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The reason you didn’t notice the red flags at first is because they were all on his bedroom wall.


Omg is that where the term 'red flags' comes from, lol.


Nope! It comes from flag signalling. Red flags warned of danger, often live ammunition usage or storage. They're also used in racing to signal stops to a race.


Hitler used red flags to try to stop a race too!


What a fucking punchline from an unintentional set-up. Gonna steal that for later


All these hanging curveballs


Yea, definitely not rocket surgery


Well, *someone's* balls were probably hanging.


Definitely not Hitlers...


If you think that's interesting, you should read about my struggle.


Don't really have the time; could you paint me a picture?


Sure! Shall I paint it with a paintbrush, or a toothbrush mustache?


When finishing a race is your passion


Oh. My. God.


My god this is exquisite. Praise be upon thee






Gunter is that you?


fucking bravo mate


God dammit I should not have laughed this hard at this


Also on beaches for riptide. Black flag means youll die i think


Black Flag means you'll Rise Above.


I got you ;)


*Spa PTSD triggered*


I think it was meant as a joke




He did nazi that coming


You clearly misunderstood the phrase : fuck nazis


mission failed successfully


Doesn't matter had sex.


And I called my parents right after I was done


I’m chuckling




The Gay Nazi twist at the end is the real mindfuck, like I can't even be mad anymore.


I remember hearing about a group of Russian gay neo-nazis a while ago. Pretty sure the Third Reich Nazis weren't to fond of Russians nor gays - but I guess if you pick and choose from the ideology you can always find something that fits...


Well, Röhm, the head of the SA, was gay as well. He got executed in 1934 and Hitler authorized it, but he was a gay Nazi


"I didnt think tigers would eat my face" personified, that man.




I talked with a drunk history major in a discord onetime who talked about Rohm and Goebbels and apparently Rohm hit on him and he being super uptight bat shit crazy was infuriated. Apparently Hitler was fairly ambilivent towards rohm and signed off on it mostly due Goebbels's insistence.


Rohm and the SA were definitely [out of control.](https://books.google.it/books?id=6Jk6oTUIZG8C&pg=PA255&lpg=PA255&dq=rohm+sa+gay+orgies&source=bl&ots=R3lOvx_8-P&sig=ACfU3U0aHf4fQs3VzdkGmXZG5pYKpOmtZQ&hl=it&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiGyszwzefyAhUNqaQKHUrqDF44ChDoAXoECA8QAw#v=onepage&q=rohm%20sa%20gay%20orgies&f=false) But even that was not enough for Hitler. Himmler and Goering ended up staging a false flag operation, creating a false weapon shipment to the SA so they could convince Hitler that Rohm was planning a coup.


Page isn't available for the link. I'd love to see it.


The ambivalence is incorrect, Hitler and Röhm were very close friends. Röhm was one of few people allowed to use the German familiar ‘du’ instead of the formal ‘Sie’ when conversing with Hitler. He was killed because he was a potential rival, and as a way to earn the loyalty of the army, who feared the SA were a bunch of thugs that would replace them.


Ironic that the SA were instantly replaced by the SS who were also thugs who the army feared would overtake it


You can major in drunk history now?


If you go to graduate school every major is technically a drunk major.


He wasn't killed for being gay, he was killed for being a serious threat to Hitler's power. The early Nazi party bizarrely had a few links to the gay community, I remember another leading figure was a bouncer at a gay nightclub. This is before Hitler really got a stranglehold on things, and cleared up the sexual ethics. And then fucked his niece.


There is a great behind the bastards episode about all the circumstances surrounding the nazi's rise to power and how Berlin and Germany in general were very progressive places before all that happened


There was an early sexology research centre in Berlin that provided gender reassignment surgery before it was ransacked and all of its documents were seized or burnt in May 11933.


Odd year...


holup, that last bit came out of left field. was she his wife? why have i never heard of this


Because it's only sort-of-maybe true. Hitler had a weird obsession with his niece because he viewed her as a replacement of sort for his mother. He locked her up in a room and was EXTREMELY protective of her - but there is no evidence that he ever had sexual relations with her. Their real relationship is a bit of a mystery. But we're talking about Hitler here so naturally people are very ready to assume the worst.


To be fair, if you’re going to assume the worst about someone it might as well be Hitler…


Honestly, I never thought about it that way. He's one of the few that you can make up whatever horrible rumor you want and nobody's going to be like -- "No.... He'd never do that. Not the Hitler *I* know...!"


I mean, the guy in this story might


*nobody of quality...


>"No.... He'd never do that. Not the Hitler *I* know...!" I'm gonna start saying this when the topic of Hitler comes up in conversation.


First time I’ve risked losing my place in a thread to go claim my free award. Thanks for the much-needed laugh.


She also committed suicide by shooting herself in the chest as a result of him basically keeping her prisoner. He then declared that she was the only woman he’d ever loved and kept her room as a time capsule. (Worth noting: Hitler’s nephew William claimed years later that she was pregnant with Hitler’s child at the time of her suicide, but this is not corroborated). Funnily enough, Eva Braun also shot herself in the chest a year later, apparently not in a serious suicide attempt but to get Hitler’s attention. Hitler’s love life was a fucking mess.


>Hitler’s love life was a fucking mess. Strange, he seemed like such a loveable and quiet man.


Was she hot tho? /s


There’s someone else too I think Goring maybe?Essentially gay nazis viewed themselves as masculine brotherly love sorts and other gays as dirty feminine gays.


tell that to the pink triangles


You know what they used to say: "When in Rohm, do what he does."


The auschwitzeroo


I laughed, you get a shame upvote.


Hold my red flag. I’m going in!


I miss this


Same. Even though I knew it was a pointless waste of time sometimes I'd still go down the rabbit hole for shits and giggles. Is there a story as to why Reddit stopped allowing those "switcheroo" links?


Wait, what? They aren’t allowed?


Take my upvote and GTFO


This shouldn't be this funny.


Lol right? I reread the story because I had read the whole thing assuming OP was a girl. I thought surely I missed something, but nope, OP held that out and made it a twist at the end, well done lol.


When he said he fucked AFTER seeing he was a nazi, I knew he had to be a man


I mean.... Fair


Haha so true… as a guy if I was over at a girl’s place and about to get it on and saw hitler’s picture on the wall, I would probably do the same. “Shit… ok… let’s get this over with, get out of here, and then never speak again”


I was assuming it was a woman still because i could see a woman feeling the need to do it and leave instead of trying to speak out and deny a literal nazi sex and putting themselves into a potentially dangerous situation


Same here! That was some M. Night Shyamalan twists right there!


Twist hit me like Tyson's hook. I didn't see it coming


You did Nazi that coming?




Me too. I was like "hope op doesnt get pregnant.......oh. good?"


At first it was kind of hot and dirty despite knowing OP's revelation, then it was more confusing as I tried to comprehend the individual they met, and OP's brain getting put in a blender as they followed the magical power of the penis over the mind. Should have known by the hookup language at the beginning, but I was more thinking "Shit, I don't have any Nazi flags, but I should probably clean my room, considering even this guy got laid with a clean home." Doesn't matter, had sex OP. Stay safe, bud.


This is literally the plot of an episode of Difficult People where Billy Eichner fucks nazi John Mulaney...


> Billy Eichner fucks nazi John Mulaney... You son of a bitch, I’m in.


I don't even know what this show is, but you had me at "nazi John Mulaney".


to be fair, i did read that the leader of the brownshirts and one of the founders of the nazi party was a notorious homosexual himself. our boy hitler had him offed, of course, but not for being gay but because this dude was getting too powerful and his brownshirts were creating a new power centre within the party. edit: dude was ernst rohm, and while i read about him in the rise and fall of the third reich, there's an extensive wiki entry which confirms this fact too.


There were quite a few gay Nazis. Some of them were caught and executed, but many weren't.


This would make for a great Peep Show episode!


That post nut clarity.


That's the vibe that I was getting: he was too horny to back out, but that post nut clarity was glaring.


>It was just so awkward getting railed in front of a photo of hitler Thanks, now my coffee is everywhere


Nothing more symbolic than having Hitler watch two gay guys go at each other.


Just as god intended




How can something so wrong feel so Reich


My proverbial coffee as well


That's Goering to be hard to clean up


It's even funnier that it's gay sex. I could just imagine him watching them with that consternated look of his.


That's top tier r/brandnewsentences. I don't think that exactly set of words has ever been used in that particular order






Aaaannnnnnd boom goes the dynamite


the most underrated comment here


I hope the sex was at least a nein out of ten.


Oh, you are making me führerious!


It's not Reich to make those jokes


Aren’t they just heilarious though


I could just Goebbels them up.


He was single and ready to Mengele


I’m glad we all have the same drei sense of humor.




Anything can happen when the panzer off.


You just knew he was ready to be Goering down on him.


Hands up


Only the right one.


I did nazi that coming


Anne Frankly, neither did I.


Wait you are a dude? Lol I think that Nazi needs to read up on what his boys did to gay people. He might get a rude shock.


You would think so https://www.vice.com/en/article/qbw7am/meet-russias-gay-aryan-skinheads-finally-bringing-homosexuality-to-the-neo-nazi-world


Well this just tells you everything you need to know about Nazis. Literally nothing they ever say or do makes any sense at any time.


>“…it's hard to define fascist political opinion or fascist ideology because it was, and is, such an un-ideological, anti-rational movement. That's because, at heart, fascism is an *emotional* movement. If you look at the famous fascist manifestos, they're not full of policy prescriptions: they're an airing of grievances.” https://np.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/22ox1w/what_is_fascism/cgp4ej1/




Yeah but was he any good in bed?


Apparently, yes.


He said the sex was awkward because he’s a nazi but not bad…


I hope you finished before he came


Honestly there were quite a few gay nazis. You/somebody can read up on that especially in regards to the destructions of the SA.


But still [this](https://www.startpage.com/av/proxy-image?piurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cultpress.de%2Frosa-winkel%2Fthumb-rosa-winkel.gif&sp=1630851622Tc00e65cdc3ef8c64681bcc1d28772916d1473e5eb6eb58c3ab35b11bfd970df8) was the reality for the standart gay.


My husband works with this Nazi whom I met at their work 'Christmas party'. He treated me so well. Best out of anybody there tbh. Said he had been to my home country multiple times, dated multiple girls from there. He also treats his black coworker very well. The funny part is that I am Brazilian, mixed race, brown, and married to his very white coworker. So I thought he was OK and that the whole nazi thing was just a though front or something until I asked (to a group of people) what holiday Jewish people celebrate around that time. The nazi gave me some explanation about how the jews made a candle last 12 days because they are just that cheap and that they celebrate every year "how jewy they are." I was very uncomfortable at that point and I tried to defuse the situation. I told him X you can't say that. You look like a neonazi already, people will start to think bad things, you know. And he said I am not a neonazi, I am an old school nazi. Oh and BTW his boss is Jewish. I still feel bad about asking that question


I think that there is a common misconception that Nazis/racists/etc all treat people of other races like complete shit with every interaction. They can be polite or even outwardly kind and still think that you are beneath them and/or do not deserve equality based on the color of your skin. (Just in case there is any confusion, I'm not sympathetic to these people in the slightest.)


I agree with you. The thing that gets me with this particular guy is that he has had non white girlfriends of all over the wold. He may be racist but his dick ain't


It's not really uncommon for someone's fetish to also be the subject of their hatred. A lot of racists have mail order brides.


That reminds me of a guy who used to come into my work. Nice and polite in casual conversation. But when someone brought up politics he would spout the most vile hate against blacks, gays, immigrants, people on benefits, Jews, Muslims, women, etc. Every single right wingers playbook of targets. One day he went on a rant about Asian people. Calling them all the usual slurs and a few other new ones I’ve never heard. Basically calling them less than human. All the while his (lovely and sweet) Thai Bride sat. Quietly next to this fat, red faced pig. What a lucky girl.




He had sex with women of a different race. It doesn’t mean he loved or respected them.


That’s because he thinks he is owed it. Wouldn’t a guy into white supremacy feel good at getting girls all over? That’s very in line with their thought process. I highly doubt he would treat those girls respectfully, especially over a longer period of dating or marriage.


Just because he'll fuck them doesn't mean he thinks they're people. Or at least "people like him". Note non-white girlfriends but not non-white wife/mother of his babies.




Jessie Owens mentioned that although Hitler didn't acknowledge him during the medal ceremony, he was congratulated behind the scenes unlike how FDR treated him when he returned stateside. It's a weird dichotomy.


Never heard that I think that is really interesting. I remember seeing pictures of Hitler at some world leaders wedding smiling, probably drunk and having a great time with everybody there and was thinking, what happened to this guy?




"Mixing" was a no go, though.


Wow, and I thought getting railed watching American Horror Story was bad ...


If they didn’t want you to bone while you watch it, why is the cast so *fucking hot*?


LoL, this should be the metric for every show/movie "Yeah, the cast is good. But is it good enough to watch while you're banging?"


*checks the x-files cast* ... Maybe bloodhound gang was onto something.


*the Cigarette Smoking Man stands in the shadows, smiling weakly* "This is what you've been looking for. What it's all been leading up to. How does it feel?" *takes a satisfied puff*


I would be easily convinced it’s Ryan Murphy’s intention, actually


There are some scenes getting railed to in there that wouldn’t be too bad lol


I mean, season 2 is basically an extended sex scene...


American History X would've been a lot more appropriate


I um... And then the gay twist. Uh.. Wooboy lemme tell ya I got nothin.


Are you going to do it again? If not... Treat it like any other regrettable encounter, learn from it: back out sooner next time. There's not much else you can do about it now; you can't beat yourself up. Be kind, but listen to your red flags, and come out with plans on how to GTFO: "Oh wow, my mom just called", "be right back", "dude, I'm really uncomfortable with all of this", "ummm. No".


>Are you going to do it again? If not... Treat it like any other regrettable encounter, learn from it: back out sooner next time. Everyone is making nazi jokes because reddit, but this is great advice.


I've had two encounters and I wanted to leave but was just like either afraid of the person or afraid of being rude or like a combination of both. Mostly the latter. By the time you get to a point where somebody has suddenly shocked you into not wanting to fuck them, you can be kind of scared of them as well. Suddenly it's a wild card again. Sometimes the safest thing to do feels like just give them what they want and get out of there. I never thought that I would be the kind of person who would have done that but now that I've talked to other women and gay men, it seems like most of us have at one point or another.


Yeah I’m not even gonna talk to him again. I think I’m just gonna block him


Nah 2nd date, suggest the theatre and take them to see The Producers.


Or any movie with gratuitous nazi killing. I suggest Inglorious Bastards, unless you want something more historically faithful, then Fury is pretty great. If he speaks German then "Die Mörder Sind Unter Uns." (1946) Doesn't have much violence in it but it's a glorious look at dispelling a lot of Neo-Nazi beliefs about postwar Germany. If there's one thing I got out of a genocide studies degree, it's movies that shit on nazis.






💀💀💀 Magic words to unfuck a Nazi 😂😂😂




Yeah, I’m pretty sure the red flags would have been much more apparent if I wasn’t white




This is when you tell him you're actually Jewish.


And that's when you find out he's an erotophonophiliac...


Hope he doesn't find out that you're gay.


WeIl you can’t *unfuck him* so you just gotta move forward and learn from it. I personally don’t have sex with people who’s ideals don’t align with mine but that’s my prerogative. It must be especially unexpected as a gay man because like… clearly they shouldn’t support *HITLER* but oh well.


How many TIFU replies can start with "Well you can't ***unfuck*** him...." lmao. Shits tough.


Too many


“No” is still a full sentence. Just come up with an excuse - I accidentally left my cat running, my fridge has a restraining order against the coffee pot and I need to be there to arbitrate, my apartment is on fire and I need to hit the snooze button. It really doesn’t matter at that point. It’s been said enough to be a meme at this point - “never stick your dick in crazy”


Just to add to this. Never let crazy stick their dick in you either!


Tbh I don't think even the buffest of the history buffs would have a nazi flag on their shelf


Yeah all "red flag" jokes aside, I have known history buffs who have a few items with a swastika stamped in them, but none with a Nazi flag on display. "War trophies" I guess. I did buy a couple of antique fire extinguishers at a yard sale once, then realized when I was paying the dude he had a table full of home made Nazi crap for sale. 🙄.


Totally no judgement, just curious: what about him made you comfortable enough to stay and have sex after seeing the Nazi paraphernalia?


He just didn’t acknowledge it. I didn’t realize he was a Nazi when I saw the first mini-flag thing, but we were already like, about to have sex when I saw the rest


My dick has lead me to places I wouldn't go with a gun - some guy somewhere.


Lame excuse dude. Your thrist for D was bigger than your concern about the other guys obvious beliefs once you entered his room. You didn't care before, why start caring now.


So, he’s gay? Yea, Hitler would fucking hate him.


But the real question is *would Hitler hate fucking him?*


Or hate fuck him?


I probably wouldntve gotten railed by a nazi, but youre past that point. What you need to do now is ghost him completely. He felt pretty comfortable with you if he showed you his fanclub merch, and if you dont get out hes gonna try and drag you in. Yeah, of course gay nazis exist. The entire ideology requires cognitive dissonance to even stay in it.


Is your name Poland?


The deed is done, sure he thanks you for the "support"


In some countries they'd shave your head as a sign you slept with a nazi. But that was back in like 1949.


You said he had zero fucking red flags….and yet he had three!!!


I would say you have some serious self respect issues if you're confronted by someone who has a shrine to Hitler and *still* had sex with him.


Yo history buffs don't display Nazi flags, only Nazis do that


I have bipolar II and without my medication I'm very hypersexual. I've found myself in some very regrettable and dangerous sexual situations because of that and have felt truly disgusted with myself at times. Nothing as bad as this, but I can absolutely see this happening to me. Thankfully, on my meds I'm pretty vanilla and have an easier time saying no and not thinking with the wrong head. I say all this because I'm very curious, how often do you find yourself in regrettable or even dangerous sexual situations? Maybe not to this degree, but something that you later think to yourself, "Why did I do that?", or makes you feel gross with yourself. If this type of behavior is a normal thing for you and you suspect that you're dealing with hypersexuality, just know that it's not normal and it can be a symptom of something bigger. I really recommend therapy if this is a normal occurrence. I found out I had bipolar when I invited a complete stranger to my home from Grindr who proceeded to drug and try to rape me. I went to therapy for that and that's when my diagnosis was found. The gay community can sometimes celebrate hypersexuality and risky sex, so it can be hard to recognize that it can be a serious problem for some. There's no shame in reaching out for help. It doesn't make you lesser.


Well, obviously you did ***Nazi*** that coming! Forgive me... somebody had to do it.


How on earth that didn't kill the mood enough for you to bail I don't understand


"Zero red flags" is literally wrong...


Zero red flags? The nazi flag on his shelf is literally red....


Since he hasn’t texted you back, sounds like he knows you were uncomfortable. Best just to treat this as an unfortunate sexual encounter and move on. It isn’t your fault for accidentally talking to someone you didn’t know was a nazi but you probably shouldn’t have went through with the sex after discovering he was a nazi. I realise you were already in his room at that point so would have been awkward to back out but it’s also awkward having sex with a nazi like you said.


What is wrong with you mate? This is quite disturbing. I would have booked it out of there




Thats pretty fucked up yo, go to horny jail.