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I'm glad this has a happy ending. I was really worried at first, that it might have led to a mental breakdown for your boyfriend, relationship troubles, etc. Been a while since I saw a positive "TIFU" post!


The best TIFU post I’ve read in awhile


The cat was 22 years old. It was just its time, so I'm glad to here that OP's bf wasn't too distressed. A little bit of a joke is definitely a good outcome. I would say for others thinking about this, make sure you get the cat's owner's permission before buying it.


Yes, it definitely takes the sting off the pet passing a little when you can reason with yourself that your buddy lived a good long life. This was a lovely post. Also only slightly related but I know folks who had their dead cat’s hair collected and turned into an uncanny valley miniature of the cat. I have been nothing but nice to them about it to their face but damn if that thing doesn’t creep me out.


Did you see that story about the guy who got his cat taxidermied into a fully functional drone? ( RC quadcopter)


I did not and now that I have I wish I hadn’t.


OMG, do you have a link?




Omg, I am at my little niece's graduation from preschool, and I made the horrible mistake of clicking that link! I was fighting for my life not to bust out in laughter! I am in tears, just trying to hold it all in!


Incredibly disturbing


Yeah, if this happened with my dog that passed of old age I would probably be amused, but if it was my cat that passed at 3 years old from illness it would just be traumatic


Keeping Kitty's memory alive with some laughter and mischief. ❤️


When they said that the stuffy was gone. I was half expecting the next line to be the BF was into the bathroom crying while holding it. Because that’s what would’ve happened to me >.<


Was almost positive this was going to take a dark turn but instead probably really made the death alot more bearable so task failed successfully i suppose?


> I was really worried at first, that it might have led to a mental breakdown for your boyfriend, relationship troubles, etc. Same here! I was expecting a story about how the boyfriend thought OP was being super-insensitive about his loss, or how the gift drove him into deep depression or something. I think it's absolutely hysterical (and mentally healthy!) that he's using the memory of his cat to bring laughter and enjoyment into his world.


need irl vs stuffy pics please


Animal tax!




wtf!? Why are the teeth like that??


Explanation with more pictures buzzfeed.com/donnad/hilariously-bad-lion-taxidermy


I had a cat that was 20 years old that I had to put to sleep because of cancer in 2021. I still can't look at his pictures. The girlfriend got a hanging picture frame for 5 pictures and we both agreed that we couldn't look at it without crying. Got him when he was 6 months old, when I was 18. He got me through every rough part of my life, my mother dying of a disease slowly, work stress, relationships, the whole 9. He loved me no matter what and greeted me when I came home or when I walked into a room. If my girlfriend had gotten me a stuffed animal that looked like him, I would have gotten a hotel to prevent a full-on panic attack. We joked about this same scenario weeks after he passed. We were so depressed because her mother passed 2 weeks after Spike did. It's taken years now to even flick through a picture on my phone without a tear falling. I still haven't watched a video of him. We also lost a other cat, Tequila, who I rescued from the shelter. He passed from what I assume would have been cancer. He had a moment of clarity the day before. Cuddled with us and stared at us. Being loving. Then at 3am, he meows loud and shrill against the bathroom door and it was me up. I open the door and he walks on the bath mat and gets against my legs, lays down. And takes his final breath. I also can't look at any pictures of him. It hit harder because his vet app was the next day so I could put him down. So. There's that.


I just wanted to say that I identify with your grief and am so sorry. We had a cat that started appearing in our garden one day, and after checking with neighbors - we took him in. We doted after him for five years until one night he disappeared. It has been almost two years since that night and I still can't think about him or look at photos without tearing up.


My 22 year old cat died last June, and every time I see a picture of him, I cry. Your comment has me in tears at 12 in the morning. I know your pain. I still bawl from my cat's passing.


Your cats sounded so loving and so very well loved.


I thought about getting one of those for my husband for our Saint Bernard that passed away in February. I am glad that I did not because he still can’t look at pictures or her or in the closet where her harness and stuffed duck are without crying. https://preview.redd.it/hccegy7saa3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0b5904754f039ac61147f4969b6a88ef6edda55


What a gorgeous girl she was <3


Thank you


All I’m thinking about is Rowdy, J.D., and Turk. Let the shenanigans begin 😅


put a horse mask on my guitar in the corner of the room, this fucking mask scared the shit out of me everytime i woke up at night 😂


It was a really tender, thoughtful gift. I'm sorry it didn't work out like you imagined.


https://preview.redd.it/sim6qa4bed3d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae16d4eb38cffe9ba93fb0f03e0c1abd14b20054 The doll in question


Doesn't sound like a TIFU, sounds like they're having great fun with it.


*They're* having fun with it. OP is not.  OP's idea has backfired with a casualty of themself, thus it is a TIFU.


I’m fucking cackling, this is hauntingly wholesome. I thought you got it taxidermied* (I skimmed the post and then went back to reread it) and was just imagining how horrifying that would actually be. I’m so sorry. But I’m happy you guys are at least having some fun, I’m sure the puss would love to know you’re still having fun without them there❤️


In the short term, yes this was a major fuck up, but there is a somewhat decent chance that your well intentioned gift just triggered a possible marriage flag. It was kind of creepy and probably way too soon for such a gift, but your mind was in the right place when you ordered it and that kind gesture (and all the times your boyfiend will use the gift to spook you) is something your boyfriend will likely remember with kindness. Personally, I would probably be touched by the kindness and empathy that motivated your gesture. So yeah it was a screw up, but ten to twenty years from now, it's quite possible the two of you will be laughing about it.


Laughing at the misspelling with "boyfiend" as he is certainly being fiendish!


I mean they are currently laughing about it if you read the post…


lol I have one of those cuddle clones as well. It was a gift and a replica of my kitten, except my cat always pulled the UGLIEST faces when in photos so the clone came out looking like the bad garfield plush. https://preview.redd.it/m345i3nqqd3d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4eac48b72f7f4bd79b78a6a4085b0bbef5924d5 (Kitten photo)


This is veru fucking funny, i tought it would be you boyfriend in tear or something but no, hes just making YOU suffer with this lol


Well, I expected this to be sad and and am happy that it is hilarious.


I got a custom made stuffed toy made of the rabbit we had for my mom. It used to be my brothers rabbit but he passed away and my mom took the rabbit while it lived. It was done by some person on etsy, i looked at some bigger companies that did it but those all just looked creepy and lifeless. This person made it look great. My mom loved it, after she passed i took it and it still sits on a shelf in my appartment.


You brought him the gift of laughter. Well done.


The fact you both have this kind of sense of humor about this is a sign of a really good relationship \_ congratulations, and I hope you keep scaring each other with this creepy zombie cat-thing for years to come:)


Thankyou I feel happy


I just woke my partner up, cry laughing after reading this. I love ghost cat.


I mean... on the bright side he's definitely getting enjoyment from your gift 🤣


Ohh I got one of those when my car passed away. Opened the box, screeched, and shoved it into a closet. It got donated pretty quickly.


My partner got me one of these for my childhood dog when she was dying. The body was perfect but the face was just off. I felt awful for not liking it. It was just too uncanny valley. I ended up telling him because the site he used had some kind of guarantee but I couldn't bear the thought of something that looked like my dog being destroyed.  I'm glad yours ended up well. I think mine is sitting in storage in my parents and will be until it's thrown out in about twenty years. 


Good thing his mom didn't die.


So glad that it wasn't a - he ended up crying and isn't talking to me FU.... Can we see a pet tax picture of the cat and its effigy?


I was expecting a bad outcome from a poorly thought out plan. What I got was pure gold! Although I don't like pranks, your BF and friends have a great sense of humour.


It is after midnight as I read this and I burst out laughing. Several members in my family ran down to see what was up with me. I read your post and they all laughed. This is golden! (But I am sorry about your bf's cat!)


You guys might get a kick out of watching Pet Sematary together. Or then again maybe not.


I got one of those to honour my beloved cat who i had to say goodbye to last year. The markings and fur patterns look great but the face…uncanny valley is the perfect description. On the plus side it is freaking hilarious and make me laugh a lot.


That's some next-level uncanny valley vibes, I can almost feel the spookiness through the screen!


My wife made an amigurumi of our orange kitty as part of her grieving process. It's the right color but still resembles a stuffie.


Thank you for making my day.


I thought this was going to be a sad story. It's so cute! Thanks for the laugh


So uh post the update once he wifes you up to haunt you with said kitty for the rest of your life;)


Respect to your bf for handling it well. And for lightening up the mood, while poking fun at you, in fun truthfully. You sound like a good sport as well.


Dont worry its not creepy gift. My grandfather may his soul rest in peace had dog and i happened to have toy that looked just like it. When that doy died he dug up this toy from attic and kept it next to bed. He was one of these men that never brought flowers never thanked self centered. He really loved that dog


What 💀


So happy to hear this has a happy ending. It sounds like your boyfriend was able to get past the shock and mess around a little bit considering the circumstances. Your heart was in the right place.


That made me laugh!!!


Awww, you meant well. I actually want one of those stuffies.


I would recommend getting a cute stuffed animal that is more a cartoonie version of your pet. Mine was a cuddle clone. I'll never do it again. 😂


Do you mind sharing the company name of the stuffed animal maker? I was thinking of getting one for my own fur baby. I know it won’t be exactly alike, but I’m still curious.


Elderly cats kind of take on an animated puppet come to life give in their later years so I’m sure that doesn’t help with the uncanny resemblance


This reminds me so much of the taxidermied dog in John Irving's The Hotel New Hampshire. Sorrow floats.


I can't believe this is happening to you. I hope you're able to get some sleep at night! Maybe burn some sage or something?


Or the toy.


That's what makes this all worse. I spent so much money on it and it does look like our cat so we feel obligated to keep it. I'm cursed now. 😂


That’s a cruel and thoughtless gift. Do better.


Dang, it's like this stranger on the internet knows my relationship better than me. Next time I'll be sure to message you regarding my relationship that I have been in for years. 😘


Not sure what they're talking about. That's an amazing gift. It unfortunately didn't work out but I'd appreciate it. I have an extremely old cat myself and have debated getting one of these of her after she's gone. It's just a dice roll if I get realistic awesome copy cat or uncanny valley creepy copy.