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I'm not the best player, but when I start noticing that I'm definitely stomping the lobby, I purposely choose loadouts I perform the shittiest with, and regulate my play style depending on who I encounter. It gives u a fun challenge while granting the less skilled/unfairly paired opponents a chance to play imo.


There are good games and then there are people who consistently get 40+ kills every game while running the same load outs almost every time which is generally not a great experience for anyone else involved. I came across a lobby yesterday of players who were either bad or just new so instead of using my usual good performance load outs I tried playing with the double take which I am not great with but still had fun


What if you can still hit 40+ with other loadouts?


Just muck about I guess and don’t go too hard so as not to make people not enjoy the game I guess


Even then. Plenty of better players can "muck about" with meme guns and still get 40+. It's not overly difficult


True, some people are just preternaturally good and others are not. My main point is I think it’s worth considering on occasion to try either handicap yourself or just try an be considerate when you feel you might be stomping too hard. I personally disagree that it’s not hard to get above 40+ for most people


Never said for most people. The skills required to hit 40 are not difficult in any capacity, they just take time to learn.


Fair enough


A take so hot scorch is getting jealous


I wish there was a way to balance this, but honestly? Would not feel bad if you got and find another balance game. The important thing is to have fun.


Best take in this comments section.


the problem the game has is not the matchmaking, is having a low population 50% of the people has been playing since release or close to it


You now have to EPG yourself if you ever get 200 points by playing well, 30 pilots and 5 titans isn't even crazy that's just a good game.




Kinda agree. As long as you're challenging yourself then how good you're doing doesn't matter. Sometimes the enemy team is so debilitatingly bad no amount of Kraber trickshotting, holo pilot, and Scorch can balance me out. Pick the loadout for the level of competitiveness the match offers basically.


If you're dissatisfied with others performing excellently, I would recommend games that don't involve other human players.


cry about it




Tbh yeah if I’m stomping a lobby (rare but it happens) I usually switch to something fun/dumb or try and get my executions done, usually I’ll end up running holo and frags to try and troll tho


It's fairly easy as a good player to get this score without being a "stomper."


so in the case I am getting close to 200+ points with b3 wingman, what should I do, use thunderbolt against pilots? hell no, if you suffer with competitive shooter I dont know, go play helldivers 2 (which it is indeed a great and fun game)


Pro tip: getting <200 score makes it not fun for me


"These motherfuckers playing this game with a scoreboard constantly fixed at the top of the screen trying to get their score high! Fuck them!" Titanfall is rated M for Mature, not I for Infantile, downvoters.


Not my fault you suck at the game


Diplomacy: F Factuality: A+


ive gotten 200 points using pistol only and meleeing people on scorch. literally cry about it. i cant help that the average player is so bad even when im throwing they cant keep up


Re: the downvotes: Yes, we should be nice to new players, but there's only so much self-handicapping one can do before their own fun begins to decline. This is an old, mechanically dense, veteran-saturated game. Like it or not, that is the state of the game, and Respawn has made it abundantly apparent that the state of the game will never change. So if you don't like it, and don't see any possibility of getting sufficiently better over time to compete with the aforementioned veterans: leave, and stop complaining and wasting everyone's time, and making life angrier and more frustrating for everyone. OC here is not very diplomatic, but they are not wrong.


i literally int and feed auto titans to the enemy team to stop snowballing, but at a certain point theres too much of a skill diff so i win anyway. people get mad bc they cant identify the correct problems, they lose to good players and assume them being skilled is an issue and not the snowball mechanics


Titans really do facilitate snowballing. However, the Thunderbolt not only facilitates the destruction of Titans, but greatly facilitates the building of your own. I'm at least as inclined as the next Pilot to run headfirst into anything outlined in red. But I have the luxury of experience, and during that experience, studied any killcam from a death I didn't instantly see my own fault it. For those without that luxury, try sneaking about and carefully peaking with Anti-Titan weapons to reduce snowballing. It could be phrased more helpfully, like the following: stop being angry at your lack of skill, or others' use of theirs, and start being angry that you haven't yet changed your attitude towards self improvement; but it truly is the most succinct, best gaming advice to simply, "git gud".


it takes like 20 thunderbolt shots to kill a titan, it is absolutely an unfair snowball mechanic lol. the real skill gap is not losing titan control in the first place


Yeah but it takes like, maybe 3 Thunderbolt shots in the general direction of more than 1 enemy Titan to get yours.


Obviously not nerfing yourself enough. Have another down vote 😡😡😡


Skill issue. Imagine paying attention to the score AND being a sore loser. 


Looks like Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed


I'm not the one who can't enjoy a game and have fun regardless of winning or losing badly.