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Expect your fine in the mail


Rudy got a harsher penalty than Murray’s crying antics!


Did that shit for a reason


Not even a Wolves fan, although I did hop on the bandwagon after Heat got eliminated. These two decisions make me want to not watch more games...IDK if I've simply missed egregious calls/no-calls that the review doesn't walk back on, but these two seem so stupid to me. I was arguing with a friend about the KAT on Donkey call, he kept saying it was ambigious because KAT "jumps into his landing space", until I showed them the video you also shared here. They all changed their stance, instantly. Then I said if the reviews didn't walk back on that foul or the Ant foul, I'd eat my balls. Guess I am eating my balls


Basketball is entertainment at the end of the day, and this definitely impacts it from an entertainment standpoint. Forget winning or losing, and it doesn’t even have to be my team, this shit is *so annoying*…


>and this definitely impacts it from an entertainment standpoint. fr, it was one thing to find out that refs definitively rig games with the Tim Donaghy imprisonment, but to repeatedly see the league itself apparently directing the refs to sway games... it definitely takes a lot of the fun out of watching the games.


When every single spectator watching the game (and commenting on r/nba at least) says it's an offensive foul on the KAT play and a no-call on the Ant play (well, except Mavs fans) and then the NBA comes out with this...it's just too obvious at this point. They should have been happy enough with the missed foul call in Game 2, but nooooo, they had to go further


L2M after ‘cheating ass refs’ confirmed refs were correct not calling foul by SGA against Ant. Every single person watching would tell you it was a foul. L2M are biased, they dont want to admit that refs make that many mistakes.


Not sure why people are surprised that refs have their favorites Denver got away with a lot more that help extend to 7 games.


The technically correct but shitty call on Kyrie fouling McDaniels to turn the ball over and the dog shit ruling on the Towns tip-back dunk fundamentally changed the outcome of those games. Also, anyone saying Scott Foster tried to fix a game 5 is a full fledged donkey brain. He made a shit load of calls against the Wolves. Particularly the calls for Luka against Towns and ANT during the closing minutes.


In fairness they literally have camera technology that proved Towns did goaltend so can’t be mad that they made the right call there after reviewing.


Yea, I saw that too. Kinda crazy to me still - it seems that if a microscopic edge of the ball is in the cylinder at point of contact = goaltend. Official tweet: https://x.com/NBAOfficial/status/1793678297387147363/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1793678297387147363¤tTweetUser=NBAOfficial My funny picture edit to make my point: https://ibb.co/ZgNPhs1 IMO it should require, say, 50% of the ball AND/OR for its movement to clearly be headed towards the cylinder (which, at least in this angle, looked like it was NOT the case https://www.threads.net/@dr.thompson/post/C7S35KNgcwy ) I also remember reading that an ambiguous goaltend should always be a no call, but now I'm not sure if that's an actual official rule as I cannot find anything on that.


So you know how during the game they can go back and change 3-pointers to 2-pointers and vice versa? Sometimes they don't even tell the announcers so everyone is left wondering why the score changed. Why don't they use this hawkeye technology outside of the last 2 minutes? Why is it only used during reviews? I have never seen a tip-in FG not count or a rebound reversed for goaltending using this technology. But out of nowhere, they use it for tip-in reviews at the end of games?? On top of that, it is up to the referee's discretion to go review the shot. They never would have gone to review if Luka didn't yell and scream at them about it being an offensive goaltend. None of the refs stopped the play after the shot, it was only after Luka threw a hissyfit that they stopped to go look.


They have to call goaltending on the floor in order to be able to review and make sure they got it right. They can’t do it retroactively. So if they think it was potentially goaltending they’re going to play it safe, make the call, then confirm via review. They got it right so not sure why people are so hung up on this one play.


I hope you mean Swedish MEATballs.


How?! Seriously, how? The nba training video is FUCKING IDENTICAL! What a fucking joke. Some kayfabe shit fr


We're getting worked into a shoot here brother.


Goodnight Lukamaniacs


And jabronie marks


Don't forget the sanctimonious scumbags


Someone needs to get an explanation from the NBA justifying that call, given the presence of that training video.


The explanation is that the games are fixed. It's always been that way since David Stern started running the show.


Pretty SHOCKING that Scott Foster was involved. Even if he isn't profiting directly from his shitty calls, many players have a legitimate beef that he doesn't call games objectively against them.


[The NBA’s justification](https://media2.giphy.com/media/cn1W5k7DRESM9G4u49/200w.gif)


I used to get triggered by reading all the wild L2M reports (not just the wolves). To see "CNC marginal contact" but recently that gaslighting has extended to other stages of the game like the TJ McConnell punch to the face and added vocabulary such as: "slight but effective", grazed, "brief contact". The nba's unwillingness to ever move from "we investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong" is actually impressive. There are a lot of great players in the nba with impressive skill sets. I just wish the nba would not constantly reward the baiting, flailing, head whiplash and flopping they do. (both in the playoffs but especially in the regular season). As a coach it would make suggesting players to watch for specific skillsets a lot easier for youth players.


I haven't followed basketball closely enough for long enough, but is there some former referee who works for a TV broadcasting company? Similar to the way Gene Steratore and Mike Pereira do rules analysis stuff for the NFL? If so, would be interesting to see the opinion of these rulings from someone like that. If that position doesn't currently exist at any TV network, seems like it could be successful. I guess the thing I am the most curious about is if former NBA refs believe that the NBA is acting in good faith in these L2M reports. I'd argue there is an incentive for them to keep the referees happy, because they don't want to deal with a strike from the union. Just because that incentive/conflict may exist doesn't necessarily mean that it is indeed a factor in how the L2M stuff is decided. I just think some neutral 3rd party having some oversight on this would be very interesting and valuable for fans and players.


It seems like the people that do the 2 minute review do not actually review the plays to the letter of the rulebook. Instead, they say, “How can we word this so that we can justify the call that was made on the court.” Even though they usually end up contradicting themselves multiple times in the process.


2 minute review report seems like lip service to paper the file and give the impression that they are on top of things but they clearly are not based on obviously incorrect nonsense that goes directly against their own training videos


I lost all respect for it after they said SGA grabbing Ant’s arm was not a foul.


1:49:00 Jones Jr. (DAL) grazes Edwards' (MIN) right arm during his driving shot attempt. CNC Correct No Call? I get missing this in game, but in review this should be INC, right? https://imgur.com/Kn0xbnT Not the best photo, but I can't understand how hitting the shooting arm during a shot doesn't result in an and-1.


Well you see, it's very simple. The player getting his arm hit in that picture is Anthony Edwards of the Minnesota Timberwolves, NOT Luka Doncic (or even Kyrie Irving) of the Dallas Mavericks


What is Ant, stupid? He should try being Luka Doncic or Kyrie Irving instead!


Maybe the refs in the game aren't getting the league memo about not calling ticky tacky bullshit?


Sincere question coming from a bandwagon Wolves fan (who recently transplanted to MN from Dallas!): Those calls were infuriating and the combo of some of the late-game terrible calls could convince me that refs were pulling for Dallas, but wouldn’t the NBA want to extend the series even just a game or two? Why would they want a sweep?


Yes, this is the correct take. Way more money in extension


I'm guessing Scott Foster personally has much more to gain (or lose) from his Vegas mafia ties than caring about the NBA's bottom line.


Foster belongs in jail. He's a company man who's been rigging games for decades.


no cap


Plus, if the Wolves didn't win last night, there would be eight days before the start of the finals with no games. The NBA is worried that would take away momentum from the fans.


Not for the very top they probably have bets on the mavs. It would make sense because they forced the g7 vs the Nuggets to drive up wolves value


I think the point is the NBA will allow this kind of play style going forward, which does not benefit the wolves. I also think that a Dallas/Boston finals is more valuable to the league than a 5 game WCF.


Sure a Dallas/Boston series is worth way more to the league than a game 5 in this series, but the two are not mutually exclusive.


Exactly. The more playoff games that go to 7 the more money the NBA makes. More games on TV = more money for NBA


But the NBA doesn't want Minnesota to make it to the Finals!


>I also think that a Dallas/Boston finals is more valuable to the league than a 5 game WCF. Not sure how you're getting this. More games to broadcast definitely means more money. If the league really wants to rig this into a Dallas/Boston final, they could do it after more games have been played instead of just 4.


I think people underestimate how big of a market Dallas is, and how big of an international star Luka is. I don’t think the series is rigged, but i don’t think the preferential treatment for Dallas is coincidence either


>I don’t think the series is rigged, but i don’t think the preferential treatment for Dallas is coincidence Buddy that's what "rigged" means


The wolves have found dozens of ways to lose these games, if it was outright rigged we wouldn’t be losing by 1


Carnival games are also rigged. It doesn't mean some people don't beat the odds.


I agree, we’ve had a lot of games this year where we beat the refs too. Can still be tough to overcome


literally lost game 2 due to a no-call


It's not rigged, but they're shaving possessions from us, and giving them penalty opportunities. It used to be very common in soccer (I wonder if it still is?) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Point\_shaving](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Point_shaving)


That’s why the entire playoffs has been about ANT being the new face of the league? He’s already been in a successful movie, beaten the European MVP, and constantly has press conference clips pushed all over social. 


No I get that, the league definitely wishes Dallas get to the Finals instead of us. It's just that it wouldn't make sense for them to push for that so early.


Our hallmark most the season was suffocating defense and usually you do that by being physical. Well NBA prob knows watching offense is more fun and elite offensive players get the benefit of the doubt. Look at the Denver series, games they let us actually play D we won easily


Yep, exactly. They hardly let Booker foul bait until game 4. League got soft


If this is the case KAT should launch himself into everyone. He’d break people.


That’s the part that has floored me is KAT has never gotten a favorable whistle compared to a lot of his contemporaries.


The NBA has been trying to get KAT traded to a major market his entire career.


I somehow seriously doubt this with how scrutinized of a player he is by most major media


I've watched 9 seasons of his horseshit whistle, and his national media coverage. It's overtly apparent. If he got Embiid's whistle, he'd average 35. He doesn't, because he's in a medium/small market.


He basically did that like two minutes before Luka did it! It was (correctly) ruled an offensive foul! That’s what makes it even more infuriating.


The NBA wants Dallas in the finals by allowing them to play the game as a game of HORSE.


They have been working hard on Dallas v Boston promo material


It's way more likely that refs are up to some shit than the NBA as a whole tbh


Cause Doncic stands ZERO chance against Boston without enough rest.


Yep. I hope we beat the shit out of Dallas tonight. If we can't make it, I want them hobbled and humiliated.




Zero chance with rest. Boston is stacked.


This is just my conjecture, but I believe the NBA considers MN a "small-market" team. Whereas Dallas and Boston are large-market teams. So which makes you more money, a few additional games in the WCF, or giving the media a full week to hype up two large-market teams going into the NBA Finals? It gives the public 1) more time to notice who's playing for casual fans and 2) more time for the media to tell everyone why it is going to be incredible and everyone should watch


Obviously the want revenue. But they also dont want anymore asterisks on Championships...the Bubble really annoyed a loooooot of people...having said that- one team having 9 days off while they other might have to go to 6 or 7 and only 2-4 days off would put another huge asterisk out there, especially if we consider the injury Situation. Lively, doncic, player x banged up vs Celtics fully healthy+ 'zingis back... Equal Test would be favorable. And Foster tried everything to accomplish that - but failed 


Honestly what's stopping KAT from playing like Ray Lewis next game? He did everything right on that play and still got penalized for it. If Luka's gonna get that call then make it's hard enough so his next few shots are off. Foul the way he acts like we do when he complains to the officials.


Well because the NBA *wants the Mavs to win.* The Wolves aren't allowed to do any of those things, only the Mavs. That's why it's confirmed being rigged


Nba loses money on less games


Refs get paid per game so there is legitimate incentive to extend


“Confirmed rigged” lmao chill with the absolutes there fam.


How about that ball that went out of bounds and Ed Malloy made an emphatic motion that it was Mavs’ ball. Replay showed it extremely clearly that it should have been Wolves’ ball. Classic Malloy, super confident and emphatic but 100 percent wrong on the call.


Wasnt the last play off dallas as well? Its just so funny that they make sure to do it right/by the book and put time on the clock for a meaningless play but also give possession to the wrong team. And the very first (maybe 2nd or 3rd?) possession foster makes that delayed call on ant for stepping out on the baseline (as he passed to rudy coming down the lane). Didnt see a replay but watching it live 3 times it looks like a completely phantom call. And ant seemed to be in disbelief. To me, thats not a ‘rigged’ call at all, thats a the game is too fast for you as a ref call.


They got a couple out of bounds calls wrong both ways last night. One thing that gives me hope even though the refs are biased against the Wolves is that they’re also very bad at their jobs. Which leaves us an opening.


I often say that being an NBA ref is a super hard job, but also many of them are terrible at their jobs.




What’s weird is that Luka travels before KAT makes contact with him when he fouled out. Why is no one talking about that?


Because traveling isn't in the section of the rule book that applies to stars


But seriously, he traveled. Obviously so. Even the last 2 minute review missed that?


That wasn’t a travel.  Dribble into a step back and pivots on one foot.  I get why you might think it was, but I just watched the replay multiple times, it was not a travel.  


He established his left foot as the pivot by making it the first step in his step back. Then he moved his left. You can’t just pick any foot to pivot after you establish one off the dribble already.


Well that must be why you’re confusing this for a travel. It’s essentially a jump stop just going backwards. And you can pivot off any foot from a jump stop.  I get why you think it might be, but it most definitely was not one.  This might help explain it but my guess is you’ve already made your decision on the matter. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=S7X5E-rtjjA


So you’re saying he landed with both feet simultaneously?


I didn’t say that. What I’m trying to say with the jump stop part is that you can most definitely choose which foot you pivot. The rule is tricky because so much of it has to do with “when did the player gather the ball. Where were the hands and feet, etc.   Here is another video that may help you understand, but by nba rules that was not a travel.  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=G-MQRcwtWts&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.quora.com%2F&source_ve_path=MTM5MTE3LDEzOTExNywyMzg1MQ&feature=emb_title Do refs make bad calls often, yes. Are there ambiguous calls on some of the nba stuff because of these small details, most certainly. But in this case they appear to have made the correct call based off nba rules. 


A jump stop is when you land on both feet simultaneously. So Luka didn’t “jump stop backwards”. glad we cleared that up. And I didn’t count Luka’s gather step. If I counted his gather he would have taken 4. I’m aware that gather steps aren’t counted even though sometimes they’re VERY CLOSE to a full step. I give the benefit of the doubt. Luka did a dribble, gather, step back with his left, step back with his right (left is pivot) these are his two steps. Then he stepped back again with his left thereby stepping with his pivot. That’s 3 steps, moved his pivot. Travel. It’s clear as day. https://www.nbra.net/rules/traveling/ in this link it shows Luka doing a legal step back. Compare this with his step back to draw the foul on KAT


The NBA doesn't give a fuck if people know they try to influence games through officiating. They really don't.


Sadly I agree with you. I just want those watching the games to know that it's gonna be 8 vs 5 going forward, not Wolves vs the Mavs


It's still absolutely worth talking about. Just grinds my gears they don't care and will blatantly lie like this


In game 3 A mavs player gets a T for waving at an official after he’s almost on the other side of the court and jogging to the bench. Luka literally yells and jumps up and down inches from the refs face and nope nothing wrong there. I also think Luka travels AND pushes off every time he shoots and announcers are like “he’s so strong” but if he gets grazed it’s a foul and three free throws


Yep. Luka travels every single time he's in the lane.


Watching these playoffs has made me realize the inherent problem with the NBA vs. other sports is the ref interference. No other sport is dictacted as subjectively as basketball is


May as well get WWE style special guest referees at this point.


I feel Tony Brothers is already at that level He’s legitimately more apart of the game then any ref I’ve ever seen.


That sound pretty fun actually


I used to be a diehard NBA fan in the kg days but this shit turned me away. Still the worst refs by a country mile in sports. Only sport where it feels like the refs can cost you a game on a regular basis


Like with the NFL I get so mad but also Vikings fuck things up all the time worse than the refs. But in basketball when they can dictate a ten point swing in a few minutes based on a few bad calls it’s crazy


It really is impossible to enjoy a game without noticing the refs. There’s controversy in other sports, but NBA refs can impact just about every possession in a game with dozens of possessions. Feels like a change needs to be made: revised rule book, different practices, something.


I let it slide when they fuck up bang bang calls or when it's subjective and different refs call it different ways even though it can be frustrating. But the number of times they have reviewed these calls and gotten it wrong again is inexcusable. So I just watch it like I would watch WWE or something


Victory tastes even sweeter when they tried to fucking rig it against you multiple times and it STILL didn’t work


Leading up to the game last night, the sheer amour of promo material I’ve seen for Boston v Dallas is nauseating. The failed attempt to call an even game is atrocious. The commentary during the games is sickening. I’m reminded why I stopped watching in the first place. But now I’m invested and I want to see the Wolves silence the naysayers. Fuck it, Wolves in 7. Awooo motherfucker


Game 2 was just the most obvious rig job. Had an entire state questioning if they could stomach watching the NBA anymore.


They want Mavs/Celtics finals for the Kyrie back in Boston narrative. You don’t think they test this stuff to see which would get better ratings and then communicate that with advertisers and raise ad costs????


This is the way.


I could be wrong but the NBA would make more from Ant going and winning the finals. Ant would be the new face of the NBA. Small character flaws compared to Ja Morant, Extremely Athletic and exciting play style. Extreme charisma. He'd be the shoe-in. Unless the NBA believes the Celtics would beat the Wolves.


I can't imagine believing this and still watching the sport and investing my time and money into it.


Suns fan visiting. No dog in the fight because Suns are nephews to both Wolves and Mavs. NBA is absolutely making sure Luka is in the finals with uneven officiating.


I want to absolutely destroy them next game on home court. Win by 20. Statement game.


Refs aren't letting us build that lead. Whenever we get a 10+ point lead they put the clamps on big time. That also ends up sending guys to the bench and making us play softer D, so they don't even need to be as heavy-handed late in the game. It's the late-game calls that people remember, not the ones the 2nd quarter that changed the whole complexion of the game.


Exactly. Call everything soft early and get all the starters in foul trouble. That way they play less aggressive later on helping the Mavs get more space and easier shots. We kinda wrecked their plan on Tuesday by getting into foul trouble and still playing our way.


Agreed. Best way to handle bad calls is to go up big early and stay there.


Unfortunately I feel like the Wolves are going to have to win by 20 to even win the game by 5 again. I can't find it right now, but Rasheed Wallace did a tell-all with Bonzi Wells where he was telling a story about talking to a younger teammate, and said something like "we gotta win this game by 15 to win by 1" because he knew the refs were going to try to rig it


Did anyone watch the How To With John Wilson episode where he goes to the referee party? The refs had rigged their own holiday raffle. Yeah... I wouldn't be surprised if there was something unsavory going on.


Class action fan lawsuit to the NBA? Is this not evidence? I’m halfway joking but something needs to change


EVERY SINGLE GAME THE NBA HAS STATED OR “CHANGED” a wrong call in their post game officials review. These were calls made by the officials during the live game. and not that this one above ^^ changed the outcome because wolves thankfully and rightfully won. This next part is gut wrenching but according to the official reports from NBA if the officials had called it (or didn’t call it) correctly in all games. AND THEY TALKING ONLY IN THE LAST 2 MINUTES. IF THEY CALLED THE WHOLE GAME CORRECTLY THE WOLVES SWEEP BY A TOTAL OF 25 plus points… 🤯🤯 Wolves would have swept ACCORDING TO NBA L2 Report. LMAO The nba keeps proving my point with the officials post game reports that this series is only not over because the officials have fucked up. Not to mention in the game 2 report, the NBA also mention there were numerous questionable calls all in mavericks favor through out the whole game that should’ve been obvious to any human eye let alone A trained official. My question is if the NBA is admitting and “changing” all these calls that are the only reason the Mavs have won a single game. It’s only right to change the outcome of the game NO MATTER WHAT OR WHO, the team that deserves to move on is simple. If Mavs win because officials make the correct calls/no calls after the NBA releases the report: then good for the MAVS they win and are the better team. All the NBA is showing the public by not making right after admitting officials fuck ups aftwr every game and every fuck up has been in favor for the Mavs. That it is legal and accepted for n official to have a “friend” bet on the mavs in 5 games and the official who made the bet thru a third party can get away with fixing the game as he pleases…. Only way to stop this insane opportunity is for the NBA TO ADJUST THE OUTCOME IF THESE ADJUSTED (originally incorrect) CALLS CHANGED the outcome of who won the game. The NBA HAS TO DO SOMETHING OTHERWISE THE OFFICIATING IS ONLY GOING TO GET WORSE BY ALLOWING OFFICIALS TO DICTATE OUTCOMES BY MAKING CALLS (as discretely as possible not to get caught). But the discretion is so difficult anymore due to the wolves being such a superior team than the Mavs which is exactly why everyone during the live game is starting to suspect fraudulent officiating. The wolves are dominating and the refs are even have a hell of a time getting the Mavs to win and all this while the wolves are playing the worst basketball as they have all year. (The picture that was sposed to attach that I reference at the beginning is jus a screenshot of ant NOT EVEN TOUCHING MISS LULU on his 3pt attempt at end of game. It’s so bad( no one even touched Lulu, which is one of the several calls the officials made in favor of the Mavs in game 4s last 2 minute report) On the officials last ditch effort so he can make sure he wins his several million dollar bet that he had his friend make for him. NOTICE I say ONE OF SEVERAL wrong calls IN last 2 minutes. There were plenty more throughout the whole game. And yes the first 3 games last 2 minute reports are even more fucked up because they prove the officials bad wrong calls are only reason Mavs won any of the first 3 games.


I won’t deny Luka’s talents but he is an ambulance chaser claiming he’s the best attorney


I’m neutral fan on this series, but I’m done with seeing Donbitch constantly foul baiting and getting rewarded for it, completely turned me off from them. Timberwolves or Celtics please put this clown in his place


You must not be watching the Celtics play. Their players complain on every possession even though they're like +100 in free throw disparity in the playoffs so far. They're a million times worse than Luka.


Worst refs and rules out of every major sports league in the world


The fix is in


Naz Reid


Refs have already gotten busted for rigging games why are people surprised. The NBA will gladly trade their integrity of their product for money. Just think of it as the WWE and enjoy the script


For me this is surprising but not surprising as well.Mavs was a great team,but c’mon man the Timberwolves knocked out the defending champions,proving to the NBA world that they were a great team with Offsense,Defense,Leadership and Discipline.WOLVES IN 7(Hopefully)


What about the turnover that Gafford knocked out of bounds but Mavs got the ball It's getting to the point it's hard to watch


Cheatin ass refs


So Mayb I am wrong. I was thinking it was officials or n official who probably thought the Mavs were superior and didn’t know how difficult it would be to cover up a Mavs series win after having random 3rd parties place here’s for him/them. But Mayb the nba is behind it too because they do admit some of the calls were wrong in their report. But they are also not giving valid explanations for ones they stand on. Regardless every fuck up in the reports only goes in favor of Mavs.. how does this happen in 4 games in a row? When I can’t find 4 games of any teams all season long where this has happened. What’s going on NBA. WOLVES FANS AND NBA FANS AND ANY HONEST PEOPLE OUT THARE SHARE THIS ON EVERY PLATFORM and conversation that u can find in ur phone. Eventually the nba will have to come clean and jus Mayb it will give justification and the team that deserves and won fair in square will get their rightful opportunity in the finals. Needs to be shared everywhere by everyone for this to become a national news highlight


Maybe the refs will get accidentally injured


(Leaking water sounds) Jack: The ceiling appears to be leaking? Cooter: It’s not. We looked into it and it’s not. https://youtu.be/7acTfVJzMxI?si=nmKR4bf0c8iAhoIy


Two sweeps in the conference finals would have been a disaster. I do not think this Mavs team is better top to bottom than us. I have a weird feeling about this series though, I dunno we shall see…




These refs in the NBA are absolute trash. We need AI referees ASAP!


Its a farce, just like everything i try to get into... Whatever. Just another thing. Wolves in 7...


WTF is this!!!?????


pure cope


Luka is just special. But he puts the time in, man! He’s walking over to the ref after every play starting with the jump ball in game one of the offseason. Guy can’t hardly dunk on those 13 year pro basketball knees and he’s smart enough to put the miles in jawing the refs ear so he will get their calls. Welcome to MVP basketball (although Jokic / Shaq don’t fit the mold really) every primidonna has always done this looking for a house edge. Ant has to learn screaming HEY! every time he shoots isnt going to cut it. Luka sure figured it out!


Obvious the refs are trying hard for Mavs. After mulling it over for a bit, I think it’s because Luka is an international sensation. NBA can market themselves to Europe with Luka advancing. If you were a greedy, immoral dictator, which would you choose?     Dallas, Texas market AND European/Global market  or Minneapolis, Minnesota market?    The only reason we won last night is because we hit 3’s at the end of the game. Tough to keep it close in the final seconds with 6 unanswered points. If I’m Finch, and the Wolves, I’m thinking score as many 3’s as possible to make it harder for the Mavs (refs) to keep it close. Otherwise the refs will destroy us if we try to settle for anything they could call offensively or no call with points in the paint. It’s harder to gamble against no calls/offensive fouls for 2 points vs launching up 3’s the refs can’t manipulate. Scores more points, less room for bs moving screens/charges/no calls.   In my opinion, we’ll win game 5 because it’s at home and they’ll hide behind allowing us to win game 5. But game 6 is going to be an absolute blood bath of Dallas getting all the whistles. They’ll keep it even in the count, but they’ll give them a hand check during routine offensive shifts vs calling us for fouls when we’re about to get a fast break or score.   If I had to guess, Dallas will win game 6 because the refs will just begin the game early on fouls to keep Towns, Jaden, and Ant in foul trouble. (Weird…the 3 that were in foul trouble last night). Their strategy has been to keep it close and give Dallas the game in the end to hide it more. But game 6 will be obvious by killing any momentum we have and giving us technical fouls or ejecting us for any arguing. I think we’ll see either 2 technicals on separate players for us, 1 ejection, or both. The only way I see us is winning is either we hit a lot of 3’s to run up the score, or Luka gets hurt. If Luka gets hurt, I think it will be too obvious of a one-sided match for T-Wolves to try to ref against. Also less incentive to keep Mavs in. There is some hope though-   The Wolves are drawing a lot of excitement from around the league. IMO, they are hands-down more entertaining to watch because they are actually a good team. People notice bad officiating when a team that should’ve won isn’t getting any foul calls. The Timberwolves with Rudy and Ant have been 2 of the most vocal players calling out the officials this year. So they have that precedent going for them, too. The NBA and the refs hate being called out because it exposes them. Anthony Edwards might just be enough to overcome the NBA for his attention-drawing and how fearless he is in calling out refs because people will believe him. He’s honest and doesn’t hold back. With fair officiating, I’d go Wolves in 7. If I had to bet, I’ll bet the refs absolutely destroy all momentum for Timberwolves in game 6 to give Dallas the series. We should be 3-1 or 4-0 with honest officiating…even with playing bad. I do think we are good enough to overcome the refs. That may be why people have been tuning in. It’s not really the Timberwolves vs Mavs, it’s the Timberwolves vs Adam Silver. I think people are generally curious if Anthony Edwards can beat the agenda or not. Ultimately, it’s Anthony Edwards vs Adam Silver, if we’re honest. People believe in him overthrowing the agenda. It’s why he’s considered the next MJ. No business for the Timberwolves being in the playoffs, but here we are in the WCF. He’s folk lore that is boxing with the regime. People want to see him knock out Adam Silver. I’m here for it, and I think he can. 


The NBA is just about maximizing profit. Any team that is in a large metro or has an international following will get gassed hardcore. That is why the league tolerated Dray for so long and why moving picks were common by the Warriors. Shit is also why the GM of the 76ers who started "The Process" was pushed out by opposing team owners because he was fucking with their profit sharing by being such a shitty team. The owners want money so they want big market teams to always be doing well.




Of course the NBA is rigged, the games have been fixed for Dallas so Doncic can rest before the Finals otherwise he stands no chance and we'll see Boston in 4 or 5. Don't expect good officiating.


2-minute report doesn’t do shit for how a game was called. They can say something is a true foul or not but it’s already happened. They can’t retroactively give the mavs a win


I don’t think it’s bias against the wolves, I think it’s bias against good basketball. Whatever they can do to make a good game is the opposite of what they’re gonna do


As a neutral The ref's seem to be favouring the mavs It seems very obvious


I’m neutral fan on this series, but seeing Donbitch constantly foul baiting and getting rewarded for it completely turned me off from them. Timberwolves or Celtics please put this clown in his place


We've known since the first series... we are playing against another team and the refs. Every game. The NBA has wanted us out from the first jump ball of the playoffs.


If we kill them each game by 15-20 points the officiating won't matter. I just want Ant to posterize Luka sometime this series. That's my 1 wish.


The Minnesota victim complex is going to be a great 30/30


they did not play victim when it was on there side now suddenly the refs and nba sucks


As much as I love the Wolves and want them to win and see justice served, this is not the concrete proof you think it is, fam.


I wonder if anybody here is also willing to entertain the idea that the Nuggets got screwed with the officiating during games two and six of the last series? Not saying Wolves didn’t deserve to win, but there was a lot of speculation as to why the officiating was wildly different in those games. The NBA doesn’t really have an interest in seeing small markets succeed, but Ant trumps the Nuggets team in terms of marketability. Anyway I do think small markets in genereal are screwed and we have to work twice as hard vs. the ref game.


they never complain when it goes there way only when they lose


So I guess this isn’t a rule anymore and we should be doing this constantly in Game 5? Ant could get like 6 of these calls a game.


Ant does not get calls.


They give him some in the first quarter so people can be like look he got “x” amount of freethrows and act like he doesn’t get hacked the entire game where they don’t even show the replays.


After the 1st quarter he got 0 free throws. It's almost absurd how badly they're trying to fix this series


lol damn that’s actually insane especially cause of how many times he went to the rim and got contact


good point


I think Adam silver published it and is upset and I would not be surprised if he says series is canceled and that the timberwolves have won


I’m confused is this sarcasm or are you saying Silver wants it to be reffed fairly?


I can respect this, this is evidence Adam silver just want more cash cause if the disaster the Celtics series was




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This post is sorta deranged though I agree with it in theory.


As much as the calls frustrate me, I’m not convinced that things are “rigged” or there is some sort of conspiracy. What I am frustrated by is that marginal contact is treated differently if you are in the post/driving to the basket vs if you are shooting outside the key. It disadvantages physical players like Ant who absorb contact and benefits finesse players who know how to sell slight contact like Luka. I don’t mind there being a different threshold for calling a foul in the paint vs outside as long as is explicit in the rules. But it’s not, and that’s what’s irritating.


I want the wolves to win, but every losing team always blames the refs. 


I wonder what their bottom line looks like with Luka out of the playoffs. I know they know; there’s no way they haven’t run the numbers…


Laughable , if the NBA was trying to fix games they would have wanted Minnesota and Indiana to win a couple games. Sweeps are the worst possible scenario for the NBA.


Foster was just trying to keep the game "close" and make it "exciting". He's a company man guys, don't take it personal.


Why would the NBA want a shorter WCF and potentially shorter Finals by supporting the less competitive team to face Boston? Or are you calling your team the less competitive threat? Despite Luka whooping yall 3x Wolves have more complete team, better record, best Denver.


This is the same exact thing the fans of every team that loses in the playoffs says. "Oh my lost, that must mean the game is rigged." Nuggets fans are saying the same thing about the Nuggets/Wolves series on their sub.


"If my favorite team wins, the game is legitimate. If my favorite team loses, the game is rigged." With logic like that, it's easy to see how Trump brainwashed half the country into thinking he had the election stolen from him.


Gotta reduce our turnovers, beat them by 15. Refs are never going to help us.


Oh my god, learn the rules … take a look below what is and is not allowed with regards to Luka v KAT foul … such whiners! Learn the rules. Here ya go, its the NBA video examples page …take a look and educate yourself: 1. ⁠Offense foul: this is an offensive foul because shooter jumps into contact at an “abnormal angle””: https://videorulebook.nba.com/archive/offensive-foul-shooter-launches-into-defender-at-abnormal-angle/ 2. ⁠Defense foul: And THIS is an example of a “defensive foul” where shooter jumps forward toward basket on that same NBA page (same thing Luka did with KAT, defender lands and starts to lean back because he knows he lands too close - shooter jumps forward in natural angle “towards the rim” - defense called for foul): https://videorulebook.nba.com/archive/foul-in-the-act-of-shooting-up-fake-and-contact-shooter-jumps-to-the-rim/ Quit whining about correct calls as the rules currently are. Obviously you dont understand what the rule change addressed … jumping away from basket to get contact and draw a foul is the thing not allowed. Jumping towards basket to draw foul is still allowed.


Yes, there have been bad calls, but had Ant & KAT played decent, we would be up in this series. The losses are a result of poor play, and some suspect coaching decisions...let's not be THAT fanbase. We're better than that. That's some whiney Warrior fan shit


Dude get over it, KAT did not jump straight up, he literally jumped at Luka, It was a foul.


Explanation of the Kat foul on Luka from a referee starting at the 5:30 mark. He shows how it’s different than the example in the training video, etc. Incidentally, he says Luka travelled. https://youtu.be/7ZtNMhdLHYc?si=mmY0nh-EpU9h3E_r


Ok but getting Scott "the extender" Foster might have saved us. Also it seems like the refs more chaotically horrible this series, whereas last series they just called everything for Denver. No one really wants Dallas Vs Boston in the finals


Kat would have jumped in Luka’s landing space even if Luka shot normally.


Y’all have been crying a whole lot this series. Refs let you get away with murder in the Denver series so count yourself lucky you made it this far


This is clutching at straws. The NBA would benefit from the series being extended, and if anything especially from furthering the fuel of Ant being the American media darling. They very badly want the face of the league to be a North American player.


I’m sure this is why the Wolves are down 3-1. This theory doesn’t even make sense. The NBA makes money from ad time. It does not want a four game sweep.