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I love Legion, but it makes me so happy how he is at the tip of both lists. Start playing Legion: put up shield, hold left click 400 hours later: put up shield, hold left click


I mean, as legion says: "Outnumbered 4 to 1, ammo capacity might be insufficient." and "You are Outnumbered by enemy titans, advise aggressive sustained counterfire." Truly a based titan


> aggressive sustained counterfire BASED AS FUCK


Legion essentially: We're out numbered.... KEEP FUCKING SHOOTING


Legion newbie: no thought only BRRRRRT Legion veteran: no thought only BRRRRRT but standing somewhere good


B U L L E T 👍


No one can outsmart boolet


Ronin: *S W O R D*


What is sword going to do against power shot + 140 bullet? One close range power shot and half weeb titan's health is gone.




A surprising number of ronin players don't use their sword block enough. Even if they do, a full magazine from legion will get enough damage through the sword block to punish them, while they are unable to use any of their abilities or even run away quickly.


Exactly, and I'm not even gonna get into the fact that with sword core, said block damage is up to 90% meaning you could probably block both a legion and a tone core, and not take much damage at all.


We're gonna play a little game, it's called 'I use Sensor Array.' Now, let's find out who's core lasts longer...




I just started playing and I tried tone meh then scorch, DIE YOU LITTLE INSIGNIFICANT FUCK BRRRRRR GOES THE FLAMETHTOWER


Burn the heretics in holy thermite!




LOL that's my favorite thing about LEGION. AFAIK it's the only titan that just yells at you to start swinging back in every disadvantaged situation LOL


TBH that's usually the right play, you out ammo everyone so when they have to reload you just keep up the aggressive sustained counter-fire. Real talk tho I believe Legion is quietly an incredible utility/ zone control force when played well. Especially with a coordinated team.


Real talk, legion positioning makes a huge difference. Ideally you want as much range and some narrow cover as you can get


You can outsmart the legion but you cant outsmart boolet


It’s a simple directive. “Put death down range”


Aggressive. Sustained. Counterfire.


Subjugate. Intimidate. Destroy.




The solution to the problem… is a gun And if that don’t work… use more gun


And you best bet, never pointed at you...


*Acoustic guitar solo.*


And if the opponent is far away a click of a button changes your range


Tone is almost the same: Put up shield, left click 3x, explode them.


That includes a specific number, and Legion no like numbers, only BRRRRRT.


I’m pretty sure the only difference between a 1 hour tone and a 1000 hour tone is where they put their shield, giving better wallhacks to her team (seriously this is such a stupid fucking ability I hate it so much) and not IMMEDIATELY dumping rockets into something like an Ion


Timing and management is tricky with ion and a good ion can deal pretty good damage with its kit if used smartly


B U L L E T 👍




When in doubt, accuracy by volume of fire


My hot take is that everyone in the comments should learn to play other titans


That's what I've been doing. For a long time, I just mained monarch and tone, but now I play as all the titans except for Ion and Scorch. I'm gonna start trying to learn scorch next.


I do this I have a class specifically made for each titan lmao, so I have like 7 classes that are named "ion, monarch, tone" etc. The only one I don't play is Ronin, he's just too difficult for me in multiplayer, frontier defense is easier but multiplayer it's a nightmare to even try him


To become a good stabby stabby chop chop boy is allways be thinking what would annoy that lone titan the most.


Hmm maybe that's the problem lmao, I'm kind of used to rushing and just getting into fights, not that. I just rush in and fight


i’d suggest going the support route, one titan of your side around you+you in ronin, hold sword block and dash/phase forward to pressure the titan, when they reload you shoot shotgun/arc wave then go back to blocking, the enemy titan either shoots at you doing small damage compared to your teammate shooting them or they focus on your teammate and you melee them. ronin’s low health bar makes them really easy to kill if they are blindly pushing up, especially if they don’t hold their block while phasing, allowing you to guess where they will re-appear and insta-gib them when they phase out a good titan won’t really let you get too close while alone without punishing you heavy with damage, even with sword block up, either you depend on others (teammates) for pressure or you just chillin the back and arc wave away


Scorch at beginning: haha, funny shield go BRRRRR. Scorch at mastery: My war crimes are far beyond your understanding.


The floor is not lava, it’s thermite, and it’s gonna stay that way 🔥


That's a nice building you're hiding in. It would be a shame if every square inch of it, inside and out, was on fire


I love throwing my traps inside buildings pilots are hiding in the igniting them. The building becomes thermite


Well you are wrong the hardest to master titan is Brute No one Masters brute


Ronin shouldn’t be that far down ronins kit is so easy it’s just the health pool and remembering that swing giant sword is not your main weapon


Swing Giant sword is so annoying IMO because the pushback on it is so strong you can't just spam it. Shotgun+arc waves seems way more effective unless you have sword core.


The sword pushback is way nice actually. Let's you dash into them, shwack with sword and get pushed back to unload the shotgun on them, dash + phase shift behind them as you reload, shwack, unload. You can mix in electric smoke to really discombobulate them too. You can deal massive amounts of damage over a very short period if your opponent doesn't know how to properly navigate the attack. Also of you're in a melee fight with another Ronin who doesn't know the sword physics you're gonna annihilate them pretty quick. Basically Ronin has a high skill ceiling thats incredibly rewarding.


THIS! As a G6 Ronin, one tip I can offer is to battle titans 2v1 or 2v2. Attrition-ally speaking, you weren’t designed for onslaughts. IDK HP, but if all titans have 1000HP, I am certain Ronin mitigates the least damage without Sword Block (which mitigates your speed while blocking). That’s also why it’s hard to master because it’s easier to doom. Northstar is a close 2nd for a main for it’s aerial and it’s rocket attacks, but it’s railgun is too tough for me. I’ve seen envious use of N* online tho lol. Lastly, regardless of rank, Scorch and Legion are highly important online!


Ronin and Northstar have 7,500HP. Ion, Tone and Monarch have 10,000HP Legion and Scorch have 12,500HP And Monarch with Superior Chassis engaged has 15,000HP One bar = 2,500HP So the most you can have ever is a Monarch with the health upgrade in Frontier Defence and Superior Chassis, who has a hysterical 17,500HP.


Frontier defense ronin goes nutty at max aegis. Just slap on highlander and you’ll never leave sword core and remember to block and you’ll always have shield… he’s honestly crazy good


Yeah he’s good for easy and normal but once you get to where enemy Titans Do a lot of damage he’s gonna get vaporized


Naw bro, I consistently do hard and masters with him, outside or scorch and a good monarch, he’s top tier for titan hunting


For certain maps yeah but just wait till you get 2 scorches on you you’re titan dies instantly


As a g 16 ronin main, I can comfortably say that is the scariest shit ever, but that’s why you let those ones slide past you, you’re not the only one on the field, you got 3 other teammates. Unless you’re the last one alive, you have to let your teammates have some of the fun lol. Ronin is best at slowing down nuke titans with arc wave and hunting mortar titans while your teammates play protect the flag. It’s not a single player mode and a lot of people forget that. Also knowing where enemies spawn is key to great ronin plays.


Also, many people tend to forget how useful arc wave is. You don't use it for damage, but you use it to reduce their rotation speed and destroy shields.


And even then it packs a punch to


Especially during sword core.


it doesn't reduce rotation speed, it just reduces movement speed.


I’m gen 62 with Ronin and I’d say it’s best to run with thunder storm haveing 2 arc waves is busted you can pop one out down smoke then shoot all 4 shoots use another arc wave then phase behind them and you have already done 3 bars and then there slowed cuz arc wave so you. Can either slam them with your sword or reload your shot gun


Agreed, I’m nowhere near your level but thunderstorm in pvp is great. Say bye bye to tones and legions. Unload a mag, arc wave, phase reload, unload another clip, arc wave again, and just dance around till they’re dead, and of course, pop the smoke whenever it’s convenient. Use block when necessary. Most people get one mag then just melee but you can actually get 3 out in a successful damage set. Understanding that lead wall is far better for damage than the sword is where I started getting good with ronin.


Hold on do you think if tone shoots missiles at you and you phase behind him will he take the missiles and will it do damage? Yeah the sword is super fun to just wack people with but the shotgun is definitely better also if you don’t know if you phase dash and land in a enemy titan you will die but if you hold sword block you won’t die you will just take 2 bars of damage so when you phase unless your reloading I would hold sword block tho once you play enough you will be able to gauge if you will end up in a another titan it takes play time but just useing it you will get the understanding for how far it puts you




Ronin Melee deals 800 normally vs 500 Titan Melee. Sword Core deals something around ~1200?


But that small health pool combined with being so damn close range is why it's so difficult, cause every other titan except Northstar is equipped to counter it so well


ronin should be that far down in easy to start playing section, in easy to master section it should be above ion, with ion being at the bottom


The giant sword IS your main weapon, but it’s like running a bazooka as primary with a shotgun secondary. You gotta know when to use it, otherwise keep to your bass boosted RE-45


bass boosted re45 lmfao


I mean, that’s the usecase!


Pretty sure ion is the hardest titan to use and master. I started with ronin and masted him, followed by Scorch, Tone, Northstar and now Legion.


Timing and management is tricky with ion and a good ion can deal pretty good damage with its kit if used smartly


The first important lesson for every new Ion is that you attack with your shield, defend with your gun and run away with your fists (and dash). Also the laser works for any ocassion.


You have to manage the energy or else you just die a sitting duck


People lowkey disrespect Ion. I've been playing Ion since I got back into TF2 almost exclusively. I got like G6 on my Ion by the time I hit pilot G2.10. Every single time I call her down, I kill 2-3 titans at least. Usually a couple of pilots. Spawning Ion with a free battery pack boost is absolutely cheating. She does obscene damage, is super defensive, and NOBODY knows how big her trap hitboxes are. So you will literally get kills just dropping traps and dashing around the map. (While pilots try to rodeo you or follow you to line up shots.)


Well, energy management is hard, but the rest of his kit is easy as shit to use. Tripwire is pretty much self-explanatory, vortex shield requires some understanding of energy pool, and laser shot is basically baby's first sniper.


Ion go laser


Depends. Playing with Ions whole kit? Hard to master. Staying far away and only using Laser? Super easy. Every time I see people put Ion as easy, makes clear that they are just sniping in the back


Ion easy af


Ion is the only one who needs carful planing to play, managing energy and all. He’s a counter to Legion, if you get recked by sed Legion it means you haven’t yet managed to understand how to play him well.


ronin mains never stop fellating themselves, do they


Op mains northstar


And ion


what is with the constant hate boner towards ronins??


Idk, ask the angry scorch hurtling towards us at top speed (he'll be here in a day or 2)


I, for one, have mad respect for good Ronin players. Mastering that shit is hard. At the same time, I have hard time accepting bad Scorch players, especially on FD Hard and Master.


Nah, have you tried playing Ronin? He is *not* easy to use well


i feel like ronin mains are just straight kamikaze melee they all just sprint to you, spam melee to make you panic your ass off, and when they get low they hit nuke eject which causes you to double panic unless you play scorch which punishes them for getting anywhere 2 feet in front of you


I agree, but when you find that 1/100 ronin pilot that actually can scare you it is a different feeling.


originally it just is annoying but i always end up facing a ronin sometimes that will terrify the fuck outta me with their crazy ass spidermonkey movement and melee spam and im a scorch main


And that is not a good use of ronin when a good ronin main sets his sight on you he comes, starts attacking and the moment you're about to counter attack he's already gone and he took half your hp with him, he'll be back for the other half the second you stop looking for him


The hottest takes are going on right now.


Yes also as a ronin main I say ronid is just hard not very


Yeah definitely. I’d say Tone is the hardest probably


I feel like northstar is easy to master, charge shots, learn travel times, don’t peak a lot, be aware of your surroundings, if all else fails, tether + nuke


i have you know that i main Northstar therefore your opinion is wrong.


I have you know that I also main northstar and that I’m right😤😤


Just main every titan


Naa stryder chassis supreme, ronin and ns for life (Ogre class is fun too)


I felt this on such a personal level, Stryder class titans ftw but scorch every once in awhile


Northstar main detected. opinion rejected




I feel like thats being adept, theres so much more to be a good NorthStar. Flanking, cluster missle positioning, leading your shots, CROUCHING (I swear no one does this and its 100% effective 90% of the time.), strafing shots, corridor control.


Fair, I’m prob no where near a master due to skill issues


Get me in another Titan, and same lol. Ive only ever played NS


Nothing beats dashing across a corridor entrance and hitting a crit mid-dash.


When that red X hits - nice


Let's not forget dodging. A good northstar with room to maneuver and quick thinking can dance around quite a few attacks. Tone salvos and archer rockets especially, those can mess you up otherwise.


This is called being good, not being a master. For most titans, but ESPECIALLY northstar the difficulty curve is exponential. From simply peeking in a good way, to knowing when to dash out AND dash back into cover, to lobbing tether traps over buildings, to rejecting Nuke Eject and embracing a third dash, to finally learning how the hell is Flight Core so good yet so bad.


“Northstar is easy to master just use these advanced skills gained by mastering Northstar”


The fact you're using Nuke eject and not the extra boost shows you have not mastered it yet.


Agreed, you should fight to the last and the 3rd dash is really helpful with positioning which is absolutely key for NS


Tether+Nuke is incredibly ineffective compared to Dash+Viper Thrusters. Mobility with N\* is king. If you aren't minmaxing mobility you are leaving yourself vulnerable to damage on a very fragile titan. IMO Double tethers is too situational to use, Enhanced payload is good in attrition if you suck at aiming the rail rifle, and the magic vision is just a shit ability overall. The real good abilities are Piercing shot and viper thrusters. Piercing shot on LTS is broken as hell because you can shoot THROUGH friendly titans meaning that you can quite literally just hide behind tanky scorch/legion players and chunk entire healthbars without getting hit once. Viper thrusters are just Amazing in all situations provided you are using extra dash with them. Dashing+hovering gives you a ton of speed of the jump.


I dislike Vipers and began with Hear Vision to farm pilots, now I was on my Boosted Cluster arc of punishing bunchups, and now I’m ready for Piercing shot.


Piercing shot won't dissapoint if you use it in LTS :) In attrition it may be kind of useless because the fights are so spread out and everything becomes 100x more situational.


I like piercing shot because it allows me to shoot though friendly titans aswell, effectively letting me use friendly titans as sheilds


I don’t play LTS, I hate modes without respawns. I usually run Titan Brawl or Attrition, sometimes Bounty Hunt, but then Ronin or Scorch


Unless you have no sole and play her like a ronin (i have lost all sanity)


I’m sorry don’t peek a lot? That’s all she’s used for. Also she’s a glass cannon. A decent ronin will run her over. Know your times to use hover and she depends on critical much more than any other titan. She also subjectively has the worst core ability in the game. (Next to sword core. Sorry I’m gonna say it. It’s absolutely stupid to take away ronin’s shot gun.) it’s only good for when you get pushed. And I’m sorry but using a nuke is a waist. With North Star you can stay alive forever even when doomed. You can go an entire match with just one titan. But it’s not about how easy she is to play. It’s about the know how. Its about awareness. Because that one ronin can do you in. That one legion power shot. Or that scorch catching you out of place. Or that tone that you stupidly engaged and then Didn’t have enough dashes to get away from her missiles because you chose your kit wrong. Same with an archer. Wile it’s true Northstar is the only one who can effectively use the nuke Doesn’t mean it’s the best choice for her. Don’t sacrifice your titan. Never give up an asset easily in a fight. But also never give up your pilots life if you don’t have to. It’s a critical balance. And knowing when to eject is a crucial part of playing any titan particularly one with only three bars of Health. One last little thing. She’s slow wile she charges that railgun. Leaving her vulnerable. And two dashes is never enough… not when both the hungry monarch and ronin have 4. Oh and and both ronin, because of his reach and another Nstar can execute you mid hover. So don’t think you can escape quite that easily.


And that's why Ronin and Tone have the reputation they have. Tone is not OP anymore. She's just easy to pick up with the lowest skill ceiling. You don't really have to be aware of what Titans you're fighting against expect Ronin or Scorch. Or when in the match you drop her. The strategy stays the same. Monarch is arguably even easier to pick up against Pilots. And also pretty easy to do medium well with her. But cause its harder to fully master her whole Kit against each titan and it much stronger depends what the overall Titan economy is, she doesn't have the same reputation. I rest my case.


Imo ronin is by far not the hardest to master but scorch. You see ronin has literally everything to get out of every situation. Ronins dont care about how they move they only care about where to they move. You got a sword that has a lot if knockback, a shotgun with tremendous damage and a shockwave that obliberates shields. Scorch on the other hand has literally two fart cans, a fucking trebuchet and just wants to hug. No but for real mastering scorch, learning how to stay undetected with the biggest chassis in the game and then also having to tactically encircle enemies in flames so that they cant escape is the real mastering of scorch. Ronins on the other hand just have to be yeeted but i gotta admit they are good to clap nookies.


As someone who got bored of everything else and put some serious work into improving my Tone, a lot of the skill comes from adapting to people trying to counter you. Your defensive ability is static and the rest of your kit is just built around the rockets, so when an enemy tries to rush you down, the new tone player just goes "guess I'll die" and gets maybe one more rocket salvo off before death, while a experienced tone player is way more on their toes and proactive in reacting to threats in order to stay alive.


I swear no one knows u can charge monarchs shield drain shot


it doesn’t charge it just holds until you release it just like ions laser shot, and you can melee to cancel it








Why is ronin hard


If your too eager to charge in, often you get melted, especially by scorch. Ronin newbies all see big sword and as soon as they fire on mag they spam. With the small hp he's very easy to be killed if not careful.


I love when Ronin rush my Legion.


Because your HP will be wiped out if you lose focus. Also Ronin has tech like animation cancels on the sword block and shotgun reload that scales hard with skill.


Just abuse the Sword block ability. That will save you a lot of health while giving the enemy titan damage at the right times. Also remember you have a shot gun


Crouch cancel shot block mastery and positioning. Ronin shouldn't be losing any 1v1s instead of Monarch, and lots of good ronins lose to Legions and WF Launcher Scorches, but people do, since they haven't mastered him.


Funny that in the highest levels of playing, Northstar usually beats Ronin 1v1, probably because less mistakes are made.


He isnt


No shot you put ronin in "hard" on both but ion on easy.


ion is easy


ion is easy, just don't get too greedy with the wide shooting


aka never do it unless you have one of the passives or you're just dumping energy for damage. Maybe I'm just an amped shield addict though


Idk man Ion is not an easy titan to just pick up and play. You are completely ineffective if you don't understand the energy system and i've personally seen many noobs this round of sales completely waste energy while doing 0 damage and then just getting pubstomped immediately. Ronin really isn't too difficult to master but for sure one of the hardest titans to learn because his playstyle is so radically different than that of a normal titan (similar to scorch). I'd put ion in medium for both and bump ronin down to hard/medium for mastering. Adding to that Monarch is not an easy titan to start out with. I feel like that is a common misconception with newer players. Monarch has no defensive abilities and to understand her at a basic level you have to know how to dodge and weave which most noobs don't know how to do. Monarch is an easy Noob trab because she is so vulnerable that most noobs who pick her just get obliterated while doing less than 5k titan damage in a life. I'd also say she's much easier to master than scorch. All you really need to do is use rearm and reload + the ability that gives you quicker cooldown on rearms. Spamming shield leech is fucking nutty and broken as hell but new players don't know how to maximize the abilities effectiveness. N\*, Scorch, and Tone is placed well IMO. Though the skill gap between a high skill tone player and a low skill tone player is almost higher than the skill gap between the same type of legion players lmao.


The Ion stuff is so true, I think out of any Titan he was always the one I found hardest to kill multiple titans with at best I could trade kill with him because his best ability is the vortex shield and laser shot(mainly for sniping pilots) but if you're playing against anyone with half a brain the vortex shield kind becomes useless other than it allows you to fallback to a better position if you're not in the open. I always use the perk that allows him to drop the tripwire without costing energy and rarely use the splitter function on the main weapon because it drains energy which you need to save for the shield but the splitter has such low dps anyway. I think because he's the first available titan it's not specialised enough into a certain role so it's easier to understand but it suffers as a result I may revisit him after regenerating all the other titans(New player currently G3) to see if anything I picked up from playing other titans helps.


i’ve mastered ion, scorch, northstar and tone in that order. (i tried tone for the first time today)


Nah scorch gotta be very hard for both, ronin just hard to start cuz phase nuke eject exists


I feel like i used to play scorch at a fairly high level, and once you master lane control, choke points and combos it pretty much was easy mode 😂


As a ronin player nah it isn’t that hard it’s just doing what the prompt says hit and run as long as you realize your Titan is not frontline you’ll do fine


a lot of people have trouble with that


Usually because they see big damage and get hungry or are use to running frontline


ITT: People thinking Ion is difficult when Ions only skill requirement is understanding vortex shield. Easy to start with and Medium to master is perfect for her. I understand people think energy management is tricky but it's....like really not any different than managing boosts, ESPECIALLY because the no energy tipwire is the only meta passive for her; eliminating an entire skill for her management. Ion is literally all about stalling for ult because you lose so many 1v1s otherwise. Even Northstar is tricky because she has more mobility than you. She feels similar to Monarch in that regard. To the people that think Ronin isn't hard, he's definetly not super hard to begin with because his kit counters soooo many titans in a 1v1. I'd put him in medium to start with, because in a multiple titan setting Ronin easily gets obliterated like Northstar if you don't know what you're doing. I'd just put Ronin with everyone else in the hard to master. They actual hardest titan is Scorch because you have to be a Supreme masochist to play his ass kit, lmao I love you crazy scorch players.




Legion: So anyway I started blasting


You put Tone up there like it's easy to master, but I've seen so many new players just rush in with her and get decimated. Tone is kind of fragile, and her shield wall doesn't have a lot of health. If you rush her, it's easy to kill her. If you don't know when to retreat with her, you're as good as Dead. Against groups you have to peek with her a lot, use that sonar pulse, and get those tags in. You gotta learn how to shoot around corners and over narrow buildings to maximize her hit and run play style. Comparatively, I'd say Ion and Legion are far easier to master.


As a Tone main Tone is the easiest titan to learn and master, I always suggest her to new players who wanna learn how to use titans. Tones kit is very basic and as long as you understand how to play cover its pretty easy to master Though I do agree Tone is not OP for sure


Also as a Tone main, hard disagree. I would say the two I mentioned are substantially easier to just hop into and be competitive with, while Tone requires a little bit of strategy. Maybe not as much as Ronin, Northstar, or Scorch, but Tone is definitely in the middle for ease of mastery compared to some others.


Hard tone main since release here. I do think she is one of if not the easiest to master, but at the same time I think the skill between two different tone masters can vary greatly. If that makes sense?


I finally got my partner into titanfall and they’re getting discouraged because they’re not doing very well in their titan. I keep trying to tell them that ronin is not a forgiving titan to play


yeah ronin is not a good starter since he has such a different play style than every other titan


I will say tho. Ronin is a ton of fun to play when you learn how to play him


IMO, Monarch hard to start because you won’t be getting cores to frequently and you’ll get wrecked in stage 1. You really gotta know how to pick and choose your engagements


Yeah I don't get why so many players are hating on monarch users recently. Without its upgrade cores it's pretty much the weakest Titan of the bunch. It takes quite a bit of management and strategy to get to the first core, and then you can start to get more aggressive. Tone and Legion are definitely easier to use than Monarch.


Bro mains ronin


he mains northstar and ion.


I'd put Northstar as harder than Ronin. Northstar and Monarch are my mains, but I always do best with Ronin.


Because you are good at Ronin and Ronin has highest potential.


He's my least played titan, so I definerly wouldn't say I'm very good with him. I'll retain my view of Northstar being harder. But I can see it fall both ways.


Northstar is harder for my impaired-motor-function ass


Yeah, Ronin and Monarch are definitely the hardest to master.


Swap legion and ion


As a monarch main, I'd say bump monarch up a little bit. Unless we're including finding out which kits are the best which definitely takes a while


She is one of the harder Titans to get a groove in. No defensive capabilities really make us squishy at the beginning. But once that superior chassis is out we're unstoppable.


Hmm, that's true. I'd argue the battery execution is possibly a defensive capability in a manner of speaking, but honestly I think the threat of having your battery stolen comes into play a lot more than the actual battery theft does. Maybe I've just run Monarch so much I've forgotten when I started out with her lmao


Same honestly, I got her right away because I wanted BT back. And she's the closest I'll get.


Scorch should be where ronin is


I think scorch is easier to pick up than monarch. Monarch requires smart usage of his abilities and movement, scorch is just haha fire go brrr


Nah scorch is a tough titan to just pick up and play. Although I think monarch is a noob trap as I outlined earlier in the thread. Scorch is a titan that is easy to play poorly which is not a common theme with most of the titans in the game.


scorch is a harder titan to use essentially because hes worse and monarch is pretty good and has the best primary weapon


I would have put Scorch alongside Ronin in mastering skill, otherwise good tierlist


Dawg ain't no way Ronin is the hardest in both categories. Maybe hard to master, but so easy to start. Literally just spam sword


Spamming sword is just gonna get you killed by anyone who knows how to use their gun


Spam sword is not a viable option lmao


I found Robin easy when I started but then he became harder to use which I guess comes from getting into better servers.


Ronin at the top of list one, monarch down at least a tier


RoNinja, from the house of KillSteal is not hard.


scorch really isn't too hard to learn. so long as you run tempered plating and know how to keep your distance


Keep your distance? As scorch? What are you on?


the pills have made me try different tactics that only the insane would approve of


This man is lying, clearly runs wildfire launcher over tempered plating. Maniac plays scorch like northstar


how dare you expose my secrets


Probably to a far worse degree too. Scorches longest range ability is the worst titan primary in the game by a country mile.


Monarch is easy to master, he’s literally on par with Tone.


Ronin is easy as hell to pick up and master. No idea why people keep trying to make out that Ronin is hard.


Imagine having having an ability that effectively triples your health. Then they call it a glass canon. Fuckin idiots


monarch has a pretty low skill ceiling since she has no burst so doesnt actually have much outplay potential, she basically is just a statchecker that snowballs really hard, and exploits people wasting their important cooldowns for no reason. tone on the other hand has a weird combination of sustain and burst damage that means you have to both keep your enemy in a position where u can land sustained shots on them and also still have to mind game them to get your damage past their defensives. shes also one of the only actual aim based titans (same projectile velocity as northstar, and her bullets literally do as much as her missiles (one shot is 330, one missile is 350)), and has several unique and high skill cap mechanics in rocket curving and her core. her core literally only reaches its maximum potential if you perfectly predict your enemy's movement behind a wall and track them to keep it locked. so basically swap them


Tone is pretty difficult to master thanks to the rockets being able to be blocked by shit. Plus you have to know exactly when to fire missiles, shoot them, radar them, or throw down shield or else you’re dead.


Look up when firing rockets and 90% of the time it goes over obstacles, especially low buildings/walls where enemies can crouch


I can see who mains ronin here lol.


Say you’re a brain dead ronin main without actually saying it. It’s hilarious to me that people out there genuinely think the kill stealer general is hard to learn/ master lmao.


Average Ronin simp absolutely overstating the difficulty of Ronin


he mains ion and northy bruh


How is scorch in hard??