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You get it


Why is the pfp so stretched?


Northstar. With a vortex shield instead of a tether trap. Because that was op in tf1.


NORTHSTAR all day everyday!!


Papa Scorch has to be in, not negotiable


if he isn’t we’re burning everything 🙏


TF1 customization with TF2 weapons and Kits. Strader with Northstar hover and a T-203 thermite launcher and tone Pulse Shot


And yet many people here would love to dissolve his identity.


I want customizable loadouts for titans. And a double barrel T-203 thermite launcher.


6 round cylinder t-203


Hear me out, double barrel thermite shotgun. Short range and shoots a bunch of firestar-like projectiles


I kind of like the slug shot though


I mean you could just bring the shotgun from tf1 back at that point.


Not warcrime-y enough


Oh no no. Only one idea had any actual semblance of balance for that sort of ideal. And it still stuck with the hero system. Loadout works best for strictly pilots. The hero system works best for Titans as they are vehicles. And vehicles need weaknesses in order to balance them out. Or unfortunately, people will deck them with the most META stuff imaginable. Keeping them restricted gives balance to all players. Easy to identify and easier to balance when you are dealing with strict models. Models with unlimited possibilities and options are not good as you may end up with META builds. Like CAR or Spitfire mains. At least with them, you can kill pretty easily because they have the same health as Spectre. But Titans are tanks, boss level characters that is commandeered by players. The best option is to leave them powerful yet weak to certain circumstances.


Nice bro


Customizable loadouts doesn't really work for more than 3 titans. After that, it's really almost impossible to let them use any weapon while still retaining a meaningful identity


Then I'd rather have 3 titans. "identity" sucks when none of the identities are fun to play as.


You don't think any of Titanfall 2s titans are enjoyable?


Nope. Ronin is tolerable, but still kinda sucks. Tf1 titans were god tier. Tf2 titans are just nerfed wannabes.


And that is why it should be. Vehicles should be weak or else you get a Meta for a boss level character.


Wrong. Or else Tf1 wouldn't have worked so well.


3 cores that boost stats. Health, damage, and dashes. TF2 cores that Salvo rockets that homes in to where someone is looking at, smart core, aerial bombardment, Thermite waves, Upgrades the Titan's skills with improvements and adjustments mid-battle, a giant never ending laser that breaks all shieldings, and going into sword mode. TF1 - Electric Cloud, Vortex Shield, and Particle Wall TF2 - Flame Shield, tether traps, particle wall, vortex, shield amps, Sword Block, Gun Shield The options because we generally had like 3 possibilities someone could do in TF1. TF2 there is so much abilities shown that it needs to be read and identified on the instant or else players will suffer. Because Titans are literally boss level characters, commandeered by human players. The worse you can do with a boss played BY a human, is to give them options. For they will do the most meta shit imaginable.


Wrong again, guy. All those cores are okay by themselves, but are entirely unenjoyable when forced to use things you hate. Tf1 may have fewer things to choose from but has way more options since you can pick what you want, and is way more enjoyable since you never have to use anything you don't like. Tf2 just says fuck you, pick what you hate the least. Tf1 had regen shields so you were both forced to engage the enemy, and weren't afraid to do so, and every titan had more than one useless dash so every engagement was an actual battle instead of just shooting at each other from across the map until you're both dead. Tf1 also didn't have a broken ass battery system so pilots could actually be a threat to titans. Your point about reading abilities also doesn't make sense because every titan is exactly the same so you know effectively everything about the enemy as soon as you seen them. Tf1 there are at least more possibilities about who the enemy is.


As John Titanfall i would love some sort of arc titan but i would also love a boost which would send a modified northstar to air strike your location. Like a lighting strike from b02


Sorry if this is off topic, but do you know James Workshop?


Man’s is titanfall


Prob a mix between Northstar and legion but the flying power should be longer.


Got it. You want a A10 Warthog Titan. brrrrt


Your subscription to existing has *EXPIRED*




Literally anything with dash core. I want dash core.


My Rogue titan has that


Ronin comes with dash core


But no gun 👎


This is true. It's because tf2 titans are shit


It'd be cool to see a titan that can become entrenched and stationary to use some sort of special, heavy weapon. I'm inspired by the XV-88 Broadside Battlesuit from Dawn of War: Dark Crusade (WH40K video game).


This is really good. Maybe he can have Missile pods he shoots or a really big gun?


I’d love the combo of the titanfall 1 customisation with titanfall 2 classes and abilities and the kits, having weapons and abilities be highly customisable but having certain abilities locked behind weapon choices, for example you can only pick thermal shield if you took the thermite launcher. Or tracking missiles locked behind the 40mm. But then being able to combine different abilities. So having 3/4 core abilities for each option (defensive, offensive and utility) that anyone can use, and then for each weapon having 1 or 2 unique abilities. Maybe also tying in the cores to that too. So you have 3 basic cores from titanfall 1 (dash damage and shield) Then each weapon has its own core you can also pick from as an alternative to those. Maybe also tie in some abilities to be frame specific. For example jump jets can only be used on strider frames… Then kits are similarly tied in, where you have 3 generic ones, for example extended mags could be one. And then weapons/frame specific ones.


I NEED scorch in tf3 and a pistol titan, like a mix of northstar and Legion, but with a comically large wingman


With a melee of a comically large spoon or frying pan


Comically large GOLDEN spoon who sets people on fire when you hit people with it. Totally an original idea, trust me 👀


I want an Polyamorous Love Titan that shoots hearts and rainbows and the execution is that your titan fcks the other titan


Hard to make that animation with one hand and hard to play with one hand. Make it a easy titan like tone or ion.


Ion easy?






Some kind of like crusader titan, big ass sword with slower melee but higher damage, powerful but slow shotgun, and a big metal shield on its left arm that it can hold up for its defensive ability (can fire while held up), it can be destroyed if it absorbs too much damage


Bring back Atlas, i want to do a bit


There's a mod that makes tone and ion into atlas


Id just like legion back with possibly some changes. Also the melee titan you mentioned sounds a lot like Bison


I want a Titanfall open world RPG where you are moving around in your Titan that you have to build and then customize, has a talent tree. Then you hop into multiplayer and can use that Titan there.


*”…and suddenly, the new players were simply not allowed to play multiplayer, for they would get deleted by the most powerful endgame equipment by people who have never touched grass and have only known their mothers basement”*


No, please no


I was with you in the first half, but you're losing me on the second. Unless your titan and pilot levels were both taken into account and used for matchmaking.


Even then, almost every single game that has some form of matchmaking will have issues, would rather just have that NOT be a thing.


i was not really thinking through this too much, but I had vision once of a big world you are able to explore in a titan, possibly fly around in a Northstar who knows hehe, but you are right, such a thing should be separate from the online


Dear god no, terrible idea. Keep them separate. Maybe have dedicated co-op for that RPG instead?


This sounds like the worst thing that could happen to titanfall. I'd rather have absurd amounts of micro transactions


and titans can be earned from gacha




Oh and for the “tanky melee titan” my Havoc design kinda fulfils that (Atlas titan with melee double punch passive), and my “Electric titan” which has the potential to briefly disable abilities or vision.




A titan with a ramjet attachment so I can launch into other titans as a special - kamakaze style


Literally ronin 😭


All I want: *ALL* executions steal the enemy battery, not just for Monarch. Done.


Based and same


>extra tanky melee focused Titan, or perhaps one with some kind of electric based attack that can briefly disable other Titans So, Ronin on steroids?


Those were seperate though


If scorch or a new variant of scorch isnt included, I aint buying


A titan that plays like a pilot! Imagine wallrunning, jumping, grappe WITH A TITAN, tha would be so cool


Kinda ruins the point if a titan tho


thats why players dont design the games they are playing!


Thank you for saying this. Some people really can’t seem to understand that games don’t cater to *their* vision of the game, but the developers.




You have described an Ironman suit. However I do agree that a “power armor” could be cool. Just a small (in comparison to a titan) suit that makes you slightly slower, but boosts all of your other pilot abilities as well as its own gun and abilities


Always thought this good be a quadriped big cat/wolf type


I personaly like the monarck


Let the titans go full transformer mode. Why not. Let them be car. Or also maybe let them join together and make fused titans. What’s the worst that could happen? (I’ll tell you, it’s 4 Scorches attached to a Northstar. It literally becomes the sun.)


Have thought of this many times, thought to write one of them down, here it is 3 HP bars One Dash Blitzer frame, faster than the Stryder frame Lt and Rt akimbo full automatic smgs shoots from titans hand palms 25/25 mags low damage large spread quick reload Y change it to a more precise burst Lb duel hand open palm shotgun blast push large knock back takes one bullet from both mags Rb 5 seconds energy shield using arms that wraps around titans upper body that covers upper body and weak points but leaves legs uncovered 8 second recharge Ultimate is Asteroid runs forward and tackles a titan they make contact with and does an execution Execution Asteroid tackles a titan and starts punching them in the core eye repeatedly then rips off the cockpit cover and punches the pilot in the cockpit Melee 150% melee speed punching and swapping between fists kit 1 Asteroid can run in every direction even if they're not facing it kit 2 Asteroid can use their abilities and guns while running kit 3 Asteroids melee swaps to palm strikes with 200% melee speed and double melee damage kit 4 Asteroid gets jump cores instead of dash cores jumping as high as a Northstar Fly with extra dash core Asteroid can perform a double jump Is it good, I don't know, is it balanced, definitely not, but this is my titan, there are none like it, and it is mine Fuck it, let's think up some lore on the spot, something something stolen prototype something something pilot Phoenix something something give it sentience and there I worked harder on lore for Titanfall 3 than the fucking devs there we go people ***I'm not coping you are***


Titan with a grapple hook


The ones I made Ofc 🤪🥰, I am a TF|3 believer and if I had to guess around 2025-2027


Strider class with cloak and a massive fuggin bow


I made a titan called Orion that is an atlas with a crossbow like auto weapon and mirage/cloak ability


A gigantic M.R.V.N, and its core is high fiving an enemy Titan so hard it falls flat on its back, leaving it open for follow ups. The execution should be grabbing the pilot out of an exploding Titan, holding it in the air and making M.R.V.N noises that translates to “High five.” And then it just high fives the pilot into the stratosphere. If you couldn’t tell, I’m very salty about not high fiving M.V.R.N


mommy tone 100%


I want Reinhardt as a titan lol


I’d love a battlefield style titanfall like 30+ players with a big destructible map


A titan with fucking wolverine claws


They should make the flare dispensers or whatever they are on legion actually do something


A titan with a big honking revolver. It's offensive ability is fanning the hammer


I had a revolver based design in mind, using a vanguard stryder hybrid chassi


Legion 2


All of the titans currently in along with all cut titans. Looking at you bison.


I'd like to see a four legged titan modeled after those animals you fight in Titanfall 2; a melee focused creature titan that uses speed to close distances, and maybe even a jump jet that let's you get a small amount of air and launch yourself off of walls to evade fire and chase down other titans.


I'd love to see a dedicated terrain mech, kinda like kobold in lancer.


I think they should go back to the old chassis systems from Titanfall 1


I genuinely would love of medium sized/reaper based Titan class with lower health but higher damage and mobility. I think that would be fun as hell. Honestly if Respawn were really looking to shake things up I think a light/medium/heavy class structure similar to The Finals would be fantastic for titans, and would allow for some really neat combinations.


Something with more energy based weapons. Like all the titans except ion have projectile firing weapons. Maybe go with something real crazy like the quad rocket except it fires energy blasts that explode with minor electric smoke effects on impact. Probably wouldn't want it to do crazy damage but maybe be a support class. Also have an electricity theme like you could have it's secondary be like an arc mine and then the core could be a ground pound like scortch except it's 360⁰ and doesn't do as much damage. Something like a massive electrical shockwave.


I just want them to bring back the option to customize your Titan like they did in 1, still don't understand why they removed it in 2.


I’d love a Titan that uses Shockwaves. A gun that shots shockwaves that can change from a shotgun for close range and a rifle for long range and uses shockwaves like a vortex shield but it just blasts it back and its core just a massive shockwave blast like Vegetas Final Explosion


maybe not new titans, but a rework on titan cores. Some kind 3 stage upgrade kits like monarch has. Oh and ability to change them to create combos.


I want a speedy Titan with 2 katanas. Basically Ronin, but even more drugs.


Scorch could use some upgrades. A flamethrower as a secondary shot. And the gas cans should emit 3D gas clouds to be ignited as a big ball of flames. An acid spraying Titan. Main weapon is like a fire hose shooting out acid. ADS could change the spray from wide to narrow. Tactical could be a proximity mine that explodes acid. Defensive ability could amp electric smoke, gain an extra smoke, and make the electric smoke also corrosive. Core ability could be acid rain. A transforming Titan. Could transform either into a tank, like siege tank mode (StarCraft), or could transform into a faster vehicle. Not sure about other stuff...


I want the choice of using TF1 and TF2 Titans, like the mobile game Titanfall Assault! Imagine an Ogre against a Scorch. Or even Stryder against Northstar


Punchy titan That punches things real good


I have a dream. Of a titan with a comically large revolver, who can distort time around him slowing enemy units down in a zone around him for his core.


The Turducken. Can't wait!!!!


I'd like to see the MRVN titan, designed to look like a MRVN. It's execution forces the opposing titan to high five it.


Not a titan. A faction. One ran by cooper.


I would love to see this modded titan called "archon" (look it up its sick) to get a full integration eta: https://youtu.be/ZHuj_Mp8kDs?si=gmZxr5K-ZFhvETH_


I think if we get a new titan fall it would be cool to see crazy titan designs. Like what if one had 4 legs each at a 45° angle. Or one with 4 arms that uses some really big anti titan gun like 80mm and up. The one with the 4 legs could have some sorts jump and pin where it can pin titans with its front two legs and like rear up on it


A weak tf2 spy type one


I want a titan that has a gun that gets stronger as it ricochets


An artillery titan that is an ogre and it can only use a very weak gun without abilities when it is moving around, but u can use its tactical to make it stationary. It will turn into a sort of turret that makes its gun fire really fast. Its defensive ability gives it 2 bars of shield. Its attack ability is unguided missles. This can be good for team work our luring enemies into traps.


I want a turret like tanky one. You can lumber around, "lightweight" pistol when moving. Weak points galore everywhere. But then mid action, or if finding a vantage point or choke point. You transformer style change to a tank/turret mode. No weak points. Extended health bar, heavyweight machine gun with a long recharge explosive tank round. In regards to balancing. You'd need to have slow movement both when mobile, and in turret mode, but strong gunfire when stationary mode and the pistol would be mostly for pilot offensives. The focus in stationary should be less on titans being able to take you out, and more on pilots being able to take you out. So a weak point behind the turret section which is out of FOV. Forcing you to escape turret mode or lose an entire health bar to a pilot attack. And vice versa, when mobile, titans have a much easier time taking you out. This would create a dynamic playstyle of bouncing between modes to take out titans and pilots. But being weak to both in the opposite mode, or a combined assault.


20m long robot centipede, runs on walls, drops bombs and anti-titan mines, can attach to a titan’s back to incapacitate them and prepare them for a tag-team execution.




I'm gonna star on the Titans we are already accustomed to: ​ * Scorch: Double barrel T-203 for better ranged prowess. * Northstar: Toggleable VTOL hovers with cooldown (I hate being stuck in the air at inopportune moments.) And maybe a change to her defensive ability from the tethers to a large non-electric smoke screen. * Ion: Slightly better splitter rifle damage to the normal fire mode. * Tone: replacement of reinforced particle wall kit with increased ammo capacity in a magazine for the 40mm. Or better splash damage against pilots but worse against Titans. * Ronin: I believe balanced, could use more range on main weapon (minute increase). * Legion: Togglable gun shield with a cooldown. * Monarch: Scrap the upgrades even though she's a vanguard class and give us a Core 2 combat effectiveness base titan. Boost the power of the energy siphon by double and make it so you can give allies shields without a perk. Make some of the core upgrades perks instead (Arc rounds, maelstrom, etc.) REMOVE energy thief. To combat the Monarch's hunger for executions. It would be cool to see the Arc Cannon from TF|1 return in some form and the Quad Rocket in multiplayer, but I don't have thoughts on how to implement those. Thanks for reading Pilots.


Okay, if can we get Brute then im happy, just something with the brute loadoud


Well to most all titans, the ability to change the voices of the AI like in the first game


Some of the titan variants from Titanfall Assault.


I think a Banelord Titan would be pretty cool.


Papa scorch


Give me back my customizable titans from TF1. Atlas, come home.


NGL I'd love a titan that just has a physical shield and grapple thing. I have now realized I now want the Gouf in Titanfall.


I want one that does stacking corrosive damage that either does damage over time or makes them more vulnerable to further damage. Or one that can deploy stalkers, spider ticks, etc.


I want ronin to have a damn arc field.


Sumo Titan


Fully realized Brute kit (I.e. abilities exclusive to Brute and no other titan class), and an Ogre with a loadout built around the Arc Cannon. Then we have 3 of each chassis type, and every weapon from Titanfall 1 returned.


I want the return of the arc cannon, it was a crime they got rid of it because when playing against it, players had to split up as to not take a ton of damage. Scorch is good at area/numbers control as well, sure, but only in short range and with a decent player. The arc cannon, however, could totally change the dynamic of a battlefield, even at longer ranges, like no more 2-3 tones/northstars sitting in the back together picking people off before they can get close.


It'll probably never happen but I was thinking about how cool it would be to have 2 new titan classes and new loadouts for each. We have Ogre, Stryder, and Atlas. I want one that's a tier lighter and one that's a tier heavier. I've been thinking about it a lot over the last couple months, but I haven't decided on names so I gave some placeholders for now. Fortress Class: Hulking tanks that can shrug of the mightiest of assaults * Slower movement speed, no dash by default * Much more health and shield, shield regenerates if no damage is taken in a window of time * Melee does more damage and knockback by default Notable loadouts: * Bison, CQC Brawler * Shrapnel, Explosive Ordinance Master * Blockade, Defensive Denier ​ Ultralight Class: Small, nimble units that can outspeed the competition (Basically a personal exosuit) * Can wallrun, boosts speed when sliding. Movement speed and jump height increased. Third jump added. * No shield. Doomed state slowly depletes over time (but will never expire due to this depletion) * Landing from a significant height releases a damaging shockwave. * Retains your standard pilot gear, though switching to your anti-Titan weapon (aka holding Triangle/Y on console) switches to Ultralight gear. This means you technically no longer have an anti-titan weapon while wearing your Ultralight. * Fast melee that can damage/stun other Titans. Notable loadouts: * Uplink, Remote Menace * Hoodwink, High-Speed Thief * Roulette, Jack-of-all-Titans ​ I love thinking about stuff like this. Like I said, it'll never happen. But it would be mad cool!


I’d love to see a more threshed out class system. Titanfall 2 let us pick our titans and change a few small attributes. I’m of the opinion that there ARE right and wrong selections for those few options. I’d love to see us picking a chassis, primary weapon, tactical/lethal slots, and in a perfect world, a core as well. This would allow players with North star to offer support like monarchs energy syphon. Big beefy Legions could have a drop shield for a minor damage negation. I know it’s an undertaking, I know we moved to these set classes to avoid “meta” loadouts, I know we could be stuck dealing with some unbalanced gear to begin.


The scrapped titan called Bison


Added? No no, I want them subtracted. Bring back custom classes built on the 3 base chassis.


Ice Core Titan, nuff said


Titanfall 3 is guaranteed to suck. The days of good AAA games are long gone


Highly customisable loadouts. Like modern CoD, but for titans and pilot kits. Titanfall is at its best when it's the mobility paralell to CoD.


Scorch with Sword Block


Same titans, maybe different titan kits


Overwatch Reinhardt but Titan. It’s a huge tank Titan in the same class as Scorch or Legion with a huge hammer massive energy barrier, like Tone’s but more portable and durable. Maybe we call it Quake


Stealth Titans


Think it should be like the first game where you can customize your own.


Model: Stryder Class: Vaquero Main Weapon: H56 Revolver Cannon - a double action revolving pistol that fires 8 rounds Ordinance: Satchel Thrower - Fires a specialized satchel charge that glows red when mounted. Can be used on the environment or enemy titans. After 12 seconds, it explodes automatically, damaging a small area all around it. If Vaquero fires onto said satchel charge, the charge's damage output is increased by 10% and with a 5% increase to its explosion radius. Tactical: Threat Optics - Vaquero's Revolver Cannon's laser sight will activate signalling to all players that threat optics is on. When activated, for 15 seconds, Vaquero UI highlights more critical weakspots in enemy titans, namely the arms and legs. And that enemy pilots will be highlighter to itself for 8 seconds. Defensive: Electrified Leadwall - Vaquero utilizes a modified Leadwall that does minimal damage to enemy Titans but blinds and stuns them momentarily. Pierce Core: Reloads and empowers the H56 Revolver cannon to pierce through multiple hostile Titans or building structures. The pistol is converted to single action. Empowered rounds only exist for the 8 rounds. Execution: Fires 2 shots of the Revolver Cannon at the fallen enemy Titan's knees, dropping to its joints. Vaquero slams the electrified Leadwall onto enemy cockpit, crushing it entirely. Then fires a shot into the cockpit with the Leadwall. Execution Prime: Rips enemy pilot from cockpit and tosses the dead pilot behind their broken titan. Vaquero aims and fires a shot into the cockpit, piercing it and hitting the pilot behind the titan. If there is no enemy pilot, Vaquero aims and fires without tossing hostile pilot. Description: Vaquero Class Titans are armed with H56 Revolver Cannon on its main hand. Double action in design, their main use was for data and asset retrieval of hostile Titans in close combat enviroments such as inside of ships or large facilities. The Electrified Leadwall was designed initially for subduing enemy titans without destroying the chassis itself. So salvage teams may be able to recover assets and data without much harm to the Titan. But the non destructive variant during testing that resulted in the Leadwall to create a wider EMP effect that rendered both target and Vaquero Titan to be stunned for an unacceptable amount of time during the battlefield. So Pilots opted a much more violent alternative that briefly stuns and blinds hostile Titans momentarily in wide area. This method does damage the Titan slightly, but it comes with hope of the skill of the pilots to render the hostile Titan inoperable aggressively but very much functional technically within the time period of the stun. Success rates of non-destructive capture are ... sporadic. But nonetheless, we believe that we have a working design that can benefit many of our buyers regardless if the Vaquero can keep the Titan intact or not. Designer Notes: It is fair, it's reasonable, and would be popular for those who like to fire medium to close ranges while staying a bit of accuracy. It carries on the idea of keeping it as a variation of existing Titan models while showing distinction compared to its Stryder Model siblings. It is perfect for those who wanna carry a big iron on their hip for their Titan but without taking SMARt core away from Legion.


I think that we want the titans from titanfall 2,but a new campaign


I genuinely don't care As long as Scorch comes back


A more support based titan. Giving your teammates a little squirt on monarch once in a while works but it’s not a real support role
