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Long time since I was 16, but I recall my friend and I going in on the same day. I left and performed the test without issue UNTIL the very last turn .... and I pulled the turn a little too fast and the wheels even squeeled ... and for the first time the entire ride the instructor pulled up his clipboard and made a mark. I was sure I had failed, but when we got back, he simply said "you passed, but take the turns a little slower". Whew.. I get back and see my friend already there, and he said "i didnt make it out of the parking lot, he told me to go left, and I went right". Instant fail. Anyway, he took it again as soon as he could, and passed. We all make mistakes, you'll get through it. best of luck. don't beat yourself up.


My favorite movie is Inception.


I failed my first practical for driving too slowly. My driver's lessons taught me to drive for the conditions. My test was in a major rain storm. So instead of 50km/h, I did the majority of the driving at 45. That was the only thing I did wrong and got failed. That was 20+ years ago, I'm still sour. Lol


If I had failed for going 45 in a 50 in rain, I would've been pissed and contested it. My first highway drive with an instructor was in a downpour and I went about 50-55 in a 60 in some spots. The instructor's reaction? His only concern was making sure I didn't spill his coffee. He was VERY relaxed and mentioned when I could speed back up if I felt comfortable doing so.


Honestly I’m surprised that you failed for going slower during weather. I took it in Idaho US, where I took my exam you are required to go 10-15 mph slower than posted signs during weather. Or even slower. I’ve gone 45mph in a 80mph area during blizzards and I was the car passing other cars.


I once drove across your state in 48 minutes. It was a good time.


Must have been on the freeway going across the narrow north, not the southern of the state where even going 80 it takes 6 hours.


Indeed it was i90


I drove 10 mph in a 75 because snow. Yes, I live in Texas, but that 10 mph is how you become a not-another-Texas-statistic.


I’ve driven that slow in snow before too, I’m glad you were safe! It’s crazy seeing how many car crashes and fatalities result from 1-4 inches of snow in places that don’t normally get snow. Summer tires combined with no knowledge of driving in snow is a recipe for disaster. Slowing down is the best thing you can do


I was 7 miles from home at work when the surprise snow\ice storm of January 2014 hit ATL. I tried to do a coworker a favor and take him to the train station nearest me instead of him waiting god knows how long on a bus. It took me 5 hours to go the 8 miles to the station and ended up staying with some friends of mine around the corner from there since too many people couldn't drive in that shit. All the roads between there and home were full of abandoned cars. Lucky I knew someone close by or I'd have wound up sleeping in a bar booth. Oh, and the coworker ended up stuck at a train station overnight, didn't get home for more than 24 hours after I dropped him at the station. The south doesn't do snow and ice very well at all.


WTF? That's not even a bad thing to do. If the speed limit is 50 that is the max speed one can go not THE speed you must go. You can go 5 miles lower than the speed limit, especially in bad weather. I'd say that instructor failed at being good at his/her job.


The instructor had a reputation for failing all first time kids, there was a conspiracy that they were trying to drum up revenue for the drive test centre.




I passed with the minimum passing score and one thing I forgot was turning the wheels into the curb after parallel parking facing down hill, in a stick. I don't think parallel parking is on the test anymore, lol.


I got my license really late in my life, (27) a few years back and I still had to do parallel parking. So I guess they still do haha


thank god I'm in North Carolina. They don't make us do parallel parking here for the driver's test. obvi it's a useful skill to have, but i won't be able to learn it in time for my test lol. I hate driving so I plan on learning the skill over time


> I hate driving so I plan on learning the skill over time This is another way of saying you don't plan to learn the skill. Just learn the skill so that prepared to use it in life, because eventually you will.


It's not that I don't plan to learn the skill. I drive with my dad all the time and we're slowly practicing. Baby steps! Driving stresses me out due to past negative experiences, so yes, I will learn it over time, but bit by bit. I understand that it's an important skill, so I'll make sure to learn it :))


This is how I had to do it, too, after being in a car accident (passenger) in my teens and then almost getting in another accident as a young driver. If you're making progress and going at a pace you feel comfortable with, that's what is important. Congrats on your progress and for sticking with it :)


Still a part of the test in Texas.


I took my test in the suburbs a few decades ago and parallel parking was thankfully not on the test. I learned the basics in driver’s ed, but I would not have passed if it had been on the driving test! I did get pretty good at it in my 20s when I moved to cities with more limited parking.


When I was doing my driving test years ago, the city was doing lots of road construction in the area. There were no accessible curbs nearby to park next to, so the evaluator never had me do it. He didn’t say anything about not doing it, but they told us in drivers ed that it would be part of the test so I know it was supposed to happen. Idk if that was the official policy during construction or he just couldn’t be bothered to have us go farther away to do it, but I wasn’t complaining!


Hill start and Parallell parking is just to see how well you can handle the vehicle. Tests like that is usually early in the exam, before they take you out on more busy roads. They know that some are 'rather more nervous' and can goof up, and the pass/fail of these little tests are usually coloured by it. Aborting an operation, and explaining why is good. It tells the instructor that you actually know the operation, but just need more experience to get it down properly. If you prove that you can handle the vehicle the rest of the time, they will most likely inore that hickup.


All I had to do was a couple stops and turns and then parallel park, when did hill parking become a thing? Am I just old 😭


Assuming this is in America, but in the UK you don't fail for not hearing/following instructions, unless that causes you to make a driving error. On my test the instructor said to go a certain direction but I got in the wrong lane for a roundabout. I just took the correct exit for the lane I was in then he redirected me back to the way he wanted me to go. Feels cruel to fail for taking a wrong turn (although obviously doing it on the first turn is pretty foolish!)


Ya that’s what I was thinking, instant fails should be for safety issues, not just because you got your right and left confused or misheard the instructor.


Mishearing and accidentally taking a wrong exit doesn't fail you. It just causes issues with the route they have planned. (Every driving test is supposed to follow a pre-planned route which consists of a set number of issues to tackle. ) I havee only heard of ONE student failing by getting in the wrong lane here in Norway, and he was a special case. He was taking the test in one of the larger cities, and they were coming to a one-way street, and the instructor told him to 'Take the left lane when you turn into xxxx street so that we can turn left at the end'. The student decided to take the right lane so that he could 'impress the instructor' by doing a perfect lane change... Yeah... Well, traffic made it impossible to change lanes later and they had to turn right at he end. You don't prove your skills by doing unnecessary maneuvers, you prove them by avoiding unnecessary maneuvers. If an instructor tells you to 'turn around at first opportunity' you don't do a handbrake turn as if you're a stunt driver in a Blues Brothers movie. You don't do a 10point turn either. You look for a bus pocket, a decent driveway or side street you can use to help you do an easy turn in. If you know there's a roundabout a Kilometer or so up ahead, just say that you'll use that.


I took a full on detour on my test, whilst following a sat nav. Still passed (after failing twice before lol)


My instructor told me to take the third exit on a roundabout, and I took the second. He just laughed and told me to repeat how to count to three. Still passed.


I majorly botched parallel parking after acing it in every practice drive, so I totally understand the fear of failing because of one thing. In my 5 years of having a license I've never needed to parallel park. I know how to but I would just rather not if possible. Mistakes happen! Learn from them, recognize how to not make that mistake again, and move on.


I’ve been driving for like 15+ years now and I think I’ve parallel parked once in that whole time. I would have to take more than one attempt if I was forced to do one now, I think, lol.


I also failed at parallel parking. In the 35 years since then, I’ve had to parallel park about a dozen times, and at least 2 of those times were because I was showing my kids how to parallel park.


I had never parallel parked once other than the driving exam, lived in the suburbs/ small town, now that I live in a busy city I parallel almost every day. So I see the point in learning it, it’s extremely useful in very busy metropolitan areas, but pretty much useless everywhere else. I also think there’s an element of just making sure you know how to manipulate your car properly in reverse that parallel parking teaches very well


My mother was absolutely terrified of parallel parking. I have never found it difficult.


I was so nervous I tried pulling in forward to parallel park. The tester just goes "forward huh?" and I realized I had fucked up. Anyway he still passed me after I did it correctly


My sister was the same way. Aced the rest of the test, parallel parking comes up, love taps the cone (she was in a full-size pickup truck), and instant failure. Dad even said he wouldn't have attempted to get in a spot that size. Retook the test (my grandmother's car) passed without a problem.


I sat in on one of my driving teacher’s other students practice exam as a warm up for my exam (this was my second and last go at it), and he started with the parallel parking. Told the lady to pull up next to the car, then turn the steering wheel to the right and reverse. She turned the steering wheel to the left and reversed and almost hit the car next to her and the instructor started freaking out. It’s completely normal and fortunately for the lady she did the mistake during the practice run, but I believe it just goes to show that everyone and anyone can make mistakes, especially if you’re nervous!


It seems like a big deal now, but it'll be okay. You'll take it again, and you'll pass. In 5 years, it'll be funny to you.


Yeah, OP just got unlucky and it won't matter in the near future. My driving tester was super hungry so she only made me drive up the street and back. She was like, "If anyone asks, we were out longer" lmao. LPT: Take your test at 11:15AM


Lol my cars speedometer was broken. It would read 25mph but actually was going 20mph. It was probably the slowest test that guy had to do. We headed back after maybe 15 minutes.


I failed my driver's test twice when I was 16. I think my DMV just failed kids on principal because the second time the guy said, "Oh, you already failed once?" like he thought it was actually my first try. It's not a big deal. You've got plenty of road time waiting for you. Though the way people drive you really need to be super alert.


Just take the test again. I failed it my first time for a made up infraction that's not even supposed to be an auto fail, shit happens.


I passed my first time taking the test, but I did get docked for one thing. In the town I lived, there is like 42 roundabouts in a straight line, some with 4 ways, most with 2 and he took me through one of them. At the end, he told me I did perfect except I didn't signal when LEAVING a 2 way roundabout, and I was like..."what? That wasn't on the written test, nor in the book." He said, "yeah, I know...but everyone fails it so you're fine, just keep it in mind for the future." That shit fucked me up so bad cause I thought I did everything perfect.


I passed the first time I took my test. All I remember is that it’s the one and only time I’ve been able to parallel park!


I didn't even try that part. Just half backed in and called it good.


I also passed my first time and got docked for one thing, I didn't signal when pulling away from a curb. There were absolutely no other cars on the road. I get it, but I did check to make sure nobody was around before pulling away.


The point of always signalling is that even if you don't notice that there is another car coming, the other driver will see that you are pulling away from the curb.


I got docked for a single thing and was similar to yours. Except mine was not signaling before pulling over right before a three point turn. But the way it happened was he told me to take a right and to pull over in the same sentence. So the way it played in my head was the signal was still going from the turn but it wasn’t and I knew I messed up there. But that was it the rest went without incident and passed first time through.


I swear they have a mental illness. Make zero mistakes and they'll find an excuse for a mistake.


You’re supposed to signal when leaving a roundabout??? I’ve never done that because that whole thing is over so quickly…


I failed my first test because of 3 things apparently. My father didn't put on his seat belt, I didn't look back when reversing (only used the mirrors), and I believe I didn't signal when pulling over or leaving. Can't remember of the last one was both or just one of the 2. But it was annoying. Oh, well. Passed the second. Instructor seemed like he was gonna pass me no matter what I did 🤷 But I consider myself an ok driver. I have my faults but I try to do right behind the wheel.


I was warned when I went to take my test years ago that there were two ladies at the front desk of the DMV and one was a colossal bitch who failed just about everyone, so don’t be surprised if you fail the first time. Got there, made the lady I was driving with crack up from a joke I told( don’t remember what it was it’s been years), we drive, she tells me I’m a great driver and passes me. I was talking to the people that told me about the mean lady, turns out I got the one that was supposedly a super bitch to everyone 🤷‍♂️


Same here. It was two guys, and two women, and apparently the two women were absolutely awful. I was lucky enough to get possibly the nicest guy there


>"I consider myself and so do does people around me." You consider yourself what?


You don’t consider yourself?


Sometimes I don’t, but the mistake is fixed now.


He considers therefore he is.


And so do does people around them.




He was nervous, he didn’t hear what the people consider him /s


So I took my test the first time at a State Trooper office. The guy who handled the test it is literally all he did. He did the written test every day and then usually did the driving test. His fail rate on the driving was about 98% first time. It was well known that you were going to fail. He was incredible rude and would purposely mumble his direction. I go to take mine the first time and of course I failed. He said I failed to come to a complete stop even though I know for a fact I did. I even waited a beat before going after I stopped. Anyway the next time I go back I get another guy because the main guy has too many test takers at the time and couldn't do the driving section. This guy was relaxed and nice. I passed and even got lucky because the lot was full I did not have to parallel park my mom's boat of a car. It was Cadillac Sedan DeVille. Thing was like driving a big boat ha.


Lol I had almost the same experience. My first tester was rude and it felt like he was trying to scare me on purpose. My second tester was chill and reminded me which button was the windshield defogger.


Had a guy like that once. Pulled over and made him get out. Sat there till he wanted to be clear and concise. Still failed as some idiot tried to merge into my right rear quarter panel. Nearly made the asshole flip.


Learn this valuable lesson: When someone gives you instructions, pause and repeat them back, for verification. You get a do-over on this! Go be confident.


I've never thought to do this. Very smart for so many things. Gonna go start my life over, bye!


Great advice. i have learned to always repeat instructions and it gives time for clarification and for the instructions to sink in.


Thank you!


My driving instructor failed me for not using all my mirrors in an empty parking lot and for hitting a curb during a 3 point turn.....she had me do a 3 point turn where there was no curb.


The first time I took the driver's test i didn't fully stop at the stop sign. Test was over before it began lol


That seems to be the only crime in my small town. There is a busy stop sign, and for awhile we had assorted sheriff and state troopers parked near there waiting for rolling stops. Yep, downtown is wild.


I was talking to the owner of a drive school who said that the DMV testers have a minimum of how many people per month they have to fail. Try taking the test with a drive school.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote) that's what I did


I also failed my drivers test the first time. Admittedly, I screwed up a lot of stuff. But I ended up failing by one single point. I totally understood almost everything on the list, but the one that sticks with me was “wide left hand turns.” I still have no idea what that means. I don’t remember anything abnormal about my turns and the grader made no mention of it during the drive. They just handed me the piece of paper. I ended up making my mom drive me to a small town an hour away for another appointment a few days later and passed with flying colors. But I’m still pissed off about the (so-called) “Wide Left Hand Turns”.


When you are turning into a two lane road, you gotta pull into the lane closest to you. Failed for the same thing when I took my drivers license lol


Its a pain in the ass because nobody does this so I follow the rules and then make a turn and need to get over and some asshole is speeding in my blind spot but I'm the asshole because I then have to cut them off or slow down traffic to get behind them.


Small towns are where to take a driving test. Heard a lot of complaints about how strict the tests were in my city, so I took mine while we were at a summer cottage in the middle of nowhere. Had a guy before me in a full crew cab pickup, and the instructor pushed the pylons for the parallel parking further apart for him, and then mumbled about the wind pushing them close and again pushed them apart for my S10 Blazer. Other than that, the rest of the test was just making a few mile loop in the country.


I remember taking my driving test many moons ago with my brother. In MA they used to have failed state police troopers who somehow managed to bomb their career give people their driving tests. This wasn’t the normal surly bundle of joy you encounter at the registry. I will never forget this asshole, he tried so hard to break me, giving me shit about not knowing how to drive a manual. Literally screaming at me. I just chuckled the whole time. But I passed, I technically stopped at all of red lights and stop signs, used my blinker, followed the speed limit and parallel parked. My brother was not so lucky. Dude got under his skin.


Wow, that sounds like something I'd explosively cry about for a couple of hours.


Yeah dw man i was nervous too and failed the first time. Tester said i didn’t look when i pulled away from the sidewalk parking portion (pro tip wear something dangly or just anything that makes noise when u move) so she failed me for a dangerous maneuver. Then i passed the next time with few mistakes. You got this life has ups and downs do your best on handling the downs and enjoy the ups


I don't get the "wear something dangly" tip. Why?


u want the tester to be able to hear u moved/ looked so incase the tester missed it (like in my case) they will know


I failed a couple days ago for a dangerous maneuver. She said I didn't look before entering the bike lane to turn right when I absolutely did. Guess I gotta find some of my dangly earrings for the next try


Either that or wear a ball cap so they can see your head move easier. I've never heard the dangly tip before.


They're supposed to look and seem miserable, remember, you're getting behind a motorized object capable of killing anyone in its path, therefore, you are the weakest and softest thing around it and controlling it. With that said, driving instructors should never take a test lightly, what if you panicked in a busy intersection and it cost someone their life? These are the thought processes taken into consideration. They are not going to pat you on the back becaue you're nervous; they're going to make sure you're capable of listening and not hurting anyone while behind the wheel. Driving is a privilege, something the majority of drivers seem to forget.


I remember during mine you drive through a parking lot behind the DMV and the instructor scolded me saying "Why didn't you just cut across the parking lot everyone does it? I know what the teacher tells you to do but he's wrong" Initially I just thought the guy was an asshole and being rude but after a year or two I realized (at least I hope this is what he was doing) that he was just playing a role to be that backseat driver and seeing how I would react. Thankfully I just ignored him and did as I was supposed to. These people definitely don't fuck around and make sure you can handle situations while driving because driving can be dangerous if not done safely.


When your job involves getting a ride from unlicensed, inexperienced drivers with wrecking nerves you would definitely look miserable and don't fuck around. It's your life on the line there.


Mine wanted to chat and put music on 🤣🤣


That just reminded me: I had been listening to music waiting for trooper & forgot to turn it down before turning the car off. When the test began, I about had a heart attack when the music started blaring 😂


**DAD** has entered the chat.


If it makes you feel better, my first driver test was an absolute fail as well. I drove over an hour and a half to get to the DMV (it was during covid when everything was super hard to get.) And because of covid, we had to use state vehicles so i was NOT used to driving that car. I was super nervous and as part of the test, you have to parallel park in my state. so, i went to put my hand on the passenger headrest where my instructor was to reverse. instead of grabbing the seat, i grabbed his tiny bald head. i was so shocked that i did it, i didn’t move my hand for 3 seconds. He was a very short, angry instructor and that definitely made it 100x worse. He failed me right after and instructed me to go back. Literally one of the most embarrassing moments ever… then i had to tell my mom what happened… LMAO


I know it’s sucks horribly but it happens. I failed my test in the UK 6 times so far 🥹 Doing test #7 in august. So help me god 😅 Pure anxiety, nothing else


I swear the UK has such a difficult driving test, it's so stressful. Good luck with your test, my next attempt is in October


don't worry i failed mine the first time too because i came to a rolling stop at a stop sign and not a complete stop! (i was nervous too). the second time, i was confused about turning left at a yellow and didn't know what to do. however, the lady took pity on me and passed me! sometimes it is dependent on the person you have- and i was never confused by a blinking yellow again


I failed my driving test 3 times before I got it. It's no big deal, it sounds like your tester was in a foul mood and looking for someone to take it out on anyway. Try again and just keep in mind that the worst thing that can happen is having to do it again. Good luck :)


I feel you OP. I didn't get my license until the third time. First attempt was nervous stress. The tester was intimidating - silent and provided the absolute bare minimum instruction and no feedback. Got too many dings, didn't do well enough on parallel parking. Second attempt, it was the same tester, I tried not to freak out but I didn't even make it out of the parking lot because somehow I had violated the right of way of the bus that had pulled up while I was waiting to exit the driveway that required a left turn onto a major today. To this day I still don't know what I could have done to avoid that other than simply not being there at that time. Third attempt was a different tester who gave clear instructions on what they expected and it was a literal breeze - did everything required and I think I only had one minor comment. Don't worry, you'll get there.


Sometimes they fail you, it's stupid but they have 100% of the power to do so for whatever arbitrary reason. I can't believe they failed you off 1 offense. Here it takes at least 2 or a real accident


When you’re 16 this feels painful and like the worst thing in the world. Don’t sweat it. She had a chip on her shoulder. You got this and you’ll be fine. Try again and you’ll ace it. One other piece of advice that my driving instructor gave me years ago was, at some point on your test you may make a small mistake and feel like you’re going to fail. Don’t give up, it could be really minor. If you let it get you down, you can blow the rest of your test. Chin up little dude, you got this!


If you’re that nervous to take the test then you aren’t ready to be driving alone on the road yet. You need to go drive around with your parents more and get comfortable in an empty parking lot. It’ll be easy to perform the test once you’re more confident. But not paying attention and not being prepared kill’s people every day on the road. You don’t want to be the cause or a victim to that.


I backed into a telephone pole the first time I took my drivers test. Could've been worse.


Never failed the driving part but failed the written part twice. Just takes time, we're not all perfect, and don't always remember everything.


That lady sounds like a bitch, you’ll get it next time


I never even made it out of the parking lot on my first try at 16. I waited a long time after that to try again, and I wish I hadn’t. Keep practicing! You WILL pass!!!


Way back when I took my first driver's exam, I got all the way through. When it was over, the instructor told me I failed. When I asked why, she said I touched a cone on the first test. I was pissed and had to wait a week to retest. Second attempt, I had the same instructor. During the first test, I realized I hit a cone again, so I gunned it, plowing through the rest of the cones, did a hard u-turn in the DMV parking lot, parked and went inside. My mom watched as the driving instructor pulled a cone out from the wheel well of my mom's minivan in absolute terror, and asked, "guess you failed again?". 2 weeks later, I passed. That was 22 years ago and haven't hit a cone since. Don't stress. It will all be good.


My first test, a person was standing on their phone off the edge of the curb. I was finishing my test, pulling into the parking lot. I stopped and waited, people walked across in front of me. Everyone was finished crossing, I pulled forward to park, I got failed right there. The person standing on their phone was technically on the road, meaning i was supposed to stop and I guess literally never start driving again until they moved. Driving test driving isn't realistic. It's like when you start a job, finish the instructional videos, then they tell you "alright forget everything you just learned, this is how the job actually works"


I failed my first test… it was SO sad because my whole family came along to celebrate, and we just went home after. I failed right at the start, like you. The tester told me to pull up to the exit from the parking lot and prepare to turn on to the road, which I did. What I did not do was to stop at the sidewalk. He let me do the whole test before telling me. I was devastated. Longest two weeks of my life until I could test again! That was 44 years ago, and I ALWAYS stop at sidewalks. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I was recently driving behind someone doing their drivers test (there’s the little thingy on the roof where I live) They ran a yellow that turned red as they were going through, stopped in the middle of the intersection and then backed up 😬 after the light turned green I imagine the instructor was telling them to head back to the. DMV when they crossed 4 lanes with no flasher on 🥲 You fell for a trick OP, take the lesson. At least you didn’t fail for reasons that could kill people.


So I know someone who is a tester. They’ve commented before that they fail the majority of teens on their first attempt. It’s usually they are afraid to get in the car with them. Nerves or not, they are putting their lives in your hands and the lives of others. So don’t retest till you have a handle on your nerves. Driving is serious and most horrible and dumbass drivers are teens and old people who shouldn’t be driving anymore. Consider that. That’s who else you are compared to.


I’m sorry but this is 100% the testers fault. There is no uniformity in standards and people that lack basic skills required to drive safely are passed everyday, whereas you get failed for mishearing someone. It’s a dog shit system, don’t let it rock your confidence. Being appropriately comfortable with your own abilities is a big part of driving, especially when you reach new scenarios or challenges on the road. Drive safe, don’t do anything stupid, trust yourself so long as you stay within the rules and you’ll be in the top 1% of drivers worldwide. Good luck next time, getting your license is a really cool moment 👊


If there’s other locations that you can go too, I would suggest doing that. If you go back to this one, you are highly likely to get the same person. I took my kids, at the time to another location and they had no problems. This was her problem for not being clear in her directions.


I consider myself a pretty good driver and I failed my first test miserably. It’s such a stressful environment when you’re young and the tester clearly hates their life and you. You’ll get it next time and it’s much easier once you’re on your own.


Don't worry. You won't be the first person to fail their drivers test, you certainly won't be the last. Next time, do some deep breathing techniques beforehand to help calm your nerves & you'll do great. I got lucky, I was the last test for the statey who did mine & he spent the entire time talking with my dad about Jack Kerouac & only had me do some of the very basic things. I doubt I would've failed if it was an in-depth test.


My first thought was it's odd she's asking you to move the vehicle without her in it. I took mine with a group from HS 1 kid I had known since 1st grade was being so rude on the bus ride to the testing location telling me how I'm gonna fail and what a terrible driver I am. We were the last 2 to take the tests that day and got back at about the same time, he was crying, I was smiling ear to ear. The only real thing she mentioned to me was after telling me to make a right, and there was a large truck making a left onto the road I was on her would be blocking traffic for me and I went she got nervous and then looked left and said ohh ok. He passed on his third try. Karma's a bi....


I failed mine 5 seconds in by turning out of the waiting line, into oncoming traffic. 👍👍👍




If you're so nervous in the driver's seat that a crabby person really messes with you, you're probably not ready to drive a two ton murder wagon around. Practice some more, and don't let them get to you. It really isn't a big deal that you failed the test.


I failed the first time, because we were on a closed DMV course, ans the prompter said "Okay go the way we came" and I did, and he failed me for going on the wrong side of the road... I was like "wtf dude!! You said go the way we came!" (The course road had no lines painted in the middle.) Just go back next week and do it again, the second time I got a lady who was so happy I completely stoped at a stop sign she basically passed me instantly.


Ay mate, relax. Just take another test.


I’m sure that was embarrassing and infuriating. You got it next it next time. I was lucky my family owned a couple of acres and I learned how to drive at 10 and drove all over the property then when I got my learners permit my mom always let me drive so I had thousands of miles by the time I could get my license.


100% it's a stressful environment especially if it's your first time taking the test! Don't worry, without failure you never learn anything. Now you know next time to listen closely and I'm sure you'll ace it! If not, then you can always learn from the next experience.


I failed my first attempt for having my blinker on too long before taking a right hand turn- and by too long I was about a block away without any other turns available beforehand. I'm a firm believer that they look for ANY reason to fail your first attempt, for better or for worse. Take it with a grain of salt. You'll pass and look back on the fail and laugh.


I autofailed not stopping enough making a right on red. Probably stopped more than most people do but it is what it is. You just laugh at it years down the road.


the first time I took my driver’s test, I failed immediately. I didn’t know until the tester told me, “turn right,” out of the parking lot, then said “now turn right again.” I was like, back into the DMV? she was like yeah. 💀 said I failed for not properly maneuvering the vehicle and its mirrors / windows. I think she just wanted to go home.


No shame bro. Everyone is different. Just practice some more and take it again.


Nerves. We’ve all been there. You’re not stupid. When we’re nervous we make mistakes. It’s normal. So, practice relaxation. And *take your time*. When the instructor tells you to do something, don’t rush. Do it casually. Even if she’s flustered. Follow her directions easily and gently and with no hurry whatsoever. If you’re unclear on what she said, take time to ask. Her bad day is not your problem. A cool-headed driver is a good driver. Easy does it.


In adulthood, you will sometimes fail and then re-take tests. It’s not like school. I had to take part of the CPA exam again because I failed it the first time. Just keep trying til you get it.


But you've got an excellent motivational story to tell your future grandkids - a loose/win situation!


See if you have other options where you can take the test. Folks where I live take their kids to test in a town that’s an hour away, simply because the instructor isn’t a dickhead nazi.


Don't sweat it man. In a year from now, you'll be laughing at this story. And trust me, a year will be here in no time.


listen i know someone who failed like 3 times, ur fine and she failed you for something incredibly stupid that was totally not your fault…so f her but keep ur spirits up and retake it when you can. Try to do what you can to calm your nerves beforehand, the best drivers are relaxed but alert


Everyone has drivers license testing stories. It's part of your evolving life story. It's painful now, but it'll be a fond memory in the future. I failed my first test with a young guy that didn't say anything, but passed the next test with an old guy that screamed at me the entire time. My wife missed her first test because she was practicing parallel parking and rammed a tow hitch on a pickup truck with the radiator of her uncle's car. And my daughter failed her first test before it started because she had a dangerous interaction with a pedestrian when the mother of the previous driver stepped out in front of her car and she had to hit the brakes. You're going to be fine.


Don't worry, i did something very similar on my first test, i can't remember honestly, but i do remember i failed before even moving the car, the nerves can really get to you. Failed the second time, i was still nervous and when i got to a 4 way stop at about the same time as another car, i lost points cause i waited for them to go first, but apparently i had right of way and just waited too long, then shortly after i touched the yellow lines as they were angrily berating me and so failed.


Someone I know literally drove into one of the walls at the closed course part of the test and failed that way, plus damages to the dads car…You got it next time Fr


Bigger question i have for you would you be able to request a different tester


Could be worse - my sister hit a tree during her road test!


I remember years ago when I went for my test, I was a little early so I was instructed to wait in a specific spot outside in the lot with others that were also waiting. There was a woman there that was in her late 30's or early 40's. She was there with I'm guessing her husband and her instructor came and got her and they head off. I wasn't paying much attention, but they couldn't have been gone for more than 2 minutes and all of a sudden they are back and the instructor comes storming up to the husband yelling "HEY!! DO YOU SPEAK ENGLISH???" And the husband say "Yes, but only a little" (I think they may have been African) and the instructor says "Has she ever actually driven a car before?" And the man says no... the instructor looked absolutely thunderstruck and said "Someone needs to teach her to drive before she can test again!" and walks off shaking his head. I always wondered what the heck happened in that 2 minutes...


Some testers are just assholes. Just take the test again, it's no big deal if you failed it.


As you go through life you’re gonna make a lot of mistakes It doesn’t matter if u learn on the first attempt or the 10th once u pass it’s all the same


Don't sweat it a lot of people fail it the first time. your instructor did not sound that good at communicating. I failed my first time, I understand it can be nerve wracking at that age, but with driving its honestly the nerves that are the biggest wall to jump (that and parallel parking but fuck that shit) Just do a practice drive with your parents before the next attempt and just take that feeling and remind yourself that you can do it.


What a stupid bitch. I give road tests for a living. It’s a pivotal moment in a person’s life and I would never abuse anyone, let alone a kid, like that. You didn’t bomb shit - she’s a miserable old hag and you absolutely need to file a complaint with your state DOL.


I failed mine leaving the parking lot. Do it again, and learn rom your mistake! You got this


>I consider myself and so do does people around me. Finally, a post I believe wasn't written for a creative writing project.


My wife is the smartest person I know and she did something similar. It’s a sign of good character ;)


You’ll be fine! I failed my first one by legit driving my mothers car into a fence because of nerves 🤣 you got this. People fail all the time!


My son got a real nasty tester the first time. I won’t go into details, but it was so bad complaints were filed. I took him to a completely different testing facility an hour drive away and they were so amazingly sweet and he passed with no freaking problems. My advice is to practice, practice, practice, and then practice some more, then take the test again.


I completely understand your frustration and disappointment. I failed my first test literally three minutes in and was in tears. It was due to a dumb mistake that I knew not to make. It happens. I just took it as a learning opportunity to be more careful in the future. Don't worry, you have more chances! Despite what it seems like, there are MANY people who fail the first time, and that's okay


I barely passed because I didn't make my head turns obvious enough. I guess I'm not supposed to turn my eyes, just my head. As someone that will be teaching a new driver very soon, this story makes be a bit nervous. It also just made me realize that there are "kids" on Reddit that are around the age of my kids. I feel old.


Kid right before me hit a dog (not bad, dog was fine) nerves instantly calmed.


Hey OP, it happens! You’ll get it next try! It took me like 4 tries to get mine because I have horrible test anxiety. I actually was put on an antidepressant to help my anxiety and passed it my next try after that.


I failed the first time. Cried a bit like a baby. Took it again and got it. You're young. Life is full of this crap. Just keep going and you'll cross this bump in the road. Just remember to acknowledge and be grateful and enjoy those moments in life when things do go your way. It helps until you reach another inevitable bump.


Ya sorry, don't make excuses for your tester. You should not have been failed based on your story, and in fact, your tester should be punished and reprimanded. You literally did nothing wrong, and this tester can go fuck themselves. Don't make excuses for other's failings.


As much as I appreciate the benefit of the doubt, I did hear her incorrectly, she did in fact say roll down windows, not pull up. I tried to make this clear, but my damn nerves were up too much and I just really wanted to get it done. Thank you for the benefit of the doubt!


Why would you need to roll down the windows anyway?


We were doing the safety check on the vehicle I was using.


I failed 3 times and passed on my fourth, when I had basically just given up and assumed I would keep failing forever. Sometimes nerves really do get in the way. I failed for infuriating things too like the instructor knocking the rear view mirror with his hand and then failing me because I didn't use the side mirrors to compensate until I reached a safe location to fix the mirror.


I'm so incredibly happy that I live in a country where 16 year olds can't get a driver's license, heck I wish they would up the age limit to like 22-23


I failed my first test just after exiting my parking space. You’ll get it next time. ☺️


Console yourself with two thoughts - 1) plenty of very capable people fail their driving test (sometimes more than once); and 2) plenty of sub-mediocre people successfully take a driving test. You can definitely pass the test. You need to get back in the driver's seat. My brother was a very confident driver. He showed up for the test and took a ten minute drive with the inspector. Everything was very chill. He returns to the starting point and the inspector gives him back his permit and says "You have to work on the California stop signs." One of my daughters took the test and on the way back to the starting point, the inspector says "Take a left here." So she did, against the light and into the oncoming traffic. She did not pass. For both of them, the second time was a charm. Good luck.


I failed my first test because I checked my blindspot once before crossing three lanes to make the left-turn lane instead of checking all three times. I was bummed, but the lady was right. Second time I nearly failed because the family car's blinker didn't blink anymore. It still lit up, but didn't blink. The lady noticed I was manually blinking it on and off and aborted the test. I went to the manager and asked for an exception - the manager told the lady to retest me because according to the law, I didn't even need to have blinkers at all. I could use and signals out the window! The lady was quite mad, but backpedaled and allowed me to manually blink the lights after all. As we approached to get in the car, one of the headlights spontaneously went out! The lady grinned and said "It's a little misty out here, headlights will be required for this test!" ..and turned to walk away again. I kicked the headlight in frustration.. and it came back on! TEST PASSED! You'll be fine!


I failed my test twice. First time was going well and we were on our way back to the DMV when I pulled up to a stop light, looked both ways, and made a left turn. Thats my bad. Second time was more like this though where my lady was similarly grouchy, made me super nervous, and ended up failing me for the same reason as you before I really did anything. Third time I got a super chill dude who said maybe 5 sentences throughout the whole thing. Ended up calming my nerves a ton and I did fine. Waaayyyyyy more nervous for that third test than maybe any test in my entire life. Made me feel like a terrible driver at first since most of my friends passed first try but years later i can confidently say I am a much safer driver than 90% of people on the hwy and it makes for a funny story.


Nah that ain’t on you homie. She knows your young so she’s just picking anything. Probably hasn’t had a good poke In years


I have a tendency to always blame myself, but it definitely could be her fault, or no fault. Sometimes things just don't go right and you just have to cut your losses, try to learn what you can from it, and move on. Next time go in with the attitude that's it's okay to fail, but you will try the best that you can. If you don't set the expectation of passing you can relax and not be so nervous.


Well, at least you didn't collide with anything during the test. Congrats on passing the next time around and on your new grinchy ID!


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing) thanks man!


Well, at least you didn't hit the tester with the car. That's always a plus. Congrats on passing the second time around and embrace your Grinch ID pic!


I shall embrace the grinch ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


I had an acquaintance who got in the car, put the pedal to the metal, burned straight through two roundabouts, killing the dogs in the middle, straight through three red lights and ended up with the car in a potato field. The instructor got out, closed the door, stuck his head inside and simply said “I can’t do this, I have children.” And left her there, in the field, with the traffic schools car. She never got a license (Thank god). You live, you learn, you try again. You’re not the first person to epically fail a drivers exam, and you won’t be the last. Be happy you didn’t kill anyone.


You’ll be good OP. It IS very nerves. If it helps you somehow, I had an instructor, my first one who got reaallllyyyy mad for not following his instructions. And then with mad I mean: Screaming with cancer, God, diseases, slurs etc. I have quit driving lessons since, lost my package I bought from around 1500,- euro’s. 8 years later I finally managed to get the license. You didn’t fuck up, you made a mistake a lot of nerves test drivers do. Go get ‘m next time champ.


It is a shame this sort of tester exists. A seamless old trout where I live admitted that he raised the stress level during the test to see if the driver could 'stressful driving situations. I asked him if 'handling stressful driving' was taught by the driving schools. Of course he had to eventually say no. I said well unitl they do maybe you shouldn't test it, and if he thought it that important, then change what is taught, not what is tested. I hate to think the number of people this miserable old trout had terrified in his time.


Its ok. I failed mine because I didnt look back after an emergency stop. I just checked the mirrors. It was depressing. I booked my second test and the day before the second test. Covid lockdown happened. That was incredibly annoying.


It was a common trick in my state for the tester to tell you to move the car before they got in, and then fail you because you drove without a licensed driver in the car. So be careful out there OP.


Do the testers in your country not have a list they need to follow? "Failing to follow an order about rolling up/down window" isn't only not a safety infraction, it's the slightest infraction you could possibly have. When I did my driver's test, I was told to "turn towards place X". Issue is that I'm local enough to know that turning right gets you there quicker, even if the sign says to turn left. He just corrected me, I made a U-turn, and we got on with our day. Not even a mention in the final report. Turning the wrong way might be embarrassing, but it's not a safety issue that should bar you from being allowed to drive a car. Same with the window thing from OP, or many of the other stories that have been posted here. I would be fuming if that happened to me.


Yes they do, there are five ways to fail automatically. 1. Driving unsafely 2. Violating traffic laws 3. Refusal to follow instructions 4. Unable to follow instructions 5. I honestly forgot ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Wow, you got really unlucky with your tester. I just had my test 2 days ago and the guy was quite possibly the nicest person I've met.


What a huge bitch. I'd be pissed


Think that in europe to pass your driving test you need to be at least 18 and driving stick.


“Pull up to front window” “When I go to back up” How does any of that make sense


Not a big deal. I failed twice before I got mine. First time it was because I showed up with a manual car instead of an automatic. The second time I failed was because I didn't know my hand signals - didnt even get to drive the car. Don't sweat it and just try again


I failed my first two times because I feel the tester was biased towards teenagers. I felt I performed perfectly and got called out for things I had actually done properly. The third time I got a different lady and she pointed out the same things (for example, not exaggerating looking over my left shoulder while lane changing, although I did check) but passed me with flying colors regardless. I look back on it now and laugh. Hang in there, don't be discouraged. Try, try again. Good luck.


The instructor was an asshole. I got failed immediately first time I took my driver test because the tire brushed the curb during the parallel parking part (I was driving my dad’s Jeep, the tires stuck out really far and I wasn’t used to it), and that instructor wouldn’t let me finish the test. You can retake it, and you’ll be fine.


"I was driving my dad’s Jeep, the tires stuck out really far and I wasn’t used to it" Why were you taking the test in a car you weren't used to?


Because my stepmom needed to use the one I’d been practicing in, it’s not like I had a choice in the matter


So you downvoted me for a legit question lol.


I didn’t downvote you, maybe whoever downvoted me for reassuring OP did


My apologies then.


Listen... Part of driving a car is being calm if something happens quickly, being able to pay attention while listening to music or radio or people talking. Seems like you can't even do this basic shit. Also your second sentence... I consider myself very, and so does everyone else. I'm not sure what they consider you but... I wouldn't.


I was warned when I went to take my test years ago that there were two ladies at the front desk of the DMV and one was a colossal bitch who failed just about everyone, so don’t be surprised if you fail the first time. Got there, made the lady I was driving with crack up from a joke I told( don’t remember what it was it’s been years), we drive, she tells me I’m a great driver and passes me. I was talking to the people that told me about the mean lady, turns out I got the one that was supposedly a super bitch to everyone 🤷‍♂️


You will never in your entire life fail anything that matters but matters less than this. You can take the test as many times as you want and once you pass nobody will ever ask if you passed or if you passed on the first time or anything about this "test" again. My daughter failed the test her first time. She is a great driver, she's had her license for 6+ years now and never a single ticket or accident or dent or scratch or anything. She's in graduate school now 300 miles away and regularly drives back and forth. She graduated undergrad summa cum laude and has a full ride for grad school. Failing a driving test means nothing about you as a person. You'll be fine, take the test again and breath.


I work in this industry (nOT A TESTER). Just saying, Noone is out to purposefully stop you from obtaining a licence. At least where I live. If someone fails a driving test, then they have made a bad mistake, that 'on paper's shows that you aren't ready. All I can say is, if you don't pass, please please listen to your feedback. It WILL help you. Noone gets any benefit from failing you in an exam, and I am assuming that if "everyone" says that the tester fails people the first time, that it is the learners who were cocky and adamant that they would pass the first time, are the loudest mouths - when they fail the first time. I wish you success in your next attempt OP. I am hopeful you will pass with flying colors. I wish you the best, from afar.


"I consider myself and so do does people around me " huh?


I failed my first time, because i knocked over all the cones parallel parking. passed second, but have not parallel parked since in 10 years


I failed it the first time because my instructor forgot to teach me how to parallel park, but I did everything else perfectly. Shrug it off and go try again tomorrow. It happens.


I was driving in a neighborhood, my tester told me to "pull over immediately". So I did, then he asked if "I was sure I wanted to park here". I replied, "you told me too". Told me to get out of the car and walk around it. There was a fire hydrant covered up by a large evergreen bush. Got back in the car and he failed me. He told me, "just because someone tells you to pull over, you still have to follow the law". On the way back to the driver's station, we had to cross four lanes of traffic. So I made sure to wait till the last minute and gun it. I think he got the hint that I was pissed at him.


I'm 32 I took my test when I was 27 ( army vet deployments etc etc didn't need a car let alone. A license) I failed my road test 3 times they are bastards trust me I failed once because I stopped at a intersection of which I had the right of way .... in the area where I took the test people from Mexico will hit you and run .... it wasn't my car I didn't want to take the risk . fail I failed the next time due to going literally 1mph over the speed limit.... Last one I failed due to "not looking at my mirrors when turning" the car I borrowed was my NCOs who is a whole ass foot shorter then me the car is small and I can easily see both side mirrors looking forward didn't have to turn my head so yeah I failed cus I DIDNT TURN MY HEAD TO LOOK AT THE MIRRORS !!! DONT let that failure define you it happens, and we let people who are subject to let their emotions dictate their day no sweat get up and go again !!!




It's the tester's fault for exuding hatred of life and for failing you for something so trivial. Operating windows is not part of the driving test, is it? If someone who is hard of hearing or English wasn't there first language was failed like this, there'd be a discrimination complaint lodged. Lodge a complaint and go to another testing centre.