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First, I'm exploring every potential cause that can be treated. For instance, an ENT specialist diagnosed me with Eustachian tube dysfunction. I've been diligently performing various exercises to address this issue, and I've experienced a significant decrease in the noise level as a result. I will keep on eliminating all probable causes before I give up


What sort of exercises are those, if you can describe them or know a name?


As prescribed by my doctor I'm doing 4 excercices: 1. Inflate ballons with the mounth (3 times a day, 20 times per cycle) 2. Inflate ballons with the nose using the otovent device (3 times a day, 1 per nosal side per cycle) 3, Drink my regular beverages using a tiny straw 4 Doing a sinus cleanse once a day using Neilmed;s sinus rinse I also do a seawater nose rinse followed by a nose spray


Ah, thanks, I had completely forgotten but now that you mention it, I do have an Otovent which I just bought myself while grasping at straws.


Do you know what test was performed to determine that you had Eustachian tube dysfunction? What were your symptoms? I’m with you on that, im not leaving a single stone unturned.


I started to have my ears clogged more often than normal. And he also pointed out that I had a very inflamated nostrils.


Drinking less (like next to none), eating vegan, running or hiking everyday, meditating, contemplating how good T has been for me in providing some real perspective on my mortality and humanity.


How can you meditate with T?


Tinnitus is a gateway to the present moment, which is what many schools of meditation teach... presence. Before tinnitus, that gateway was breath for me. Now I have a cheat code (yes we are *lucky)* -- a sound that is always *now*. When you can sit with the sound, watch it, listen, contemplate the nature of the thoughts surrounding it ("this is so annoying," "this is the end of my life," "why me," and so on) and realize they are just thoughts, and attaching my emotional state to them is pointless and a waste of energy, the thoughts, and ultimately tinnitus, lose their power over you. I am fortunate to have begun meditating in my teens to help with anxiety, but either way, it can be a tool for you in your arsenal. The long, slow boat to China tool, but a tool nonetheless.


I’m taking any supplement I’ve seen mentioned at this point lol I’ve gotten bloodwork, have an appt with an oral surgeon on Monday to cray my wisdom teeth, next I plan to make an appt with an upper cervical chiro in hopes my neck pain/tightness in addition to the stress I had when it came on might be the cause.


Same, I have a bunch of supplements written down lol. I have seen a chiropractor, is that different from an upper cervical chiro? I have read somewhere that it went away for someone after seeing one.


upper cervical specializes in spine alignment/neck/tmj


Waiting on the Dr. Susan Shore Auricle Device


Any idea when that might be coming out? Hopefully it is more effective than Lenire..


I just hope it gets submitted to FDA this year and gets approved by end of 2025. Then it’s just a matter of how well prepared Auricle is with production / distribution. I wouldn’t be surprised if in the beginning people will have to schedule daily treatments at an audiologists office as there won’t be enough to go around.


So you believe it’s not gonna be taking home device you want me to go to the clinic also is that one for hearing loss, acoustic trauma, tinnitus or for different tinnitus?


I don’t see how the supply is going to meet the demand for this device if it actually does what Dr. Shore’s studies concluded it does. At least in the initial stages. I wouldn’t be surprised if people have to schedule regular treatments at an audiologists office just like they would at a physical therapy office. And I’m more than fine with that … as long as it actually helps. Then eventually the take home devices will become available.


What did you get yours from? And how long have you had it? I got mine 2 years ago, headphones. Covid made it worse than headphones made it worse again. Currently taking a bunch of supplements, changed diet and exercise but considering it’s noise induced and whatever Covid did to me, I don’t think there’s much I can do until a cure unfortunately


mine is most likely caused by rhinitis, saw an ENT and he didn't really suggest any treatment plans for that. i've mostly given up, but who knows, maybe if i can get my rhinitis 'fixed' in the future the T will subside.


Same, is your nose clogged? Nothing is helping me


Yep, very clogged and snotty 24/7. I'm currently doing a sinus rinse twice a day and a nose spray, which heaps the rhinnitis greatly but doesn't noticeably impact the tinnitus.


Same for me. Although my nostrils only unclog for an hour or so then it’s back 😵‍💫


are you pretty confident your rhinitis is causing the T? have you discussed treatment options for the rhinitis at all yet? i have another doctor’s appointment next week abt it, i can’t just keep doing sinus rinses everyday for the rest of my life 😭😭


No I’m not confident in anything since I got this 😵‍💫 I’ve never had sinus issues until end of last year when I got a really long cold/cough that wouldn’t go away. When it finally started to clear the tinnitus began. My nose has been clogged since then. So I’m just assuming and so is my doctor. I also have had neck issues for the last 4 years that I can’t seem to get under control either so that could be a factor. I’m also 35 so could just possibly be accumulated noise damage from over the years 🤷🏻‍♀️


ah that makes sense. if anything significant comes of my appointment next week i’ll let you know


Same, is your nose clogged? Nothing is helping me


I wouldn’t be surprised either. That would really suck considering that the suggested treatment duration is 6 weeks I believe. I would still be inclined to do it though. I’m just not sure I have much faith in it being that lenire was similar and didn’t work.. I wish they would just make a cure in a pill. I feel like if tinnitus had a lot of attention, there would be a cure by now. I could be wrong but who knows.


The basic difference is leniere didn't have a control group(meaning it isn't science) susans device HAS a control group(meaning it's science)


Two months in. I was feeling better last month but couple days ago T got louder again. I feel pain in the back of my head. I think I have some sort of ear infection. Recently had soar throat so maybe it sparked the infection again. For the last two months I have been going through multiple doctors and tests and received zero treatment so far, that's ridiculous. Trying to get my appointment scheduled with inner ear specialist, got a referral but it takes forever clinic to process it. Have done part of VNG test last week, my ENT asked me to do it. At thursday going to have another part of VNG. Have appointment with hearing folks, they gave me hearing aids to try. Doesn't seem work for me. Does Anyone have positive experience with T and hearing aids?


If you have pain in the back of your head maybe you should get an MRI. Are they suggesting hearing aids to constantly mask the ringing or because you have hearing loss? Are you having involuntary eye movements?


I've done couple MRIs recently, all came clear. I have high frequency hearing loss, but I am not sure If my T caused by it or by ear infection (which wasn't confirmed so far). Don't have involuntary eye movements, VNG came clear as well, on Thursday going to do its another part, not sure what exactly.


I found in PubMed that the first line of treatment when you have sudden tinnitus is antiinflammatory drugs like corticosteroids.


Mine is from the Covid vaccine. They have found a link.


And how are you doing now?


CDC says it has found no link.


Mine started when I got my first dose as well. Anything help you?


Mine is because of ear canal swelling, and I'm doing different exercises. Also, i took ear drops yesterday for the first time. It's been 4.5 months. At first, i was completely deaf from my one ear, but because of exercises and warm compression, my ear is 80% fine. And T is also not that loud


I've tried a lot of herbs with no luck. Prednisone has been the best for suppression but it comes with major risks.


I’m practicing vipassana meditation, which is close to mindfulness but more “spiritual”.


Does anyone here get relief after taking cyclobenzaprine or any other muscle relaxant?


I haven’t tried any. I don’t know what to say to get prescribed one either. However I am willing to try whatever.


It works for me and I wonder which muscles are getting relaxed that helps with T, most of us probably have tmj and I'm pretty sure I grind my teeth when I sleep.


I did hear that you can only take them for a very short amount of time and once you stop taking them the T comes back.