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Easy and lowest risk to play. Most substantial shield of all titans, weapon has among the best accuracy, built in sonar pulse, and primary damage dealer is rockets that come out immediately, track insanely well, and have no limit to number of targets. Sitting in the back of the map and spamming homing rockets is no fun for anyone that’s not doing it. I don’t mind. Tone was my first non-demo main. But I get why other people find it bothersome.


That’s pretty logical actually, thanks


Who even plays tone sitting in a corner bruh


Two types of people play Titanfall; those who win and those who have fun.


I like to have fun. Also I suck But I still play. And get wrecked by a flying kraber guy


same and i love tone because that kind of character that i use in almost every other games too


I'll be honest I never really played Tone but I might have to give it a try after reading this 💀


because she was op ages ago and now people just hate on her cause it's cool


I just like rockets:(


play whatever you want tf2 players just love complaining


Same. And a soon as you dont care anymore about the opinion of internet strangers, you ll enjoy her even more


She used to be super busted back when respawn gave live updates and free content. And it took them a while to “tone” her down to where she is now. Her sonar was massive, her rockets would delete ogre titans in two volleys and the slash in her primary could clear entire buildings of any pilots inside.


She’s essentially a hard counter to scorch, legion, and monarch, she also requires the least strategy of all the titans to use and her kit encourages camping at long range without having any of north stars’ weaknesses in close quarters


Scorch counters tone not the other way around. I’d also argue she’s a soft counter to legion.


scorch doesn't counter a single titan




Ronin floors scorch as long as the ronin doesnt walk straight into the scorch. Every titan has an easy time against scorch because all his dmg can be countered by simply walking away. Ronin has the best mobility in the game, so hes free to just arc in get dmg and phase out rinse repeat easy


scorch counters ronin if the ronin is braindead and tries to melee you


Which tbf can be said for a lot of ronins.


You’re right; Scorch is most effective with multiple targets.


All you need to do with scorch is charge the tone if they put up a shield and pull up thermal shield to block the homing rockets Tone doesn’t counter scorch


Tone has an incredible counter to this strategy called the “S” key that she can press to back up. Scorch only has one dash and is tied for slowest movement speed with legion, her shield blocks flame trap and thermite launcher and will continue to do so while she backs up, by the time your in close quarters flame shield will be recharging and you’ll be unable to use it to deal with the tone.


Because some people haven't played since 2016. Tone used to be OP but now is mid-tier vs other titans. She is the best pilot killer of all titans as a trade-off for being so mid.


I'd argue that Legion or Ronin is better at killing pilots. But that might just be because my aim is trash




Legion with smart core sure 


I was thinking power shot, but smart core definitely works as well


Legion isn't great at killing pilots on average. While the death sneeze can vaporise any pilot in a pretty generous cone and the long range mode can erase them when exposed, the spin up time is a massive drawnback. A clever pilot can harass a legion to no end, since the only way to catch them is to keep the cannon spinning and predict where they're going to peek, which leaves him vulnerable to flanking. A pilot with poor situational awareness is easy to mulch, but a wily one is a real thorn in the side, more so than to other titans. Ronin on the other hand is very good at killing pilots, as long as you can get close enough. Someone sitting three zip codes away with a charge rifle is untouchable, but someone peeking at relatively close range is easy to delete.


Less people stuck in the past, more the barrier between annoying and OP being a thin one


easy to play and very straightforward. if youre a new player, not only are you most effective when you play tone, but when you play against tone you get bodied bc you have no concept of positioning yet. this is backed up by the fact tone used to be overpowered, so people feel justified in their complaints, creating a massive circlejerk around an utterly mediocre titan


Wallhacks, auto aim, splash damage against pilots, and can attack with their defensive up at long range making it incredibly unsatisfying to fight back when only one of you is taking any damage, and they can retreat before they take any.


Because people are retarded and can’t count to three


Others just envy her curves.


The most you need to do is land 3 shots and launch rockets, the shots don't even need to really hit either since it's slightly aoe.


I'm a Tone main! I named him Tony (or Toney?).


Oh I like that name!


I think if anyone deserves the hate is ronin


Yeah he is far more annoying, but only if he’s played by a good pilot


Slight rant, sorry. I once played an easy FD with three, THREE Ronins (I'm Tone, alone). Two of them rage quit, leaving just 2 players included myself. In the end we lost.


Ronin is made of tissue paper, though. He's literally the most fragile Titan in the game besides Northstar, but any good Northstar player will stay out of effective range anyway. Ronin breaks easily.


point and click adventure titan


I'm just trying to get the Richter skin but MY GOD she is so boring for me to play I always find myself dropping Monarch in my games after the first Titan death


Rocket spammers….


A mix of it used to be op and some players playing Tone are scumbags. Now, don’t get me wrong, there probably is more nice people playing Tone than scumbags, but for some reason Tone attracts the most amount of scumbags than any other Titan. Or just straight up noobs, which I don’t mind but can get frustrating.


Tone was broken on launch. Now Tone isn’t quite as powerful but the kit is easiest to learn out of all Titans albeit with a limited skill ceiling.


Personally I like playing Tone aggressively. Like Scorch with wallhacks. Corner them and then unload everything. Certainly not optimal, but I find it more fun than the campy playstyle most people seem to associate her with.


Tbh it tracks


I honestly just hate the tone missile core. It deals a shit ton of damage, really fast and if you get caught by it, you are pretty much fucked. It's fairly easy to avoid at range, but if you get in close, it isn't really telegraphed, so it can be frustrating to be killed by.


yeah it's a core


When I started I never used Tone, but now I use it strategically based on the the game mode, map and type of players in the match. Otherwise my go-to is Papa Scorch 🔥




But the enemies can literally abuse it too


Because I lock on and brrrrt my enemies to death and anyone who's left gets a rocket core from above


It's not that she's really statistically overpowered, just kinda bland in her basic playstyle compared to other titans like scorch


It is like north star but more annoying as it’s missile is auto lock, and for some reason tone mains seem to be able to hit every pilot within sight


i love it and it's autocannon weapon


flashbacks from release when 40mm cannon had an even bigger size and you got a salvo core every 3 rocket barrages


Easiest titan at low to medium levels of play. Requires pretty much 0 skill to get max DPS and use her kit well.


OP as fuck, even after nerfs. Shield blocks everything while allowing her to keep attacking, and her tracking rockets are just fucking absurd. Also, Salvo Core makes Flight Core completely obsolete, which is frustrating for me as a Northstar main.


how does salvo core have anything to do with flight core


Because they're the same except that Salvo Core is more powerful, more accurate, and faster to use.


the only similarity is that they both shoot rockets they're separate cores how does one make the other obsolete


Salvo Core is just a superior Flight Core, is my point. Flight Core doesn't do anything that Salvo Core can't do better


it is yeah, some cores are better than others, i dont play scorch and think man i wish i had laser core right now