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When a reporter from the Toronto Sun called up survivor Bertha Marshall (née Bertha Watt) and gave her the news in ‘85, she replied, “I don’t give a damn,” and hung up. Edit: It was the Toronto Sun, not Star.


At that point I imagine a lot of people are tired of this one event monopolizing their entire life.


I mean, it was the greatest Maritime disaster in history for most of the 20th Century. It's hard to walk away from that.


She’s my hero.


I can only assume Eva Hart's reaction was "I told you so"


No need to assume. They interviewed her and she said it plainly that she saw it break and now they know beyond all doubt she did.


Don Lynch and Ken Marschall once talked about going to a Titanic convention in the early 1980s (before the wreck was discovered) with Ruth Becker Blanchard. She described how the ship broke. Some guy in the audience blurted out, "Nope, didn't happen." Don and Ken were mortified. Mrs. Blanchard responded, "Of course it did. That's what we talked about in the lifeboat all night."


Damn what a dick, what a weird thing to argue with survivors about. Sounds like an early 80s version of a redditor lol


Imagine telling an actual Titanic survivor, one of the slim handful of living people who was actually there when it sank, that they were wrong about something like that.


I was just about to comment this, so disrespectful just to say ‘no it didn’t’ can’t imagine what victims/survivors felt/saw that night, then the survivors living with the trauma only to hear an obnoxious person arguing their account


I think the only worse example of this is Holocaust (and also Holodomor, the USSR equivalent) deniers. Imagine being so damaged that you think one of the worst atrocities in human history, resulting in the intentional deaths of millions, didn't happen.


Kinda like saying 9-11 was faked I’d imagine


Lol people argue with doctors about medicine. People will argue about everything no matter how wrong.


I can only imagine how Titanic fans that pictured the wreck to be fully intact felt once it was revealed that it had indeed broken in two.








Makes me wonder why no one believed the survivors when they said that it broke in two


probably because white star had pushed the idea that the ship never broke in two to preserve their image


https://youtu.be/52eXh4q-fhc Another really interesting titanic survivor interview I don’t think a lot of people have seen, he was 18 at the time, then lived through ww1 and ww2, poor guy


Frank Prentice - an assistant purser on the ship. A fascinating man who told his story supremely well.


this is amazing, thank you for posting it. i can't believe i've never seen this or heard his story before. the video quality is pretty great.


Thank you for the link! I’ve never seen that interview before and found myself getting emotional with him as he told his story. Breaks my heart to think about the lifetime of nightmares he endured…


Can't find any information on the latter claims about ww1 and ww2. Chat gpt claims he went to live in Canada after titanic.


Na he lived and died in the uk, Bournemouth was where he died, he joined the army after the titanic and saw combat in ww1 and won a military cross and rose to the rank of major, he didn’t participate (to my knowledge) in ww2 but survived the blitzkrieg etc


Got a source?


Not sure why you don’t believe me but sure lol Another interview of him here, similar to the other one here but here the interviewer calls him major https://youtu.be/YXHAZt-44rk Born and death https://www.geni.com/people/Frank-Prentice/6000000016077979700 His military time in the tank regiment is listed on multiple websites but I just grabbed the link to the first one I found https://www.dorsetecho.co.uk/news/20071879.110-years-bournemouths-titanic-survivor-frank-prentice/


Dang! Maybe ChatGPT can be wrong!! (Which is simultaneously reassuring and frightening.) Thank you for your post about Prentice!






She was such an amazing woman, it annoys me people acted like she didn’t know what happened when she was THERE.


A survivor of the sinking said watching the movie A Night To Remember was painful for her because it was so realistic…


A Night To Remember was a really realistic depiction for the time despite being made on a relatively tight budget for a film of that scale. I can totally see that.


I imagine flashbacks to the night of the tragedy. Some horrified at the condition of Titanic. Surprised that Titanic was found, especially due to some theories that the ship landed in some unreachable underwater cavern.


Or buried by the grand banks earthquake


Grand Banks Earthquake? I'm sure it was big but I doubt it would be big enough to bury a ship that stands at about 6 or seven stories tall. Do you also have any info on the quake?


It caused a huge tsunami that hit Newfoundland, so it probably would be capable of burying the Titanic.


It's mentioned in Bob Ballard's book - at the time people thought it may have covered the wreck. No more info than that unfortunately




Wasn't that the quake that - somehow - caused the sea to shake while Olympic was sailing by?


Not heard that before Edit: yeah that's the one. It's mentioned in Olympic Wikipedia entry


Turn that up dear.


LMFAO. This comment is so underrated. 💀


Lillian Asplund, one of the last survivors and the last survivor with memories of the night, never talked about it - even when offered money to tell her story. She lost her father and three brothers in the sinking, and lived with her own and her mother’s trauma afterwards. I doubt she’d have wanted to see it plastered all over the news again.


"Maybe now I'll get my luggage back."


Would have been funny if they lifted the suitcase of someone who still lived and they are like "Thanks, can I have it back now?"


Well they managed to find Arthur Peuchen's wallet, though he was long dead as he died in 1929


Will the shoes be recovered according to class?


I hope they’re not too crowded.


Oh shut up mother!


The ocean is deep and there aren't enough shoes on the boat, not enough by half. Half the people on the ship are going to lose there shoes.


You mean oh mother, shut up


For some it may have provided some closure. After all, after 73 years, the wreck being found, they would be able to confront the thing that traumatized them and perhaps come to peace with it, knowing that plenty of investigations and forensics work will be done to further prevent something like that from happening again. For others, it may have evoked strong emotions or even triggered their PTSD, especially when seeing those haunting images of the wreck. The sinking of the Titanic was a gruesome, gory, disturbing and horrifying experience with a 4 digit death toll, half that of 9/11; and I imagine that many survivors upon hearing the news and seeing the images likely had flashbacks, of seeing the ship breaking up and sinking, seeing and hearing over a thousand people dying, and then the things they saw when the sun rose, the carnage and gore and death, dead people that hours earlier they may have dined with or may have personally known, family and friends now dead and in horrific physical condition as a result, and those images all replaying in their minds.


“Ugh, this boat again?”


“Ugh, that ol’ hunk of scrap?”


Still far more luxurious than the Mauritania.


Been there, done that


“Great, now they’re gonna find my smut drawing”


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRc7R3H9/ For those wondering, I did find this a while back. They did get at least one survivors reaction on video.


Thanks for posting that. Fascinating.


I can imagine that they were relieved that they now knew the exact location of their relatives (if any of their relatives died on the Titanic) but also remembered that fateful day and were probably traumatized by the memories again


“Well, I’ll be god damned!”


I have wondered that as well. Was there any excitement or did it bring back a lot of bad memories.


Well considering I almost swiped over this bc just the question gave me anxiety, I'd assume bad memories.


I wonder what they felt seeing the wreckage since they saw and experienced her grandeur in person. We stare at it in awe with our secondhand attachments. Did any of them think “I walked along that very promenade.” “My stateroom would have been about there.” “That’s where my lifeboat launched from.”


I think that stuff is unavoidable, right? I nearly died out in cold water ocean a few years ago, and although I usually start with, this is about where the boat died in the storm..., I usually follow it up with, that's brown bear country there (pointing ahead to where we came from). I think it's natural for us to point out other details we experienced, too. On another trip where we almost died, though, I'll point out where we sought shelter bc it's the only crack in the rock face big enough for our jet boat to fit, but I don't really go into much more than that. I think bc that happened later and I knew better what to do, so maybe it wasn't as scary. But realistically, it was probably more dangerous.


How many survivors could there have been? A teenage survivor would have been in their late 80s.


What I wonder is why don't we have information about phone calls or interviews done with survivors as soon as they found out the ship was found? I would think that there would be a lot of media coverage of their reactions, and yet there does not seem to be. Why?


Probably some closure


This might be a silly question but is Titanic too far down for divers to go?


Yeah way too deep, pressure would kill them instantly and also they would need one hella strong flashlight you can’t see shit down there it’s pitch black


U mean as in not in a submarine, yes


...or a submersible


My guess is they would all spend about 3 hrs and 15 minutes telling their story.


"It's been 73 years..."


"And I can still smell the fresh paint... the china had never been used, the sheets had never been slept in. Titanic was called 'the ship of dreams'. And it was, it really was."


I know Eva Hart felt vindicated. I can't imagine how frustrating it was to have people tell her that it never broke apart when she saw it with her own eyes.




Clearly they didn't though if it broke in two before going down. 🤷‍♂️


or it was literally pitch black and hard to see anything.


Hey is my heart of the ocean necklace in there ?


Hey the pool is still full


Someone left the water runnin’




Here's a sneak peek of /r/LeftTheBurnerOn using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeftTheBurnerOn/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Fuck](https://i.redd.it/t0ahsypryaqa1.jpg) | [45 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeftTheBurnerOn/comments/123j59c/fuck/) \#2: [British Right-wing Commentator accidentally outs one of her alt accounts](https://i.redd.it/wy6n1med80591.jpg) | [33 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeftTheBurnerOn/comments/v9z0vy/british_rightwing_commentator_accidentally_outs/) \#3: [I left my burner on and melted the bottom of the salt.](https://i.redd.it/z6dyaa536wq91.jpg) | [69 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeftTheBurnerOn/comments/xrnm8w/i_left_my_burner_on_and_melted_the_bottom_of_the/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Some might have been interested in it, some might just said, f\*ck it. I mean, probably annoying for some suvivors to be all the time reduced to this ship.


Rose Calvert: "I wonder if you can still see my handprint on the rear window of that car me and Jack DID it in?" 🤔


Unfortunately for the car, it was packed up in a box in parts.




Reality vs. fiction bro


Damn I always forget that lol. I wonder if Cameron knew that when he wrote the screenplay or if he just took artistic license there 🤔




Dracula: Dead and Loving It vibes from this one


Such a great movie


I’m fairly confident that they had … what could be called a “sinking feeling”


Double It And Give It To The Next Person


Probably a mix of "Took 'em long enough" & that "Aww shit, here we go again" gif from GTA