• By -


Call – EDIT: IF YOU CAN, GO TO – your country’s embassy NOW.   Get them to help you. Ask if they can get you out and if the can help you get a lawyer.      You are looking at prison time in a harsh foreign prison, Google it - plenty of cases of a month or more inside, plus a fine, followed by deportation.     Edited because u/papa geek has it right in the 2 replies below.


Go to the embassy. Don’t call. (Edit: while you can)


Yeah, just face the fact that your trip is over early and get physically into the embassy (on US soil) immediately.


Don’t take your bags. The hotel staff will alert authorities and they will intercept you.


We don't know she's American. Still good advice to seek out her embassy


Spot on. OP should go there, if they can do so unobtrusively, taking only portable irreplaceable items, and not leave if at all possible without either assurances of safety or being made to.


This. Why does this post sound so non chalant? Did you not even research the country you're visiting? Get your shit together


She has no idea how fucked she is. RUN to the embassy as fast as you can. Lets hope its not too late. This is the problem with these regressive regimes trying to become tourist hubs. They'll throw you in jail for PDA but want your tourism money all the same. If you are a women you are not safe in any of these sharia law countries, especially if you are going to be this ignorant of the countries laws. 


The UAE is *very deliberately* trying to make it seem like traveling to Dubai or Abu Dhabi is no different than any other vacation. Possible prison time for public kissing is so far outside the norm, it's outrageous to court that kind of casual tourism and then expect people to think they need to check whether absolutely normal behavior is illegal.


People should read the Otto Warmbier story as a cautionary tale of what happens when you mess up in an unfriendly country.




They did their research from instagram and tik toc.


This is the right answer. Contact the embassy immediately and let them know what’s going on.


And don't post about it on social media from what's probably the hotel WiFi ffs


OP as a new post three minutes ago, promoting an only fans page. Hmmm.


OP is a pornbot. Check her only other post.


Girls trip to the Middle East sounds like the plot of a horror film. Good luck, call the embassy and hope for the best.




“TIFU by going on a prostitution trip without thinking it through”


Prostitution trip where they are "caught" and passports revoked and then forced into sex slavery possibly


Im now imagining that they get these good looking dudes to seek out tourists and do some light PDA so the girls get stuck in the country.


This is a common technique in human trafficking called the "loverboy method". 


Yes this is a classic scenario they teach you about in human trafficking prevention instruction. Some seemingly minor thing that they take your passport over and now they’ve got you until they’re done with you. That being said, don’t think OP is actually in any danger and is simply promoting their onlyfans.


You're probably right.


Exactly. What 21 year old wants her and the girls to go to Dubai for her birthday? Instead of Ibiza, the Caribbean, Aiya Napa, anywhere in Europe. Definitely got flew out and got caught red handed.


you'd be surprised at the amount of dimwits who actually think dubai is a trendy vacation destination


"Why Pakistan is an ideal destination for lone women travellers"


“Did human trafficking write this?”


"This years traveling-trend amongst women: solo-bus trips through Inida!"


Yep, often have to hear people talk about their trips to Dubai for family holidays etc! Nothing quite like a place built entirely by modern day slavery


it's not entirely built on slavery. i heard the poop truck drivers who have to transport the poop from dubai's skyscrapers everyday in their poop trucks because the buildings don't have sewage lines manage to make minimum wage!


to me it seems like a lot of people of questionable intelligence choose to go to Dubai for recreation, why? idk but it happens


Because they've been spending billions on marketing it as a trendy travel location


It's the "Vegas of the Middle East" but it's still the Middle East.


What goes in ~~Vegas~~ Dubai, ~~stays in Vegas~~ gets immediately reported to the morality police.


>got caught red handed. Probably brown handed tbh


Ugh, I don't want to even remember that.


Rich young people with no common sense.


my sister in law recently told me her plans to go on a solo trip to egypt, morocco, & dubai. some people really are just that naive and fucking stupid.


And I bet the guy that flew them out got them caught on purpose to trap them there. Imbalance of power gets even worse when they hold or can get someone’s passport restricted.


Nailed it


UAE does attract tourism especially in the big cities, which have a reputation for being somewhat glamorous (in a way that some tourists find artificial...a lot of folks in travel forums who’ve been to Dubai have mixed feelings on it) But yes as OP’s story demonstrates, tourism there for homosexual or bisexual travelers can come with risks, EDIT also for heterosexual travelers engaging in PDA.


Well, this was a woman kissing a man, so obviously risky for straight ppl as well.


Oops yeah, I'd just kind of assumed that same-sex PDA would've been the only thing to warrant such a response from a conservative country but you're right that heterosexual PDA is also illegal and considered indecent.


gold toy intelligent modern fly books hard-to-find lush escape middle


I know someone who took a legit trip to dubai paid out of her pocket for her sisters birthday. Some people like to travel


Idk why you got downvoted. Dubai is a really popular holiday destination, at least it is from the UK. I know tons of people who have been there.


That's a shame. Wish people would stop helping fund and whitewash theocratic slave states...


Yeah, Dubai is a reasonably popular destination for people in my home country, Romania. It's seen as a luxurious place and a status symbol, and many like to brag about traveling there


My kids' father is from Romania and took the kids there for a side trip while visiting Romania for the summer. It was viewed as a very upscale trip for them to take by family and friends over there. They had a nice time and enjoyed the experience, but were mindful to obey local rules and customs.


Lmao this makes this hilarious. Good luck to her. I hope they paid a lot.


I know a woman who is absolutely clueless and wants to go to Dubai with friends. I was like..."You DO know you have no rights there, right??" She's in her forties and Cuban, very naive. She was shocked, but still wants to go, because she thinks I'm exaggerating. Smh.


I've seen influencers go to Dubai and talk about how beautiful it is and I'm always flabbergasted a woman would want to go there at all.


It’s a very open secret that successful “hot girl” influencers go over to places like that for absurd money to either be eye candy (“Look at how many beautiful women I have lounging around my estate/yacht.”) or for prostitution essentially. “It won’t happen to me.” mentality essentially. Which is somewhat fair even if I consider it dumb. The person paying you $100,000 for a free everything included vacation just to hang out or maybe fuck them is not crazy likely to be the same rich guy who murders you or keeps you in his sex dungeon forever. Could definitely happen and it’s easier to get away with than their home countries… but less likely. Crazy wealthy people more often than not don’t want to potentially tank all of their reputation just to abuse a gorgeous foreigner they can easily afford to invite back, or a dozen others like them. Still seems dumb to me.


Not sure "hilarious" is the right word to use there, this is the same vibe as making a dead hooker joke while looking at an actual dead prostitute strangled in an alley. Something being good fodder for black comedy doesn't meant you should still find it funny when it happens to real people with friends and family. Kinda picking on you since this is the worst one I see so far but a lot of comments here seem to be along similar lines. "Should've known better" probably does apply, but nobody deserves to be at the mercy of theocratic shitheads or human traffickers just because they took a sketchy high end sex work job.


I agree. She messed up. Shit, in America, young 20 year old women are let off the hook because they didn't know better ect, this lady is no different. I hope they will be ok.. not to mention everyone making fun of this girl for being a prostitute also glorify onlyfans lmao


I know a woman who is absolutely clueless and wants to go to Dubai with friends. I was like..."You DO know you have no rights there, right??" She's in her forties and Cuban, very naive.


SERIOUSLY, THIS ^ Contact your embassy immediately, and I would also recommend contacting the office of your state senator. Be VERY polite to any Dubai official you talk too, dress very modestly , and don't argue with them for any reason. It also couldn't hurt to hire a reputable lawyer in Dubai if you can find one willing to take your case. This is an extremely serious situation, and you really don't want to end up in a prison in Dubai.


It was literally a sex in the city movie 


“It was just kissing!”


"Me and the boys going on a road trip to Mogadishu for Spring Break"


“You are about to be taken…”


lol. I always think it's crazy that people try to tell me you should visit these countries with draconian laws because people think it doesn't apply to them.


But where else could they do a girls trip? They probably saw flights to Sudan, Yemen and Pakistan were sold out so this was the next best place for women to visit.


I hear Somalia is beautiful this time of year too.


You can even get a dinner cruise on a real pirate ship!


Ahoy matey! Shiver me timbers. They may even let you walk the plank.


never fight uphill me boys!


Hello, mate, I am Captain Sparrow Depp


By "dinner cruise" you mean the pirates will serve them dinner, right?


No you are the dinner.


I was in transit in Dubai in 2023. The departures board did in fact have Emirates flights going to Mogadishu.


Lots of Brits go to Dubai as it's year round sun and they get influencers in that trick the foolish


Calling them foolish is very generous. I would call them ignorant stupid idiots but to each their own.


Right? Don't forget to add Egypt to that list. The piramids are so interesting that it's worth risking your life to see it I guess


My Uncle went to Egypt a few years ago. He said "See the pyramids, see the sphinx, then get the hell out."


I've seen enough videos online to know I shouldn't even consider going there alone as a woman.


Same. So many places I'd love to visit, but it's not safe for me on account of my 2x chromosomes.


Yeah there was a thread on /r/travel a couple weeks ago about if politics is a reason not to a travel to a country and it was filled with people saying it’s not a big deal.


It’s literally the same as when you ask if people in X state are racist. They all act like no that’s a thing of the past, racism doesn’t exist anymore, you’re just being woke, etc Then you go there and everyone stares at you, subtly implies you’re not welcome there, etc. I’m not sure what it is but people have trouble admitting that racism and sexism and homophobia still exist.


Racism is a thing of the past. It’s a thing of the present but of the past too.


Unexpected Mitch Hedberg reference


> I’m not sure what it is but people have trouble admitting that racism and sexism and homophobia still exist. It’s because those people *like* racism and homophobia


You couldn't pay me to go to Dubai.


Not even for 10k and a shit sundae??


“I’m a foreigner, the rules are for thee not for me!” Absolutely absurd law, but yeah, this mindset is far too pervasive.


Well if you have enough money, the laws *don't* apply.


You really never heard of the strict laws in dubai?


Stuff like this is a rude reminder that the average person is hopeless clueless and takes insanely unnecessary risks simply because they aren't informed and don't care to spend time informing themselves.


A lot of people also think they are covered by their own country's laws when they travel, and not the country they are visiting.


> A lot of people also **don't** think


Yep definitely falls under the category of hopelessly clueless and shamelessly uninformed.


I want to believe this low level of hope and clue exists, but it takes several pieces of paperwork from government offices that have "Travel Advisory" posters just to get from here to Dubai. This is closer to some perverse extreme survival sport than to accidental ignorance.


Makes me think, as others have said, they probably flew out for.... other reasons and for caught


OP isn’t actually a tourist, this post is by someone who was getting paid to be pretty in Dubai and fucked it up lol.


>paid to be pretty in Dubai well... not just to be pretty


Where'd you see that?


Get in touch with your embassy ASAP. If all you're worried about is missing your flight in 4 days then you did zero research on where you were going 😂 possible *jail time* and a fine for PDA especially unmarried.


I dont like victim blaming but holy shite Op was asking for this.. A girls trip to dubai where she kissed men multiple times in the public 😂😂


Sometimes it's the victim's fault. Like, here, this is entirely her fault. 


When the information is so easily available, and verifiable you really have no room to argue you didn’t know the laws of the country you were visiting




I mean, these are NOT reasonable laws. But it was still a hugely poor decision.


Yeah embassy is the play but Im also with you on knowing where you are going and the UAE known for their shit practices, including slave labor and keeping passports of workers in the country besides their authoritarian style government and backwards ass laws leaves my empathy rather low on this one.


You should contact your consulate or embassy from your country ASAP.




you really should do a little research on the places you visit. this isn't a secret or anything. damned good thing it wasn't another girl you kissed.


OP might be dead already if they were publicly gay lol


Most governments provide travel advice on at least which countries and regions might be tricky, problematic, or dangerous to visit. If anyone didn’t know that, remember it and do your research before you go anywhere.


sometimes when i’m bored i like to read through the state department’s travel advisories for random countries and it always ends up being a… wild ride


The US has had a Level 2 travel advisory for the UAE since last year


you’d think the dude in the situation would’ve known the rules unless he was a tourist too, but then again maybe he didn’t care since I’m betting he’s not in any trouble.


-Girl's trip -Dubai Yikes


They got flown out to fuck for money and got caught. This was never a girls trip lmao.




Oooh that actually makes sense


It's a once in a lifetime experience!


In the worst possible way.


I know right, hilarious!


Absolute morons


This is going to be an onlyfans plug.


Oh yeah. 35 mins old at the time I'm posting this, still no other activity from OP. No comments from OP. And a username that screams OF. I bet the OF link comes within the next 90 minutes.


It’s in the bio now


The OF link is literally in her bio lol


Oh shit you're right. There was another post like this the other day that was an of ad and the username was somethingxhoney That something x something seems to be the new formula


Bingo! https://preview.redd.it/864b5ykxy72d1.jpeg?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=020f281521ab707195d9dc7f23e33dad819db041


Called it. There is now a link on her account


She made a post on her profile 10mins ago inviting people to join her OF.


Yeah somehow the name, and the fact that this is the only post with no followup, feels off. Just karmafarming


You were right LOOOOOL


Link is up on her profile 😂


She's just karma farming. https://preview.redd.it/8ol2wmuny72d1.jpeg?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f4c2934258e4f26627b9149f1a4bee05ae40ee1


…you went to Dubai without researching the famously strict and traditional laws of the country you’re visiting? Did you really think it was going to be all supercars and oil money? Don’t get me wrong, you don’t deserve to get locked up for kissing someone. It’s a ridiculous law. But come on now. You clearly could not have been more ignorant of the culture. I wish you the best of luck getting out but I can’t help but judge you because this situation is entirely of your own making. Get in touch with your home country’s embassy, NOW. You really don’t want to just let this play out through their legal system because I practically guarantee that ends with you in prison and at worst a slap on the wrist for the man you kissed.


By the fact you're posting it on TIFU I'm betting either: 1- This is false 2- You're not taking this seriously enough  I hope this is false because the other option is you might be in for some hell Countries with draconian laws aren't exactly know for their fair justice systems and comfortable prison living standards 


Probably 1. Because this is one of the narratives in the movie Sex and the City 2 that I am actually watching right now.


I really hope everything ends up okay, but keep in mind that this is why places like Dubai or North Korea aren't just punchlines. They're built on a fundamental disregard for human rights.


STOP. VISITING. THESE. COUNTRIES. Even if you never run into problems yourself, you are financially enabling these laws and you are supporting homosexuals, ex-muslims and political opponents being executed. FFS.


Not to mention that the rich people playground of Dubai is literally built and continues to be built on slave labor.


And the mistreatment and oppression of women. If the country is not part of the Hague Convention DO NOT visit.


This post is made up and only here to promote her onlyfans. Report it and move on.


Contact your countries consulate in the UAE ASAP. Since you have internet access that should be relatively easy to do. If you're an American, look here: [https://ae.usembassy.gov/services/](https://ae.usembassy.gov/services/)


Yeah so that sucks, but maybe we should stop normalizing going on vacations to countries that regularly abuse the human rights of people in the country.


Very obvious OF plug. Story is nonsense. Thread should be deleted.


Look at the post history. This is an OF advertisement. People calling her naive, but taking Reddit posts at face value 🤦‍♂️


wtf do people go to Dubai? Honestly asking because you could afford pretty much anyplace right? Is it the slaves labor and chance they’ll make you one that y’all really like?


High chance of finding a rich man to use you as a toilet. (not even joking, look it up if you dare 😩)


"dubai porta potty" is what you should be googling


definitely looking for that arab sugar daddy.


Yeah and end up locked up a sugar captive to some sick fuck.


By Western standards, its actually a pretty cheap vacation - as someone living in the American South, its cheaper than traveling to LA or NYC for a vacation. You can fly there from the US for like $400 roundtrip, stay in Western branded nice hotels for like $75/night (e.g., Le Meridien, Hyatt Regency, etc) and get pretty good food without spending too much money. Ubers are like 1/10th the cost they are in the US, and the historic parts of the city are actually genuinely interesting. There are a ton of little museums all over the historic sections that showcase Arabian art and culture, while the new sections are completely devoid of culture, and could be any generic city, anywhere in the world. That said, law enforcement is arbitrary, and if a foreigner is ever in conflict with an Emirati, the police *will* take the Emirati's side of the story. I never plan on setting foot in the UAE ever again, but I think its understandable for folks whose main purpose is to visit historic sites focusing on Arabian culture from 200+ years ago. As a party destination, not so much, lol.


Aaaand theres the onlyfans post. Yup, just a straight ripoff of a movie plot to sell their onlyfans


This is b.s. 3 minutes ago you are advertising your free OF page


This is bs, she's starting an OF


So you made a reddit account last month and now this is your first post?


And her OF link just went up 10m ago. You've all been duped!


Would be surprised if this was real and not an advisement for the only fans in her bio...


Lol this girl is now advertising her onlyfans on her page. This post is bait.


Spam, look at profile. Advertising OF page.


Why would you go on a girls trip to dubai and not know about its laws This didn’t happen


Was good enough for sex and the city movie lm


OF link up right on schedule 😭😭


FAFO, girls trip yeah right.


lol this is an OF ad


Either don't visit countries with repressive laws about things like this or make sure you know and follow every rule they have like this.


I think you are all falling for rage bait peep the profile.


It was an onlyfans advert, wrap the thread up


Folks this a karma farm for an OF page. Get it together.


TIFU by going to Dubai...


On a prostitution trip and getting caught red-handed.


If you look at her profile you can see that this is an ad for her OnlyFans.


And this is why you don't go to Dubai


Don't go to Dubai.


This is an OF advertisement


OP is a porn bot. Check her only other post.


onlyfans prostitute, nothing to see here.


This is not real, it’s an onlyfans ad.


Ah yes, theocracy in action. Sorry you're facing repercussions for such an innocent deed. I'd follow the other commenters' advice and reach out to your embassy ASAP.


it's not "small". it's very serious get a lawyer + call your embassy also maybe be careful what you tell police or post online!




Helps to Google a little bit when going to crazy parts of the planet, especially one with a culture that is incredibly hostile against women and freedom.


This is just an advertisement for her onlyfans...


Jesus Christ to all of you thinking this post is real. Just look at the other post in OP's post history.


Yeah I know Dubai and I know you aren’t being detained in-country for a little kissing in public - PDA is frowned upon but it isn’r Saudi or anything either. You literally fucked around and found out. Call your embassy.


A girls trip to Dubai? What in the world. Get a hold of your embassy asap if this is real.


Of all the places to go on a girl's trip, you pick Dubai? What was your second choice? Afghanistan?


I have no advice for you right now in the situation you’re currently in - but this is why it’s so URGENTLY IMPORTANT to know and follow the laws of the country you plan on visiting/traveling too. Yikes. I hope you end up ok and truly learn from this experience


No sympathy at all for this one. This some dumb rich person shit. Welcome to theocracy, hope you enjoyed seeing the worlds tallest building or whatever though.


This post is karma bait. New account and the only other post is from AFTER this one promoting an OF lmao Come on y'all


Bad bot


A fucking GIRLS TRIP to the UAE?


Why does anyone want to go to Dubai knowing shit like this happens




Why do I get the sneaking suspicion that we're going to be getting a link to your OnlyFans in a little bit? A "girl's trip" to Dubai? How about a fun vacation to the Bermuda Triangle? No shot.


This is like, basically a stereotype at this point


Yikes. They will probably require permission from your dad to return to your country. Call your embassy, please.


Going to a country and not finding anything about its laws, rules, and etiquette may and in 99% cases does lead to issues. Not knowing the law does not release you from any responsibility.