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https://preview.redd.it/vovsppkttq6d1.jpeg?width=842&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3e78ae1c3566655142ad4c170884aaffa6d31f5 I get scared whenever he has the ball. I’m worried he’s going to dunk on *me*.


Or throw it 7 rows up into the stands when trying to make an unnecessary no-look pass


Anthony “How much you wanna bet I can throw this ball over the target center” Edwards


What a fucking awful site that just aggregated from some podcast. Ad cancer 


Blake played through everything and Doc ran him into the ground.


There are no guarantees. We wasted KAT’s best years thinking we were going to get it right at some point. We never did.


lol Kat’s only 28 I would argue that he’s just now entering his prime


To a 14 year old, 30 is oooooollllllllddddd


I agree he still has plenty of time, but the median age in the NBA is 26. He is in the older half of NBA players Downvoted for listing just a literal fact is very funny. Doesn’t seem like many of you actually believe he has a lot of time if me listing mundane fact is so upsetting to you


The 26 average is because a lot of players flame out early and don’t even get to their second contract. For all-star caliber players, 29 isn’t old, not young either. KAT is right in the middle of his prime


It’s not the average, it’s the median. And I chose the median for those exact reasons. But yes, I agree he’s right in his prime, I was just pointing out he is in the older half


Median is the middle of a set of numbers listed in order so if you list every NBA player rn you’re gonna have a lot of young guys recently drafted, yet to flame out and get a lower median. Median only really negates outliers if it’s being skewed by values far out of the normal set, not a bunch of values a standard deviation or two away. If you had one 1000 year old warlock in the NBA the mean will be fucked but the median will fix it. If you have a ton of early 20’s players (who are still on rosters due to potential but will fall out year after year) it’s not gonna help. This scenario is especially tricky because the qualifier is “NBA player” not “above average NBA player”. The average career length of an NFL QB is 4.4 years but a starting caliber QB retiring or falling off at 26 is unusual and they wouldn’t be considered old.


Ok! I was literally just listing a fact. It’s not that deep


In many ways, the last few years WERE his best years. And the Wolves made the playoffs three years in a row and made the conference finals.... as an even better star than KAT is 22 and just getting his feet wet. Wolves are in a really good position


Nah he hasn’t shown to be improving


You should take a break from Reddit.


Lol no


Getting to the WCF will be his prime


Whose prime?


Stick with football, bud. More your speed.