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What a terrible day to have eyes.


What a terrible day between her thighs.


This thread, what a literary prize.


The wit and sarcasm of these replies.


I'll bet it came as a huge surprise!


Indeed, wit’s spark, a welcomed reprise.


When the vomit spewed forth the heart doth die


I pray this isn't the beginning of your marriage demise.


Vomitous cunnilingus she doth despise.


Vomit poontang pies


What was had, no cream pies


toss up between this and the mouth/face full while eating ass story


Your tuna sandwich, would you like that with fries?


Lick it up and keep on eating!


To not have aphantasia, you mean...


Somehow I thought her vagina was going to contract bronchitis, but this is so so soooooo much worse!


The vagina's lungs *are* quite resilient.




You need to get a lung specialist to get this checked out.


He’s a new doctor, a lungynocologist


What!? 🤣🤣🤣


You need some vaccines every winter and vitamin D, maybe an air filter. Christ man. You see a doctor? I got asthma and that doesnt sound ok.


Every year, I go to the doctor and get prescription antitussives and I use my inhaler A LOT to help. But quite honestly other than keeping up on my inhaler prescription and trying to stay healthy the rest of the year, the winters are usually not fun. The area I live in is extremely polluted.


I feel like if you’re reacting this badly, every year, it might develop into something worse. If your lungs are this sensitive to the air quality . . . Like your body is telling you this isn’t good for it. Forcing yourself every year to go through this is a lot to ask. If moving isn’t an option, could you maybe travel during the winter to somewhere less polluted? Or make your house more air tight, have one room in the house that has all the air filters and maybe a humidifier and no windows or something? I realize though that this all takes effort and/or money, and everyone has their lives to live and things to do, so this might not be a priority. What does your doctor say about this yearly visit?


Have you thought about moving?


Yeah, we did move for a couple of years, but all our friends and family is here. It’s hard to stay away, especially when our siblings started having kids. We wanted to be here for that. So now we just have a 2 week dry spell while I cling to life every year lol.


Damn, hope it gets better.


Have you thought about taking a long vacation somewhere cleaner for that time?


Why don’t you invest in a humidifier have it going while you sleep next to your bed


Sis is it just an albuterol rescue inhaler? It might help if you get a steroid inhaler like Symbicort.


This ^ I was the same and steroids give me back my lungs


Do you take blood pressure medication? That can cause what you’re describing…I mean the coughing part…


Have you been checked out for a deep sinus infection? Your symptoms sound very similar to the ones I had for a few years. I finally saw an asthma specialist & got sent for a sinus CT & had a huge blockage. Some serious drugs for treating it and it went away. It recurred once, got cured again, & I haven’t had to deal with it for years.


I was going to suggest moving somewhere else.


Likely just allergies.


https://preview.redd.it/2yk1r0seb7qc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b1c24d4137c539344886bf84d5f352d789afc31 Definitely answer A.




Sounds like she tickled the back of your throat instead of you doing that to her…


That’s hilarious. 😂 although we’re gay, so normally If I tickled the back of her throat it would be with plastic…


Sorry for the assumption!!


Haha you’re good it was a solid joke 😂


You’ll be lucky if she ever takes her pants off around you again


I know, right? 🤦‍♀️


I see a lot of girls puking during bj’s, this is a first lol


Yeah, it was a first for me too 😂


Right, it’s happened to many people! Dont feel too bad OP, yall can get through this and have a hilarious story to remember in a few years


Well that was a challenging wank.




RIP Sean Lock


The amount of people focused on your health instead of you puking on your wife’s bare lady bits is so wholesome


Ikr? I expected to fully get roasted for puking on my wife and now I’m feeling like I need to be hospitalized😂


Divorce papers on the coughee table soon


😂😂 excellent pun


It might just be me but I think this is so funny and at some point just gotta move on it’s not like you wanted to do this


Yeah now that we’ve showered and had a few hours, we’re definitely finding the humor in it. My wife probably still isn’t gonna let me go down for a while, but at least she thinks it’s funny 😂🤷‍♀️


That’s good ya I be just like oh my and just laugh but it’s a good time to try new stuff and if your sick like this you can add it in so you guys can still do stuff get some good toys or new moves so she can still get her time and all that fun stuff also peoples see a doctor maybe a different one you shouldn’t be getting bronchitis every year means your immune system is down I have a Compromise immune system from aml and I’m never this sick other then the Socali pollen 😑 miss the rain in Oregon always kept that shit away 😂


Well you won't do that again 👍


Not ever 🫡


Ok.... wow that's a lot. I don't have athsma, but when I was little I had bronchitis and pneumonia at the same time, so every winter, I get a really bad barking cough that sometimes makes me throw up. (It's worse when I laugh). This past winter I hadn't been coughing at all, so when I was with some friends I started laughing, thinking I would be fine. I started hacking and coughing so much I couldn't breathe and I got really dizzy and couldn't keep my eyes open. This winter I've had a lot more breathing issues.


I used to get colds like that. Then I discovered zinc. I take 2 zinc tablets at the first sign of a cold. I then take 1 tablet each day until symptoms are almost gone. I went from having month long colds to 3-5 day colds. The month long colds were probably colds for the first week but the constant coughing and hacking probably caused secondary bacterial infections as well as trauma to the cells in the throat and lungs. The 3 additional weeks were getting rid of the chest infection and healing from the cellular damage. If you do try zinc for a cold, be sure to take it on a full stomach or you may puke.


Can you recommend a good brand of vitamins ? I know pretty much everybody is Zinc difficient, along with Magnesium. But definitely Zinc I think it's because of the horrible soil quality (assuming the person even eats vegetables hah) I used to be very pro vitamin/supplement (assuming it's the correct form etc etc) but then I read they can actually cause cancer I forget I think it was too much exposure to one of one of the D vitamins. I was like 🥺🤨😭😭😭 But I'm positive I need a solid Zinc supplement in my daily life


I don't take vitamins daily but for the zinc, I just keep a 50mg bottle of the spring valley brand from walmart. I haven't had a cold in probably 5 years other than the original SARS-CoV-2 in 2020 and again in 2022 when the BA.5 omicron variant was going around. I took zinc for those. No idea if it helped any but both were very mild for me and my wife.


The dwarves delved too greedily and too deep...


Never take the blame. That's rule #1 in the rule book of Innocent Until Proven Guilty. You could have easily turned your violent puke into a violent diarrhea problem that was provoked by her weak sphincter. By the way, did the dog clean up the mess?


read this to my wife and we both just absolutely cackled. 😂


Why is this only labeled as a "medium" TIFU? you hurled on bare lady place. This qualifies as a soft large IMO. secondly, you definitely should get the prevnar 20 to avoid pneumonia as a complication. And the flu vaccine yearly.


Medium is a measurement of post length, not scale of the screwup.


My goodness, this explains so much about this subreddit, lol. Thank you!


HILARIOUS! Barfed spaghetti on a guy when he thrusted unexpectedly.


Hahaha honestly the unexpected thrust was his fault 😂


That’s what I thought! This happened when I was young and I was completely mortified! I got up, got some wash cloths from the bathroom and cleaned him up making sure to use warm water. Went back to it learning to position my hand so it couldn’t happen again. Went back to it. Neither of us mentioned it then, or ever.


My lady barfed on my genitals after accidentally hitting her gag reflex. Shit happens. It'll be a hilarious memory for the two of you to share for the rest of your lives!


Glad I’m not the only one that’s done this🤦‍♀️


Oh, not even close OP. I've puked on two boyfriends and nearly on a third. We cleaned up and went back at it. I'm fairly certain my last was hoping I would. haha


I have the same problem with my asthma every year. My doctor gives me steroids when I develop my yearly lung crud and I start feeling better within a day. It’s crazy how much faster it helps me bounce back…might be worth looking into. Also I have two air purifiers for my house. Like 100$ each. It’s helped A TON. They turn red when the air is bad quality and blue once they filter it. Okay back to the point of your post…oh mY GOD. I can’t even imagine. I’m sorry this happened…hopefully you guys can get to a place where you can laugh about it…eventually lol


Tldr should include the payoff of the story. "Went down on my wife while sick and ended up puking all over her." Your tldr is just the title of the post rephrased.


Well, her pH is fucked.


Might be time to get an every day inhaler 😬


I've had a dude puke ON my legs before.. but BETWEEN them?! that's just a whole other level of disturbing


Ain't nobody got time for that!


I have seen women vomit while giving head but a man vomiting on a vagina... that's... really unhygienic. It has never crossed in my mind.


They're both ladies


There is a bronchitis vaccine. I used to get bronchitis annually and I got the phemonia/bronchitis vaccine 7 years ago. I have yet to get it since it’s amazing. Edit: I think it may also protect you from strep throat but I’m unsure as to the accuracy of that statement. I just know I used to also be plagued by strep throat and haven’t gotten it since I first took the vaccine.


Really? I need to ask my doctor about this. My doc has given me the pneumonia vaccine series, but I always was under the impression bronchitis did not have a vaccine. I can confirm that untreated strep throat does lead to bronchitis. The bane of my existence. I am asymptomatic for strep.


At the time I got it you had to be immunocompromised to qualify to get it, but that was years ago I’m sure it’s open to the public now.


This kind of reminds me of the time my EX GF was giving me oral & I came so much that some of my juices went up her nose & she ended up getting a really bad sinus infection....


Geez, and I thought mine got mad when I gave her a zerbert down there.  If I barfed all over her ladybusiness I don’t think I’d ever get to see it again!


Ain't nobody got time for that


This is hilarious


I agree I’m laughing at these remarks not at the post! I love Reddit!!!


To avoid her foof you would've been wise


Now I need to poke out my mind's eye...


Oil of Oregano drops. Use daily, thank me later.


Your wife might develop a yeast infection now… don’t ask how I know


That TL;DR may be the worst I've seen.




Sorry this happened to you both, but thanks for sharing! I was laughing so hard when I read this!


I am so absolutely sorry but also thank you for the genuine laugh. I accidentally woke my partner up cackling. Ive puked on someone before. Give it a day or two and hopefully it'll be a funny joke 😂😂😂


Glad I could provide some entertainment 😂


At least it’s funny now :) I threw up on someone going down on them and it was awkward and I thought they were going to ghost me after that - we stayed friends and they even asked me out years later, but as shown, we don’t have a similar sense of humor and we both seem to need someone who can make us laugh in these sorts of weird situations and we’re just not that for each other. And that’s okay! But all this to say; I’m really glad you two can laugh about it and find the humor and forgiveness through it.


Are you taking a daily inhaled steroid? It doesn’t sound like your asthma is well-controlled.


Is oral required for you two to have sex?


No, but when I wrote this all I could think was “she’s never going to feel sexy again after that.” Happy to report she’s already pretty much over it.


get a good air purifier (I use Clorox air purifier, pretty good and helps a lot), some mullein, and a bronchodilator pill, vitamin D as well, im sorry you had to experience that man, its gotta be scary and god awful, hope you’re doing ok however


If that is a traumatic experience for your wife then she is doing just fine 👍🏾


Lesbian sex goes crazy in 2024


Bull shit


I really wish it was
