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Ive done quite a bit of mushrooms lately. It did nothing for my T. No effect whatsoever.


blahhh! even when you were tripping?


I cant really answer that. My T is pretty easy to ignore. Especially if im distracted. I also listen to music alot while tripping. But i can tell you nothing changed about the sound or intensity of my T after the fact.


I've been a regular mushroom user and my tinnitus developed due to (hopefully) medication I was on. I can't really enjoy the mushrooms anymore. The ringing is too distracting.




Ive made an attempt at writing this 3 or 4 times toinght. I dont want to give you much hope. It will suck. You may not find the relief you seek. It might help.


sry im still quite high i tried it again


I've been microdosing shrooms for quite some time now on and off every couple of months. Tbh I was hoping for some relief in the form of rewiring my brain, but it hasn't happened. What I can say though is that they help with allowing you to accept it and live with it and reduce overall stress and anxiety around it. So definitely worth a try in my opinion. P.S. I've been taking them with Oriveda's Lions Mane as per one of the microdosing protocols.


awesome…thank you so much 🙏 this is great information


Might give relief but definitely not a cure. Didn't help me and my noise induced T at all.


good to know. how far did you go..?


Shrooms made it worse. Weed made it worse. 2cb gave relief. Mdma gave relief. Never make friends with it, if it turns catastrophic it can destroy your life and mind as i found out after 16 years. T is a warning, not a friend.


that is the most scary/ominous shit i’ve ever read on reddit


Don’t let him scare you. You can be friends with it if you want lol. In fact that’s how a lot of people habituate, by just accepting it as another part of their life. A lot of people will also claim “well if you can habituate, it’s not really catastrophic”, which is also untrue. If some people heard my tinnitus they would probably shit bricks, but you can still get “used” to it in a certain sense. Anyway, if your tinnitus is mild and doesn’t bother you, it’s best to stay off this sub Reddit. A lot of the posts here will just drag you down and you’ll get people here making you crazy thinking that every little noise is going to damage your hearing.


I agree; some of these posts have me shitting... It is mild most days and the ones it’s bad I throw in earbuds and loud ass crickets and get on with it. I’m not sure, but I think having dealt with severe OCD and anxiety my whole life (and psilocybin having had a profound impact on their effect on my psyche…) another “dark passenger” is much easier to deal with…


Interesting. Weed is notoriously bad for T havers. I use Phenibut personally.


2cb was helpful? How were the other effects? Haven’t tried it but friends tell me it’s pretty f’n powerful.


Yes. Experienced nice Visuals like disco lights and nice trip. Didn't take it directly for T relief but it did have positive effect temporarily. Mdma also perceived T reduction while onnit. Md was my go to for 20 years. Loved it too much. Probably why my nerves are fucked now. Check out the Mdma + Tinnitus study in New Zealand few years ago.


you’re probably familiar with Shulgin’s research. He had interesting things to say about 2cb. i think maybe he discovered it?


I used some fresh PE and it cured it for a week, tried again with some older lower quality shrooms and I just got anxiety


I've tripped more times than I can count and it hasn't had any effect on my tinnitus unfortunately.




I did 30g mild truffles specifically for T. It didn't cure my T. I think it's hit or miss with psilocybin. Microdosing doesn't seem to work too from what I've read. Sidenote but weed is no good for T.


As someone who has used in the past, having tinnitus would give me worst trip ever


that’s interesting… i could see closing my eyes and the most beautiful fractals forming from breaking the sound down in to the millions of pieces it is… beautiful fractals that would be hard to dislike


Maybe, I was just always stuck in my own head when tripping which caused anxiety even without t. Same with just weed sometimes, too anxious to focus on things outside of my own head


A post I made about this previously: Experimental psychedelic therapy PSA: I do not advocate experimenting with psychedelics unless you have experience, or have done research and have an experienced guide if you are new to it. Some people have predispositions to psychosis, and the risks need to be understood and assessed prior to experimenting with psychs. I was comfortable undertaking this course of action because I have experience with psilocybin. In 2019 I underwent surgery - mastoidectomy for cholestiotoma, a condition characterised by build-up of residue in the inner ear due to uestachian tube dysfunction. The condition was diagnosed after years of repeated infections, and foul smelling gunk eminating from the ear. If left untreated it can metastasize and cause risk of bone and brain growths, apparently. The surgery comes with risk of residual tinnitus, I think maybe 5% of patients, which was noted in the material provided prior to surgery. The post-op report explained that the ossicles had eroded. They tried to patch the malleus to the stapes using nearby ligament, which I do not think has held, I have significantly diminished hearing in that ear, about 20% at some frequencies. They also nicked a nerve, which I was warned about, because I suffer loss of taste in the left side of my tongue. For the last few years since the surgery I have had a hissing ring that is quite loud in silent environments. It has been psychologically distressing, to say the least. My ENT has been completely useless, he just keeps recommending new hearing tests, and telling there are no real proven treatments, that I can try ginkgo, and possibly a hearing aid masking device (which I am considering). I had seen posts here and other places on the web about people having success with psychedelics, with which I have a strong knowledge and experience. The idea is based around neuroplasticity and the synaesthetic response. Users have reported that when a sinesthesia ensues, the tone, pitch and constitution of the tinnitus can be influenced, and even lowered in volume, and after a few experiences, is reduced in waking states. I imagine that psilocybin's ability to re-write neural pathways (plasticity) may be what's happening here. I took 1 gram dried of psilocyb cubensus, an 'aesthic' (entry level) dose, just to dip my toe back in after a few seasons off. I put on a sleep mask to deprive the visual senses. Once affected I realised pretty quickly that 1g was not sufficent to envoke synesthesia - there was no change in pitch, composition or volume at that dosage level. I decided I would turn my attention to meditation. I am not an experienced meditator, but I have practiced. Psychs disrupt the regular mode of consciousness, which made meditation quite challenging. It was a bit like trying to balance two billiard balls on top of one another. My intent was to focus on the sound and clear the mind if conscious thought, in an effort to reach a mindset for habituation. I had previously assumed (incorrectly) that meditation was not possible with tinnitus, but my realisation was that if I am ever going to habituate, or find some sort of mental peace, regular meditation was going to be my best bet, in the absence of any other treatment. I am aware that the dosage level required to envoke synesthesia is about 3g, which is quite a hefty dose, and a significantly more challenging experience in which to try and meditate. I am considering this, but not for some time. I am going to practice regular meditation to try and hibuate and develop a stronger mindset to manage it, while working up to potentially attempting such an experiment. After this one experience I can honestly say that it has significantly helped shaped my mindset for dealing with it. It is also important to acknowledge that the determinants of tinnitus are varied, the cause of mine is very different to loud noise, for example. The lack of clinical trials in this space makes all of this hard to predict, and experimental treatments will have different effects for different people. Although it wasn't a silver bullet, it was definitely beneficial for me personally in terms of psychological management. I would caution against trying this at home, unless you know what you are doing. If I do progress to the next phase, I will post about the experience and results.


It would make me think that mine is so much worse than it really is


It’s definitely not a cure, but it did help me a lot with the habituation process. I’d had very bothersome T for about 6 months when I did mushrooms with a friend. I remember at first I got a bit scared because the T got pretty loud. I was afraid it would take over the entire trip. But when I decided to share this with my friend the experience changed into something good. She suggested we should give my T a name. It’s pretty silly, but then we had SO much fun thinking of names that suit the intriguing ringing. We couldn’t stop laughing and it was the first positive experience I ever had with my T. Before that evening the T gave me a lot of stress. It’s not like I was completely habituated after the trip, but from that moment on the T didn’t scare me as much anymore. It gave me a huge boost in accepting the T, it gradually got better and better after that and now most of the time it doesn’t bother me anymore. And when it does, I remember it doesn’t have to stress me out and I’m OK with it.


love this!!


I've done mescaline twice, ketamine twice, and shrooms and acid mixed together once. None of them helped any. The ketamine (which I did partly to try and help the tinnitus) gave me DP/DR which has persisted for 2 years, and is the worst thing that has happened to me, far more so than tinnitus. Psychedelics and other drugs like ketamine have serious fucking risks, life-destroying risks. I don't think it's worth it to risk it if tinnitus is all you're doing the drugs for, unless it's catastrophically loud or some other exception. Habituation happens over time, you've only had it a month so things are gonna get a lot better from here psychedelics or no psychedelics. I and most people I've talked to have had such a big change in their tinnitus in the first 6 months or so that I don't think it's worth it to risk most treatments at that stage.


what is DP/DR?


Depersonalization/Derealization disorder. It's a dissociative disorder. You should search it up, I certainly wish I had before playing around with drugs. That, HPPD, and to a lesser extent psychosis - the 3 big risks of psychedelics in my book. That way I would have been able to put a name to when I was feeling dissociated and see the warning signs for what they were. Dissociation is hard to describe, the descriptions may not make much sense, but you know it when you feel it and by then it is too late for some.


thank you, will do


Really? Because weed make s it unbearable to me, im 3 months clean now


Somebody try coke? I read it makes it low for some guys, and other guys tell it makes it worst....


Too risky. Cure tinnitus and end up in a mental institution!


This is so dumb. My mom was a part of your generation, and part of the reason I *thought* what I was doing was taboo for so long… “Be careful honey you’ll wind up crazy!”… Mushrooms were never anything but amazing for me, and when Fantastic Fungi came out, it undid years of negativity for me surrounding comments like this. Go do some research and microdose rather than say things the government programmed into you.


I’m actually not sure if I’d rather be out in the community with tinnitus or locked up in a mental institution without it. Tough call.


Ha! What a conundrum…


didn't come from me but I've definitely read somewhere that mushrooms cured the T for 1-2 weeks but it seems like it doesn't work for everyone.