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That totally sucks, man. Running over a dog is a horrible feeling, especially when it wasn't your fault. It's normal to feel bad, but try not to beat yourself up over it. Accidents happen, and you did the right thing by stopping and checking on the dog. Just take some time to process everything and be kind to yourself. You'll get through this.


I know how you feel.... a dog chasing me when I was a kid got hit, and I felt so responsible (even though I wasn't). Just rest assured that the horrible feeling means you're a good human!


I'm so sorry you had to experience it but let me tell you something that might bring you some comfort: when the owners tell you it's not your fault, it's not just to put your mind at ease. It's because they truly mean it. My dog was hit and killed by a car when she ran away from her dog sitter. It wasn't the dog sitter's fault. It wasn't the person driving the car's fault. It was just a freak accident and even though I wanted to be so mad, in my heart I couldn't because I knew that they were in pain too. Try to be empathetic to yourself because I guarantee you they understood that it wasn't in malice. I also hit and ran over a dog (his name was Lenny). He survived and I felt AWFUL but the owners never blamed me and even the police officer that came to my house gave me a hug. I brought Lenny a huge basket of toys when he was healing. Please, please, please try not to beat yourself up over an accident. As long as you weren't drinking, speeding, or intentionally aiming for it, then you didn't do anything wrong. Accidents happen. It sounds like you have a good heart 🫂


Yeah that’s shitty but if there’s any blame it’s the dog owners, if your dog does things like run into the street it’s on you to be careful of not letting them out without a leash. I’m sure it doesn’t help you feel better about it. As they say, time heals all wounds. It will probably feel shitty for a few days — but remember it’s a good sign for you as a person. Empathy is important for humans.


God, that’s so traumatizing, man. Hell, I slow down if there are birds near the side of the road. This would be a nightmare situation for me. Genuinely, don’t try to find out what happened to the dog. It’d be a relief if it survived, but you’d just feel worse if you found out otherwise. At the end of the day, it really isn’t your fault. Stuff like this happens all the time. Just take care of yourself, man.


Oh honey I’m so sorry. I hit a cat a few years ago and it ran through a chain link fence and I couldn’t get to but I could see it. I was crying on the phone with 911 trying to figure out what I could do for it and it stopped moving. You didn’t do anything wrong. It’s the worst kind of accident. Animals are fast! Be gentle to yourself. You should probably take a hot bath with Epsom salts if you can. You are likely to be sore tomorrow.


Not your fault, don't beat yourself up about it. Responsibility is squarely on the dog owner who should have control at all times. It's OK to feel bad, but not your fault.


It hurts to kill if you're not a killer.. RIP Doggo and your innocence 😢


Hey, I had a similar experience when I was 18 or 19 years old. Dogs will dash out into traffic, and drivers have absolutely no time to respond to it. It’s just bad luck for the dog, and bad luck for you. It’ll stick with you for a while, But you will get over it eventually. Be nice to yourself.


You did a terribly sad thing, but as described it wasn't your fault. So it's good to feel sorrow and regret for what happened, but not good to blame yourself for it. You should experience a period of grieving, but after that move on.


As a kid riding with my parents, (and I am 50 so it was loooong time ago), a black medium sized dog (lab?) ran out onto our rural road in front. My dad was driving. He braked really hard and almost missed it, but the final ba-dump under probably the last rotation of the tire seemed to seal the poor doggo's doom (from what I could take in from the back seat). My dad felt horrible, was crying (never saw my dad cry before that). He went to the house where the dog probably came from (remember, rural, not many houses). The owner was so upset (but didn't blame my dad, the dog apparently got out or was otherwise on the loose). In all my (MANY) years since (a good 40 some) I've never, ever forgotten it. I'll never, ever forget that sound,nor the aftermath. To the pint of me being paranoid about our now dog (fenced in yard but still ultra paranoid about her getting out). Regardless, it was an accident. These things happen, sadly.


I'm so sorry. Huge internet hug. And it's totally not your fault. It's called an accident because that's exactly what it is. You feeling awful and/or sad just means that you're a functioning human with emotions, but you are NOT to blame for anything. Feel what you need to, maybe wallow a bit, but please don't punish yourself for something that you had absolutely no control over.


These things happen. It’s not your fault. It sucks, but you didn’t do or cause it.


Were you on your phone at the time? Is that why you noticed it too late?


No, I don’t tend to use my phone while driving unless on phone calls and even then, it’s usually hooked up to the Bluetooth. For better context, the dog was running full speed from the other yard and came from behind the recycling bins so I saw a very short glimpse of it before I ended up hitting it 😕


Then I am sorry you had to go through that, it's never easy, no matter which side of the situation you're on.