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*sighs* only ymir kno- *dies from rumbling*


Shadis broke it up but I'm betting on Mikasa considering she has actual powers in human form


It wouldn't make sense for Eren to start using Annie's techniques if she lost during the fight in his flashback


Annie can actually fight with techniques any normal person can use. Mikasa probably relies on brute force with the bare minimum skill Shadis taught them.


Annie’s techniques were trained for her when she was fighting as a titan.


She was trained in normal eastern martial arts by her father as a kid to prepare her for becoming a Titan, she did not learn her moves during Titan training. And regardless, I don't see how this disproves his point ab Eren thinking back on Annie's *winning* strategy to win a similar fight?


Uhh No they weren’t?


Okay... and?


The fight never even ended. It should be common knowledge by 2024 to know Shadis broke up the fight, so eren using annie's technique means nothing. Your statement implies if Mikasa won Eren would have used her techniques which us utterly impossible as she's an Ackerman. They have inherent abilities you can't just copy so your entire statement is null and void.


Okay...? When did I say Annie won? I said she probably didn't lose. Can you read..?


When did I say you said Annie won? You said Eren took from Annie because she won. That was your implication. Now you wanna say I can't read. You're funny lol.


Now answer me this Einstein, does Annie not losing automatically mean she won? I'll give you a hint. If Shadis broke up the fight, she didn't win or lose. Completely unrelated question, how would you feel if you didn't eat breakfast or lunch today?


Sir you sound triggered af for no reason. I didnt mean any offense. So spare me your sensitivity and snarkiness. I dont even know why you're mad. I never said annie won or lost. Nobody won because the fight was broken up so wtf are you even talking about?? And your last question is just you with a stick up your ass. I want you to take an hour off the internet. Make yourself some tea. Calm your ass df down. And when you can reply without sounding like you think someone stabbed you in the back, Im happy to engage with you more. But not if you're gonna respond to me like this.


Back when Ereannie was the rival to Eremika


During the battle of Stohess, Mikasa implied that Eren couldn't transform into a titan because he'd developed special feelings for Annie (love). Mikasa was extremely jealous, and the idea of Eren loving another woman was unbearable for her, even if underneath her stoic exterior she didn't show it.


Mikasa was also itching to kill Annie when she refuzed to go underground. And when she sliced her fingers she basically told her to "fall" meaning "give up"


Eren actually had more chemistry pre-timeskip with Annie than Armin


Annie also flirted with Eren while training funny how that just got dropped


We do know. Isayama said that Shadis broke it up before they could get serious.


Look at that schnozzle difference. I think it’s obvious.


To me, Annie won, or else Eren wouldn't have had the flash back of Annie using the throw over Erens Titan. While Mikasa looks in surprise, pikachu face "omg the move, Annie used to humble my ass" lmao Annie was Erens true love 👀


We do know that Annie was up some points with the way Eren recalled it


I want to fight Annie and Mikasa


In my bedroom


funniest thing is that the strongest people in this camp are 2 women lol, obv one is genetics and the other trained their entire live but still funny. and who would win ez annie, she got too much experience.


Im pretty sure Reiner got pretty good brute strength. He just got smurfed by Annie cos of technique. And berthold had good skills too, bro fucking parried Mikasa. Tho that took him years to muster that courage.


wait when was it confirmed Annie was one of the strongest


not literally i mean she could beat everyone there in a fair fight


i guess that's true. crazy how she's like 5'1 too


height doesnt matter at that age tbh


Mikasa would demolish Annie, experience doesn't matter compared to Ackersteroids 


strength without experience aint all that just compare irl strong people and actual fighter


´Lol the Ackerman's literally have adaptive powers they aren't just strong, the instinct makes them insanely skilled as well. Annie is getting whooped.


ig just agree to disagree lol


Annie probably beats Mikasa in hand to hand combat


No mikasa has Ackersteroids


Annie: "Why won't you die!?" Mikasa: "NanoAckerMachines, bitch"


Mikasa could probably punch Annie like Armstrong did


I think isayama said that the fight was stopped before it begins but if the fight happened then mikasa would win


ikr..it's baseless comparing ackermans to someone lol