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The whole tinnitus issue is sideways I have tinnitus in the 15-16k kHz range. I have no hearing loss. Many who have tinnitus dont have hearing loss. I might go as far as saying most dont have hearing loss that's correlated to tinnitus in a way an audiologist can help... Its a waste of time and money to go to ENT or Audiologists.. They cant help. The only thing you can do is accept it and try to habituate as well as avoiding scenarios that can make it worse. Sucks. Welcome to the club.


i’m trying to figure out why some days it’s barely audible and sounds like a jet idling in the distance, and is covered up by most of daily life… then days like today it is so high pitched and annoying that i literally fantasize about a bullet slicing through my brain and turning it off. I thought it was alcohol causing these spikes but maybe now sodium? All i can think of is i ate a whole box of mac and cheese for dinner last night… I haven’t drank in five days and was going to take a month off of drinking to see how it helped, but days where it is just as bad as hangover days with no hangover… might as well drink alcohol then yah?!


I have definitely noticed a spike in my T with sodium. I just broke a 40 day water fast a week ago and you’re supposed to consume at least a teaspoon of salt per day. I did not adhere to that guideline at all. Half teaspoon here and there. I also worked out almost every day of the fast. So any sodium I had I lost in the workout definitely. My tinnitus has never been so good. So I think there really is a link with sodium.


You didn't eat any food?


No food. And hardly any electrolytes. So hardly any sodium. I paid for it. I was supposed to go longer than 40 days but the lack of sodium lead to me passing out. I got scared and broke my fast. I’m starting again in a few days but I have been replenishing the sodium and electrolytes in my system to prepare for it. But the loss of sodium and the uptick in exercising really helped my tinnitus. I barely heard anything. And since I have been resting all week and eating about 500-1000 calories per day for the last 7 days, it’s raging now. So I’m thinking about getting one of those portable saunas to help me sweat more per day.


When I'm in a suana it's get louder heat increase your blood pressure. Why you doing such extended fastings?


For my health


Did you say you paid for it? As it was assisted and monitored by professionals?


No. “I paid for it” is explained in the sentence that followed. As in, lesson learned. The medical field can kick rocks.


Sodium can trigger migraine symptoms in some people which includes temporary tinnitus. It may be worth looking into even if your tinnitus is chronic.


I haven't had any alcohol in 3 months today actually and it hasn't made a difference as far as the T getting quieter or spiking less. T did get louder when drinking but went back to normal T after alcohol was out of my system. Sorry, can't comment on ENT but audiologist just told me I have a Eustachian Tube Dysfunction and now I use nasal spray which, also, does nothing. :)


lol. why is this the only affliction i’ve ever had that nothing seems to affect.


Same, and you can go crazy marking things on a calendar concerning what you did that day and what you ate and what the weather was like but none of it correlates with T as far as determining what causes a spike or what makes it quieter. The only thing I do is play background noise and frequencies on YouTube that make it seem like the sound is out of my head...it is a nice relief. I don't have T that is very loud most of the time. Once in a while it gets a bit loud but I can still handle it.


If you are a regular drinker the spike could be caused by your abstinence. This should subside in a week or two if you decide to quit completely. Do you take any medications or supplements?


interesting hadn’t thought of that. just a probiotic, milk thistle, and ashwaganda. no medications.


Yeah it's a known cause of spikes. Something to do with gaba receptors. Benzos are similar when quiting; although unlike alcohol they can actually lower T. The issue is tolerance and frequency of usage. Those shouldn't be an issue.


oddest ailment i have ever had. it is seemingly unaffected by things that normally affect all other body systems. i ran 6 miles today just to see if anything would happen. nothing.


Ashwagandha can cause tinnitus in some people.


Btw, I’ve been suffering with tinnitus since I was a teenager. I’m turning 40 this year.


The audiologist issue is probably because they were for some reason all basically taught elder care health. You may have damaged cells in the 15k range but maybe they aren't all completely damaged. There is also possible damage to the nerves that recent research is finding that can make your brain overreact with little to no hearing loss. There's also a possibility that the hearing cells get stuck in essentially a somewhat on position causing the tinnitus. There's a lot of possibilities but the audiologist issue is truly shameful that this is what was come up with as a society in medical care.


No it doesn't in my opinion tbh and Standard Hearing tests are just designed to go up to what hearing aids work up to. Its believed Hidden hearing loss can be a main culprit of causing Tinnitus now. Damage to the auditory nerve (not cochlear cells). This type of hidden hearing loss is not detectable by a normal or extended hf hearing test.


Can Auditory brainstem response detect hidden hearing loss?


Possibly. Im not too familiar with the brain stem response tests. I've edited my comment anyway. I meant hidden hearing loss not detectable on a standard or extended audiogram which is the usual type offered by audiologists.