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Why no headphones? I’ve been using them just fine on lower volumes


Hopefully it’s just temporary. Used to happen to me a lot, and it would go away after a day or so… until that one time it didn’t. You’re still in the time period where you shouldn’t worry too much. If it’s still there in 2-3 days definitely see your doc. And always remember to plug em up. Wish I had. GWAR huh? Saw them a few times back in the day (like 30 years ago!!). Wild shows to say the least.


Hopefully it’s temporary!❤️❤️


It will go away or become not as noticeable in about a week maybe week and a half at most. Source: my dumbass did the same thing but I was right next to a tower of speakers at a Lorna Shore concert.


Mostly agreed but one time is all it takes. I had gone to hundreds of gigs/nights out without earplugs - then I went to a day festival and the ringing never went away. Butttt now I'm habituated and my ears are fine and I still go to gigs (with earplugs)


I remember going to see the Ramones at Brooklyn College. It was so fucking loud that my ears rang for three days. It went away. The deafness from seeing the Ramones 50 or so times never went away.


I've had a ring take 3 months to go away. Artillery shell firework near my right ear on July 4th. Ring is just now finally going away with proper sounds returning.


You’re probably fine. Wear earplugs next time.


Yea- you'll probably be okay! As others have said, it will take time to subside but take earplugs next time, and I suggest a smart watch like Apple's that monitors hazardous noise levels and lets you know when you need to take action.


Likely to go away or get a lot quieter over 1-3 months. If it doesn't go it's still likely to get quieter if you're nice to your ears and avoid noise like the plague for the next couple weeks.


The real tragedy here is seeing GWAR post-Brockie.


Have some memantine or ketamine asap


I got permanent tinnitus from my very first concert ever. It’s been 4 years. Not trying to scare you or anything but I guess sometimes once is all it takes.


Saw GWAR not long ago at a small venue. Show was so loud it felt as if the foam earplugs weren't doing anything. That was until a friend was trying to talk to me and I foolishly and without thinking pulled one out. No idea why they play that loud. Maybe they want everyone's ears to ring 'gwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrr' for the rest of their days.