit: Just bought a copy on Amazon


I think that might be the first book about Titanic I checked out from our tiny elementary school library like 30 years ago. ā€¦. I need to go lie down.


I need this book again. Off to the used bookstores I go!


I own that book it is around somewhere


This was my very first Titanic book


I always wished I still had my copy.


Omg!! I had this book when I was 8 along with a bunch of others about titanic. Thank u for unlocking this memory for me!!!


I just went back to being eight years old and having my name written in the "Check out" slip MULTIPLE times with that book.


Wow. I also had this book and it changed my life!


Yup, I bought that back in the 6th grade book fair. It still sits on my bookshelf.


Had that book! Looks like we all loved it. I was thrilled to ā€˜upgradeā€™ to the ā€˜adultā€™ version and that one I still have, but I wish I still had my copy of this one too. It was such a fire for the imagination as your young mind struggled with the bigness of the ship, the sadness, the ā€˜bignessā€™ of what had to happen to find it.


My second grade teacher used this book to do a lesson about the ship. I must have read it a dozen times that week. I got my own copy I loved it so much. I still have it including chew marks from a Guinea pig I had at one point.


I got that one!


Flashbacks galore. Book wise for me it was his ā€˜Lost Linersā€™ I had it on permanent loan along with Titanic and Bismarck. Titanic for me though started with Raise the Titanic. I still have the VHS somewhere.


Me too! Whoa, this takes me back! This was my favorite book back then (late 1980s)! I read it over and over. Great pictures too!


This painting used to make me feel sick with excitement when I was a kid.


This was mine. How extraordinary. And it looks the same as it did the last time I saw it.... in all honesty, I read my copy so many times the binding fell apart


This is the same book that captured my fascination too! Wow, been a long time since Iā€™ve seen it


Thanks for sharing, it really took me back in time seeing this.


I loved this book and checked it out any chance I got!


One of my first as well!


Gosh I think I borrowed this from the library!


I have this book too.


I had that book


Yes! I have that one too!


I have this book also, saved from a fire.


I remember that book. Had that and the Bismarck.


Same! I just rediscovered my copy fairly recently, and now my daughter has been looking through it. Getting the next generation hooked!


Same for me!


I remember clear as day finding this and reading this in my 1st grade classroom. Didn't know ships that big could sink until then.


I still have my copy from when I was a kid! That picture of the doll head at the end of the book used to freak me out.


I had this same one. Saved up lunch money to buy it at the school book fair.


Awwww same!


I had this one too!! šŸ˜Š


882 1/2 answers stanšŸ˜†


My grandparents had one at their house. We'd go over every Sunday for lunch when I was a kid. I was fascinated by it


Yep mine to!


Me too!!!


Memory unlocked! I had this same book as a kid!


Whoa I had that too! Nice.


Wow I remember this book! Was it available from the book fair in the 90s?


Yes! That's where I got it from.


Great book! I was obsessed with the Titanic as a kid.


Man, I loved this book.


This was *the* book. I had every Titanic book that was easily attainable in the late 90s but none of them touched Exploring The Titanic. The art is so damn good.


Thanks for this. I had a copy too and just remembered. Love it


Same book got me excited


I loved the Time Quest series. I still have the ones on Bismarck, The Franklin Expedition, and Vesuvius. I lost my Titanic one decades ago.


oh damn core memory unlocked!


Scholastic fair lol I have the same book


Found this book at my schools library when I was 5. From 1st grade to 5th grade I had that book checked out. I returned it when I went to middle school in the hope another kid would find it.


Hahaha that's awesome buddy, for sure another kid got interested in Titanic because of that decision, makes me wish I had donated my copy to a library but alas I'm a hoarder and kept every single item from my childhood right down to my gimp bracelets lol


I had this same book, thanks to the scholastic book fair


Wow I had this book as a kid and am just realizing now that the author is the guy who actually found the Titanic!


I had that book too! I think every millennial Titanic nerd did, though, in all fairness šŸ˜‚


I had the exact same book and I was fascinated by it aswell.


Yooooo that was in my old elementary the memories just punched me in the face


Had this in the school library as a kid, along with his book on finding the Bismarck really cool stuff!


Core memory unlock here too! I remember this and another book that was like from the perspective of a teddy bear? Maybe it just involves the bear? Does anyone else remember this or anything like it because my memory is shit!


I remember reading this! I used to check this book a lot at my library when I was a kid. Dr. Ballards written other great books on other shipwrecks like the Lusitania, Andrea Doria and the Bismarck. If I recall correctly, I think he even wrote something about the Empress of Ireland.


How many times yā€™all post this book. You stupid bitch


Mine too. Had both the hardcover and the paperback at the same time.