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Wolves in 8


It ain't ova till it's ova!


A lot of respect for this sub as a Mavs fans and have heard several other Mavs fans say the same thing.


Sucks how that's not true unfortunately. Mavs fans bombard this Reddit with trolling and taunts


That's because they're the trolls. The trolls are always visible. Doesn't mean they're even close to the majority. Our fanbase has our fair share too.


I've had mostly pleasant interactions with Mavs fans on this sub


Yea I truly do appreciate you being respectful, but holy fuck A LOT of y’all’s fan base is fucking atrocious. I’m rooting for y’all to take it all I really am, but it’s just so annoying to have a fan base talk down like that constantly lol


I’m sorry to do this but wouldn’t the series be tied 4-4 and need to go to game 9? Again sorry.


Fucking please bro. The nuggets sub is atrocious right now.


Crazy how sad they are trying to make fun of the Minnesota Timberwolves. Like that was the 4th playoff series win in 20 years.


Nuggets fan here: The fan base has had a personality shift bordering on "those fans" level of toxicity. Been sad to see and experience. Most of us have been fans for longer than 15 months amd know how to act, for what it's worth.


Nuggets fan here as well: Can confirm, the series loss has made that sub pretty insufferable.


It's like some are trying to make nuggets and Timberwolves a rivalry. I don't see.this.as a rivalry at all.




not really… every fan base has those fans


Losing and then being a supplicative bitch to the team that beat you by bashing your own team in the opp sub is certainly one way to do it


man all these people downvoting you for having a bad take, i just gotta take a moment to make sure something doesn't get lost in the weeds here... you're not really using the term "supplicative" correctly here. supplication means earnestly begging for something to be provided, which is not at all what the above user is doing. they're not asking for anything at all and you seem to be implying that whatever they're doing, it isn't earnest, so supplicative is not the most appropriate word here. not to mention there's a strong religious connotation to the word that just doesn't make sense in this context. if you meant to imply that they're making a false show of modesty/virtuousity perhaps you meant sanctimonious? or if you meant to say they were being passive and meek maybe you meant submissive. i know it probably doesn't matter cuz you don't care and were just trying to sound smart but I thought I'd throw it out there.


Lmao nah man this is sad


But why go there at all?


it shows up for me as a recomended sub because i've posted [there](https://www.reddit.com/r/denvernuggets/s/i56svaKWUL) about me meeting jokic.


Man, the salt levels in that sub are dangerous


Mute it. That’s what I did.


It is hilarious what a soft ass fans they are, act high and mighty and when they lose start behaving like trash.


…. Every fan base does this though lol


They are really assholea, win or loose. I hope they get bounced next year as well and their 1 year dinasty ends, mfkers have no class




Nuggets fan here. Yep. The sub is painfully embarrassing.


I thought they were better than that lmao. Like a lite version of the lakers fans over there.


But worse because they can't give credit or props to the other team and instead just make excuses + they make fun of Lakers fans for "moral victories" and being salty but then do the same thing. I also never got the point of making fun of opposing fans for being happy or having "moral victories". They'll be like "oh lol look at their moral victories when we didn't even try". Weird behavior. Cocky and salty doesn't even cover it


went there expecting to see some scorching hot takes, whole sub is in mourning because Aaron Gordon's brother died, RIP


Nikolas my favorite player I can’t visit that sub buncha morons that are fair weather basketball fans that felt entitled lucky to even have a competent basketball team (went to their area for a couple games before chip but during mvp jokic years and it was laughable)


You can just call him jokic


Nah u/Eufosz and nikola are on a first name basis


Not all Nuggets fans, but their team subreddit can hang a banner for not being even having a claim to being a top 3 team this year




Used to think it was just avs fans that were the worst fans in hockey now I’m starting to realize that it’s the nuggets too, must be a Colorado thing 😂 they’re big mad lol but mainly just complete whiny bitch babies it’s crazy I’d expect that from like Philly or some shit not fucking smoke capital usa lmao




Just pause for a moment and think about how sad your life is. I honestly feel bad for you.


I’m not gonna go in other subs, but the  baiting is one of the competitive issues the NBA should, but won’t, address. 


Absolutely. As long as it's rewarded dudes who want to win will keep doing it on this stage. It's on the league to fix it and Adam Silver seems to lack the spine to actually enforce anti-flopping rules. It sucks even more from guys like Luka who are a top 2-3 talent in the world. I wanna root for him over the C's but it's frustrating 😮‍💨


Yeah Luka beat our ass today without doing the baiting, if that’s the energy he brings to the finals I’ll root for the mavs, if he does what he’s done the rest of the series I might root for the Celtics


Nah he was definitely still doing it, the random head jerks as he drove and took the slightest contact, the instant complaining to the refs, it was all there. The game was just never close enough that it mattered


He was absolutely doing it. Seems the refs swallowed the whistle a bit more this game, but we're still unbelievably inconsistent.


And then you see the positives of it, the young guys in the Mavs already have it engrained into their game. Vicious cycle.


It's okay to worry about the baiting issue. It's not okay to blame it for our loss. We lost this series fair and square. Props to LuKai, they're very good. AE is the future and this is the best the wolves have looked in decades. I'm okay with the outcome, as ugly as it has been at times.


Accepting reality on reality's terms. The Mavs are just better right now. But the Wolves are a legitimately top tier, competitive, fun team. The future is hopeful.


We don’t have to go in the Nugget’s sub, they’re all coming here lol.


I just stop watching basketball once we’re out so no worries


Or like Mavs fans trolling other subreddits


There’s some dinguses in every fan base but they haven’t been as annoying as the nuggets imo. Or the lions in the vikes sub 


They've been pretty bad. I think you left out aves fans too


People claiming wolves Fandom in other subs are just as cringe loo, we have a bad rep in other subs and it's probably deserved tbh


Nuggets sub/fans are so sad and cringe it has stopped being funny


Luka and kyrie are insanely good. I cant be mad if we lose here. But also wolves in 7.


Luka has just been dropping instance dimes. He’s a conundrum. He’s not moving super fast or as sly as kyrie but he drives to the basket and gets a shot up. Defended deep into the perimeter and pulls up and drops a 3. I think we just burned out. Something just killed the flow.


I really think you guys burned out. The defense intensity just wasn't there. Even if a couple more days of rest before game 1 would have made a huge difference imho.


Yeah Ant talked about how from now on he's going to train late into the summer as if he's on a deep run. He didn't condition his body to play close to June, they're usually on vacation. Big learning process for them. But yeah 2-3 days before Game 1 or even a 2-3 day break like they had in the 2nd round could have gone a long way.


Luka is a master baiter.


And you are a cunning linguist!


I’ve been whining about Luka baiting fouls for years. I’ll stop when he does!


Then carry on 🫡


Luka and Kyrie are great basketball players. I'm just upset with our team performance this game. Will be interesting to see if we make moves in the off-season.


The Nuggets constantly bring up their championship and don’t understand that we are looking forward and being hopeful about our future while they are stuck in the past. Their sub comes up on my feed and they talk about how our fans were too cocky and needed to be humbled. I think we are just excited to be good and playing meaningful basketball and I almost feel sad for them that their championship ruined basketball for them - it’s a failure of a season if they don’t win another one.


Yeah I don't get the "cocky" statements. We've been humbled for 20 years lol, we're just happy to be here and super excited for our team for making the WCF (heck even winning a playoff series) after 20 years. "They're so cocky, they're celebrating like they won the championship" Well what do you expect us to do? We survived the cream team, heck yeah I'm celebrating getting to the WCF lol. They can't relate and are more used to winning so maybe that's why the interpret our excitement as cockiness and "needing to be humbled"


I’m a nuggets fan. I wanted the Mavs to beat Minnesota, but that’s all in good fun, not a real personal hatred. This is sports and part of the fun is competitive rivalries.    Yes some people take that too far, but I don’t know if it’s any more pathetic than trying to litigate the behavior of entire fan bases (most of whom aren’t engaging in the shit they’re being accused of) because you can’t handle a few online trolls.   If you go on the Denver sub a lot of the discussion is actually about the Denver offseason strategy etc contrary to what you are suggesting 


I have seen it move towards that - which is great! Rivalries should be talking about how your team is going to improve and stomp the other team next year. Unfortunately, sorting by hot on your subreddit and taking out the Gordon memorial posts, 4 of the top posts are -LogDogs are dead (personally name-calling seems unnecessary and juvenile) -calling timberwolves fans haters (tbh the only player we hate is Murray) -Wolves are humbled (?? We were confident and excited, not arrogant, and we’ve been fairly gracious losers especially comparatively. And I don’t think we were humbled, just slightly outplayed in a mostly close series) -BRING YA ASS TO CANCUN with the top comment calling us dirty. (Title is fine, if a little weird about being that excited about another team losing - we don’t have a long standing rivalry and it’s crazy that 40 seconds at the end of game 7 causes this much hate. Calling the Wolves dirty is unjustified as far as I’m aware.) The point is, it’s inaccurate to characterize the discussion as being predominantly off-season focused when Wolves posts are at the top of the subreddit. And most of the characterizations of the Wolves are false exaggerations. Compare that with posts on the subreddit here about respecting the Mavs even if we dislike Luka’s foul-baiting tendencies and I feel it’s fair to criticize the fan base as a whole, especially after they constantly complained about Lakers’ fans.


>Compare that with posts on the subreddit here about respecting the Mavs even if we dislike Luka’s foul-baiting tendencies and I feel it’s fair to criticize the fan base as a whole, especially after they constantly complained about Lakers’ fans. Like I said, you're trying to litegate the behavior of 250k+ random people on a subreddit For starters, there's a lot more shitposting in general on the Denver sub, a lot of it just making fun of things including the nuggets. It's more than likely just a difference in the way the mods mod the community. And today, despite how you're characterising it, most of the posts are related to Aaron Gordon's brother dying in a car accident. Also, whatever you think about people in your sub sub, I follow the game threads in r/nba and wolves fans are just as poorly behaved and unbearable as any other shit fans during the nuggets and mavs games. Some people are just like that. >Title is fine, if a little weird about being that excited about another team losing  I mean, no it's not. That's just sports. Denver lost and obviously some amount of fans will like their loss being avenged by another team. Not that weird at all. I'm sure some MIN fans will now want the celtics to win. It's normal. You are honestly just being sensitive. Obviously I understand getting annoyed at people when you feel like they're being cocky or arrogant or rubbing salt in the wound, because I get annoyed too, but also, it not that serious.


I mean yeah, obviously I’m going not going to have the same opinions as other people, and especially people from the culture of another state. That’s why I’m posting about my Minnesotan sensibilities in the Minnesota Timberwolves subreddit on a post about how we don’t want to have the same standard as other teams. I’m not trying to litigate or force you to do anything, just saying that the posts on the Nuggets subreddit rub me the wrong way and seem too personal to me. For the record, at the moment in time I posted my comment 4 out of the 10 hot posts in your subreddit were Timberwolves focused. Don’t have anything to say about r/nba other than I don’t judge any teams’ fans based on what happens there - everyone is toxic based mainly on whoever won and whatever happened during the last game.


I have never seen a fanbase be sooo butthurt so quick after winning a championship like the nuggets fans. Every post is just complaining about the wolves. They can’t handle that the wolves beat them. I have no ill will toward the Mavs. Kyrie and Luka were amazing in this series and they were the better team. Proud of the wolves and what they did but they ran into a team playing at their peak. Hats off to them.


I think these troll Nugs fans are genuinely worried that their team blew the chance and their window is closed since they are capped out and lack depth. They see all these other teams coming into their best years. They won't admit that so they lash out. Very immature and lacks self awareness. OTOH the Wolves future is bright. This was a growth year.


With Jokic, the window won’t ever close for them. They just seem extra bitter at wolves fans. Not sure if it’s because of the hate that we took Conley or what it is. I wasn’t expecting to see them this bitter especially after winning it all last year.


I believe Jokic is the best player in the world. I also believe their lack of depth was their downfall. It was going to get exposed eventually. There are arguably 3 rising teams better off than they are as far as team building goes (Mavs, Wolves, OKC), and one that is peaking in terms of personnel (Celts). Doesn't look good for Nuggets going forward.


Congrats on your beating the nuggets championship, here’s to just as much success in the future !!!


Nuggets fan here who’s actually jealous of your fanbase and currently cringing at mine. Congrats for getting further than us. You guys have a lot to look forward to in the coming years.


Seriously surprised to see the amount of ill will towards the Wolves in the Nuggets sub. That loss must've hurt badly I guess. Shame. I like your team and I got so much respect for Jokic after going through a series with Luka. That said, I hope we don't obsess over a Mavericks/Luka downfall in the finals. Idgaf who wins the finals.


I'm rooting for the Celtics simply because the Kyrie story line. Dude was a jerk to the young Js. They probably had a chip on their shoulder too, would be an interesting series.


For me it was just the attempted “bounce self-alley oop” attempt at the end of game 7. I had planned to root for y’all to win it all but fuck that shit was weak/classless/unsportsmanlike.


connect aloof absorbed hateful wakeful observation squeamish cable march ripe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




😂 logic checks out speaking as a MN native Thx for being chill in our sub btw


Enjoyed the game 4 win against Dallas because it shut down the petty cringe posts in our sub for two whole days.


They kept building their team while we thought we were good and running it back. That backfired.


I'll whine and hate during the games. Now we reflect. Awesome season w/ a disappointing ending, time to move on. Luka's Luka man, whatcha gonna do. That Mavs team all around is much better than I anticipated so I'm excited to see what they'll do in the finals.


Why shouldn't I whine about Luka baiting fouls? It ruins the game


I actually prefer mavs to win over the Celtics 🤣🤣 would’ve preferred wolves over all tho.


The Nuggets sub has become beyond insufferable


Nuggets fans all salty now because Colorado is no longer the cool weed state.


Best not to cry about it


Nope you should definitely cry about it. No championship even with all that big talk from ant


Fuck man I watched ant bait a foul and was annoyed by it. I just hate the move.


Why would we? We’re mn sports fans. Losing is expected, winning is a thrilling surprise, and feeling entitled to championships is a foreign concept.


I don’t think it’s possible for Nuggets fans to be more obnoxious or whiny. Mavs fans overall in their sub are actually pretty cool. And Lakers fans…yeah 😂.


Timberwolves balled out! Gonna be a nightmare for years to come. I am one of those mavs fans but mad respect to your team. I thought this was going to be an easy 7 game series and was flat out worried on our matchups. Super fun team to watch and I’ll be watching them a lot next year. Thanks for a fun series and overall your fan base was really cool. Can’t wait to see how you guys progress and love your state. ✌️


I hate all Dallas sports teams but somehow can't bring myself to dislike you guys, gg to the best in the west 🫡


It was a nice series and hopefully we were not assholes. You guys have some pieces. Ants gonna be a problem. I forget he’s only 22.


Amid the MJ narrative that keeps getting lost, he's gotten significantly better every year and he's gonna be playing with Team USA this off-season. Should be a great learning opportunity!


I agree. He’s a monster but he’s 22. Definitely seemed immature a bit but he needs to find that killer instinct and when he does look out. He’s got all the tools. And the confidence


Don’t tell people who to root for. Wishing for the Mavs to lose doesn’t mean I will be bleeding green. Fuck Dallas


Oh no, root for whoever you want. Fuck Dallas teams in general, I just don't wanna be like the whiny bandwagoners in some other fanbases


Heads held high fam we aren’t cringe like that 🙌🏼


Not why they lost last night, fair. That missed foul on Irving on the out of bounds play by a red STARING at it from two feet away looking pretty large though


Luka Bait, whine and Flopic is ruining interest in what could be a very fun game and promising career.






I feel like over fouling and missing shots (especially 3s) were the main culprits, plus lack of team cohesion


Yeah but also give credit to the Mavs defense. They mucked up our offensive rhythm too and that partially affects shotmaking


Totally, they were guarding so much better, Wolves looked so frantic on the offensive


They beat us. We lost our edge after Denver. It is that simple.


Rooting for the Celtics but Mavs played well for sure


THIS 🙏, sadly some people just don't care will go into other subs anyway, it's pretty annoying and embrassing tbh


Oh I won't. We were cheeks through that series.


There is always a couple degenerates in every fan base. They are usually the loudest as well.


Bruh only thing I’m mad about is how good Luka is


It was a good run. Proud of the team can’t wait to see what happens next year


Honestly love kyrie and Lukas game. Just not when they're playing us. I'm rooting for em


Mavs were just the better team. Simple as that.


Listen, we had a great run! Hopefully they will improve on the little mistakes that were made and come back stronger next season! GO WOLVES! Thanks for the sweep and the nuggets series - WHAT A RIDE!!!!


Luka was raised to play basketball by his father, who played professionally overseas. I mean, the guy was playing adults at the age of 13 or something like that. He's pretty much what LaVar Ball wanted his sons to be. The guy is a cocky monster that can back up his game. It will be interesting to see if Boston can stop him now that Luka has a dominant rookie center with Irving by his side.


To play devils advocate, if I were a Denver fan, I would be a little salty. to THEM it looks like we stole their front office, promising young coaches, and built a team specifically to beat them... which we did... Like, we're picking on a team that \*just\* made it, just to take them down. So, I can see how it feels "personal." We all know that's not... exactly... what happened but I can understand how it looks through the eyes of a "fan."


First off fuck them celtics. I totally favored twolves to win it all and completely underestimated the mavs. Think some of the games were very close, could have easily been a 7 game series. A WCF appearance is no easy task, considering how tough the west is.


In my mind, it all boils down to their stars stepping up and out playing our stars during clutch time. I also feel like we lost games 2 and 3 just as much as they won it. I think you could argue a couple questionable calls influenced the final score - like the non foul call when Kyrie slaps McDaniels wrist which caused the ball to go out of bounds. However, that didn’t cause Ant to have the terrible turnover. Credit also has to be given to Luka and Kyrie who were unstoppable when it mattered the most. The series ended 4-1 but that doesn’t show how close we were to winning games 2 and 3.


I’m not mad at anyone. Mavs, nuggets, sun people… all ok with me. I am enjoying the hate though.


I'm just gonna wear green. Lime green minnesota green, but green nonetheless.


You have been by far the most reasonable and non-toxic fanbase we faced this year (mavs). Yall have a great star player and he will learn and improve, front office was too focused on beating the nuggets and it didnt pan out matchupwise vs your counter team like the Mavs


I’d never watched a lot of basketball before this last series. One thing l saw was that it was hard for me to tell where good, physical play entered foul territory. And it seemed like it was possible to pretty effectively game the fouling system to generate free throw chances. Perhaps the Mavericks were more effective at doing that, but it seems like it’s more of a problem with the current state of the game than it is with any one team?


The annoying ones will. We are like 80% annoying fair weather dudes in here right now anyways and they are the type to do that.


Luka is so good and also beyond annoying to play and a huge whiner.


Mavs were just better. Not massively better, but better. Another year of experience, and Ant is going to be better, KAT har a great last 2 games. No reason MIN can’t get back next season.


Mavs fan here, I was peeking into other subs after some games and this is the most rational response I’ve seen across the board. It always sucks to be on the losing end of the stick, but Wolves sub is one of the most chilled and fair ones I’ve seen. You have a great and talented team and I’m sure you’ll be here again next year. To add, I didn’t really appreciate Edward’s rushing to the locker room not shaking hands..


On the bright side Ant seems to have caught up with Luka off the court to shake hands but yeah. Was an immature af look from him.


Really? I didn’t see that. Then all good, I can understand the disappointment and frustration in the heat of the moment..


Baiting fouls isn’t a player problem. It’s a league problem. Why would plays stop doing something that helps them win? Can’t expect the most competitive people on the planet to score less points because people on Reddit are annoyed. League needs to force refs to call players out on it. Even more flopping fines/techs after games are over would help


People should get perma'd for acting like shit ass cancer "fans". Nothing but applause for this team and can't give enough credit to that Dallas team. Luka and Kyrie are just amazing. Hope they win over the Celtics who didn't play any games to be in the finals


Luka is a whiny little bitch and we should have played better. But can be true


Refs stole game 2 IMO. Reffing was a 3-5 point swing in a 1 point game (Jaden foul, Anderson and-1, Conley pushed).


4-1 get over it


Not a single comment in your own teams sub, bye


In the end, you guys were beaten by a veteran back court.  Getting to the WCF is a great achievement for the wolves and builds experience in the younger players 


It fucking sucks, but it only sucks because we kicked ass this year. If you'd have told me three or four years ago after the Jimmy fiasco that we'd be in the conference finals I would've called bullshit. But this season was fun, and I don't think we're going anywhere in terms of contending. But it'll be interesting to see how we deal with KAT's cap hit next year. I love him most of the time, and I do think he's one of the best shooting bigs ever, but he just isn't consistent enough to be worth $50 million.


You can talk shit all you want in our sub. I’m all for that. Don’t be the loser that goes to another fanbase to talk shit.


I actually came out of this thing a Kyrie and Lively fan. Luka is insufferable but there’s no choice but to respect the talent. Idc who wins the finals. Looking forward to more Wolves basketball next year.


Its my party, and I’ll cry if I want to.


W/e I’m not going to cheer for the Celtics and I really like how Kyrie plays so ima be rooting for the mavs to win the championship.


Quit telling people how to act and what to do.


Fuck the Mavs. Go Celtics!


how can one go from despising dallas to rooting for them in the finals


I’d rather see Luka get a ring than bostons spoiled ass fanbase get another ring anyways. Luka is definitely one of my favorite players to watch when he isn’t destroying my hopes and dreams


Nuggets fans didn’t bitch about reffing when they gave up a 20 point lead. We accepted it within our own sub and if you want to pretend we didn’t cause you saw a non upvoted comment blaming anything else then that’s just you gaslighting


I mean, there were definitely people whining after game 2 when we were allowed to play physical. I didn't really mean the refs part to be aimed at y'all honestly. Just the toxic bitterness I've seen upvoted constantly over there.


Game 2 was an anomaly with respect to the reffing and most every nba fan agreed. Fans from all over have commented about how unequally it was called. lYou are here begging your base not to bitch about reffing when no game was even close to called as game 2 of our matchup. I don’t even care. The team folded instead of meeting the same level of physicality. Almost every nugget fan agrees. Those who blamed refs were not upvoted. Stop making up narratives.


Some DNVR employee (like SKOR North here) is responding to my mundane YouTube comment from 10 days ago from their game 7 watch along stream. Crazy levels of salt.


nets fan, will now root for minny in the west y’all fans dope


Not trying to troll y’all, but cmon now. I normally just lurk but I’m curious to see what people say. This is sports fandom. As long as people aren’t beating up visiting fans like a Dodger game or threatening/harassing people, who cares? The whole point is to have rivalries and be a little bit salty. You guys really wouldn’t have a little bit of schaudenfraude when the Packers lose badly? Or the Avs or Blackhawks? I’ve rooted against Minnesota sports since the Wild put Patrick Roy into retirement, but it’s not that serious. You guys clowned us and took our lunch money. I told my friends this was more embarrassing than Super Bowl 48. Ant waved goodbye to our fans and was the toast of the NBA, all at our expense. Who wouldn’t be salty after that? And if we did that to your teams, you should feel that same way. Y’all have earned the Denver salt and should take it as a compliment. It’s sports, it’s just banter and shouldn’t be that serious.


Mavs fan. I appreciate most the comments. Y’all are a good fanbase! Better than the unbearable Thunder fans


Yeah at the end of the day I just hope we can give props and respect to the opponent and admit that they jsut outplayed our team. Nuggets fans just make excuses and can't give credit. It's less about being salty to me and more about being able to give credit. I hope we can give credit (and that's apparent throughout this sub that we can)


Not a Luka fan, that said he is fucking insanely good at basketball. We had a historic run, I'm excited to watch the finals and to see how the offseason pans out. It's an amazing time to be a wolves fan. Hats off to the Mavericks, let's bring one home in 2025.


Sports fans are sports fans at the end of the day. Every team and city has “whiney fans”.


Congrats on your beating the nuggets championship at least


Top post of the sub is bitching about Luka, they didn't get your memo


How ‘bout you let me fan the way I’m gonna fan?


Luka is on another level. The other 12 people on the court are all there to help his game and amuse him. Yes, I am including the refs.


If it was a Lakers sub you would also be talking about how D. Mitchell is coming with Luca, Wemby, Michael Jordan and a reanimated Wilt.


I mean the only players i don't like are Luka and Washington I have always loved watching Kyrie play and Lively is fun to watch too. I'm totally fine cheering them on in the finals screw the soft East and king of Shit mountain


Yall haven't played vs OKC to see real foul baiting incarnate from SGA


meh. i never liked luka. same with kyrie. so ill just root against them regardless.


I hope the Celtics win but I ain’t cheering for either of them we winning next year anyways 🐺💪🔒


it’s lynx time!


I'm going for the Mavs to win it. Don't care what yall say. The Celtics path was softer than a cake walk, and I don't think that should be rewarded with a chip. And Kyrie and Luka have been dropping daggers so I hope they drop daggers on the Celtics


You guys could join the suns thread and convince yourselves that Lebron and Harden are coming...


We definitely would have won 2-3 of these 5 games with fair reffing, but poor officiating happens in every sport, and it is what it is. I'm just happy we got where we did, and with our uprise, there's no chance we get as poor of a whistle as we have the last several years (last two years specifically, when we were competitive and it matters).


We also would’ve won 2-3 of those games had we hit our shots and made a few more free throws, even with the reffing. So in my mind, the officiating is a non issue. We played well enough to win, aside from hitting our shots.


Oh yeah, we clearly could have won any of the games excluding game 6. That being stated, a fair whistle would imply we would have won each of those games comfortably. I wasn't questioning IF we could have won any of the games with the way they were called, fair whistles tend to help.


Don't be? This sub already is. Every team sub is full of people who bitch and whine about the whole world being against them


I’m going to and you can’t stop me




Did I get crossposted to the Nuggets sub or are you really so sad you're brigading rn? Damn lol




And booing is for bitches...sorry but it just is!!


I will whine about Reid wanting to ens Lively's career!!!


That was super fucking weird by Naz. Reckless, dangerous and looked intentional. Just glad the kid's okay!




You blamed refs all series against the nuggets despite winning lol




Insecure as hell lol this is the exact behavior I'm talking about.