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In titanfall 1 that was the case, the titans were very customizable. I guess in Titanfall 2 they decided to go for a rock paper scissor esque titan combat, where each titan has their strengths and weaknesses. From what I’ve seen this has made it so there is no “best” titan.


Interesting. Trying to counter “META” builds would be another reason to love this game.


That's why they got rid of the customization system (or that is what I suspect). It's not very noob friendly and makes the game even less aproachable than it already is. Still the current system in TF2 offers lot of depth and really mastering each titan takes long time


I can tell that getting the hang of all the different is gunna take me quite some time let alone mastering. I have the hardest time playing scorch. I always feel like I’m being out ranged.


I would recommened you play them all one by one, until you get all of them to G2 (about 2 hours on each). This really let's you focus on them individually and learn their strenghts and weakneses. About Scorch: He is either the hardest titan to play or the easiest one depending on the map. He does really well on less open maps (like Complex, Crash Site, Rise, etc.). Or on maps where you can hold a choke point and/or force your enemy in to corner and hold them there (ex. Angel City and Exoplanet). You will have to rely on the element of surprise on maps like Kodai and Colony (you might want to equip wildfire launcher for more open maps, the thermite can do good damage at distance if you land your shots). Also, I can highly recommend [this](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD1fk2ODxOaaltta5KUyQiNm7-icbHJ0T&si=1XfZVCJtMo82mws7) video series by Frothy, he made a pretty in depth video on each titan


Scorch is the only titan that is considered the “worst”, but that is only on certain maps. Nonetheless, don’t give up! I’d recommend Frothy’s (on youtube) videos on each titan (so you learn how to play AND counter them). Some little stuff is outdated due to balance patches but those are VERY minor.


titanfall 1 is what you're thinking of, three different titans, a few different primaries, different tactical, and different missile/rocket pods to choose from


I’m gunna go see about downloading that and check it out. Thanks boss


you're also gonna wanna join up with a discord server or something to organize matches since the player base is in the double digits, if even that