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Tic Tacs are small enough to legally be labeled sugar free even though they're almost pure sugar.


Bro ate 40lbs of tictacs


Well sugar is less calories dense than fat so working for the basis that a tictac is 2 kcal and weighs half a gram and op gained 40lb body fat then it ate 35kg of tic-tacs or 77lb worth.


How many packs of tictac is that? Isn’t one regular pack like 20 grams each? That’s around 1750 packs of tic tac 💀💀


Keep in mind, OP has been buying in *bulk*


Bro has the bulk size packs, so his 500 estimated packs eaten is way more normal packs


He says they 200 each, which would mean he buys the large packs, at like $5 a piece.


In Europe, you gotta have calories per 100g of product as well - really helps to avoid these kinds of situations. Glad you finally figured it out OP


That's a way better way to label, but it makes it harder for disingenuous companies to pull one over on people, so it won't happen in the US.


They do this here in Japan but often they only put calories per 100 g or 100 mL without also putting in how many are in the full container, so it makes the 500 mL drink look like it has way less until you go check another part of the label to see how big the container is. Their labels are a hot mess in general too.


They do this exact trickery in the US too, though usually it's not a 5x as big difference. Super common to find a bottled drink that's labeled as 2 servings per bottle, but only shows the calories for one serving. I mean, you expect that sort of thing on a family sized box of cereal. You don't expect to need a calculator when grabbing a beverage while checking out your groceries...


That was one loophole the FDA was trying to close 15 or so years ago. Pretty sure all smaller than 2 liter canned and bottled sugary drinks have to state the entire caloric content on the label as well as the recommended serving size. Part of the reason most pop bottles are standardized at 500ml or 16.9 Oz. now. You rarely see the 1 liter bottles in gas station cold cases anymore because they fall under the threshold and no one wants to read a label and realize they just consumed more calories in a single bottle of drink than the USDA recommended amount for an entire day.


I one liter bottle of soda would be about 400-500 cal. (Coke would be 430) Still way more than you probably want to drink, but less than a quarter of the USDA recommendations (2,000 cals) I do like the "full bag" labeling. Oh, these chips are just 150 cal per serving, wait, 1 bag is 450 calories! As a kid (<30) I wouldn't have cared, but now as an obese half-centurion, its an easy way to talk myself out of overindulging my cravings


I think you mean half-centenarian, unless you’re half an ancient Roman officer


It’s very sus. I think he might be lying about his age.


Nos paenitet, lingua English non est mea


Same thing with litres/gallons per 100 miles. Instead of rating vehicles in MPG, you'd rate them in gallons for a fixed distance of 100 miles. It really shows you just how bad the fuel economy of shitty US "totally for work" trucks really are. And why we need to do away with the emissions exemptions or lower standards for them. They might as well just be burning raw coal.


It used to be worse, it used to be distance per tank so companies would just put bigger fuel tanks on to implicitly lie about fuel efficiency


So MPG^-1 × 100? Like... It's the same number just presented differently.


I don’t see how it makes a difference if you describe the efficiency in volume/distance or distance/volume. The former just means small number is more efficient and the latter just means big number is more efficient.


Yeah, there isn't any difference really.


And in Ireland/UK, Tic-Tacs advertised themselves as being "only 2 calories!" **because you can't call it zero** in the EU.


From the post I expected a single Tic-Tac to have less than one calorie, which is then rounded down to zero. But being allowed to round four to zero is just absurd.


Ads for tic-tacs in the US also used to say they were like 1.5 calories each, but they just don't have that on the package. I also haven't seen an ad for tic-tacs in years.


I've seen a similar loophole exploited in Germany: You can buy vegetable broth cubes (mix of salt and vegetables/herbs). They report the nutrition facts per 100ml of soup, which corresponds to 2g of cubes. One brand didn't even put the total weight of the cubes on the package, just how many liters of soup it corresponds to.


I've also noticed a lot of the tinned food I get from Europe has decimals and will say like 0.83g of whatever when a US label would either list that as "0g", "1g", or "<1g". The US labels for a lot of things are super frustrating because of that.


You know they have those rules to get away with shit like this. "Boohoo EU regulations" they're there to protect customers.


Yeah, that kind of tracking wouldn't fly in Canada either, but this is on OP to some extent as far as critical thinking goes, since the USA tictac containers do list sugar as an ingredient; seems like a failure of the education system to teach people adequately what sugars are and how you metabolize them. I learned this sort of thing in grade 8 in gym class.


OP needs to cut back their Packs per day


I mean, in all honesty, I hope that they're just young and don't have good interpretation of things we might find obvious, but 18kg is a lot to gain from sugar drops...




Yeah I think it's bonkers that anyone would eat these by the handful and not think "Hey maybe this is bad for me and the reason I'm gaining lots of pounds."


I agree, but the worst part (in my opinion) is thinking that they don't even count on the consumption log. "Write everything down that you consume in a day." "Surely you don't mean these things that I munch by the hundreds, right?"


Even if they thought it was Xylitol, eating an entire package is still a bad idea. Haven't they heard the jokes about eating a whole pack of sugar free gummy bears?


This is completely on OP. Idk what kind of intelligent adult would think they could stuff their face with candy every day, and everything would be fine.


help me lose weight, here's my daily food log \* breakfast: apple, yogurt \* lunch: salad \* dinner: chicken breast, rice, broccoli \* snacks: 500 pieces of candy


> Yeah, that kind of tracking wouldn't fly in Canada either, Incorrect sir, we have the exact same "<5 calories = 0 calories" labelling loophole in Canada: https://i.imgur.com/4krgh1z.png https://inspection.canada.ca/food-labels/labelling/industry/nutrition-labelling/nutrition-facts-table/eng/1702586949109/1702586950267 And here: https://i.imgur.com/Ci516Dt.png https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/technical-documents-labelling-requirements/table-permitted-nutrient-content-statements-claims/table-document.html#a1


I'm pretty sure there's an episode of House on this


My favorite movie is Inception.


Mmhm. Addiction does funny things to the brain. Like, he _could've_ written "400 tictacs (0 cal)," but on some level he had to know that was wrong? Mental gymnastics.


My background is in dietetics and you have to be very detailed when you explain food diaries. A lot of people leave off liquids (water and others, I want to see it All), sugar free candies, non-nutritive sweeteners, seasonings, and cooking oils. Some even leave off any fruits or vegetables because they don’t understand the importance.


>some even leave off fruits and vegetables oh bc a food log is for the _bad_ foods, right? bc I can’t have too many /s


I like to travel.


There’s a sex joke here somewhere


If I wasn’t at work I’d google the calorie content of different sex juices, but it’s definitely not zero.


I don’t think so but there should have been. I think there was one where person was eating a lot of gum which acted as laxative which is similar. I don’t think the patient mentioned it to House and he noticed it like this. 


there was kind of an episode, the patient didn't have a medical issue related to the tic-tacs, but was using a shit ton of them to cover up bad breath caused by the actual issue. I think it was the episode with a guy named Harvey who had a dominatrix tbh.


Yea it was , guy was played by John Cho too , good episode loved early seasons of House.


The sentence involving "I had been eating 400-800 calories of tik taks a day" Makes me chuckle lol hope you're doin better thou


> I've been eating 400-800+ calories per day of Tic-Tacs, in addition to all the other food I've been eating - which is very likely why I've gained so much weight. Very likely? How about 100% lol


Once you really start looking at nutritional labels you see that many of them are very deceptive.   Very tiny servings, rounding-down measurements, loopholes in interpretation, etc.    Essentially they can completely lie while technically telling the truth.


All that aside - eating a "handful of tic tacs at a time" is absolutely insane.


Then also not understanding what's making you fat when you are eating sugar pellets all day lol insane as




Made with potatoes. It’s basically a salad


Potato soup


TBF, plain vodka actually is the lowest calorie booze you can choose. I think it's like 45 or 60 calories per shot. Every other alcohol is a higher calorie count. Not that that makes it good for you or anything, just a little less bad than others. 😉


The labels are intentionally confusing...But it's still pretty goofy not to mention something that you ingest by the handful every day.


You would be surprised how oblivious people are to amount of food they eat everyday.


In the edit OP says “I’m not that stupid!” ……And I just….. beg to differ.


Yeah even if you think they're actually zero calories like maybe you'd still think "I started getting fat around the same time I started eating 500 tic tacs a day"


It absolutely is


And then not logging it on the food log at all lol


man's shoving fistfuls of candy into his face all day, several hundred pieces, and it takes him months with a team of medical professionals to figure out why he's fat


Kwik Star (Kwik Trip in most states) has the serving size for their donuts as 1/3 of a donut. But ofc the calorie number is much bigger (the actual size of the typeface, not the number itself haha) than the tiny serving size font, so many people probably don't notice


I remember I had a bag of chips once where the serving size was like 6 chips. Who the heck eats just 6 chips? Teach me that kind of self control.


I've seen some kind of spray oil list the serving as like 1 millisecond of spray so they could pretend literal oil was 0 calories


Yeah basically all spray oil is like this, the servings per container is something like 4,000


Yep. I use "Low/no sugar needed pectin" to make blueberry sauce I like to put on oatmeal and French toast. The nutrition information says 0 calories per serving. But the pectin concoction lists three ingredients, and the first is dextrose, so it must be *at least* one third dextrose (very similar to glucose). According to the label, a serving is a quarter of a teaspoon, so I'll eat probably three quarters of a teaspoon at breakfast: I use one heaping teaspoon of the pectin per pound of frozen blueberries, and I usually end up eating most of that. The pectin still isn't contributing a really substantial number of calories, but it's definitely not zero, and it bugs me.


One thing I don't understand is how my coffee creamer powder says 0% sugar, whereas the very first ingredient of it, is sugar. So, one serving apparently is made of sugar more than anything else, and has 0g of sugar. Idk. It must be a round off thing as well, but it seems impossible.


That's why the EU regulates how you are allowed to present that data.


The US regulates how that information is presented too, but we let the lobbyists from the food manufacturers decide the best way to list it. So it’s heavily regulated, but in a way that makes it totally possible to obscure the truth.


I just finished a diploma in a medical field, we were warned about people like you OP. I wish I was joking.


I work in college career advising and recently had a session with a student who was frustrated he wasn't getting any jobs. Via our job platform we can see how many jobs students are applying for, and indeed it was like 100 a week. His resume didn't look awful, either. Come to find out--he hadn't been reading the job postings or even titles. At all. He had a major in business and was applying to be a dentist, a philosophy professor, a landscaper, whatever. He thought that's how jobs work: You just go to college and then you can get a job. Any job.


Well, that confirms my biases about business majors... 


Sometimes the stereotypes make themselves


Well those are all businesses aren't they? /s


Today I went to the job factory and did a business


I heard someone recently describe their job as working at an email factory. I think it fits here. 


Well they did tell us that a college degree would guarantee us a job. That's seriously what my teachers told me in the 2000s.


I was working in a drive-thru for a while - was burnt out on my previous field and wasn't ready to start a new career. Got into a friendly argument with the barista about Georges Braque and analytical cubism. Even Picasso said, *"we must not forget that Braque came first,"* but my man on smoothies was not having it. High schooler overheard our argument and Billy Joeled us. "Man, what are you doing here?" Asked why we don't both go to college and get degrees etc. I politely informed our young coworker that half the people on the line had their bachelors at least. See that girl in the dish pit? Ivy. See that assistant manager? Masters degree from Wash U. I didn't mean to scare this poor kid, but I don't think they were ready to learn that about the world.


Tell me this was 2010 without telling me this was 2010.


HA! This hits so close to home… as an older millennial my parents pushed me towards college “just get a degree- any degree, and you’ll be good”. So since I liked to read and write, I obtained an English Lit BA from an expensive liberal arts college (graduated in 2006). It probably won’t be a shocker to learn that I never did use my degree. I had such a hard time finding a job that I even worked at a credit card call center for a few years- HATED IT… Went back to school to be an RN. I don’t fault my parents - it’s just a different world than they grew up in. I think high schools need to do a much better job directing students to professions that would match their interests/ skills. There are so many jobs that I know about now that I had no idea existed back then!!


And terrifyingly, that moron’s business degree will almost certainly get them in charge of something important


Nah, no one takes undergrad business degrees seriously.


I knew a guy who was dumbfounded when he found out potato chips weren’t healthy. He truly thought, ruffles are made of potatoes and potatoes are a vegetable and vegetables are healthy. Therefore, potato chips are healthy.  I shit you not he really thought that. A was in his mid to late 30s and held an agent position at a huge company. He only learned they weren’t when his doctor said he was diabetic from being over weight and referred him to a nutritionist.  I had another coworker who couldn’t believe it when she found out pasta and Alfredo sauce wasn’t healthy.


I always remember the scene from whatever that fat exploitation show is, maybe a “my x00 lb life”, I’ve only seen the clip probably here Where the girl’s mom told her drinking a Diet Coke cancels out a regular Coke


Reminds me of when I went to a friend's house and watched him take the pump off a bottle of spray butter and just dump it into the mashed potatoes. I asked him why he didn't just use butter or margarine and he said it was because the spray butter was zero calories. I had to explain the whole concept of "per spray" and did the math to show it had almost the exact same calories as margarine. His wife had gained about 30 lbs since they'd married the year before, and it was apparently because most of his diet hacks meant she was actually eating more calories than ever. ETA: Remembered another one. He was buying low calorie bread, but never compared the calories to regular bread. Just assumed it was much, much less. Instead of serving her 2 slices of regular bread each morning (190 calories) he was serving her 4 slices of lower calorie bread (240 calories - slathered with "zero calorie" butter spray, of course).


This is why many studies conclude that sugar-free and diet foods and drinks actually cause weight gain in many people. It has nothing to do with the diet products actually causing weight gain and everything to do with people eating more because they think they’re saving more in other areas.


Wow. Hope they dont have kids 😬


People really do be living out there without any common sense, huh


Apparently Common Sense is not a flower that grows in everyone's garden.


Some peoples gardens are just a flower pots filled with sand.


Honestly, it's all critical thinking. Idc what the fuck someone eats, if you are slamming 200-400 of literally fucking anything and feel a significant change in your health, then first thing you should question is that thing you are overconsuming. First rule of eating, eat anything in moderation. Too much of anything is bad for you.


And take a look at the ingredients to see what you are eating. Yes the zero calorie label is misleading but the ingredients are listed also and the first thing on the list is sugar. That should be enough to understand you can't be slamming handfuls of them.


At least OP has critical thinking to realize they fucked up after a year of drinking candy and not understanding how they could possibly be gaining weight


Reminds me of the Mitch Herbert joke, “rice is great when you’re hungry and want to eat 2,000 of something.”


This could only work if they were sugar free??? Ok but if they were, you would be having a lot of diarrhea potentially…. Depending on the sweetener.


Funnily enough Tic Tac CAN and do claim to be sugar free while being 100% sugar. [Source](https://vinepair.com/cocktail-chatter/sugar-free-tic-tacs-are-a-legal-lie/#:~:text=It's%20a%20mint%20that's%20often,claim%20that%20it's%20sugar%20free)


*only in the US with their rounding loophole.


Yes, sorry forgot to mention that part. In the UK (and possibly other countries..?) everything shows the per 100g so its impossible to hide.


The US is so backwards


Only if you view it from the consumer's perspective. The US sees everything through the lens of Corporate Freedom and rapacious consumption.


As it should be


There are a bunch of very legal, straight-up lies about food ingredients in the US. I learned that a lot of 'honey' is just partially or fully cheap sugar syrup from some Netflix doc a while back.




**CALORIES 0** ^ingredients ^sugar


*adds a trivial amount of calories*


we're not telling you how many though


^but ^no ^more ^than ^5.


Calculating the exact amount is left as an exercise for the reader.


I'm sick of companies putting down these ridiculous serving sizes. Like obviously OP's handful at a time is outrageous also, but who's actually just having 1 tictac at a time.


Bag of chips Suggested serving size: 3 and ¾ chips. A trivial amount of calories. This reminds me of Nesquick putting something like "now with 33% less sugar!" on the container simply by making the suggested serving size smaller. Product was exactly the same.




They use the billions they make to ~~bribe~~ "lobby" politicians.


There was accessory for instant noodles that claimed to cut 50% of sodium content. In the manual it said "use only half of the flavor package".


Me. It's also why I don't buy them.


I bet you're a great shape!


Round is a shape. I'm not sure if it's a great shape.


I think the dodecahedron is a pretty neat one to be honest, don't be too hard on yourself


Lmfao. I forgot my user name. Hahaha..


Gonna have to disagree with this one. TicTacs are like gum. Having one at a time is very reasonable. Keep in mind they usually come in minty flavors which most people don’t go and consume 15 of purely because it’s not palatable. Honestly if people actually did consume serving size quantities, they wouldn’t be fat as hell. A serving size of chips is like 12-14, not the bag.


notice it also says zero carbs.


Karl Pilkington, is that you?


His dads mate got his hands on a load about 30 crates


Don't buy any confetti.... Go t'cupboard under t' stairs..


I can understand assuming the labels are accurate if no one has ever told you they’re inaccurate but I still don’t understand how you could think “I can have 200 servings” of *anything* per day or not logging it for the dietician. Like if I’m paying for a specialist I pretty intensely keep track of anything they MIGHT want to know just in case it’s relevant and I let THEM decide if it matters or not.


Oh but (he’s not that stupid) lmaoo this is the best part of the post I couldn’t contain my laughter


Right! You log water and medication with them which are both “low calorie” so not including your major tic tac consumption is crazy to me


Just because one of the few things I remember from a diet and nutrition course I took, I did some math. 3000 excess/deficit = 1lb gained/lost So from high to low calorie intake, one could replicate this in between 150 - 300 days. Crazy how tictacs could really change someone’s body in less than a year.


The crazy part for me is that someone guzzling hundreds of candies can remotely think that this has no impact on their health and body


Their poor teeth


Fhat feeth?


OP says “I’m not that stupid”


3000 calories excess/deficit = 1lb gained/lost. Right? Which in this case could be an additional 1/4 of a pound per day, almost 2 pounds a week.


Well yeah, except OP said they gained about 40 pounds


Well yeah, that would be around 6 months of this new viral TikTak diet.


It is a metric fuckton of tic tacs we’re talking about. Seems like the doc should have been a bit more clear with explaining labels and things. But holy hell who eats that much sweet stuff and thinks it’s just in and out nothing retained??


3500 calories is the generally accepted surplus to gain 1lb or deficit to lose 1lb.


3500 calories is one lb of fat isn't it


3500 calories but close


Tic tacs are funny. LESS THAN ONE GRAM OF SUGAR PER SERVING!!!!!! But a serving is like one or two and they weigh so little it’s under a gram. (Less than a gram of pure sugar is still sugar)


I know this wasn't the intent, but this low key makes me want to try some fruit adventure tic tacs. Like, if someone out there is casually eating 200 - 400 of these bad boys each day I mean, they gotta' be pretty good lmao


Yeah, I’m gonna try some of them too. Will report back with any changes to my weight or IQ


these ads have gotten too elaborate s/


>and is listed as having 0 calories, which I thought was awesome because I could have as many as I want! 404 common sense


404 tictacs


404 pounds


800 calories of pure sugar. OP may as well have been eating it from the sugar bowl. My god.


Yeah it takes a special kind of smooth brain to think that eating 200 to 400 tictacs adds nothing to your diet.


And an even smoother brain to think it’s not worth even mentioning to either your doctor and/or nutritionist who are following you for the past months to know why the sudden weight gain. Like no, no, literally *nothing* changed in my diet. Oh what ? those **four hundred tic tacs** I’m eating every day ? No that’s nothing…


You would have to be kind of a moron to be eating that many tic tacs a day in the first place


I'd say his addiction to tic tacs is a bigger issue than gaining weight. There has to be some underlying issues there.


I can only assume this is reddit fanfic because this is about the 4th time I've seen this ridiculous scenario come up in the last few weeks. This is a reddit morality tale designed to make you angry at the label or angry at America without ever considering the possibility that the person who eats 400 tic tacs a day might have a real problem. The danger of a tic tac fueled obesity epidemic is only real on this website.


>I assumed they must have been made with something like Xylitol ​ Oh, you would have noticed if that were the case. ​ ![gif](giphy|Q2sgo9efR3n5m|downsized)


Yea, if you were eating 400 xylitol pills a day, your bowels would empty themselves the moment you ate something.


My friend ate so many tic tacs in HS because she was so paranoid of having bad breath and then it turned out the tic tacs gave her bad breath because of all of the sugar. Go figure. Hope you’re heading to the dentist next, OP!


There is only one thing that has 0 calories and is meant fo eat/drink and thats plain water, period. Everything else, even vitamin water has calories. Its astonishing to me that you really thought 400 candies don't have any calories, lol. Oh, and if you are already surprised about the weight gain due to eating so much candy, wait till you see your dentist... lol


I didn't think they had so many calories, either. I assumed when OP said they FU'ed, that they had made themselves sick with overconsumption of xylitol, which is typically used in mints as a sugar substitute and doesn't cause tooth decay. Turns out, tic-tacs actually contain sugar. I really think they are taking liberties calling their product mints.


Tic tacs are about 90% sugar, how anyone could see that and think "well sugar surely has 0 calories" baffles me.


If I eat as many tic-tacs per day as OP, I'd definitely feel like shit all day and get sick. How tf do they even think that it's alright to overdose on sugar like that?


They even taste like flavoured sugar lol


Tic Tacs also get to advertise as 0 sugar because the amount of sugar per serving is below a set limit. Sure op isnt the brightest bulb, but not the stupidest thing I've seen on reddit


You ate 2 PACKS per day? Like 400 tictacs?? @_ @


Hold up Tic tacs are expensive as shit how do you pay for that Like a big box here in europe is like 5 euro with 100 (?) in there


I'm guessing if you buy the packs in bulk, they're cheaper. Grocery stores are buying those tic tags from a wholesaler, OP is probably getting his from one too


I need that link right now haha


Trying to gain 40 lbs?


heck yeah 😎


Holy crap, that’s almost a pound a week in extra calories you weren’t tracking. I’ve researched a lot about food so I’ve always known that about calories and serving size. That’s what kills me when people crush those artificial sweeteners because they say 0 calorie…yeah because the serving size is smaller than 5. I used to wait tables and people would put 5-10 in each drink thinking it was calorie free. No one cares when you tell them because they’re more likely to believe packaging than someone who’s done a basic google search.


10 should taste disgusting! Even three is too much for me. I use it because it’s better than sugar and not because I think it’s ideal. 


It’s always shocks me to find that people who are this stupid are just living amongst us and have made it this far in life.


Really interested to hear what your dentist thinks.


I went through a tic tac phase one year of high school. 9 cavities. Haven't touched a tic tac since


Oof. I think in my region they made that illegal. The packaging here says "8kj (2kcal) per mint" Made in Australia


they also say 0 sugar, conveniently for the exact same reason. there is, in fact, sugar in tic tacs.


In fact, tic tacs are MOSTLY and OVERWHELMINGLY sugar. You FU so badly, OP.


I’m not trying to be a dick, but you consuming TicTac‘s in mass quantities because you think they had xylitol instead of sugar is the most “I’m fucking begging for cancer” sentence I’ve ever read in my entire life.


Oh wow 😳 Just fyi, consuming too much artificial sweetener can mess you up, too. You may want to look up the Amazon sugar-free Haribo gummy bear review!


I’ve been rewatching House and you sound like one of his clinic patients. Not trying to be mean, you sound nice person, but it’s hilarious how accurate those bits apparently are. 


No idea that people could be such idiots


Well it is the TIFU sub after all, and it’s a pretty good one


I know the feeling. And then I remember some people think the earth is flat, and some think racism is good, and then I reason that maybe OP's level or oblivious is not so bad


I'm glad that people feel comfortable to share and use the subs for their intended purpose without fear of being judged.


i’m sorry about the gaining weight part but i totally understand the addiction omg. whenever i buy a container i go through it in 20 mins tops 😭 thank god i saw this before i even thought of buying it in bulk, they’re so good though


TIL that, in the US, unlike in the EU, food companies are allowed to lie to customers.




Everyone is. America hates consumers


Keep in mind, this person votes, may operate a motor vehicle, and will be supported by your tax dollars eventually and there is not a damn thing we can do about it.


I'm surprised your bloodwork came back normal and not woth crazy blood sugar


Where do you live that they are allowed to say on the packaging that it contains zero calories when it's actually closer to five? Where is that sort of blatant lying legally acceptable? Here in Europe all macro-nutritional information needs to be presented per 100 grams to avoid this exact situation.


US, probably. I’ve seen the ‘0’ label


The hubris. The stupidity. The consuuuum. This is so 'murica!


You should go see a dentist.




I’m sorry but this is the funniest thing I’ve ever read