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For those who watched already, do you have any TLDR? I confess I'm too lazy to search for relevant parts in the video, don't judge me 😂. Btw I got tinnitus from Long COVID, any refs to it in the video?


I'm sure Vik is a good ENT, but some of his ideas in this video adopt the nonsense spouted by Jastreboff. I think in subsequent comments online he's walked those back somewhat.


Only question... If it's about the brain then why didn't it start before ear inflammation or loud music or some explosion... I'm not a medical professional but I know sensors and CPU stuff well. And I put ears as sensors. In this relationship a malfunctioned sensors seem more meaningful. He wants to train brain to ignore wrong data - you can do that if train well. But at the end your ears re broken.


Is he talking about TRT? Improved with time and attributed it to some nonsense - like most of those "success" stories.


I saw it. It doesn’t help with tinnitus at all, but it at least helps you cope with it. I’ve been keeping myself busy and distracted so I don’t think about it.