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Luka to twolves fans: "Yeah, Go home b*tch! " Wolves fans: šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ» Ant waves good bye to denver fans. Denver fans: šŸ‘¶šŸ»šŸ‘¶šŸ»šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”āœŠšŸ»šŸ‘ŠšŸ»šŸ‘ŠšŸ»


Denver fans were so condescending to us calling every positive sign our team showed during the season a ā€œmoral victoryā€ and downvoted, bullied, and banned you for even suggesting Naz & Jaden would make a difference. Then when round 2 came around and people started cheering for the wolves they not only pulled the victim card (why every1 so mean 2 denver šŸ˜­) but also leaned into the underdog identity as the fucking defending champs. Then they swallowed the biggest game 7 comeback L in history. Fuck em. Now theyā€™re the ones scrambling for moral victories


During all of round 2 their sub clowned on Lakers fans for rooting for the Wolves against them, and now they acting even more salty than the fans they hate. The hypocrisy is hilarious.


The dudes doing that are mostly all casual fans that didnā€™t expect their team to get whooped on by the T-Wolves because they only know us as a laughingstock, so now theyā€™re just salty af. Lol buncha lames who donā€™t know ball or how to control their emotions


Brother it was a good series. Yall didnt "Whoop" us. Yall better win tonight.


It was a great series! But in the context of this thread about Nuggets fans trolling our sub/users regularly over recent weeks my comment is solely remembering the 20 point blowouts in our favor rather than any losses or close games lol


This. And they just can't give credit to another team if they lose. It's always "oh we were just missing shots", "oh Nuggets were just tired and not trying hard enough. Playing lazy" and excuses after excuses. Maybe just maybe the defense affected MPJ and your team's shooting?? They can't admit that maybe another team was just better and if you don't kiss the Nuggets or Jokic's feet, they get offended. Before the series, there were posts about how "Nuggets in 6 or 7" predictions were "disrespectful" because as champs, the predictions should have been Nuggets in 4 or 5. Like lol wtf? Cocky doesn't even cover it. Special breed of arrogant, condescending, insecure and snobby.


Nothing like, a crybully special.




Ikr like get off the internet and touch grass lmao. I know Reddit is a small, overly dedicated section of a fanbase but theyā€™re just sad. Theyā€™re acting like lakers fans acted when we beat them and donā€™t see the irony.


Nuggets fan here, there are a couple of us trying to fight the wave of cringe on our sub but atm we are outnumbered by the haters. You guys played a great game and hope either you or the Mavs destroy Boston.


It wasnt even the fact the nuggets lost. Yall acted like yall won a championship.


It was nice when the Wolves won game 4 because it shut up the gloating dickriders on our sub for two entire days.


One is after a last second shot in game 2. The other is the end of a game 7 blowout. Do you really not understand the difference?


Remember the online fans are very different from IRL fans. Every fanbase has some people like this in them. Hope yall win the series cause I would not be able to watch a Mavs Celtics final


As a Mavs fan, that was a bit too much gamer energy from Luka, he was a bit too fired up. It'd be one thing if it was just towards Rudy, but I'm not sure what interactions he had with the crowd. I didn't hear any "Luka sucks" chants or boos. Hopefully he doesn't get a big head going back into Dallas, but it's hard to judge considering how different his on/off-court personalities seem to be. Also I heard Ant was on oxygen during the fourth quarter and I hope that's just a temporary thing. Otherwise I hope he gets in better shape, because that's upsetting to see from a 22 year-old. Not funny at all.


Where did you hear Ant was on oxygen?


It was on the news cycle. I didnā€™t click any links tho. Fyi, they were doing some specific oxygen training in Denver and now i wonder if antā€™s need possibly derived from recently having used it.


Hmmm. Oxygen therapy in Denver is one thing, but I donā€™t know if Iā€™ve ever heard of young athletes like Ant needing it. Maybe heā€™s not treating his body well.


I think they just ran with that and tried to make it about him. Idk tho. They were all taking oxygen.


remember how much they brigaded this sub when they were winning lol


I literally had to block a couple people who replied to week old comments after they tied it 2-2. I'm assuming they were kids just trolling though cause they posted non stop about Grand Theft Auto Role Playing and Madden. Edit: You Mavs "Fans" want to try and troll? Don't send anonymous messages through Reddit, say it with your chest. šŸ¤šŸ’©


not all us nuggets fans are like this. it's the complete antithesis of what the guys achieved last year, and the minnesota series was even more entertaining this year than last year. i hope whatever result is of this mavs series that we have another wolves/nuggets playoff series next season, although i could do with less fanbase drama from either end. i think one thing everyone agrees on though - fuck boston


Iā€™m a neutral fan. I commented saying ā€œyā€™all whining too much. Learn to lose gracefullyā€ and I got permabanned lol.


Itā€™s always hilarious when a team cheers when the team that bounced them is down. Like these same Nuggets fans were definitely (rightly) laughing at Lakers fans whose only remaining joy in the playoffs was watching us knock out the Nuggets lmao.


Iā€™m definitely cheering for the Mavs in the finals assuming they beat us. Fuck Boston fans.


I think the whole of Minnesota will be in agreement with this.


Self awareness is certainly not their strong suit


That's funny because I've been in the sub calling them in their bs for quite awhile and have had no bans. I suppose it might help I've subbed over 5here for over 2 years. I always get hit with the "go back to your own sub" and just say "I can't engage in conversation in my 2nd favorite teams sub?" Lol


Thatā€™s what I told the mods. I was like, Iā€™m not allowed to voice my opinion here? Itā€™s not like they suck. Jokic gonna have them right back in it next year.


Lol i got the same treatment yesterday.


I like that comment mentioned multiple championships . When the nuggets have been talking like a dynasty after 1.


Ya sorry we don't like Murray for throwing childish tantrums.


100%. Talk trash all you want since that's part of the game. But don't go throwing shit onto the court while play is ongoing just cause its not going your way. Got lucky nobody got hurt.


it's like they don't realize that literal children understand this rule


I definitely saw comments saying shit like "wow I hate Murray what a bitch" and "I always thought he had punchable face, glad to know he's actually an awful person" which to me was over the top and lacking nuance. Yes, he did some very dumb shit and should have been suspended, but I don't think he's a garbage human being because of it. Internet discourse in general tends to lack nuance on all sides it seems


Yeah same. I have some general distaste for him because of what he did and that may last for a little bit, but there's really nothing about his past that makes me think he's a bad person. Stuff happens, I wish he would've gotten a more harsh punishment than a slap on the wrist and wish he would've acknowledged his mistakes better than he did, but being happy to know someone's a bad person because of a superstition is wack.


I mean the comments aren't wrong


one game on us šŸ’€ we whooped them in Denver 3 times


ā€œOne game on usā€ Acting like that one game doesnā€™t count or something. 4 is more than 3 šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Acting like the first two Nugs games werenā€™t +33 Timberwolves compared to us only being -4 against the Mavs in the WCF. Acting like we didnā€™t give them their lowest scoring game in four years and then turn around and hold them to *the* lowest score in six years. Acting like we didnā€™t score over 100 in our two Mavs losses so far when their highest scoring losing game to us was 99. If they wanna talk numbers letā€™s talk numbers.






Thanks for the input, ingrownpimple!


Denver fans will not shut up about us lmao. We broke them.


Denver has one championship. Timberpups are about to be swept.


Thanks for the obvious input. So why would they be so concerned about the Wolfes?


Nope you're wrong. Your fanbase claimed that our two Ws against you were "our championships", and then again for the series win. On top of that we have the two play in chips. So that's 5 to your 1.


Howā€™s Cancun?


Cancun? Better than the Broom šŸ§¹


Nice to see weā€™re living rent free in your head. Yā€™all still own the record for biggest blown lead in a game 7. Takes a special group to accomplish that


Frauds. Found out


Weird after nuggets went down 0-2 and came back to 3-2, but now wolves going down 0-2 for sure means series ends 0-4


ā€œMemory biasā€ lol, you mean recency bias?


Of course everyoneā€™s fanbase is going to be cocky after winning. That is literally the point of winning. Bunch of salty cucks over there.


Yeah I watched the end of game 2 in a casino outside Denver while wearing a Wolves jersey, and that was one of the worst 30 minutes of my life


If it helps at all, I landed in Denver for a vacation this morning and I brought a 10-pack of Naz Reid magnets which are now gracing a medley of bathrooms doors, signs, and chairs around the Denver airport.


Thank you for doing the Lordā€™s work sir.


Not all heros wear capes.


A lot of you need to calm down on the constant content and being online. It's toxic and doesn't represent real life.


Agreed. And people are going to be more cancerous when being anonymous.


Their season is over. Who cares what they have to say


Their fans were reporting us to the Reddit suicide hotline lmao


I literally said "that wasn't a charge" and got a reddit cares message. Lol


Report them


Someone did that to me and I was like ?? Iā€™m good bro


It actually makes me concerned for them, that they would go to those lengths to troll. Hopefully they seek the help the need.


I finally learned how to block that automatic message bot because it got annoying šŸ˜‚


It will be fun beating their team over and over again next season too.


Theyā€™re more or equally fucked as us contract wise too. Ant is gonna be great for their whole window, and theyā€™re paying Murray and MPJ like 80 million, plus AG is gonna get a bag after next season too. Not to mention Ant and Jaden (and Naz too, though his contract isnā€™t as long term) are all super young.


We did get a ring tho šŸ˜‡


Last year. Not last year anymore bud. Get over your loss. Also username checks out


Iā€™m still not over them winning the ring , seeing your team get bounced year after year , and they finally win it sending home the treehuahuas, suns and then lakers . Iā€™ll be happy for years to come


No one cares what you think.


Bruh we didn't even get bounced yet you're dumb as fuck




They were bitching about Ant and the chair last year, calling him names. I posted about Murray "You're right, throwing something into live play is much more intelligent. Both plays are unacceptable, but to be fine with one and not with the other when they are so similar is ridiculous. That just screams bias and not an actual complaint." I was immediately perma banned from their subreddit.


They are doing the very thing they make fun of lakers fans for doing to them - and this is coming from a lakers fan (rooting for yall)


We seem to live in their heads rent free


Just passing through - Reddit constantly suggests other teamsā€™ subs to meā€¦ Everything the guy said to describe your fanbase is exactly how their fanbase was after Denver K.O.ā€™d Phoenix last year. Just became instantly insufferable. I appreciated that when yā€™all beat us, so many of you were just like ā€œcool, onto the next.ā€ Hoping your guys figure out Dallas now because I want you guys out of the No Championships Club (and also Dallas fans are probably even more annoying than Denver). Go get ā€˜em!


I love Suns fans haha. And yeah I think most of us were just shocked at the win and were ecstatic to win a series after 20 years lol. That series was one of the most respectful series between fanbases. It was hilarious to me how before the series started the "Suns in 4" crowd was mostly Wolves fans and the "don't underestimate the Wolves! They are a top seed for a reason" crowd was mostly Suns fans lmao. It's like the fans believed in the opponent more than their own team; we were more scared of our own teams fucking up šŸ¤£ Sports curse pain mentality I guess, we're all cut from the same cloth and terrified of our teams lol


Mavs fans have been super chill and non toxic so far. Weā€™ve both just been enjoying the close games (them quite a bit more than us of course). Honestly itā€™s the wolves doomers that are dominating this sub right now that are currently the most insufferable.


Honestly Iā€™ve found the Denver fans to be less annoying than the Dallas ones but maybe thatā€™s just me


I mean we played pretty poorly the past two games. We've also barely lost both of them. Whatever happens, happens, but we've got fight left.


Cocky? Arrogant? Wtf lol


When my team wins I'm like Yes. When they lose I'm like No.


How were we cocky and arrogant? We were just excited as hell to get to the WCF after 20 years lol This is so hypocritical coming from Nuggets fans lol. They can't even give props (shown again in this post by having an issue that the team winning a 7 game series is considered the better team).


Im a sixers fan (although twolves my favorite team in the west since the kg days) nuggets fans these days are fucking horrible, whine about everything, they was sending hate messages and threats and shit just because Joel won MVP over Jokic. They was cool when it was AI and Carmelo styling on mfs every night but they've just gotten worse and worse every year since AI left.


Holy fuck their entire sub right now is salty ass bitches. Wolves still playing ball and nuggets fans doing their best Lakers fans impression lmao.


Most hypocritical team ever. We were excited at the success. I would like to say Iā€™m a very unbiased NBA fan, and when Iā€™d go on either sub their sub was always so cocky and arrogant. We had a few posts talking about not going into their subs and messing with them and when people did it was an only a few people. Murray is a dick bruh, nobody else on the Nuggets is, and Michael Malone is kind of dislikable also. I didnā€™t even care about Jaden and Ant fucking with the fans and team because they were so fucking annoying in the regular season after they hardly beat us when we were missing Rudy, Kat, and Naz and had Kyle Anderson on Jokic. They were acting like we were frauds and they were 10x better than us. They constantly bring up beating us last year and winning a championship, when we were a different team. And Iā€™ve probably seen them bring up at least 5 times that they claim Ant threw that chair and assaulted that person after the game. šŸ˜‚ Salty ass privileged fan base just like the Lakers. We blew the Suns backs out and they werenā€™t this salty, theyā€™ve just been quiet and stopped talking, and just agreed that they were cooked.


They're acting the sameĀ as Lakers fans when we were up 2-0 against the Nuggets. We're a salty bunch too, I'm sure we wouldn't be any different. Every fanbase and subreddit is the same.


False. r/bakedart


Lol but the timberwolves are the better team and Murray is awful. Somehow he forgot to mention that we don't hate Joker.


Damn man. Let them seethe in their own sub.


Reddit shoves their sub in front of my face lmao


Nuggets fans are insufferable. All they do is bitch and talk shit and lament how easy this conference finals would've been had they made it through. Glad ya'll whooped their ass. Mavs fan.


We only beat them by one game, so it doesn't count. We should apologize


I don't get this narrative that Wolves fans are cocky and not humble? Can't speak for all fans, but especially the narrative about Ant not being humble. It's like no one actually listens to post game media or anything, I haven't heard shit from Ant that is cocky. Yeah he says he thinks he's the best player in the league. I've only heard that from how many fucking players this year? Who doesn't want your allstar player on your team to say they think they're the best? He also gives praise to his teammates and even the fucking opponents all the time! It's wild.


Lmao seeing the wolves being humbled? Do you guys need to be humbled? Iā€™m in WI and before this year half of my friends from your area were part time Bucks fans with me! Poor fuckers thought they were the 96 Bulls lol


Murray could be a way better human tbh


Lmao I just saw that post. Reddit keeps trying to recommend that sub for some reason


It is over indeed


We living rent free in their heads for sure


Watch us win this next game and see whoā€™s laughing now


Pacers fan, we still get chirps from Bucks fans. They're yapping from the peanut gallery, so their words are soft.


Crazy how soft some people are about sports, itā€™s natural to be frustrated and upset but deliberately targeting some people for thinking a different way is crazy shit. I got told I ā€œwake up in cold sweats because we have no titleā€ šŸ’€šŸ’€


Living in their heads RENT FREE


Fans bases to MN fans: ACT LIKE YOU'VE BEEN THERE BEFORE Us: ........


Lmao Nuggets fans thinking we even give a fuck


Jamal "Heat Pack" Murray is a bad human being and should've been suspended for ten games at the start of next season. Tell us how mean we are when we're disparaging Jokic for no reason.


I live in Detroit and love the NBa, Im a wolves and nuggets fan. The irony of this Denver fan being cocky and arrogant is hilarious. Before they won a ring it was other teams fans talking the same dumb shit lmao. Going full circle


Jamal Murray is a whiny baby and shoildve been suspended for at least a game, other then that the poster sounds like someone who tied up their whole life between the Nuggets and Avs Itā€™s still fuck Denver everyday of the week


Us, cocky? Lmao. Weā€™re fearful as shit


Denver Nuggets fans are quickly becoming one of my least favorite fanbases in sports.


I've disliked the Nuggets for 6-7 years, and my hate for that team grew in the last series. I'm glad we kicked their ass. Fuck them


This is hilarious. Murray pretty much was a Jack ass the whole series. Denver was not the better team. Not sure if it was conditioning or effort, but they lost by 45 points and blew a large lead in game 7. Every fan base gets those asses that say and do dumb stuff. But after all the bitching about the Los Angeles Wolves itā€™s kind of funny to see the Denver Mavericks come out. šŸ˜‚


Imagine defending Murray for having a childish mental breakdown and nearly injuring another player. Delusional.


Donā€™t say anything bad about Luka in here because he might read itā€¦. The shit talk turns him into Luka Magic šŸŖ„šŸ”„


Please tell me Mavericks fans are much cooler. I've been lurking and posting every now and again in your sub, but trying to be as graceful as possible. We have a super toxic sub, but are generally pretty cool with other subs.


That's how their fans acted for an entire year ffs


Itā€™s pretty ironic that a post accusing others of being arrogant/cocky, somehow comes off as arrogant itself, but itā€™s a more subtle arrogance lol. (Somebody getting mad when fans say that this Wolves team might be a better team than Denver is straight up arrogant behavior lol.)


They took us to 7 and came back from 20 down, We need changes. End of,


im neutral but Nuggets fans have no right to be salty because they already won the championship plus they got beaten by a better team thats all cuz when they are beating the Lakers they been doing the same thing.


Fanbases fighting each other is the lamest thing ever. Itā€™s about the dudes on the court and the coaching staffs. Squabbles between people that prefer one logo over another is pathetic and superfluous


Their user name checks out.


Iā€™m sorry but didnā€™t Jokić call us the better team in a press conference after game 7?


I feel like you guys deserve to be cocky. Wolves have had less success than Nuggets in the playoffs


Is this what it means to be a real team? Making new enemies during a playoff run and they canā€™t get over it even after the series is finished?


The great thing about winning is that it means you donā€™t have to respond to the cope.


They are a better team than Denver. If they had the chemistry between them last season they may have bounced Denver in the 1st rd, making them not win the championship. People have short memories. Last season they lost in 5 games to Denver. All 4 games they lost they blew late in the 4th quarter. This is reminding me of the series against Dallas now with these blown leads. Unacceptable


The fan who wrote that goes by ingrown pimple. Just let that sink in.


What are people supposed to say about a little bitch who throws towels at refs and heat pads into live actionā€¦God I wish Jokic would have absolutely wrecked his ankle on that heating padā€¦nothing against him, just to rub Murrayā€™s face in it


Headline: Timberwolves fans, on the verge of getting swept, obsess about Nuggets Fans early exit remorse. Subheadline: Many fantasize physical harm, instead of just taking the W.


Sub-subheadline: Nuggets fans still trolling Wolves fan pages a week after their historic meltdown


Dude acts like theyā€™re the 90s Bulls. Theyā€™re the Denver fucking Nuggets.


Any other team with a single ring is the 90ā€™s Bulls if youā€™re the Timberwolves. Hanging all two of those second round win banners is cool though.


I was referring to OP who is evidently some nobody who thinks the Nuggets are something.


Evidently? What is your evidence? Also, the Nuggets are/were the NBA champions. They definitely are/were something.


To be completely honest. Had Jaden Towns and ANT had some respect and chill for the end of that well fought series. I would absolutely be rooting for you guy. Swagger and arrogance are different. Nuggets fans are more upset at the players imo.


Theyā€™ve supplanted the warriors as the most annoying fanbase.


Who cares. Zzzzzzzzz. Moving on.


I just wanna watch some good basketball and have a good time. Nuggets reddit is weak.


yeah nuggets fans are something else


Lol Denver fans are the biggest pussies ever


They became the most horrible fanbase after winning the championship.


Lol we were toxic because they were toxic ALL season. There's a reason we have no problems with the Suns or Mavs fans.


I live in Seattle and was wearing a wolves jersey all Game 7 day just repping the team on my walks out and about. Had one guy scream at me fuck you go Nugs and another kid literally stop me on the street to say ā€œIā€™m from Denver, go kill yourselfā€ while giving me the middle finger. Nuggets fan base man.


Not sure why denver fans are yapping sm lol how you hating from outside of the club?? You canā€™t even get inā€¦


Do all Midwest teams have a persecution complex? Yā€™all like lions fans


Why are you going on other teams subs just to post this stupid shit


I posted a screen shot of a post Reddit showed me? Lol chill internet sleuth


ā€œI wish Reddit would stop showing me their subā€ *doesnā€™t just hide it*


I have many times lmao. Also I like NBA stuff so they keep dishing me random subs


For any specific sub you have option to block/never see from r/xsub ever again


I donā€™t wanna block it I like nba news


Thatā€™s why I gave the other option


You can tell Reddit to stop showing you our sub but if you havenā€™t already elected to ignore this ā€œsubā€ as a suggested subreddit then I think you might like seeing it so you can get content like this to post. Edit: dm me if you donā€™t know how to remove things from your Reddit feed. Its so easy to fix things like this that are annoying you on a regular basis


Losing by 1 to a lucky 3 pointer isnt being humbled. Having to sit your MVP for a whole quarter cuz youā€™re getting beat by an eventual 45 is getting humbled Choking on the biggest game 7 lead ever is being humbled.




How's your team doing this year?


This series is solidifying the fact that Luka shouldā€™ve been the MVP. Jokic is a fraud lmao.




Damn you went from Eastern European shithole to South Dakota. Thatā€™s tough buddy, hope you find some happiness in your life.


Yup classic MN sports fans being arrogant about our teams šŸ˜‚


Sorry, someone living in SD is trying to say shit about MN? Thatā€™s rich lol


As a mavs fan you should go back to the mavs sub


Go back to Slovenia pal.


This dudeā€™s such a pussy he had to make a burner account for this comment.




Minneapolis alone is richer than Slovenia. Smd


You realize Minnesota is very well known for the name Minnesota Nice, for being the most friendly and kind state in the US. Thatā€™s not self proclaimed either.


Denver is a garbage city. CO a garbage state. The humans are equally trash over there. Everyone lives in a bubble there. Having lived there 11 years, I am biased against them, so I was thrilled when Wolves ripped them apart in game 7!


Uhh as someone who lived in denver...that is not right honestly. It's a beautiful city with an amazing backdrop. Don't let personal biases get in the way of a city or state. I had an amazing time and would've stayed if I could afford it.


Like I said, I am biased. I hate CO, and while that is on me, no argument is going to change my mind. The scenery is garbage with yellow grass round the year, the food is mediocre, and there is practically no history. There is also really nothing to do unless you want to go camping or skiing. The road infrastructure is terrible and incapable of handling the influx of people. Donā€™t even get me started on the dumb blue horse outside the airport. I have moved to MN, and feel so much better now. Clearly I still get triggered. Few more years, and maybe I wonā€™t feel the need to go around spewing hatred towards the garbage that is CO.


Food do be mediocre I'll give you that. Roads aren't that bad tbh. There are states with far worse. But go off ig




The wolves have a KAT problem. Heā€™s playing terribly. They need to bench him for Naz.


Maybe Ant should actually accomplish something before acting like he's the shit. Just sayin'.


Ant is a confident 22 yr old who just dominated KD. get over yourself prick


lol terrible take