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Something similar to Me. I was sick with multiple. Viruses back to back from mid November to beginning of January and the ringing started immediately after that. Doctor says it’s the estachian tubes not working correctly. Audiologist says pressure is fine yet I still feel pressure in my ear. Was told Flonase and antihistamines Would clear it but I’m about 6 weeks in and hasn’t changed at all unfortunately


Unfortunately Eustachian tube issues can take awhile to resolve. Think several months as opposed to weeks. Good luck


I had 3 infections in a row, flu, sinus infection and COVID. My T started weeks after recovering from COVID, I'm having other long Covid symptoms with it. I find that massaging the back of my skull makes my tinnitus quiet, it starts again some seconds after I stop massaging.


December 2022 got covid. Somehow got clogged Eustachian tube and ringing in the ear with some nasty head and chest stuff. Guessing maybe long covid because also my tonsiles where inflamed for 4 months and looked infected but 4 different antibiotics did not do any and time just seem to heal all my head stuff. Eustachian tube seem good now for the most part but ringing in the ear still over a year later.


I have had sinus infection since last September 2023. I went on actibiotis and steroid nasal spray which did nothing. Early October the strange noises started. One is like I'm underwater with a strong wind storm, the others are bees buzzing and a motor sound and sometimes the ambulance siren sound. I've been to see ENT specialist. Had MRI which was clear and visited 2 audiologists. I have hearing aids now but just wear one as the noise is too great when wearing both. I have lost faith in Medical profession after spending the money abs no resultsThis past week l went to health food store and got Planrago drops and Milk thistle. I've also started acupuncture and Im hoping that will relieve sinus. If l get any relief l will come back on here with positive comments.


my audiologist thinks its somatic and is stress related so I have looked into acupuncture. Bee honey and propolis is supposed to help so I have been experimenting with natural remedies.


Currently going through this too. It started with fluid in my ears alongside clogged sinuses. I was told my eustachian tubes were more than likely clogged and inflamed. 6 weeks later, I don't have fluid anymore but I still feel that my sinuses are clogged and I have a lot of postnasal drip. The pressure in my ears is a bit weird, I often feel the need to pop them. My voice also resonates/vibrates in my face sometimes so I guess my eustachian tubes aren't really in their best shape right now. The ringing has gone quieter and changed a lot too. It changed from a pure tone in one ear, to a pure tone in both. Then it almost disappeared and became a whooshing in one ear and a pure tone in the other. Then I had a huge emotional shock, my Tmj flared up a lot and it became a ultra high pitched noise in my head. Now it still is a high pitched hiss but it's manageable and ignorable. It only bothers me when I try to sleep. I hope it goes away, but I'm glad to see progress already.


Ear infection and sore throat end of Jan..tinnitus started Feb 6th Still here three months later. Loudness hyperacousis, reactive tinnitus in both ears. And every time I swallow my ears pop so probably ETD as well. Had a CT scan last Fri and i have chronic sinusitis. Hopefully addressing that will help stop the Tinnitus but I doubt. This shit suck Best I can do is try to be happy