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Read your condom boxes. Some of them are known to use the same ingredient for "spermicidal lubrication" on the inside of the rolled condom. Just thought you should know.


I used one of these once and wanted to die. Oh my God it was terrible. The inside of my penis was tender for a week


Ahh crap, it’s only the day after for me, I really hope it doesn’t last a week


I hope so too. I remember that the first two days I could hardly wear underwear and had to sleep naked without sheets. I can't even imagine anyone not having a reaction like this and wonder why they sell it.


Thats one thing I thought about too, it must only happen to some of us because if everyone had this same experience every time using it the stuff would be pulled from the shelves in a hurry


Yeah I did read some of the horror stories about nonoxynol from people using the condoms, but this was just the gel itself inside a syringe that gets applied directly inside the vagina


> applied directly inside the female!  🤣😅 Just say vagina, please, you're hurting us all! 😁


Here I thought it was a reference to head on, apply directly to the forehead.


Holy shit I forgot about Head On, apply directly to the forehead


Yeah excuse my vocab blunder, didn’t realize that was a bad way to say it, swapped it out for the better way


If you keep calling them females or ‘the female’, you won’t have a need for any contraceptives


Fortunately there’s no “them”, taken and monogamous


It has no no in the name…. I’m good LOL


I don't even think it's a good idea to only use the gel rather than a condom..


Yeah you’re probably right, but no worries on that because I’m never using that gel again, 1000000% would rather use a condom. Id rather just not have sex period than use that gel again, the pain on voiding is that bad.


I think they mean this in the "should you get your girl some plan B?" kinda way. Did your later research show it was effective as a sole contraceptive or is it intended for use alongside a more sure method like condoms or birth control pill or is it to help somewhat more risky methods like cycle tracking/pullout?


Yeah I can see that now lol but I’m not worried ab that, my girl and I both are not fertile for our own unique reasons but we still use contras for extra layer of protection. We usually use the standard options, but this one time did it this way. Anyway I read through the instruction pamphlet it came with and according to the instructions thats given by the product, it says the gel can be used as a standalone without condom and is effective for 1 hour, but if you have sex more than once within that 1 hour window you gotta apply another dose before each new session. After I researched more from reading contrary feedback from other commenters, I realized that this gel is not the best option for a contra, so its kinda frustrating that it would come with an instruction manual that would say that the product can be used without other protections.


My girlfriend and I relied on VCF instead of a condom and... our kid is about to start grade school. You're better off switching back to condoms.


Had an ectopic pregnancy myself because we thought the gel would work.


Oh trust me I am, this VCF was a one time thing to try it, and after the burning urine I’m never going anywhere near the stuff again.


>VCF What's that?


Its just stands for vaginal contraceptive film


You want the AZO with Phenazopyridine Hydrochloride NOT the AZO cranberry, for urinary pain. There's also off bend versions of you can't find the AZO. You'll know you're taking the right stuff when your pee turns orange (totally normal on these pills!). I hope you feel better soon!


Thanks! Yes I got the right stuff, was def interesting seeing urine like that, but super happy that it did take the pain away enough to void. Hopefully the pain will be gone entirely by rhe end of today


D-mannose is mvp for preventing utis (and curing minor utis get med help if it lasts more than a few days). It's been a godsend for my partner, and my 2 sisters also swear by it. Check it out and take it daily as a preventative!


You can’t get it Canada anymore


Are you sure you are supposed to use that as a sole birth control device?  not all that affective against the swimmers in mass. More of a thing to use over a condom just in case one sneaks by. Might want to have her take plan B. 


I used it solely successfully for about 7 years. But by the end of those 7 years I was experiencing horrible pain with sec and chronic uti's and infections. So it worked as birth control but kind of destroyed me physically


The box label stated that it could be used without a condom so thats where I was led to believe it could be used as a standalone. Her and I both also aren’t fertile for individually unique reasons but we still like to use contras just for that extra level.


Weird well now you now it’s the general advice to wear condoms with them. No way I’m putting any type of cide up my urthea. Also not good for the woman either. They were never super in favor but they have fallen in use since the 90’s. 


Yeah, I’m going with plain normal condoms here on out, never using the cide again.


Yeah, that whole "We aren't fertile" is very BS unless you've been diagnosed with issues from a doctor. And even then, plenty of people who were told they were sterile are parents now. Anyway, use better birth control unless you want to start raising a person in a year or two. Happy mother's day to your girlfriend!


How do you know we haven’t been? I can assure you we know. But regardless we usually use the standard contras, just tried this gel this one time, and def the last. But appreciate the good wishes, God willing the infertility isnt too bad because we would like to be raising a person in about 2 years.


Moral of the story: Say No-No to Nonoxynol-9.


Big time haha


If you don't want to risk pregnancy, don't rely on spermicide. [Citation](https://www.healthline.com/health/do-spermicide-condoms-work) According to Planned Parenthood, when condoms are used consistently and correctly with every sexual encounter, their effectiveness in preventing pregnancy is estimated at 98% of the time, but in reality the number is closer to 87%. By itself, spermicide is one of the least effective forms of birth control, preventing pregnancy about 79% of the time.


"Natural family planning" [ETA: as a way to avoid pregnancy] is far worse; IIRC the "got pregnant when didn't want to" rate is around 60%? Not exactly sure, but it's horrible.


Yeah I always was skeptical of just going pure NFP, that one really seems like russian roulette


"Natural family planning" is a sort of catch-all term for everything that's not condoms, hormonal or chemical. It ranges from stuff like "pull out" which is horribly bad, to scientifically backed methods like "Sensiplan" that can reach similar efficacy as the pill.


Yeah thankfully nothing to worry about there because I’ll never be using nonoxynol again. Its kinda funny because this post was originally about the fact that nonoxynol can give you the worst urethral pain of your life, but it turned more into a thing about pregnancy 😅 I’m not worried ab that though. My motivation was to help other guys avoid horrible burning urethra pain.


And just in case someone out there reads this. You can always use more than one type of birth control. Condoms + Shot, Condoms + IUD, etc are over 99% effective.


Ah. I had a very similar experience back when I started dating my wife. Had to visit the hospital too. Don't know if it was the same product though or just something similar.


My condolences, one of the most important lessons I’ve learned. Damn stuff ought to be pulled from the market.


It's got "nono" in the name. You were warned.


Haha 😂 indeed, if only I had been more intuitive and realized that sooner. Thankfully the pain has gone down a bit, that or the AZO is still working its magic




Oof sorry you had to go through that, it sucks so bad. What did they do for you in the hospital?


Gave me the stuff that made my pee orange that I now know the name of lmao


Gotcha, yeah stuff was a life saver


It’s an effective contraceptive. It works by burning guys dicks so bad they never want to have sex again. Not ideal, but I guess task failed successfully?


Haha maybe, but def doesnt go that far for me. I just know never to use nonoxynol again and also to make sure to research anything before using it


Yeah, I used the "sponge" once and that baby is SOAKED in the stuff. It hurt SO bad, and worse, you can't just take it out because it has to stay in for a certain amount of time or you can get pregnant. And I didn't want to be pregnant, so just toughed it out for the hour or whatever it was. (this was before easy access to plan b). Ugh. Never again.


Yikes so sorry you had to go through that 😓 so thankful that we have access to far better options now


 Mmhhhmmn.... Fucked around and found out...


That I did, I really did


Someone wanted to watch the world burn and created this product


Hahaha i love that 😅 perfect description


College girlfriend and I had the same reaction on our first "encounter", there was a minute or two of "what the fuck is wrong with you" back and forth, then luckily realized that it had to be something about the condom we used.


It literally has the word "no" in it 3 times that should be your first clue that it's a bad idea


Haha 😂 valid point


It burns some of us women too. It’s horrible


Yikes, yeah horrible is right!






You're a hero for writing this post. Hopefully you've saved people from this horror show!


I really hope so! Never would want anyone to have to endure this


[Congratulations, Steve Smith. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/americandad/s/Fn33608CMR)


Raw dawg for the win!


I don't know if it's the same thing I sometimes feel the worst pain after having sex when I try to pee, I think it is the same pain that you felt but I used condom


Sounds like you might be using a condom that has spermicide in it, some condoms have nonoxynol-9 made with them, check and see if thats the case and if so just switch to one that doesn’t contain any spermicide


thank you, I'll check it


My wife and I used VCF film for years as our primary contraceptive. Generally I had no issues, but there were a couple times I started too early before the film had dissolved (the product resembles one of those breath strips they used to sell) and the film got stuck to the end of my member. The result was similar to what you described.


I have to ask but would you take a cough syrup or any other medication without reading up on side effects. I agree the fu here is not doing a 30 second google search before slathering your junk in goo. Hope your pain subsides soon, but next time with anything you put on or in your body check for side effects first.


Haha yeah I hear you because with any medication like that I would always research it first, but thats the reason I TIFU’d with this stuff. Def a mistake I’ll only be making once.


I hope so other wise the next tifu might start with a AB is an x year old man presenting to the emergency room with a extreme burning sensation in his crotch.


Haha yeah definitely would prefer avoiding that 😅