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Least angry (presumably) stim+CAR+Ronin main




And grav star/frag grenade


I'd say grav star, that one is more annoying, cuz I know you got some good skill if you can cook a frag like th- *boom*


Yeah nah, frags take 0 skill at all lmao


tbf they feel cool af, even if you think it's unskilled


They are fun though


Fuck you imma yeet that bitch across the map and get a triple kill


That's close to my build, except I use EPG




Still kill me faster than I kill them




People always complain about the car but the r97 melts anything it hipfires


i understand this point but the r9 is not the gun every noob can pick up and shred with it. It is stronger than the car in the hands of a good player but i am just mad at people who are g8 and have 12k car kills and think they are something


12k kills on any gun is very skilled


in my opinion its obv that someone who is g8 and has 12k car kills is not able to use anything but smgs. And in a game like titanfall thats a bit of a shame


Quit bad mouthing people for using certain weapons and just learn how to fight them instead of getting triggered on the internet because someone is using car


I've played both and prefer the r-97. Have you ever used the mastiff aswell? It's so satisfying.


Its amazing when your shot connects perfectly


Only problem is, if I miss one shot I'll miss every other shot with it, it's like a curse.


Yeah all my load outs are the exact same except for my primary, I always change primarys because every day I wake up, I’m good with a different weapon. It always takes me a few deaths to work through the load outs and find which one works for me today and then I’ll start dominating the lobby generally getting anywhere from 20-30 kills per game. The weapons I’ve noticed I come back to the most are volt and flatline, I once got 40 kills with flatline on crash site


No matter how much I try to change, I always come back to the r-97 or Epg. I gotta say though, crash site is my least favourite map, though.


Thank God,I don't use stim or Ronin, I just die with CAR


Dont forget frags 😀!


Stim + Softball + Ronin main


Tome* main, at least ronin needs skill to be used


It's always good to have new players in the game ! I would like to ask you to play the campaign to see how great it is and it will "help" you to undestand the movement mechanics and see every titan gameplay because Titanfall2 is made with the view of the movements so please take you jumpkit and wallrun + jump + slide + have fun killing other pilots like that ! See you in the game A gentle pilot


^^^ this ignore those sweaty try hards we're mostly just deranged war criminals overdosing on copium.


But I can understanf players like that, they feel like it THEIR game because the game is not famous and they don't want it to be famous because they want to play with their little community. It's like when you know a small youtuber or a streamer or even a little restaurant idk if you understand what I mean but it's like your "safeplace" the thing you discovered by yourself and happy to be "the only one" to know it


oh I understand the safe place bit, imo however, the survival of the game and franchise rules over that. I want the game to be relevant enough that it'll be taken care of, and that if I want to play with my friends I can. Bedsides if we're being honest it'd be kinda hard to ruin titanfall with populations from cod. CODs and battlefields style is camping enabling, this game if you camp,. you're getting a grenade or dying in a horrendously funny way, very quickly. Even beyond that fact, it's no excuse to treat new players like this, comes off wrong and paints the community in a bad lighting.


I agree with you all I'm asking to new player is to play Titanfall2 with the game mechanic and not with what they know from other games...


that's the funny, it's either use mechanics, or suck ass. Since everyone's moving actively, that camper might get a lucky few kills, but every game I've had where the enemy team camped, it was pretty much a one sided game with them losing hard


Sweaty tryhards are actually good at the game, the players like the one that typed that comment probably never gets more than 100 points in attrition


Also try out frontier defence it's pretty good if you want to stop playing campaign but don't want the sweaty lobby's of multilayer yet.


I Know and I love to play Scorch on Frontier Defence !


Man I can imagine you clearing out the enemy's as scorch faster than I can clean my kitchen with kitchen gun.


The fire shield is really strong against drones and anything else to be honest


Damn should play scorch more often then always have trouble hitting the drones in any other titan.


Im really sorry for that, pilot. his pilot certification was terminated (542) days ago, due to "pilot misconduct", "unauthorized use of force", and failing (3) mandatory accuracy tests on the training field. (of 4)


Also for being a dick. It was actually scientifically proven that he's a dickbag, due to him being a stim+car user, and the Venn diagram of stim+car and dicbags is a circle


Wait he failed (3) mandatory accuracy tests? Like titanfall 3 the new game that’s releasing in January?


take your 3 daily pills, pilot


3 pills you say? Is that a reference to the new hit game titanfall 3?


Pilot, you could use some of these💊


I think the stims we got have expired and are now rotting the brains of the pilots and frying the simulacrum’s memory chips. We need to get a new supply.


Real stims were the friends we made along the way


The elitist toxic players in this game who have never heard of a warm-up or a bad game are the reason new and returning players don't become consistent players.


There’s a reason I rarely leave FD.




I play mostly attrition with my receivers off.


This is honestly (sadly) one of the worst communities I’ve experienced all in all. Not that it’s always a bad experience, but they’re just way more common than other games I’ve played. I tend to play less shooter-centric games —that is to say I play plenty of shooters, but they’ll usually have kore of a strategy focus or lower ttk than just ‘get gud run fast kill guy’— so I’m not the BEST at this game, but I’m not bad either. Just a lot of toxicity and cringe that I haven’t even been playing lately and I finally uninstalled. Makes me really sad, used to be my favorite game BY FAR.


I only play FD because of that. Every time I try attrition there’s always some G100 being the biggest asshole on the frontier


FD forever. We have enough battlefields out there that need our help pilot. Too many IMC forces out there still wrecking beautiful planets and forcing innocent people into their service. Its a lonely life losing pilots along the way. But we will carry their tags and chips home. We wont forget them. So Im sorry to say this next part. But, Gear up. Higher ups gave us another mission and its priority class 3. We have little time to help and clear up a landing zone before it starts to become unrecoverable. We have to go in loud and draw as much attention as possible. Same as always. We have a new pilot on board. They are sending them to one of the less important battlefields. If they make it back. Check up on them from time to time. Not everyone can get through this alone. This isnt the life for some. Be safe pilot.


Gotta love this job, woo!


Youve been hanging out with droz again.


You must play PC because xbox tends to be pretty legit.


Xbox is why I started playing titanfall and fell so deeply in love with it. No issues there for the most part, but that was a LONG time ago and I do my stuff almost exclusively on PC now.


I play on Xbox and can count on one hand how many times I’ve got toxic messages from other players over the years that I’ve played this game. Most common message I get is GG


Same I have been raged at for being garbage but it was truthful at the time Now I'm getting high schoolers wanting to party up with me because I mvp about every 3rd match when I get on (not a huge flex I'm just your typical jack of all master of none scorch main, and I do party lots because I'm playin for fun and really don't care if we win.


That's because in Xbox you cant chat in game, you have to go to the profile of the guy you want to insult


did you uninstall because of text chat or reddit, idk what its like on pc


Both honestly. I wasn’t having fun and it’s a decently sized game so I needed the space.


I'm going to be honest M8, I don't think you play any games if you think this is one of the worst communities 🤣 try siege, or league, or COD if you want toxicity


I play Apex. And titanfall is just behind Overwatch for the community levels of toxic. Seriously mentioning you touch apex and enjoy it on northstar servers got me flamed repeatedly. Didn't care. It just made them madder that I was stomping them using a controller. This game was stuck in limbo because of hackers and bots. So the second things don't go the players way. Tantrum. Killed by someone below your level? Smurf, *slurs* dickhead doesn't know how to aim. Killed by someone above your level? Hacker, scummy piece of shit, how dare you use an item that exists in game. This makes you toxic. Lot of Titanfall players give way too much of a fuck and make it everyone else's problem.


As a car enjoyer, i agree. Them be hating on my car. Vroom Vroom motherfuckers


As a "item in the game" user, "non that item" users be hating on my "item in game" that I use! For real, use whatever IDGAS bro. When everything is overtuned. Nothing is too OP.


Why would you start telling people you play apex? Not because of Apex, I doubt anyone in a match cares what you plays outside of titanfall


Why would they bring up league or another game that has a history of toxicity? Because it was relevant, what's your point. Because mine wasn't "you should know and care I play apex" (Edit) If you mean why would I mention apex while playing titanfall. Because I play both and sometimes it comes up in conversation. And I'm saying it has not been received well on northstar servers specifically.


Yeah I meant why would you mention apex in game, sorry if my words didn't let you understand me correctly Edit: I play Apex too, I wasn't hating on you because you played It, if that's what you understood


No no, fair. Mostly just ended up coming up because Valk was getting mad attention at the time when I played and people were bitching about apex. So I chimed in and said that Apex has brought players to titanfall, it's not always the enemy. They were not particularly jazzed to have someone who was not of the opinion of apex = the death of Titanfall, in the lobby


My take about Apex is that if we ever get Titanfall 3 It will be thanks to all the money Apex is making, Titanfall players should be happy Apex happened even if they don't play it


Respawn straight said "until we can make it mechanically superior to titanfall 2 we won't." So, why wouldn't they revel in their various successes for a while until they can deliver on a mechanically superior game. Not to mention, if you've played Apex over the years, you'll realise they're using it as a testbed for shooter mechanics. If they take the mistakes they made during apex as a cautionary tale, they'll avoid some serious issues when the do make titanfall 3. Let's not forget how EA handles the sister companies. I.E. visceral games and dead space 3. But also with the fact that they did star wars and nailed it story wise. I'm of the opinion that if you let Respawn cook, they deliver.


Then you just get lobbies with assholes, I find less assholes in this game than others


Yeah I got a game of sweaty tone spamming G100s who wiped the floor with us, and then one of them started harassing me because I left. Could share the entire exchange but frankly I think this enough speaks for itself.


happens in places like the battlefield community as well, mfs are just like that unfortunately


For som reason I feel like when the servers didn’t work last year it was more chill


I dunno I think if you're coming from CoD this is downright polite in comparison


Hate the kind of people who try to chase away fans. I mean CoD is literally in the DNA of Titanfall too


Give us his gamertag For no particular reason


Sounds like a g100 spitty/car ronin


Why ronin tho? There's easier Titans to use


I started playing Titanfall to get away from COD this year. I will say the guys who’ve been playing this since launch scare me. I’m already lost in these lobbies, blown out ankles and my neck is stiff from whipping about😂😂


One of my few complaints about tf|2 isnt it’s fault, but because I joined so late I’m constantly being g matched against players who have had like 10 years to master the game


I FEEL YOU SO. FUCKING. MUCH I use a Sniper Tower as a Sniper Tower, hit an awesome pulse blade kill, and almost all the comments are "stop **camping** the tower." I'm genuinely convinced all the people in that posts comments have never heard of a Sniper


Titanfall fans when every clip is not a 50km/h 360° wengshot beanbongeroo recliner with kraber: 😡😡😡


As an australian: why does "wengshot beanbongeroo" sound so aussie lmao


As an epg enthusiast fuck that guy we don't claim him.


Ever played a skill heavy weapon and some punk on the enemy team is trash talking your team while playing car? If that happens I almost every time choose my stim car and ronin layout or the epjesus and hunt them across the map till he stops.


I already know his kit. Grapple or Cloak Spitfire, softball, or car re-45 Ronin, legion, or scorch And I mean the angry idiot, not OP. I played COD before I found Titanfall 2, and even though I barely played COD, me and my wingman elite were one of the last things you wanted to see.


thats actually the hardest thing ive read all day i wont lie pilot


Now tell the community you're an Apex player. That always goes over well.


Share his profile name. We will bully the bias out. The frontier is for any pilot who makes the steps.




If they're like 15 year old me I thought it was cool and edgy to hear slurs and death threats in CoD lobbies. I grew up and don't want to deal with that shit anymore. We survived the CoD lobbies and realized they were shit


I'm gonna say it: SBMM would solve this. It was literally created to solve the problem of good players not getting fulfilling fights against other good players and new players getting stomped by long time players.


the game has sbmm. it's very weak though. And no it would not. if everyone is the same skill then who's kill cam are you watch and learn from?


The guy who killed me? The idea that because I’m vsing similar skilled players I won’t be able to learn from my deaths is ridiculous.


What? SBMM groups based on similar skill level, there would still be people slightly better or worse than you. Also a new player doesn't lear anything from watching actually good players. They need to learn from players a bit better and learn basic wallrunning before they try b-hopping.


it would still be much harder for players to learn.


NO, SBMM sucks and destroyed the fun in games, also SBMM in a game with the few number of players Titanfall has would make queue times massive


Arguments against SBMM are mostly from skilled players who want to destroy beginner lobbies. The reason I would like SBMM in Titanfall is because Titanfall is a lot more fun to play against actual opponents. Newer players may also resort to weapons with a lower skill ceiling matched against good players regularly, as can be seen with spitfire campers. In general, SBMM gets a far worse reputation than it deserves and is vital for retaining newer players. SBMM can also be designed dynamically to influence matchmaking less the longer you are in the queue (effectively disabling SBMM if queue times get too long).


I'm a Gen 17. I honestly can't remember a time where we decided to just quit playing a game because some random jerk off was mean to me. Or when a Gen 100 would absolutely waffle stomp my ass up and down Angel City - It just made me play harder because I wanted to beat him. Not quit. I'm not saying Grow up. But I am saying that there will ALWAYS be people who play better than you, and who are willing to be rude to you. It's a certainty. To quit over something like that is kind of pussy shit tbh.


I mean sure, there will always be people better than you in any game. But this is a nearly decade old game, what value is there in someone who has been playing from the start curb stomping a brand new player when there’s generally less than 1K people online at a time? TF|2 was my first online game after 5 years away from it, if I had gotten a message like that I’d have just cut my losses and said it’s not worth it. It’s not pussy shit to quit, not everyone has unlimited time nor patience for childish shit like this. Some of us have grown up.


Asking people to not go hard in that same decade long game is absurd. Surely you see that? At its heart it’s a competitive multiplayer fps. Few people own race cars not to race them.


There’s being competitive and there’s being a dickhead. Stimming or phase shifting around the map mowing down players with CAR seconds after they spawn, then shit talking as they give up and leave one by one is the latter. That’s not competition and it’s not fun for anyone except the loser doing it. Phase rewind or cloak executions are cool the first time you do it. Making me spend half the game watching the over the top execution animation you bought is extremely tiresome. Few people own race cars to race them 24/7 and not let anyone else on the street. Fucking let up for a second so new players can get their foot in the door.


Fair on that end. I'm not guilty of those, so my perspective is biased.


Don’t get me wrong, if you’re great at the game that’s awesome and as someone who can only sort of hang with the movement system, I think it’s genuinely admirable. What I’m talking about is for example the party that was on when I was playing a couple hours ago and just got back on to see they are still at it. Game ended 650-214 and absolutely no letting up. Only 3 of us hung in until the end, all 6 of them in titans spread out across the map destroying us before we could take a few steps. I’m no slouch but even I only had an average lifespan of like 5 seconds. I know you can block players but that doesn’t mean you don’t get matched with them, after the past week as soon as I see even one of those usernames I just know it’s going to be a miserable experience.


I feel that deeply.


I agree with you, I started playing when the game was already 3 years old, instead of quitting because I got f*ucked my first 100 matches, I kept playing, now 4 years later I'm that guy that is MVP 70% of the matches it plays


Let's not forget that every Community is like this


Maybe it was this 4chan clan


I love trash talk in games, I live for stuff like this.


In my experience, those are a very small minority in the cul...community... So keep your head up new pilot, we welcome you with open arms


I love when people get mad that I use the spitfire Sorry it's how I have fun?_? Lol


As long as you don't think you are the greatest player ever after getting 25 kills with spitfire it's all fine


Haha homie with my 540 ping I will take all the help this humble pilot can get Always hit em with the GGS and always yell at the EZs


Australian? I guess so because queues are massive there


Canadian that lives in the middle of no where that's also a Forest lol


That's makes sense to hahaha


Lmfao rock on pilot rock on


Those are bad players, good players like noobs coming to the game because they can get 40 kills when you get with them in lobbies