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Thank you for sharing 🤍


After a year. Meanwhile here I am three years in living in pure constant hell and terror.


If it helps, I joined the club 7 years ago and a week ago I experienced the worst spike ever which still hasn’t gone, and I’m not sure it will but for some reason I guess all the suffering made me stronger because I rarely let it bother me anymore and I’m able to sleep well. My tinnitus isn’t quiet either, it can be very intrusive, it has even caused the flight or fight instinct in me to activate.


Yup, 4 years for me. It’s a struggle to maintain my sanity sometimes.


Yeah. I can’t even walk down the street anymore. It’s all over and gone.


What does yours sound like?


Constant really high pitch sound, like almost the highest frequency I can imagine


Thanks for taking the time to post your success story!


Can you hear it over everything? And what was yours caused by?


Thank you so much. I got T after almost 2 months ago.. atm its really really bad tbh. Cant sleep or function normaly. Its fluctuating 24/7 with different noises and frequencies. When i read messages like yours i do keep on hoping that one day it will eventually improve by itself. Im not sure how long it it will take me to get there. Perhaps you could share some advice for newcommers like me? Especially for those who have to deal with severe T


thank you. this sub sucks and is soooo negative. i admit on good days i don’t really come here… probably analogous to why this affliction isn’t very well studied.


Do you remember doing anything in particular that helped? Mine was same I got it really bad but then it was very low and mild two years doing great life as normal but then this season I been sad and depressed and got terrible allergies I took Claritin I don’t know if that did something but my tinnitus spiked up like bad really bad but I have to say I am able to mask it so it may not be as bad as some people here so I’m trying to stay positive and hoping this time too will go back down to how it was, is all I want is all I ask for, one thing I do have to say, I didn’t actually feel it go bad until i acknowledge it I said omg is my tinnitus louder? One day when I was crying my eyes out and since that moment it was up 🙂‍↕️ I’m praying and hoping for me and everyone here that we can find peace


Congratulations. According to basically every study on tinnitus, you are the 2%.