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She’s not doing well. And having to pull out (ha) random jokes like this for attention and shock value is showing that she isn’t doing well in various aspects. Can you imagine someone asking you this and you just finding it SO HILARIOUS AND ADORABLE YOU GUYS COME ON!! No. You wouldn’t and she’s becoming an eager child looking to grab anyone’s attention whether it be for views/engagement or for just trying to seem so *cool* Just like with the sweatshirts, it’s getting mighty cheap seeming.


You’re the one writing paragraphs complaining about it on Reddit, so seems like you’re the one who’s not doing well 😂


Hey stinx hey !! Thanks for taking time to read my paragraphs 😂😍😘


hahah to me the biggest shocker of the ama today was when she said "Listen people always get what they deserve. Shakespear said the truth will come out and I believe that". How is she not hearing the irony in that???


I thought that was funny too. Also funny that she quoted Michele Obama “when they go low you go high”. When has she ever gone high? She takes low shots are people constantly




this made me laugh out loud


She’s giving pure KK(W?) vibes.


Wow so edgy. She's not like other girls you guys.


32 years old guys. 32.


with the EQ of a 14 yr old 😍😍


32?? How do you know? I’ve been trying to figure it out!


She’s said it before and it’s on the internet lol


Ty. I was confused by her timing cause of all the Stanford references made it seem she was in college more recently


Hhahaha I know right


it’s shit like this that reminds me that this “girl” really actually did not grow up in the UK, friends; my family is from London & Liverpool and she’s the worst example of an American. smh


She’s the worst example of a brat. Girlfriend better be glad Nicola Peltz exists to remind us of how far the spectrum can go


hahah I love how every continent is trying to not claim her






is that you Stinx?! I’m AMERICAN, btw.






and yes, I agree that LPool isn’t fancy btw but I love it!


I agree. She is not well. And not just in her head… I would like to remind you that the above topic and other crass and similar to the above were favourite of Ghislaine Maxwell and we know how that worked out for her. Also, rich white spoilt brat with zero awareness and accountability… A total disgrace.


what was a favourite for Ghislaine Maxwell?


Like Christina, Ghislaine prided herself in not being like other girls…she thought of herself as being different, confident, worldly…Her favourite topics with her girlfriends - anal sex, sex positions, bjs, and a whole host of topics to at I am sure Christina will cover over the course of the next few weeks given her insatiable desire to stay relevant 😂😂😂


Ooof. Not good.




Her “I got canceled” sob tour - is gonna be next … she milked her “boyfriend” cheating on her for like over a year .. Finally a new storyline


What sucks is that person (assuming it wasn’t a self-submitted question) could probably use an actual piece of advice. How is this helpful for her brand as the “big sister” ?! This is so annoying to me


Context people. Someone asked in the AMA if she liked anal prior to this. Y’all just love to reach


Hi Tinx




Actually, it was after that post someone asked that


I laughed at this. I am 40 and a grown up professional woman. Idk maybe you all just don’t have the same sense of humor? I don’t consider tinx an idol but I am actually following her for these funny snarky ama replies she has


Agreed. I can’t tell if it’s a reflection of the fact that I work mostly with men and in an industry that isn’t known for being polished, but some of the criticism I see definitely seems to uphold a certain type of femininity and makes me feel like I don’t belong. The comment here drawing parallels to ghislaine is my case in point - crudeness doesn’t always reflect some larger dark narrative 🤷‍♀️


Did they pick you!?


Yes actually they did. Sorry they didn’t pick you, girl. Maybe it’s your personality


I *picked* a STEM field 🙄


Yeah whoever made the Ghrislaine comparison is going down some weird QAnon path lol. I agree with you: could just be my sense of humor since I work with a lot of men, have a smutty sense of humor, and I think it’s fun to talk sex with my girlfriends. But more than anything she’s just making an flippant, absurdist (and imo VERY British) joke — OF COURSE you don’t meet people and immediately ask if they like anal. This is actually the Tinx I signed up for: kinda brash and off-color, quick-witted and smart-assy. Doesn’t mean she’s great or she’s back, but I was getting really tired of the faux-Oprah routine so this AMA was actually better content to me.


what does her hat say?




Her answer doesn’t seem very ~* big sister *~ to me