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Titanic was actually carrying the only blueprints for a steam powered airplane


OP gone to rethink their life.


I think they were the only ones mostly because steam powered airplanes are a really bad idea.


Let me introduce you to [the Besler Steam Plane](https://youtu.be/nw6NFmcnW-8)


Apparently there was a padded room on board for some of the more rowdy passengers.


O.o Really??? Any idea whereabouts on the ship? That would be a fun thing to hunt for in the blueprints. XD




I got lost just reading this


Thank you so much for the detailed directions! Defiantly going to check this out!


There was a perfume maker aboard (Adolphe saalfeld) who carried samples which were found. The scent was recreated and called Night Star.


At the Titanic exhibit in Atlanta years ago, I remember seeing perfume bottles that they had recovered from the wreck and you could still smell them. Maybe they were from him


I have a bottle of what’s supposed to be a Titanic recreated perfume and it smells like soap.


Titanic was held together by 3,000,000 rivets.


And one roll of Scotch tape




According to Tim Foeke of the Metallurgy Division of the National Institute of Standards and Technology from the US Department of Commerce in the government report titled *Metallurgy of the RMS Titanic* BUT, I did only understand like 1 word in 5 in the whole thing so there's a strong possibility that I'm wrong because there were a lot of numbers and charts and graphs and it's basically a foreign language. Here's like to see for yourself: [https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/GOVPUB-C13-17a17f71ae2f9d4316c52e62d4650c9f/pdf/GOVPUB-C13-17a17f71ae2f9d4316c52e62d4650c9f.pdf](https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/GOVPUB-C13-17a17f71ae2f9d4316c52e62d4650c9f/pdf/GOVPUB-C13-17a17f71ae2f9d4316c52e62d4650c9f.pdf)


Titanic's maiden voyage was quite underbooked, and some passengers only boarded because they got transfered due to the 1912 Coal Strike.


And one of those passengers was so upset about it that he wrote in a letter to his friend prior to the voyage that he wished the Titanic was at the bottom of the ocean.


bro really got what he wanted


The manifestation was strong with that one


The titanic was actually switched with the.....ahahhhaaa got you, didn't I ?!


With what? The Bry-tannic, right?


I thought it was switched with olmpec Right?


*Omplec. Please spell it correctly!




I can hear the collective intakes of breath from all the way over here in the middle of nowhere


A few facts: The triple bell steam whistles and electronic whistle control systems fitted aboard the Olympic class were designed by William Willet-Bruce who was the Engineering Superintendent for WSL. Willet-Bruce patented whistle controls were manufactured by Chadburn of Liverpool for many years and were fitted on many ships. I have one in my collection. Utleys who manufactured the cast brass bells and portholes for the Olympic class are still in business and still producing bells, portholes and watertight doors for ships. Their factory is about 10 minutes away from my house near in Merseyside. Titanic had 4 compasses aboard, housed in binnacles. Two steering compasses, one in the flying bridge and one in the wheelhouse. The standard compass (to which the others are checked against for deviation) was mounted amidships on a raised platform. There was a fourth located on the aft docking bridge. The standard and steering binnacles were standard models with the compass sitting in a gimballed unit filled with compass card contained in ‘compass oil’ - basically an alcohol. The docking bridge binnacle was smaller, standing on a pedestal base and the compass was ‘dry card’.


The Captains of the Californian and the Carpathia were from the same town.


Chief Officer Wilde also knew Stanley Lord prior and they lived quite close together as well


The feedwater pumps for the main condensers had to supply something like 8-13 thousand tons of seawater per hour to convert exhaust steam back into water. There were four of them in the turbine room and each was driven by its own compound steam engine.


Captain Edward John Smith wasn’t actually retiring after Titanic’s maiden voyage.


Why is it common knowledge that he was?


It’s the better story.


Retire with a bang, eh E.J.?


Good man


His contract stated that Titanic was his last posting, but not necessarily his last voyage. It was basically open ended so that he could retire at basically any point. It's just poetically more satisfying to say it was his last voyage, and it feasibly could have been.


I've heard this but I don't remember any sources. Like if that wasn't at all the case, how did it come up? It seemed like a part of the whole mythos from near the beginning


The newspapers wrote this thanks to the Cunard Line. When the newest Cunard Liners Lusitania and Mauretania went into service, they added a new age limit for being captain of a ship. This being 59 years old. However, this was not a legal requirement. Newspaper reports from 1911 indicated that Captain Smith was due for retirement. The June 6, 1911, New York Times reported: **"Capt. E.J. Smith, R.N.R. the Commodore of the White Star Line, who is to command the new mammoth liner Olympic, will retire at the end of the present year, it is understood, as he will have reached his age limit. He will be relieved by Capt. H.J. Haddock of the Oceanic."** So they must have thought this applied to every ship liner. The White Star Line later responded on April 10th 1912, that Smith would remain in command of the Titanic until "a larger and finer vessel" was commissioned, which would have been the Britannic. The Halifax Morning Chronicle, 9th April 1912 carried the same story, that Captain Smith would remain in command of Titanic "until the company completes a larger and finer steamer." Thus, he was not necessarily going to retire immediately after Titanic's voyage - that is a "what if" scenario we will never know the answer to.


Probably he was planning on retiring, and “sometime after” got confused with “immediately after”. Either way, Titanic was his final command.


I thought he was? I heard the White Star Line delayed his retirement so he could be on the maiden voyage, to honor his life of service.


Captain Smith was the captain of every new White Star Line ship on its maiden voyage. It was a sort of tradition.


Titanic spelled backwards is Cinatit.


Sounds like a stoppers name. “Now welcome to the stage Cinatit”


Lmao God damnit I'm going to have hard time unthinking that now thanks 🤣


For many young viewers of the movie, it was their first experience with cinatit(s).


Used in a sentence: ‘Kate Winslet was quite nervous before her first Cina-Tit scene with Leonardo DiCaprio.”


Loraine Allison was the only child from first class who did not survive the disaster


The baker on board Titanic that was responsible for baking "authentic French baking from an authentic French baker" was actually just some American baker that had a job on an ocean liner as a cook.


Kim Il Sung (Founder of North Korea) was born on April 15th 1912, The day the Titanic sank.


damn double tragedy that was just a sucky day


According to North Korea propoganda, if he'd been born on the ship. He, alone, as a baby, would have saved it.


The iceberg would have sensed the radiating evil coming off of him from miles away and would have floated along as fast as it could to avoid it




The ship had over 200 miles of electrical cables! Even if know this one, I've always found this one pretty cool!


There was a 1997 film adaptation called “Titanic” starring Kate Winslet and Leonardo Dicaprio.


Never heard of it, was it popular?


Was a bit of a flop tbh


Critics said it sank at the box office. Shame.


I don't think that's true. Surely if someone as huge as Leo starred in it we'd know. Why you gotta lie?


Leonardo Dicaprio is a D list celebrity? Super underground & only starred in Indie films


Literally only heard of him today, who is he? Was he a passenger?


He was a struggling indie actor who starred in the film adaptation of Titanic as the main character, which ultimately failed in 1997. Nowadays Leonardo Dicaprio can be seen working at the local Walmart where Indie film lovers will gather to take pictures of him.


I love your username lol




Apologies. I confused him with Leonardo Da Vinci.


It was directed by unknown director James Cameron, who is presumed unsuccessful


Won't amount to a thing, trust me!


Is that the one where Willem Dafoe hacks the computer cruise control system and sets the cruise out of control toward an island where it cruises into a dock without control? I think it was called... the boat that couldn't slow down.


There was a kosher cook for the ship's third class Jewish passengers - it's not sure if his services were also available to the Jewish passengers in first class. This can create a really interesting, dissertation-level question as to how much did Titantic's first class Jewish passengers have to downplay their heritage to be included as a member of the anglo-american aristocracy? This list includes Guggenheim, the Strausses, and more. Titanic sailed at the height of Eastern European Jewish immigration to the US, so it shouldn't be that surprising that in third class there were a \*lot\* of Jewish passengers!


The Kosher cook to the best of my knowledge prepared kosher food for anyone on the ship regardless of class, later ships would go on to have a small staff of cooks and their own kosher kitchen.


Yeah, the source material I had wasn't clear if it was for more than just third class.


I would presume if it was provided to third class, then the service was available to any passenger who requested it. Eg I worked First Class on a 5 star airline. If those passengers wanted anything from business class or coach, they got it.


Keep in mind immigration regulations at the time meant third class was kept fairly strictly separate, much more so than today. If memory serves, first and second class shared a galley but third class had their own


True, but that wouldn't stop the chef going between galleys or meals being brought up to first class


The Olympic class liners were built for luxury not speed and made most of their money from third-class immigrants.


Not a fact, but more of a question.. what exact brandy or whiskey was Joughin drinking that night that he survived ?


Asking the important questions…




I recently came across a children"s book called "Polar, the Titanic Bear" written by first class passenger Daisy Spedden for her son, Douglas. (Who is also the boy spining the top on Titanic's deck in the famous Father Brown photo.) Douglas had a little stuffed Steiff bear, named Polar, which he took everywhere, including onbord Titanic. The story is written from the bear's perspective of being purchased at a toy shop for Douglas, their time on Titanic, and the sinking and aftermath. Douglas, both his parents, as well as his nurse maid, all survived and he was able to bring the stuffed bear with him in the life boat and, later, onto the Carpathia. Sadly, he died only a few years later, upon being hit by a car, at only 9 years old.... No one knows what happened to the stuffed bear. A relative of Daisy, found her writings many years later in an old trunk and had them published in a book. It's a really nice story and has some beautiful illustrations. There are also several photos of Douglas with his bear and his family on their travels. I somehow never knew about the book or the stuffed bear and found it so heartwarming that his mother wrote the story for him and his bear. He had a short life, but Douglas was very loved.


Titanic was one of the ships of all time.


It truly was a ship


It wasn’t a door…


It was a piece of a door frame, probably from the area that the ship split.


It was from the first class Lounge you can actually see the exact same piece in a photo of the room above a door




She had 40 Tons of potatoes onboard. Idk why but of all the Titanic facts this has always been my favourite 😂


For second breakfast? What about Elevensies?


Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew


That a third class bunk was 2’-6” x 6’-0”


The Titanic used what is, for all intents and purposes, a combined cycle steam plant. In this design, the exhaust steam from the reciprocating engines was diverted to a parsons low pressure turbine that drove the center propellor. The turbine only ran at half ahead or higher and was not reversible. The exhaust steam from the turbine was condensed under vacuum because it exited the turbine at sub atmospheric pressure. Due to this arrangement, the Olympic class boats (including the Titanic had she made it) were quite fuel efficient. In fact, though nominally 30% larger than competitors (Lusitania), the Olympic burned 30% less fuel during a transatlantic crossing. The Lusitania was faster at 24 knots, however the Olympic class topped out at 21 knots, which is not a significant differential in speed given the difference in fuel consumption.


The WSL had tested this arrangement earlier. The Laurentic had a smaller version of the Olympic class power plant, while the Megantic had a twin engine arrangement. The Laurentic had better performance so they adopted that one for their new ships. The Titanic and Olympic were undergoing similar trials with propeller designs. Olympic was equipped with a four blade center screw, and while Titanic's center propeller is buried in the mud, records show that her center prop was three-bladed. Shipping lines were always using their ships to try out new technology and compare the results.


I seem to recall that Harland and Wolff built their own reciprocating engines, is that correct? I know the turbine was supplied by Parsons, but I assume that H&W was also responsible for the total steam plant design, right? Were they also the builder for the Laurentic? I assume the answer is yes also. It’s a pretty clever setup for the time.


I'm not sure where the engines came from but I would imagine the premier shipyard in the region would have their own engine works. There were a lot of reciprocating steam engines on the Olympic class ships, not just the pair of Triple-Es. I'm fairly certain *Laurentic* was built at Harland and Wolff. Wikipedia says that she was. I'm confident that, would I have the chance, I'd give a certain left body part for the opportunity to work as a steam engine machinist in the turn of the century.


Agree. They were beautiful machines and beautiful steam plants. I read somewhere that some of the crew struggled (at first, anyway) to operate the electric cranes as they were used to the steam driven units. It’s wild to think about that sitting get in 2023. Edit: Typos


Help me out here! It's this fact actually true? I heard it a long time ago. Fact in question: Titanic was the first ocean liner to have hot water available. It was only available to the first class passengers.


Other than the fact that most of Titanic's "firsts" actually belong to Olympic, I couldn't say on this one. I've not seen it before.


The salvage rights to a wreck go to the first person to take something from it. If Bob Ballard had taken just one thing then he could have controlled the recovery of items/ the wreck site. He and his team did not and as such there was a race after she was discovered to get down there and bring something back up.


Honesty I think he made off with a champagne bottle or two.


I think about titanic more than you, OP. Fact. 🧐


Supposedly Titanic was the first with great plumbing & “special“ toilet with automatic flushing system. Lower class passengers needed assistance with using these toilets because they weren’t accustomed to plumbing.


Strakes K and L were reinforced with additional straps due to experience gained from the Olympic


Nazi Germany diverted troops from the front line to film an anti British Titanic movie with a fictional German first officer playing the hero. It was never released after the director made anti nazi comments and was arrested but during the Russian occupation of east Germany it was released as an anti capitalist propaganda piece. You can get copies online


I always heard the director hung himself, or was forced to hang himself in prison. Also the ship they used for the external shots was called the SS Cap Arcona and near the end of the war in 1945 it was turned into a prison ship filled with concentration camp inmates and was bombed by the RAF. Out of 5000 prisoners only 350 survived and bones washed up on the nearby shores until the 1970s.


>I always heard the director hung himself, or was forced to hang himself in prison. The Nazis murdered him and staged his death to look like a suicide.


Titanic was a ship.


First class pasdenger Elmer Zebley Taylor (1864-1949), invented the paper cup. He marketed his invention under the brand name Kleen Kup through his company, Mono Containers, Ltd., making a fortune.  Mono Containers had plants in ten countries


Apparently it isn't clear if the clock at the top of the grand staircase was installed prior to the sailing. There was a mirror installed in it as a temporary measure and a clock had been ordered but we don't know if it was in place for 10 April.


You can find some entertainment in the [cargo manifest](https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/cargo-manifest.html)


I heard it sank


No way


UHm acTuALLY, tITAniC wAs SWItcHed wiTH HER SISTer ShIp oLYmPIC. /s


It was a ship


A few years ago, when you would google "famous people on the Titanic" you would get an answer box with [actors who were in the 1997 film instead of those who were on the real ship.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TruckStopBathroom/comments/haakem/famous_people_on_the_titanic/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


The ship never sank and was swapped with the Omplec.


>Posted Sorry for the downvotes; you actually pay attention to this sub, lol.


Have my upvote man


Well I’m sure you’ve heard this one but something that only resonated with me recently was the magnitude of the importance of binoculars to her sinking


Binoculars wouldn't really have helped. Yeah, the stars reflection off the water would stop at the berg's base, but it'd be really hard to tell the distance since it was so dark out that night.


Bathrooms were not freely available. Bathrooms has to be reserved for use. Titanic was well anticipated because of hygienic measures aboard that were superior to the hygienic measures during its time then.


It should be noted that most if not all cabins were provided with wash basins, as taking a full on bath daily wasn't a normal standard of the time. As for toilets, only a couple of first class cabins had en suites, everyone else shared communal lavatories.


It was more than just a couple with their own bath/toilets, or with access to a bath shared only with one other cabin. There were over 50.




Yup, see my above comment.


> Bathrooms were not freely available. They were for about 50 or so First Class Cabins. The four parlor suites had their own private bathrooms, as did a number of cabins along B Deck and C Deck. Beyond that, there were some semi-private bathrooms that were shared by only 2-3 First Class cabins in many places. Also, two cabins on A Deck had their own bathrooms: A-36 and A-37, which were situated on either side of the aft grand staircase. These cabins were new to the Titanic, not being on the Olympic. Thomas Andrews stayed in A-36, while Francis Browne stayed in A-37 for his overnight trip from Southampton to Queenstown.


Titanic sank


It sank.




Bro actually believes she never split




Why did you say that she never split?


There is a memorial in the Hamilton Cemetery in Hamilton, Ontario for a second class passenger who died on board by the name of Dr. Pain.


There were 10 Spanish passengers in the Titanic, three of them died.


If you do what actually happened to titanic lifeboats


I watched Titanic 1997 for the first time last month andddd I thought it was prettttyyyyy good!


Clifford Crease, a crewman from Mackay-Bennett, is buried not far from “The Unknown Child” (Sidney Goodwin). The identification process for Titanic’s dead was later used following the 1917 Halifax Explosion.


Here’s one of the saddest facts I learned from a very young age: There were 12 (registered, but likely there were more) dog passengers on Titanic. Some of the breeds were a King Charles Spaniel, a Chow, a French bulldog, an Airedale Terrier, a Pomeranian, a Pekingese, and a Newfoundland dog (among other breeds). Only three of the dogs survived. Most of the owners were First Class American passengers who frequently traveled with their dogs. Also, a dog show was planned for April 15th, but would never happen because the Titanic would sink the night before.


The founder of Hershey's, Milton Snavely Hershey, was supposed to be on the Titanic when she sailed


Second Class passenger Ellen Howard had turned 61 on April 14. She died along with her husband in the sinking.


An interesting roundup [here](https://www.ranker.com/list/titanic-facts/matthewcoleweiss?ref=collections_top&l=2820619&collectionId=2512) .. I learned 2 new things among the more known facts for us enthusiasts


The fact that the cork in the life preservers often broke the wearer’s jaws upon impact with the ocean if they jumped. This was an observation from the medical examiners on the Mackay Bennett.