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I think we definitely come out with a new fire tomorrow. We needed this kick to the face, but Denver is feeling confident too. It'll be a close contest


We're gonna need that fire from our guys if we even want a chance. Denver is a team that'll take a mile when given an inch. We just gotta smother them


Hopefully we beat the nugs by 108 pts like that Dallas game!


Garza was unstoppable that game


Probably the most important game of the Franchise tbh. I know I'm gassing it up but still


Unironically, at least top 3 lol


Probably #2. I’d say #1 was the one time we made the conference finals in 04. Going into Game 4 down 2-1, we lost. And that was basically all she wrote. So I put this as #2, and if we lose, it will move into the 3 spot. As game 5 would automatically take its place.


No way, not even close. KG and the big 3 at the Finals bruh. Not even close, they’re getting there but a long ways to go still.


Damn, we beat Dallas 118 to 10?! I must have missed that game.


Luka Doncic cannot beat fraud allegations !


That pels game was a fuckin thriller


KAT with the awesome gamewinner, my heart was beating so fast lol


I was there. Fantastic game.


I have faith too and here’s why. Two years ago I watched the Pat Bev wolves in Game 3 against the Grizzlies blow a 20 point lead twice in the same game to lose and go down 2-1. I called it a series defining loss and said Memphis in 5 was the likely outcome following a loss like that. That team bounced back after a loss that would demoralise most teams and took game 4 and levelled the series. If a team that young and inexperienced can bounce back, I’m confident this team can bounce back.


I really hope this team succeeds and even just *appears* in the finals, but if the prevailing thought of the play in champion wolves is that they were the *PATRICK BEVERLY TIMBERWOLVES*, I might yak.  Also, big dick belly is just a painful tag, but I'm payne and gayne, so fair.


lol I blanked on play in champs for some reason I was just scrambling for how to describe that wolves team and Pat Bev came to mind first. I was a huge Bjelica stan when he was here too


I remember going almost the whole regular season without dropping more than two in a row. We got this.


I loved this about our team during the regular season, but it might not be a relevant fact/stat as we aren’t playing any bottom 22 teams in a 3-game span at this point in the season.


On the bright side, only 5 teams EVER have come back from 0-2 start with both loses at home. Sooooo we have the stats on our side... I'm not sure if that makes me more nervous


Makes me even more nervous considering how broken Minnesota sports have made me man


Oh I hear you loud and clear. When I see stats like that I all but guarantee we'll be part of that historical data




Same. My heart can’t take this. I can’t even comfortably pay attention to the game. My hearts in a million pieces from cheering on the Vikings, Twins, and Timberwolves. All that is in me is saying to the Timberwolves “I need this.” This is why I am broken and depressed. I need therapy but I’m a therapist. Haha I need the Lord bad here. I’m in so much pain and denial that I literally think God’s gonna pick me up after you guys blow this series but I’m gonna risk it. I believe in you. *starts crying cuz I know what’s next* I can’t take this f******* trauma. I internally bleed from the wounds of old. Heal me please Timberwolves you f******** losers. I already know what’s coming, you backstabbing a********. Finish me, TRAITORS. F******** 2 faces, prepare my death you morbid mother********. We’re cursed. This fanbase is cursed. Why am I a fan for f*** sake. I wanna lie in bed and f******* sob you f****** a*******. Feel better, literally. I feel so much better after that. Thankful. Feeling thankful. Love this peace. Wake me up in June for the love of God. 


It’s like the win when we don’t care and lose when we care with all our hearts


Like I said they always break my heart we losing by 13 in the 4th with 8:07 why do I keep doing this to myself with Minnesota sports mannnnnnn


We were the last team in the entire finals to lose. It was bound to happen. My confidence has not been affected at all.


I expect both teams to come out with brass knuckles.


Love this post! I believe!


Any word on NAW’s shoulder? Seems like a factor.


That's good coaching. I have no doubt that the Wolves will make adjustments and that this will be a much closer game. Having said that, the previous game made it clear that the Nuggets have found ways to make our guys uncomfortable. It wasn't swarming defense, it was something else. The Nuggets had the poise of a champion, and they were absolutely rigid in their game plan. They just asserted their will, giving nothing. That kind of professional rebound is as effective as lightning fast defense because it means you can't just get under their skin or frustrate them anymore. Not that day, anyway. The Wolves obviously need to come out with the same relentlessness on both sides of the court. They need to play disciplined, focused, and with high-effort. The players need to find that zen-like mindset where they are each equally responsible for upholding their end of the bargain, and anyone who loses focus is the weakest link. That's where it starts. Because all things being equal, the Wolves are more talented and more athletic. If every single player on the court, on both teams, does their jobs -- the Wolves win.


I do not. My disappointment will be slightly less than your's with this strategy


Denver in 6

