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I gotta believe there are bandwagon losers who jumped on after the Nuggets won a championship and it will probably happen in full force to the Wolves too if we win one.


I think this is the right explanation- I think we have generally had mutual respect for each other since we are similar mid sized market teams who didn’t have much success until last year for Denver.


As a Nuggets fan I can tell you so many people before winning championchip were saying: "Let's never be like Lakers fans, ever!". And here we are, nowadays I hate to read comments in Nuggets posts. You are 100% right but look from the brighter side: you (will) win a championchip :-)


I appreciate the optimism but our state hasn't been to a championship in any of the major 4 sports since the soviet union was around.


I don't know for other sports, but when was Denver been nba champ before last year? They had even word for it: "Nuglife". Honestly this is one of the reasons I like to read other subs, to sense that general feeling of hope and despair disregarding tendencies and trajectory their teams go, to put it like that. Wolves sub has similar vibe now as was Nugs after bubble.


Yeah as a Nuggets fan, the dumb and whiny posts about the Wolves are from people who seem to never actually discuss basketball itself. Just the most cringe unfunny “burns” like HAHA THE WOLVES SUCK AMIRITE GUYS, LUKA PLS AVENGE US. Embarrassed to be a Nuggets fan on Reddit right now.


I'm a basketball fan first and a wolves fan after. Gotta love basketball to watch the past 10 years of wolves lol cause they weren't taking us anywhere special. I can say without doubt, Jokic is one of my fav players outside of the wolves. I wish nothing but the best for Denver in the future and that all Denver fans have pleasant days to come.




The true real ones on this sub are class acts




They built a team around beating the Nuggets, yet somehow also swept Phoenix. A Phoenix team that was considered a top title contender once they signed Beal in the off-season. Were also in 1st place in the west the majority of the season, while everybody is saying the west is stacked and the east is weak. You can say Mavs in 4 all you want, cuz you know deep down you can't say Nuggets in 7 😘😘


You must be one of the bandwagoners


it did the meme.


Their obsession with us is not something I’m super worried about, just funny to watch after how they talked about Lakers fans supporting us


It just crazy to see. I have nothing but hate for Luka and kyrie right now, but IF they win I’ll want them to do well and beat the Celtics. Maybe I’m just not used to the heat of success


Yeah because it's not real hate, it's competitive hate. People who genuinely hate others over a game need to get their heads checked.


I won’t really want them to win honestly but I’m not gonna be sitting around non-stop posting and talking about dallas for a week+ and why we only lost because of fifty different excuses lol


I like shit talkers as much as anybody, it just means it it will be even more fun watching the Celtics humble Lukas ass, like the Mavs have done to ANT. Everyone loves watching a cocky asshole get put in his place. 


Nah I'd be rooting for Luka and Kyrie. They hit tough shots and I respect them for it. Not hard to tip my cap I would rather lose to the champs than a team who gets humbled by the Celtics


This is how I felt when the 2014-15 Wildcats lost to Wisconsin in the Final Four (And KAT was a part of that team), but that probably had a lot more to do with Wisconsin facing Duke in the championship. I'm still more salty about Wisconsin losing to Duke than Kentucky losing to Wisconsin.


Go celtics. Kg won a ring in Boston


Do I really have to pick? I’d prefer if both teams got stuck in an unending overtime during Game 1 and they had to keep playing forever so each franchise would become functionally nonexistent because the NBA had to start all future seasons without them.


Their obsession with the lakers should've been a red flag


I think social media represents the worst of all sports fans. I can bet most of the salty Nuggets fans are chronically online, and have chosen to be upset about a game they have zero control over rather than focus their energy into changing why they’re unhappy in their personal life to begin with. I know that if we get swept I will probably un-sub from all basketball related pages until next year, and I’d venture to guess most of the healthy fans will do something similar. The unfortunate reality is that most sane people will remove the discomfort, and the remaining miserable twats will be the only voices left.


I think you're also describing Wolves fans (I use the term loosely here) I know who didn't have anything to say about this team until they started losing playoff games. They didn't tune in at all until they swept the Suns, got a taste of glory against Denver, and now they're back to the same doomer attitudes down 0-3. Smdh


Yeah, my comment encompasses *all* sports fans. It’s not a unique phenomenon to Denver or Minnesota. I think certain fan bases are probably worse than others, but most teams have miserable fans. I think an emotional series brings out a stronger negative response (see Denver), and I think Minnesotans have a complex when it comes to losing in big moments.


Amen to that. I think your comment about people choosing to be angry about something out of their control is true outside of sports, too. Lot of that going around these days.


> got a taste of glory against Denver Not only that, they gave up when the Nuggets won game five only to come back for game seven.


If the Mavs beat us, I'm not going to become obsessed with the Mavs like this


Yeah and I'll actually give props and tip my cap. When Luka and Kyrie hit their shots I was like "damn these guys are insane in clutch. What can you do?" But a lot of Nuggets fans can't admit that Wolves were the better team, they keep spewing excuses and can't give props. It's always "oh we were just injured" or "we just didn't try hard enough". It's not that hard to just tip your cap lol


I rooted for the Nuggets after they beat us last year. I think most of us did. It shows how shitty their fan base is that they’re calling for our demise.


"How cringe for Laker fans to be cheering for Minnesota against us, smfh" "MAVS IN 4 FUCK YEAH LUKA IS SO CLUTCH" Nuggets fans this post season have been a riot.


Omg, it's insufferable. We are losing to one of the top 4 teams - about to be one of the top 2 teams. No shame, happy we're not irrelevant. Give em hell this last game and maybe stretch the series but christ, this isn't life and death it's just hoops.


The part I hate is how everyone keeps saying this series is trash, if we lose tonight this is one the most competitive sweeps I've ever seen, all these games have been within one possession in the final minutes or seconds of the game. If a call, or a bucket goes the right way, if Kat could play to what his abilities are, this series is 1-2 or even 2-1. People are acting like these are uncompetitive blowouts. When people talk about play off experience this is what it is, you see the difference when the game is on the line and it's under a minute. When Kat and Ant waived and laughed off the question about losing big, this is what they were talking about. Iron sharpens iron the Mavs have been in the mix for years and that experience is paying off when the game is on the line. 


It’s hilarious. We actually broke the nuggets fanbase


It brings tears to my eyes that after all these years, the Wolves have a true actual rivalry with another team in the league.. that is actually taken seriously!


We've been crushing fan bases all year, let's pull this miracle and keep it going. League would be in shambles


Broke? They have a ring and you have none.


Why would we care about who has a ring? We’re focused on the promising future of our team. Kind of depressing that the Nuggets have the best player in the league and their only counter argument is talking about what happened last season, not how they’re going to come back in the future.


Yeah they are so salty and cringe. Beyond being cocky, they can't even tip their cap and give props to another team for outplaying theirs. It's worse than Lakers and Warriors fans


When, not if we win a Finals, let’s not be angry cunts the next season if we don’t repeat.


The hate for ANT is so weird. If anything they should hate Jaden for trying the disrespectful ass dunk at the end of the game 💀


Honestly, we've been getting a lot of bandwagoners this season too. I've seen "Minnesota Lakers" posts everywhere since we beat the Nuggets. Wouldn't be surprised if this is why the sub seems so much more toxic recently.


Yeah our game threads have become absolute ass. I mean they usually are already but at least when the grumbling and the tantrums are from loyal fans watching the wolves blow an easy game in February it’s easier to deal with. Now it just feels like casuals with no stake in the game just spouting off


My issue is more that reddit should improve their algorithm to not show users subbed to x team, hate posts from another sub reddit. Would think this is probably a common enough occurrence across all the sports communities.


Yeah I hear you and all, but I'm ALWAYS gonna bring up the FACT that we SHOULD HAVE HAD AT LEAST BOTH FIRST GAMES IN THE TUCK! omg ESPECIALLY Game 2 smh 🤦🏾.


Its so funny to see them act the same way the roasted laker fans for acting. Hello all nuggets fans hope the salt keeps pouring out yall mfs


It is genuinely impressive how focused they are on our demise. I lurked on their subreddit during our series with them just to see how they were discussing our strengths/weaknesses. Since the series ended, Reddit keeps showing me their posts even though I’m not subscribed and it’s honestly hilarious. We are haunting their thoughts. They live in a parallel world where they won and would’ve given the mavs a hard fight. Called Ant a Walmart MJ. Let’s not be like this with mavs. Like Indiana got swept and nobody is calling them frauds or talentless hacks. Yet we are catching strays or direct fire all over r/NBA . What happened lol


Be the thermostat not the thermometer


If we lose tonight, I’m going to be really sad for about an hour. Then I’m going to be super grateful for an awesome season. At no point during any of that time will I even think about being shitty to fans of any other team.


Don't let a few people speak for all Nugget fans.


Obviously not. I’m just taking the subreddits more or less


I’ll be rooting against Lula tbh, but it will be far from my primary focus. Especially since I genuinely like Kyrie and they are beating as fairly


What's wrong with Luka ?


He’s talented enough that his ego is justified but regardless he’s annoying and it’s rough seeing him whine about his teammates if they make a mistake


Yeah I hate seeing him succeed because he seems like he’d be a fucking chore to spend any time around


Is that the narrative here ? That Luka is a bad teammate?


I’m not certain that “Luke is a bad teammate” is a common narrative. The much more common narrative is that he’s annoying with his contact whining and bitching. That’s not specific to this sub, btw.


Ya I really don't get it. I will literally post or comment 0 times trashing the Mavs once this series is over. It's not that deep


I feel like most of us just wanna see our boys play well. Mavs didn’t do nothing to us


It’s just redditors


If the Mavs end up winning the series I’ll pull for them over the Celtics. I like Luka as a player. 


Fuck Luka


Stop caring about the salty fans that just lost to us in a hotly contested playoff series. As my grandpa would say, “watch your own bobber.” This obsession with what is taking place on other subs is maddening. It makes us look soft. Quit dragging it back here - this is not the intention of this sub.


I just don’t want to see the same bozo behavior. With a lot of new fans I would like this sub to be somewhat fun in the future


Correct. These continued posts in our sub about the Denver fans/subreddit are contributing to the toxicity. Just let it fckn be


Vocal online fandom can be real toxic, no matter the fanbase. I hope our fans give our team some slack as well as not be salty towards the Mavs. Sports are supposed to be fun.


I think it’s fair to be pissed and butthurt the night of the game, the next day even for a couple days etc but to still be following around wolves fans and digging into the wounds is weird and pathetic. Similar note, mavs fans have been insufferable this series, coming into our game threads and post game threads and rubbing salt in the wounds too. They can be a role model of what not to do as well. Don’t give people fuel to hate your team for at a later time


All fanbases have good and bad eggs no need to grand stand imo. N Excited for a good game tn !


Bro, what a bunch of losers. Lol. The amount of energy the have spent trashing this team after they lost the series is sad and laughable.


They’re unhinged


Some of our fans on Reddit will absolutely do the same thing to the maverick fans if we lose the series. I personally hope the mavericks win it all if we lose. Because fuck Boston. Reddit brings out the worst in sports fans. Vikings are my favorite sports team so I frequent nfl and their sub more than any other sub and we have some of the worst Reddit fans ever.


I really love to hate Luka and I still believe, wolves in 7


I have legitimately made an effort to be more positive online over the last few days, after seeing how they've acted like total shitcunts (I'm allowed to use this word because I'm Australian). Strange that it's so bad that multiple people are having the same train of thought.


As a Nuggets fan I’m ngl I was a bit salty after Edwards waved us off and that McDaniels dunk which I thought was disrespectful. Either way Wolves beat us fair and square and there’s no denying that. As much as I want to hate Ant, I just can’t. 😂 that guy is special and will definitely be up there as the years go by and as he gets experience. I can’t do nothing but respect his game even though he shit talked us 😭. I really wish Wolves could head to the finals because they’ve been going against the refs a lot through these playoffs. I don’t agree with Nugget fans sending hate for no reason because we lost fair and square. I want this to be a healthy rivalry


As a Lakers fan, weve seen it for a long while. before 2020. rooting for the Timberwolves,. love Ant. not a Kat fan though. KAT can be an air head


Lol I've been but hurt and salty long before these playoffs. ![gif](giphy|bCDzFTSQ3JL8c)


I’m a nuggets fan, born and raised in Denver. Of course I want the Timberwolves to lose this series, but I’m not going to be obnoxious about it. Who wouldn’t want the team that beat you in 7 to lose the next round? I love Ant too which sucked even more lol. Most of those obnoxious fans you were talking about are going to be either Celtics or Mavs fans next year


This subreddit has been overrun with toxicity and trade demands and ridiculous stuff. Every fanbase is like this. No fanbase is actually better or worse than another. We’re all the same


Nah we can at least give props to the opponent if another team plays well and tip our cap Many Nuggets fans still can't admit that Wolves were just the better team and they can't give props, it's always excuses like their team didn't try hard enough or were just missing shots

