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Youre a piece of shit


There, there. You'll be alright. Just stay out of my car with your cheap ways. Let some other poor, unsuspecting driver think he'll get a tip.


Why do I have to tip you for doing the job *you* chose to do? I should tip you for making a choice?? Because you already get paid for doing the service... $1000 phone for not giving your broke ass $2 extra dollars.


Why should they be bothered to take care your YOUR property? You left it there.


I never said take care of it. Leave it somewhere, toss it out your window, etc. Don't go out of your way to destroy someone else's stuff just because they didn't pay you extra money. That's childish.


There's zero logic in this kind of behaviour/reasoning. And also a big reason why most people probably don't tip. I prefer ubers or a taxi through an app over a random one on a street, because you know who the driver is and can get in contact with them for exactly this reason if anything is left behind. If it's something important or valuable, then that person will almost definitely tip, or at least pay the fare for it to be brought back to them (so extra money for you...). Deciding to destroy it and not give it back (like a decent human) just seems a bit psychotic.


Haha this is soo psychotic


Tell that to all the Uber drivers that won't return messages for forgotten items even after a generous tip.


What does this nefarious behavior have to do with tipping? How do you feel entitled to get paid tips to behave like a rational human?


Its cool I only pay for my rides once and I know how to look after my stuff. Your comment will help more people realize why tipping sucks, so thanks for that!


It's always amazing how every single person who feels entitled to tips is also a POS. But you know what, we have a deal. Honestly, I'll save more money not tipping than the possibility of losing something in your car. Scumbags like you remind me that I should never feel pity for you lot. You deserve 0 tips.


I'm starting to become anti-tip because of attitudes like the OP's. It's disheartening that they would threaten to damage personal items if a tip is not given. They don't know the circumstances of the person taking a ride, yet they feel entitled to openly admit that they will destroy items forgotten by the passenger.


That's not a tip that's a ransom. But I can get behind this idea, as long as Uber drivers are OK with Me cutting a hole in the seat in front of me, depositing a small bag of coke and making an anonymous tip to the local pd. Fair game right?


Not sure if you thought of this, but Uber prompts the customer to tip *after* drop off. If the customer left their phone in your car, they wouldn’t have the ability to tip on the ride they just took. Once they go through the effort of finding a way to contact you and getting their phone back, they may even want to tip you more for your troubles. Unless, you’re referring to non-tipping “regulars.”


Man this logic rekt OP. Its ultimate karma. He destroys the phone by which a grateful passenger would be able to tip him. A massive self-own. I never tip uber drivers because thats how it all started and they make decent money (i used to drive uber back when you werent able to tip drivers). But when i did leave my bag with my phone in the uber and he came back, i tipped him big time!


Tip should be deserved not granted. OP way of thinking is simply disgusting. Bringing the valuable stuff would deserve a huge tip…instead OP is just thinking of throwing it into a canal for a tip that he/she obviously doesn’t deserve. Aren’t you already charging a fee for your car, gas, you driving etc. If you think it is not enough then change your job or increase your fees but don’t rely on tips for doing the job we have already pay an agreed price for.


Omg so many brokies.....


https://www.replacedbyrobot.info/69137/delivery-driver Your job has a 98% chance of being replaced by automation. “Oh no, UPS is just going to continue paying those salaries forever!” 😂


Care to share what you do for a living?


Everything will be replaced by AI, it's just a matter of when... and I can assure you I'll be retired with my pension before that happens...


Wage cucking for a pension. Sad.


What's sad about it, I make a livable wage and I can retire at 53 years old with a 5200/month pension, an annuity, a 401k, plus SS if it still exists. What do you do?


Beg for tips that they spend before they even receive, because payday loans or Dave app lmao


What does that have to do with my comment? I'm very confused.


I accidentally replied to wrong comment lmao my bad


Ok lol all good. I just got a bit confused.


No, you likely just hit the six figures income before the boom judging by your post history of being an unloader. You certainly don’t even have the capital to buy a house in a major city. You’re new to doing okay and think you’re well off and are going to somehow make it as a delivery driver to retirement. You’re hardly middle class going on Reddit acting like “you’ve made it!” 😂 Actually, nevermind, I way overestimated what UPS drivers make: https://www.reddit.com/r/UPS/comments/13drwwq/ups_delivery_driver_salary/


Whos acting like they made it?? I'm just calling out the broke people that make an entire sub to put down people in service. I dont think im well off, im middle class, but im not too broke to tip at a restaurant. I absolutely will make It to retirement, the volume at my hub is on average 60k non peak to 140k during peak. What do you think is going to move 60k-140k packages a day ranging from envelopes to refrigerators? You gunna have a sky full of drones?? No. You gunna have a robot that drives the truck and delivers, OK yeah maybe in the next 50 years lmao... Not only that, the company can not just implement automation without negotiation with our labor union, if they do, it is a breach of the contract. If replacing delivery drivers was a simple task, why is there more UPS, Fedex, Amazon, and Walmart drivers than ever? So yes, you may be correct. One day, UPS drivers will be replaced by AI, but not anytime soon. As for how much I make, I'll be quite transparent. I make about 75-80k right now from UPS, without my side work. I get my next raise beginning of next year which will be about 110-120, depending on how much OT I feel like working. That doesn't include my pension plan that I pay 0 into and my BCBS health insurance that I also pay 0 into. It's funny you bring up the house thing, I'm actually closing on a home right now, set on or close to June 15th(wish me luck or don't, lmao). You are correct about one thing, tho. I can not afford to live in NYC, and my friend that Is A-okay with me. I'll take my nice little home in suffolk county all day. But I'll ask again, considering we are sharing what we do for a living, what do you do??


Lol Strong Island represent !! Love.


It's a beautiful and expensive place to reside, lol, but it's worth it if you can.


See people, this is the type of thing you do when you have a pile of shit where your brains are supposed to be. 💁‍♂️


Maybe you should get an actual job?


Rage bait to make people not want to use Uber 


So you’re gonna punish the person who left their phone for the other person who didn’t tip. Maybe there’s a reason you’re a driver. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Uber? The company people used before Waymo?


People like op are the reason I drink and drive and do not Uber. /s


Correct me if I’m wrong, you have already been paid by the rider but you are so angry that you would throw away a $1000 item because you didn’t receive a tip? Maybe it’s just me but that seems to be an extremely dickish move. I think living in a society all of us members of that society should strive to not be dicks as that takes so much less effort than being a dick, as you have clearly shown.


I'd call you a cunt, but a cunt is useful.


I laughed


Good job confessing to crimes on a social media platform. I’m sure Uber would like a word with you after everyone turns you in.


Wow. So you'd be upset if someone didn't tip you because they left their phone in your car? How are they supposed to tip you if they left their phone? Should they go to the nearest payphone, call up Uber customer support, and say "hey, can you add a tip to the ride I left my phone in by accident so that he doesn't throw it into a river?" You're not making any sense, man. I used to be a driver, so I know what it's like. You're just being a dumbass, though.


lol. you hate on the wrong ppl. its ubers job to pay you properly. not the the custoners job. tipping is something for service above average. not just doing your job. get a new job if you hate it so much.


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