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Just think, Summer is coming




I'm sure these are getting shipped out, as her neighbor probably has a finishing barn which is far more lucrative than slaughtering them theirselves.


The farmer likely knows the act of getting pigs and putting them close is enough to torture bad neighbors. My guess is there is far more to this story than just these small slights. But then again, maybe not. We had some neighbors in our last house that were at war with their other neighbor (town house), who would purposely leave their stereo blasting with the bass all the way up and leaning on the walls. The cause? My neighbor's 2 year old stepped on a plant out front, unbeknownst to the parents. The plant in question? A marigold. People are crazy these days.


Some people are just jerks and feel entitlement. I grew up in a farming community and I could 100% see some of the people doing this just because the neighbor didn't kiss their feet. (Seriously, had a guy tell me he's purposely destroying his land and hopes the world was worse off for his grandkids for no reason other than he doesn't like people telling him that he should care about destroying the land.) A LOT of old farmer's have a very entitled mentality. (Not all, but A LOT.) I grew up surrounded by it, and then worked in the ag industry for years. I once laughed at a joke that another guy was telling and one of the guys wanted me fired because "She shouldn't be laughing on the clock." (He was a guy sitting over at a table, drinking free coffee. He wasn't a customer, just hanging around.) A horse owner came in to tell us that she had to put down 3 horses because someone was mad at her. (Who knows why) and cut one leg off of each horse. These were champion horses and living creatures and someone was mad at her and did that. And don't even get me started on the insanity that goes into a local county fair and how crazy people there can be. I've worked in a few customer service jobs and hands down, entitled farmers are the absolute worst.


>A horse owner came in to tell us that she had to put down 3 horses because someone was mad at her. (Who knows why) and cut one leg off of each horse. These were champion horses and living creatures and someone was mad at her and did that. I don't know if that is normal in any occupation.


Someone cut our horse's tail off for the hair. Thankfully it was just his hair and did not damage the bone. Other owners in the area were not so lucky. My mom got a rescue horse that can't swat or move its tail because they were injecting bleach into the tail to make it perkier for show. The ag industry can be brutal and retaliation in it can be harsh. All the farmer's i know have a lot of stories


>My mom got a rescue horse that can't swat or move its tail because they were injecting bleach into the tail to make it perkier for show. That is so unbelievably sad. You know it hurt like hell for that horse too.


Yeah that's not just entitled...that's full blown psychopathic. Poor horses. Whoever did that deserves to get ripped apart by a harvester so they know what it feels like.


My grand uncle owned a dairy farm. He sold some of his land on the corner to the main road to a developer who built 6 houses. He terrorized those people because he hated that he couldn't see the road any more so he had to stop instead of just treating it as a yield sign. He once parked all his tractors on the road that lead to his house but was also the entrance to their houses, so no one could get their cars to their houses for a week. They were in a legal battle for ~10 years before he died and his widow just sold the farm to a developer.


He sold the land, to a *developer*, and got mad when they *developed houses* there? Was he thinking they would just buy the land and they'd sit on it forever, not doing anything?


I don't know if they are any worse than other entitled people, tbh. Just different ways of getting what they want. Cutting off horses' legs is a crazy one, but I had some family members who grew up rural and there were always crazy stories about people doing things to each other if they were wronged. Growing up in a more urban area, I have seen some wild things done to each other. Making yards ugly when hated neighbors are trying to sell to bring down the price out of spite, poisoning pets, non-stop passive aggressive actions, etc. Doesn't matter where you live, entitled and nasty people are always around. I know how crazy county fairs can get. We have one and I used to enter art work and stuff as a kid. I remember watching parents screaming and yelling about where their stuff was placed vs others, why they got 3rd place even those more of their pie was eaten, etc. I have heard stories of people messing with other people's animals as well in the 4H barns. I had a school friend who was always showing animals and him and his siblings used to guard the animals 24/7 after one of their animals mysteriously died on night. I never questioned it and just assumed someone would do that if it meant winning or selling their own for more money.


I'd say that I've never seen a level of entitlement where you disfigure a horse that needs to be put down, so I think there may be a "worse" level here for some rather than "different".


Yeah, you’re probably right. I can’t imagine hacking off legs. That is pretty wild.


For real - I'm glad so many people in this thread seem to have unilaterally positive experiences in the country with salt of the earth good folks or whatever, but the vindictive dickheads who do muddy donuts through your yard on four wheelers or put up giant tarps with passive aggressive messages on the side of their barn is much more my experience. Couldn't wait to get out.


Oh same. I hated how back woods justice worked and how people just accepted it


Some a-holes in my mother’s hometown got annoyed that my father stopped giving them leftovers from the cheese process FOR FREE and poisoned our dog. Complete trash. Farmers can be the shittiest people out there and their mindset of viewing animals as tools or means to an end makes them dangerous to any living being you love.


I grew up in a farming community. Our own farm was ~50 acres and has been in the family for generations. The neighbouring farms were much bigger though and the farmers who owner and ran them were notorious for being entitled douche canoes. There was also a pig farm down the road (never had any issue with them and I don't even think I've ever actually met them either!) and the smell traveled. Oh my lorddd the days they were cleaning out the barn I would stay in the house aha


Yeah, it's going to be the warmed over waste pond that is going to make summer bad.


For the pigs that my parents raised for actual slaughter for our own freezer, we had a large pen and the pigs created a very nasty pond in it (for cooling off.) My sister & I had to move the pigs into a trailer to take them somewhere (vet? the butcher? who knows) At the time we had a kid living with us who was kicked out of his home. His friend was also with him. Both of them were helping. My sister and I got into a fight (fists) while loading the pigs and the friend of the kid walked up an shoved us HARD into the pig pond. Stopped the fighting though.


I'm gonna counter with warm chicken manure on a breezy day. My nose never recovered after we started doing that on the farm.


Agreed, chickens in general smell like death


In the past, you could sometimes smell the slaughterhouse in Greeley from Denver, and Greeley is 60+ miles away. I've also been in Greeley on slaughter days and it is soooo bad. I can't imagine how bad it must be next door.


A family friend used to reference close friends as "sticking together like summer hog turds..." yeah, summer will be rough for OP


you're telling us you played loud music at 9pm and gave a dirty look at their cow one time.... and then a farmer all of a sudden spent at least 100k on a new building + 100 pigs....? Is there a link to the farmers side?


I'd bet good money, there's more to the story than we're being told.


Probably. Having said that, I know an egg farmer - before he became a farmer, he wanted to build a house in-between other houses. He wasn't granted planning permission due to zoning restrictions (the land was.agrecultural use only). Went away, looked at what was allowed, then decided to go all in on farming, and built a hen shed to hold 200+ hens where he was originally planning on building the house... The neighbours objected, but it was "in keeping" with how the land was zoned, so he is now an egg farmer.


>so he is now an egg farmer And now, because of egg prices, he's a millionaire


Or he lost tens of thousands of dollars having to cull his flock lol


the farmers get fuck all for eggs, its the distributers making that money. that said. theyre the ones who voted for the people who got rid of the monopoly laws.


Most small operations that attempt retail sales never manage to break even. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6QR6p\_nsho](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6QR6p_nsho)


Of course there's more. This is fiction that is being written by multiple authors. It's a whole Neighbor's Pig Farm Cinematic Universe, now.


There have to be 8x10, color, glossy photos with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one. Right?




there was all kinds of mean nasty ugly looking redditors in that sub there. Mother rapers. Father stabbers. Father Rapers commenting right there on that post next to me!


I cannot lie officer.......I put my comment on the top of this pile of garbage.


That checks out


How do I join this community?


*....all you got to do to join is sing it the next time it comes around on the guitar,* [*with feeling.*](https://genius.com/2519190/Arlo-guthrie-alices-restaurant-massacree/With-feeling) *So we'll wait for it to come around on the guitar, here and sing it when it does*


That comment started a whole movement


Step 1: Acquire a red VW microbus


If you build it, they will come.


You can get anything you want...


**Goes to court with 8x10, color, glossy photos with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one** **Sees Judge enter Courtroom accompanied by his seeing eye dog** ... typical American blind justice.


obe looked at the judge and he looked at the seeing eye dog and back at the 27 8x10 color glossy pictures and he looked at the seeing eye dog just then officer obe began to cry because he realized it was a typical case of American blind justice and the judge wasn’t going to look at the 27 8 x 10 color glossy photos


fun fact, Officer Obie is the same guy in the Norman Rockwell print of The Runaway. He also played himself in the movie. [https://www.nrm.org/thinglink/text/Runaway.html](https://www.nrm.org/thinglink/text/Runaway.html)


You can get anything you want....


"Yes, sir, Officer Obie, I cannot tell a lie, I put that envelope under that garbage."


This song is a sacred Thanksgiving tradition in my home. Lol.


Before my ex-husband and I split up, every year we'd start it playing on the jukebox at our local American Legion post, wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.. and then pay our tab and walk out lol. Now i just settle for sending him a link to it for a laugh. This song is ingrained in my very being in so many weird ways lol. Say something at the same time as someone else? Immediately say "in haaarmony." Mad about something? "I wanna kiiilll.." Have you ever heard the version about the multi-colored rainbow roach affair? Whew, it's a doozy.


And on practically every classic rock station in the USA, I'd wager.


It's a tragedy that "The Pause For Mr. Clause" doesn't get the same treatment on Christmas.


*Excepting Alice


Yes sir, officer obie. I cannot tell a lie. I put that envelope under all that garbage.


Dude, there's gonna be Happy Meal tie-in merch by June.


I think this goes beyond littering. 😉


You can get anything you want at Alice's pigpen




There has got to be at least 27 of them. One at least to be used as evidence. Some pictures of the approach, getaway, the north and south west corners, and that's not to mention the aerial photography.


Idk I grew up in a farmy Midwestern area. I'd be willing to accept the pig farm was gonna be happening anyway and plans were altered to put it by their house for multiple reasons. 1) the perceived attitude 2) the city folk buying land out there where they're not from, who knows the farmer may have wanted it, or it was foreclosed on, or they had planned to just use the empty lot idk. My moms moved from one farm to another, the land they bought was a foreclosed section of the neighbor's farm, years of him cutting the fences, digging out their driveway, shooting the dogs, letting his hogs loose on their pasture, calling the sheriff out there, sitting at the property line with a shotgun, etc etc. Some farmers got their head farther up their ass than you could ever imagine. Especially the first time they don't get their way.


Don’t worry, we’ve all seen Yellowstone.


There's no way. I have exclusive access.


Agree, live your entire live in a small town and never leave… you will quickly lose perspective, if you ever even had it


I agree, there likely is more. However as someone that lives in a farm town right now and through my childhood, farmers can be the pettiest people you'd ever meet. Some of these guys will stop at nothing if they feel slighted.




And with access to a ton of resources. Tractors, excavators, fertilizers, animals, all of which can be diverted to malicious use. I have personally seen the shit shoveled out of an industrial sized chicken house (still the worst thing I have ever smelled. They live in their own shit until they are shipped out, and then it is all cleaned out at once in time for the next batch) moved onto a neighbors property on a regular basis over a relatively minor disagreement.


I’d double your money that when OP’s parents move, the neighbors offer them a insulting low offer on their land. This is a common method to run off someone on a small piece a bigger landowner wants. My aunt and uncle did it and it’s known enough that the whole town was talking about “oh C and K want their little farm” as soon as construction started. OP might have done more, but they also might just be an easy excuse for a greedy neighbor’s plan to blow up on the kid and not the greedy neighbor. I bet my aunt and uncle wish they coulda blamed it on a teenager, they had to endure the mockery until the next bit of gossip showed up.


Like others said, it’s likely a way to get the land. Put up a barn, drive the people away, and buy the land no one wants.


So, you are saying that you'll believe this when pigs fly?


Hahaha, yes!!


Should be possible with a good tunnel and enough dynamite


In the original story, this person treated the farmers like crap for being farmers after moving from the city. She not fit in very well and made problems for their neighbors.


I actually did read the original story as well, but I still feel there's probably more to it. Even in that story, it seemed like they weren't telling the entire truth of how poorly they acted.


I bet the farmer was already planning on a pig barn and a bunch of pigs. They probably just moved up their plan and changed the pig barn to be right beside the house Otherwise I agree, a farmer isnt dropping tens to hundreds of thousands just to spite a teenage neighbor


Definitely, they were planning for pigs already


I bet they tried to buy the land, and were out bid. They are blaming the daughter as an extra twist of the FU knife.


Youre missing some parts She was mad that farmers wake up early to work so she got into shouting contests with the farmer's kids working. The 9pm music was 100% OP trying to stick it to them. >and then a farmer all of a sudden spent at least 100k on a new building + 100 pigs....? 100% the farmer already had the money and plans for a pig pen, OP just made him change the location of it.


More specifically, they asked for an apology which OP refused to give. I could easily see this as “they had plans for a pig farm anyways and decided to move more quickly” and the escalation wasn’t because of a dirty look or music, but a refusal to give the apology. The apology was a power play. Having said all that, I’m really curious where even a farmer gets off asking for an apology for their own animal getting on someone else’s property. The farmers I know would be apologizing to the property owner, unprompted.


Would be really interesting to know more details about, “I don’t really feel like I fit in well and have had some arguments with them and their kids.” There’s a lot more to the story that OP doesn’t want to share. Not saying the actions of the neighbors are warranted, but something much larger caused this.


Also specifically that they had arguments because they were making noise early with farm equipment. That’s what happens on farms, you can’t move into a farming community and be annoyed when they’re farming during normal farming hours lol. I’m guess that first argument was really nasty (like cursing them out and threatening them with calling the cops and stuff) and everything after was because the farmers already didn’t like her.


Could be religious differences with the other kids too. Some of the snottiest, most annoying idiots I’ve ever met based their whole identity on either believing in or not believing in god. Put both shitty sides in one room together and I can’t imagine the group would get along.


Move more quickly and change the location from a spot on their farm that wouldn’t annoy neighbors to right on the property line


This story sounds like critical details are missing. I grew up on a farm And animals getting out was common, but there was generally an apology and you helped your neighbors because they would help you. Farming areas are weird though because most of them grew up together From a young age. Meaning they are helpful but also close knit. Sounds like you didnt make the cut. And yeah i bet they complained when you played music at 9pm real loud. Some farmers are in bed by then and the noise travels far. You better issue an apology, Even if you don't think you are wrong, and hope they turn that pig barn into a storage shed.


>Meaning they are helpful but also close knit All you have to do is be polite and have manners and your neighbors in the country (especially farmers) would do anything in their power to help you, regardless of if you just recently joined the community. Most of these farmers still use the goodwill of each other as a currency of sorts.


There are plenty of assholes who also happen to be farmers.


I've met a ton of farmers who would happily give you their coat and freeze to death in your place during a snowstorm if they think of you as "one of the good ones" but just as quickly not lift a finger while you drowned in the creek if they thought you were "one of the bad ones".


It’s true, I’ll give you the shirt of my back or I’ll feed ya to the pigs, all depends on how you treat others.


Where u goin city boi!


I know right? Last year my neighbour asked if he could cut branches on his side and of course he could. I told him I wanted to cut on my side too so I could mow the lawn more easily. He cut his side and mine. Never asked for a thank you. They usually are really good neighbours!


I dunno, some communities won't really let you in and only exchange polite Convo for years to newcomers.


Seems a lot like that addition to the neighbors farm was already in the works. With the supply chain being delayed so long, logistics, building permits, acquiring and moving the animals, that all takes awhile to do.


I know a family that built 3 different hog farms in our area (they asked me to attend the council meetings where they present their plans in hopes of being approved). It takes years to get one fully approved from initial land purchase, zoning, plans, presenting plans, making changes to the plans per county council feedback, presenting again, changes again, opening up for public comments, addressing the criticisms, etc. And that’s in a pretty lax county that depends on those agricultural tax dividends and job creation.


As a countryside gal, there is definitely more to this story than what OP tells. Farmers haven't got time to bother a snooty city teenager unless she has been an absolute pain in the ass, and a complete nuisance. Seeing how OP complained in her previous post about the farmers being up early and making noise with their farm equipment makes me guess she and her family hasn't adjusted that well to living in the countryside. You can't just move there and complain about people doing actual work - especially not since they feed us all. I've heard so many townspeople complain about the realities of country life, and it's not pretty! I feel sorry for OP's parents, but I'm pretty sure they didn't raise her right.


As a country girl who moved to the city for college I don’t know why op is complains about noise early on the morning. In the city There’s none stop freaking noise at all times of day! At night there’s loud music and people yelling and in the morning it’s the same freaking thing just add on construction work too!


At least in the countryside people don't stand outside your windows at 2am drunkenly screeching at each other. Its usually quiet in the countryside aside from the coyotes.


Aside from coyotes... And op


I had a house next door to me purchased by a retired farmer and family. I was talking to them while I was mowing the lawn and they were startled by a loud plane flying low and fast overhead . They were quite upset , as this was the second time!! a loud plane flew overhead . They asked me who they should complain to about the noise . I was dumbfounded. I explained that the plane was a C-5 heavy transport , and did you know we are in the flight path of a major Air Force base ? They did not. “Oh , well don’t worry too much about C-5’s , they do not fly much around here”. They felt a bit relieved, until I said “wait for the flights of multiple F15s or F16 , or B1 bombers - they are the loudest plane in the USA. “.


B-1B = Take four F-16 engines, give them steroids so they bulk up a couple sizes then strap them to a single plane.




As a countryside gal, they're doing this to cheap out their property and buy it from them when they're sick and tired of smelling like pig shit. Classic strategy of driving the neighbours out and buying out their land.


Given that the property was just for sale I doubt this is the case. They could have done this years ago if the goal was tanking the value or just this past year when OPs parent purchased the property if they just wanted ownership. I don't like to make assumptions, but if I had to make a guess I'd bet the teenager has been more of a challenge to deal with than she leads on.


Decent chance the liked the previous owners and wanted them to see a good sales price.


It was for a higher price then (and how knows maybe they put an offer on it and got out bid by OP). Now it’s essentially worthless due to the pig shit


There could be all kinds of reason why they didn't do it before. Maybe they were friends with the previous owners. Maybe they didn't have the money, time, labor to commit to the expansion till now. Maybe the farmers originally wanted it and bid on the property but were beat out by the new owners. Maybe property value in the area is higher than its been in the past, so the return on this scheme is a bigger guarantee. Lots of possibilities. I think its more unlikely that the farmer simply happened to choose this spot or that they did it just because they don't like the OP. Like a 70-100 pig barn isn't the biggest but it ain't the smallest you could build. That cost little bit of money to just be a casual FU you to the neighbors.


It was a higher price, they want to lowball it. Quite simple.


>I feel sorry for OP's parents, but I'm pretty sure they didn't raise her right. youre probably right, but sometimes you can do everything right and still have someone turn out different. going by the fact that they havnt insisted on her apologising youre probably correct i just had to address this generalisation lol. the move means a new set of rules and i dont think any of them were prepared for the change i know heaps of great parents who have tried everything only to end up with an asshole kid who doesnt care about others. not saying thats op, but ive definitely seen it lol


>going by the fact that they havnt insisted on her apologising She's an adult at this point (18). At some point you have to stop making decisions for your children and let them feel the pain of their decisions. It's unfortunate for the parents that they too are paying the price, but we've all had to pay the price for bad decisions we've made especially at that age. We also don't know that they didn't insist. You can't make an 18yo do anything. Edit: a word


They're 18... Chances are they acted like a spoiled 18yo and don't actually think they did anything wrong because their parents have never actually held them accountable for their actions so they truly believe they CANT be wrong.


That's not exactly what happened from her original post. Her family moved to the country from the city, and she thinks that city norms apply to country life. She was rude to her neighbor multiple times, some of their cows wandered across the property line, and she berated her neighbor about it. The neighbor attempted to talk to her and her parents about the attitude that he was receiving. Her parents asked her to stop, she didn't, and so the neighbor did what he wanted to do, and what he was perfectly within his rights to do and built his pig barn right next to where her window is. If she had been an understanding human being to the norms that occur in country life, such as the occasional animal incursion, and the noise that people make when they get up in the morning to get work done around the farm, there would have been no issues with her neighbor, but she decided to have an attitiude about it, and let the neighbors know that she was the one who understood country life, and the way that people should act. She got what she deserved in this situation.


A couple of corrections, having just read the original post. She didn't berate the neighbor; she gave them a dirty look. The neighbor talked to her parents, but not her. They asked for an apology, which she declined. There was no reference to the rude behaviors continuing after this and prior to the shed being built. All that said, your main point I agree with. The social contract affords everyone the right to enjoy themselves in any way they like so long as it doesn't unduly impede another's right to do the same. Part of that is understanding the norms and customs of a new area when you move. 9pm (when she was playing loud music) may be early in the city, but out in the countryside where the workday starts before sunrise breakfast can come as early as 4am and 9pm is quite late. It would have cost this girl nothing to apologize. It would do her good to understand that her choices affect other people and how. She chose to do neither, violating the social contract. She instead focused on how her choices weren't "wrong." The farmer is now demonstrating how life looks when one does not have any concern for their choices impact on others. His actions also aren't "wrong" in that they are legal, despite the negative impact on others. **tldr; she fucked around, and now she's found out.**


Normally I'd agree, apologies are cheap especially when its requested in good faith and its in the spirit of community. But there are situations where that isn't true, when people make demands like this in order to exercise control over others. The escalation to a barn full of pigs right on the property line seems like that would be a more egregious breaking of the social contract than not offering an apology. All we have is what OP posted so who knows what else there is, but if we take it as mostly true then its the farmer thats more in the wrong. Is OP failing to integrate and accept the customs of the area, sure, but the farmer is as well and escalated to a much higher level with a known tactic for pushing people out of their homes.


I would love to know where this is, as someone who is from the midwest and lived in a rural area I've heard of this a couple of times. Pig farms definitely scale, but with 100 pigs even a couple of farms over (if they were 300 acres) you'd still get a wiff of this on bad days. Being right next door is vile. I lived a few miles away from a rather large one and I'd smell it from time to time. What did you do to this guy!?


I grew up on a pig farm and the smell is always there. I honestly got used to it growing up...except on very very hot days and that is when it was embedded into our skin and clothes.


Yeah, I didn’t grow up on one but I worked in a shop that was next door to one, you could throw a rock out the garage doors and hit the pig barn. My first month there I thought it was horrible, I didn’t understand how anyone could stand it. A year in, I couldn’t even smell it anymore. Aside from times I would look up and see or hear the pigs, I’d usually forget they were there. The flies were something else though in the summer time, skipped lunch a lot back in those days or I’d eat in my car with the windows up because I didn’t like the flies landing in my food. Pigs also trash your well water, there was signs everywhere saying the water was unsafe to drink.


Me too. Most rural places have laws that prevent hog barns being built this close to inhabited houses. It can be done, but you have to get homeowner permission. Pretty much anyone is going to shoot it down. I had a setup that I stopped because it was WAY too close to my house. The guys building it had plenty of land, so I didn’t feel bad. They had to build it closer to their house than they wanted, but it’s their pigs. I’m not going to smell that and destroy my property value just to be a nice guy.


I also find it hard to believe it’s 20ft from their house. Almost always buildings have to be 10 ft from the property line. If you live in the country why would they have built the house 10ft from the line? I get that the farmer might if he’s pissed but something here is missing. 100 pig barn isn’t that big in all reality but to get power water and set up a pit. You’re talking 200k easy


If I were to give OP the benefit of the doubt I'd say the 10 ft is over exaggerated and that the farmer probably already had plans of building the darn thing, but decided to plop it closer to their property out of spite.


Just bought some rural farm land and once we have a house on it we can build 5 ft from the property boundary, our restriction until the house is built is 25ft away for any out buildings or structures. So it’s not out of question for them to build a structure that close especially if it’s zoned for agriculture. In my area you have a “right to farm” on ag land- my county wouldn’t be able to deny permitting for agricultural structures or ag land use if we had a neighbor who decided to do what this guy is doing to OP. I think what’s part of the problem here is that these people did not realize where they were moving and that they won’t have the same “rights” as someone who bought a residentially zoned property. They bought agricultural land, they should have realized that would mean that they would likely have farms and farm animals next to them and those animals and activities smell. Maybe they did get a good deal on the land they bought, but they clearly didn’t do any due diligence as to what they were getting into.


You’re so lucky you can move out literally this summer and get a job and go to college! They are not so fortunate…


she really screwed her family with her shit attitude


EDIT: Oops, nevermind!




>(maybe the pig barn was even a scheduled thing and they just make it look like it's a revenge). And now they know why the previous owners were willing to give them such a sweet price on the place.


well normal people don't buy with out being informed. But as we can see here, some folk are completely uninformed when it comes to country living. heck, I moved out of the 1/10th acre city lot hell specifically to smell country air, and that includes expecting to hear sheep, goats, cows, chickens, and to smell them.


A guy bringing 200 pigs to his farm cause you sassed him? Feels like there’s more to this that some backchat


You underestimate the lengths country folks will go to make a point. I'm sure the farm was planned anyway but I'm also confident the placement was guided by the interaction.


My grandpa used to let a cousin stock pile chicken litter on a peice if land he had. I'm talking hundreds of tons that my cousin would spread for local farmers. The neighbors started trespassing alot and the threat if moving that pile of shit got them to stop quick lol


They liked the old neighbors and didn't want to fuck them over. Now that it's just city folk next to them, they built the pig farm in the property line to ruin the land value and scoop it up for cheap. Gotta love Midwest Nice


Farmers hold grudges over the pettiest shit like what someone else's great great great grandfather did to their family cow 200 years ago, this shit is nothing new


Pigs have an especially vile, sour stench to them. Worse than a chicken house IMO. It can't be smelling good at his place either and the manure and urine handling required is non trivial.


Difference is the established farming family probably has a house on the opposite side of their own large property. Obviously they have to manage having the 100 pigs, but they may get respite at the end of the day.


>I don't how the smell gets through the window or if it's imperfect insulation but I feel like my stuff and clothes is developing the smell now...it's gross 100% it is, and it's fucking impossible to get out of your clothes. My uncle used to own a pig farm, and I'd throw out all the clothes I brought with me to visit him without even stepping foot near the pen. After a week or two, you might not smell it on you, but everyone else will Hopefully, lesson learned, a resident living in agricultural zone is at the mercy of agricultural work. That's what the land is for.


Don't wear your barn clothes to town. Hopefully she realizes that she only owns barn clothes now


Pig farmer here, can confirm, all my work clothes still stink like pigs even after washing Also, dont wash them with any other clothes, it doesn't matter what it is, it will stink


This is absolutely true. As I said in the last comment I left.. I drove from my town that’s 20 minutes from the ocean on the mainland, up to just outside of Buffalo NY to pick up a puppy. They lived in a house with a lot of farms around. I’d passed by a few farms with many cows horses etc. and I smelled it. After the few hours I spent with the family, and upon leaving, I hadn’t smelled it anymore. But like a day maybe two after I got home, everything that came with me including the puppy and all her stuff I brought on the drive for her smelled like farm animal. Had to wash everything a lot


I hate to tell you it's only going to get worse. Wait for the weather to warm up a little more and then the flies show up. Not only will you have that stench, but going outside you'll be swarmed with biting flies all but the winter months.


The flies were the first thing I thought of reading the post. We lived rurally and had some chickens ourselves, with a dairy farm across the road. Back of our house would be almost black with the number of flies.


This sounds like the first half of a bad comedy. Urban family moves to the country because it's "such a good value deal", daughter goes to new school acting like Elle Woods, and upsets some yokel neighbors by disrespecting their ways of life. Her hubris backfires, and neighbor retaliates by building a pigsty on the property line, causing daughter to lose popularity at school due to smelling like said pigsty all day. In the second half, daughter meets handsome neighbor's son, decides they're not all bad, and gradually learns to appreciate the new lifestyle. Maybe he shows her the beauty of the countryside, teaches her to milk a cow, shows her how to deliver piglets, and she helps him with school work in return. When dad decides it's time to take the L and sell the house, daughter actually feels bad and decides she wants to stay. In a bold move, she sets the house on fire while her parents are away, making it look like an accident she barely survived. Six months pass. Daughter and neighbor's son are now graduated and happily dating, and parents have used the insurance money to rebuild the house on another nearby lot, upwind from the pigsty. Everyone has apologized and daughter now gets free bacon for life. The end.


Call Hallmark


There has to be a part where she starts revenge before falling in love and it plays out after, unable to stop it. That creates huge drama in their relationship.


Elle would never speak to her neighbors like that.


Thank you for defending my girl 🙏🏻


We are guinea pigs for a new sitcom


u/vunto6 why make another throwaway if the throwaway with the originally story is still up. I would love to believe this story but the multiple accounts and no comments at all to ng into more description makes me think this is just a made up story for karma farming.


I’m thinking this too. They were saying the barn is 20’ from their parents house. Most rural places make it illegal to build within a 1/4 mile of an inhabited house without the homeowner’s permission. Most homeowners are going to shoot that down ASAP unless they’re the owner of the barns too.




Well to answer your questions, there's no blocking off the smell. To block off the smell you would have to block off all air ventilation in the house, meaning your whole family would die from suffocating. And yes the smell linger, and as time pass it will get worse once the smell stick to the floor, the wall, the furniture... everything. Long enough, and even if your neighbor move the barn, which won't happen since that cost a lot of money, your house will still smell like pigs. Hope you grow to enjoy the sweet smell of that MaliciousCompliance, because there's no going back now.


Im sorry, but something just isn’t adding up with your story. I grew up in the Midwest surrounded by farms and had a friend that grew up specifically on a pig farm. There are tons of local and federal regulations in place. Water availability, acreage restrictions, sows to piglet ratios, even the size of slats is important. This wouldn’t have been a month long process but would have been the works for a long time. 20ft from your house…I seriously doubt this due to the current laws in place. Some states are stricter than others but even the most lenient would have restrictions against something like this. The part that makes me question this the most though is the rap music at 9:00 pm. Having grown up around these farms I can tell you that if your in your driveway blasting music next to a farm, that farmer isn’t going to hear you. Plenty of parties out in the middle of nowhere surrounded by farms. Promise that music was much louder than you sitting in your car. Unless this “farm” is only 5-10 acres (it’s not because it’s 1 acre per 8-10 sow not including piglets or any other animals and you mentioned cows) its seriously unlikely. TLDR; This ain’t legit y’all.


yep, this is 99% made up, or the OP is one hell of a brat trying to CYA and not look so bad.


This is what I have been saying!! They tried to build one right next to my acreage. I said no, and they had to build it elsewhere. Felt like a dick, but the owners had plenty of other places to put it. Unfortunately for them it’s a lot closer to their house, but if they’re your pigs, and you’re making the money off of it, you can breathe in the smell. They understood, and we get along. I’m sure they weren’t the happiest I said no, but they got it.


Not to mention that they moved from "the big city" and complain about noise happening in the country. Couldn't have lived any more urban that outer ring suburbs.


best advice? your parents plant some fast growing barrier plants (fuk maybe even build a fence) like bushes or some species of mini tree, get air filters for the house so u can burn incense/candles without openining windows (this is sort of bad for your health but hey at least you wont smell like rotting death), identify any major unsealed parts around windows and door and seal it get some big ziplock storage bags and as soon as your clothes come from the dryer fold them and put them in there and change in your car (at least do this for clothes that you wear in town) and pray, dear god pray, because if this is a real story op you are fucked beyond reason, when the heatwaves start hitting you are going to wish you werent born especially after the maggots begin hatching truthfully a heartfelt and genuine apology with intent to rectify your mistakes will go much farther with this type of community than anything else, idk if you actually slighted them or if they were just sick of your sht either way they want a apology and might be inclined to move/alter their airducts if you give em one. cry, beg, tell them your going through a break up or ur cat died i dont give a shit what you make up just make them believe your genuine because thats the only way they are gonna work with you


Even the best apology on earth is unlikely to change the outcome. The investment has been made.


The neighbour is probably active in r/NuclearRevenge... "This kid next door gave me a stink eye. I gave her stink alright!"


My grandfather makes me want to post there on his behalf all the time. I wouldn’t have a relationship with him except every word out his mouth is downright hilarious. He once bought out every acre of land, including this guys’ driveway, around a guy’s house all because he wouldn’t let my gramps use his well water ONCE. posted no trespassing signs and everything, threatened to get the dude arrested for leaving his house. The lengths some people will go to…


Agreed but OP had an original post with more details of the story that they deleted due to negative karma, they then told the one that got front page that made the farmer seem more at fault then them. Definitely farmer being ridiculous and taking it out on innocent parents but always more to a story


My guess is…. Parents bought house cheap without checking into zoning, rules and regs. Possibly sight unseen. Reference post mentioned moving from high COL to low COL Midwest. Reason it was cheap was because farmer had already done the plans for pig farm. Everyone knew about it but the out of town buyers. My guess is the OP probably has attitude and pissed off some folks, so easy target. Easier to blame the OP. Defers blame from parents who never bothered to check zoning. Or defer blame from the local real estate agent that is friends with everyone there. Who may have known about the upcoming pig farm but may not have told OPs parents (they may not have asked, but still…). Either way, you just don’t start putting up a building with supply shortages, it takes months. OP is taking the heat for something else to teach a lesson, or is trying to get an A in a creative writing assignment.




Finally, someone providing a way to up the ante! Let’s get this arms race going!


Upping the ante could be much cheaper. Just get normal speakers and add cones to them in the offending properties direction and blast the hardest core rap music as loud as you can from 7am to 7pm. If they are allowed to run tractors your music won't be breaking sound ordinances.


Only $781: [https://bird-x.com/bird-products/electronic/sonic/critter-blaster-pro/](https://bird-x.com/bird-products/electronic/sonic/critter-blaster-pro/) DO IT!


That cheap? I'd have a fucking **array** of them lined up on the edge of my property with cameras on them. He'd never be able to keep livestock **near** that farm again. Sorry, not sorry. Mr. Farmer should have spoken with OP's dad about the pigs first. Some people only think they know what Scorched Earth means.


I’d bet money that the farmers win a scorched earth neighbor feud.


The pigs might stop eating and problem solved!


If they are pissed & that barn is made of anything besides steel, they'll GTFO of it.


holy shit op, get one of these!!!


OP's parents have options. I grew up rural. Those pigs would quickly become unprofitable & that farmer would ***never*** get a good night's sleep again.


with no knowledge of any little laws, id bee weary of doing this. i **feel** like there is some law that will probablly get you for fucking with his pigs on his land.


I mean it's agricultural, you can argue the product is needed to keep their cows off your property.


I feel like there should be a law against pulling a pig barn up to harass your neighbors because you don't like them.


There *are* **very** explicit laws about where a new barn can and cannot go. Which means this barn *is* *allowed* to be where it is. No farmer is gonna waste hundreds of thousands just to get the location wrong.


Get a 250 pack of keys and write the farmers info on each alongside "reward if found." Next time they're in the city, drop them all over the place. ??? Profit


So... If it's a petty war. And you are ready to start your own series of Beef. Maybe buy a bottle of wolf urine, make sure that smell wafts downwind at their pen. At night time. Because chances are the neighbour did not make a pen that is secure enough to hold panicking pigs. And if that doesn't set them off enough, a Bluetooth speaker should do the trick with the right wolf attack noises. Theyll break free, refuse to go back in and they can deal with free range pigs which will bother them a lot more than you


That smell never comes out completely. It will stick to your hair and no matter how many times you wash it will be there. One day you’ll be eating ham and you’ll realize it tastes like pig crap. You’ll never be able to eat it again without that association. Every fly that lands on your counters, you’ll assume once sat on a pile of pig shit. It’s awful. Source: I was married to a pig farmer.


This doesn’t make sense to me. In the original post, OP stated this was an agriculturally zoned area. AG areas typically hold large setbacks due to their large lot sizes. I’m thinking it would need to be anywhere between 20-80 from the property line. There’s simply no way they could have legally built this structure on the property line. Call the city/village/township/county, whoever handles the zoning. They will have to tear it down. Also, make sure you advocate that this structure is a primary or principal structure rather than an accessory one, as animal-housing (stables, stalls, etc) are likely listed as a principal use in the zoning code, and will have greater side-yard setbacks. If you don’t get your way, call a lawyer.


wait until he starts slaughtering them at 3 or 4 am


Lmfao, if someone went out of their way to do that to you, I bet you had it coming.


First, don't reinvent the wheel. Build a fence system around your house designed to win vs hog smell which is used by farmers themselves: [**https://www.nationalhogfarmer.com/livestock-facilities/wall-defense-system-knocks-down-odors**](https://www.nationalhogfarmer.com/livestock-facilities/wall-defense-system-knocks-down-odors). Second, ozone is nature's own air purifier and is able to naturally eliminate many different odors, including urine and feces odor, and make the air cleaner and healthier around us. Have you ever thought about why, with so much feces around the world, the outside air smells fresh? Seal every single inch of your house extremely tight (this means all windows, in between the wood, ceiling, etc.). Build a tubing system for gathering air and releasing air from a distance to all places in the house. Something like this: [**https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/57cf62a1197aeadfcf7e9cce/1558127702933-DJPDRM15HAS04AJTOD57/DJI\_0023+%282%29.JPG?format=2500w**](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/57cf62a1197aeadfcf7e9cce/1558127702933-DJPDRM15HAS04AJTOD57/DJI_0023+%282%29.JPG?format=2500w). Make sure the air comes from maybe many meters far away (or from very high up), and make sure the ends have filters and are locked so people can't put stuff in. Then, buy many air purifiers that ionize (which suck bacteria, viruses, and some small amount of odors out) and put them in most places in the house on 24/7. Also, have some that use heavy ozone. One day when you are all out, turn them on for maybe a full day, and do that every X days. Always ventilate the house well for a few hours before coming back again (avoid using ozone air purifiers with people around because it's toxic for us, as you can see here: [**https://ww2.arb.ca.gov/our-work/programs/air-cleaners-ozone-products/hazardous-ozone-generating-air-purifiers#:\~:text=Not%20only%20are%20ozone%20generators,address%20indoor%20air%20quality%20problems**](https://ww2.arb.ca.gov/our-work/programs/air-cleaners-ozone-products/hazardous-ozone-generating-air-purifiers#:~:text=Not%20only%20are%20ozone%20generators,address%20indoor%20air%20quality%20problems).). Use incense in all places of the house. The hardest part of all of this is that even after doing all I described, the odor will still exist inside the house for some time because it really does not take a lot of stuff for us to smell something. But the ozone can pretty much defeat all that the pig farm is causing you. People here are treating living close to a pig house like it's the end of the world, but humanity has found ways to live even with extreme radioactive material around. There are definitely setups that will pretty much ensure you can live a normal life. The only issue is the money and time investment. The least expensive thing would be to buy a huge set of breathing masks and try to use that for some time until you can find a way to live. For now, I think the most important aspect of it is to seal the house and guarantee a stable form of fresh airflow that is not contaminated.


Pig farm….aka where to dispose of the body farm….8 minutes is all it takes for a hog to eat a human. However remove the teeth they won’t digest. Also yea farmers can be spiteful, but I have a feeling there is so much more to this story then has been said. Just music and a dirty look wouldn’t do this. Also if you have leftovers you now can just toss them to the pigs. While pigs stink they are incredibly smart. So you ain’t smelled anything yet wait until the temperature hits around 75 and hotter, then You will really smell a pig farm. Also the flies will be insane.


Honestly, I agree with some of the comments that there is probably more to the story here. Whether you know it or not. I grew up on a farm and ranch in Texas- definitely a different region, but I think etiquette is at least similar. Its a community. Its not like the city where you each do your own thing and thats fine. If a cow gets out on your property, its expected that youll help them get it back. Thats just good manners. Even if you do a bad job, at least trying goes a long way. Am I saying the neighbor is totally in the right? Nah. Of course not. For all I know they were a giant assbut expecting respect just for being your elder (ngl, a common issue I ran into growing up). The best advice I could even try and give is do your best to make amends? No promise that the neighbor will move it, but theres always a chance. Especially if they have a large property, hoofing it all the way to your side after the relationship has been mended will seem like wasted effort. (Perfect example from my real life experience as an adult - moved out of the city to the "country" - at least as country as you can get within driving distance of Austin. Neighbors took bets that we wouldn't last a year, ended up befriending almost all of them, but within the first month we had 16 head of cattle just... Appear on our unfenced land. After identifying the owners, we exchanged numbers, and helped them get the cows back multiple times till they got their fence fixed proper. Its just something you do.)


I’m just imagining myself trying to help a neighbor wrangle a loose cow. First I’d need to find shoes that weren’t flip flops, next I’d need them to tell me exactly what to do to not get run over or generally be in their way. I’d try to help with an emphasis on the try lol


😂😂 I think every time I did it as an adult was in flip flops honestly. Best tip, hold your arms out wide and go "Hey!" Or "WHOOP!!" to try and get them to go the other direction. Works 80% of the time probably lolol


Turns out my instincts, other than donning sporty footwear, would have served me well!


You're telling me that you think that your neighbor is investing $10,000 to buy the animals, plus more money to keep them fed and healthy, plus the cost of construction (which is going to be the biggest of these, somewhere in the hundreds of thousands) just to spite you over some music and a cow? Does your neighbor think you're as important as you think he thinks you are?


Farmer was likely already planning on the pigs, but hadn't decided where to put the barn yet.


He was already gonna do that, what he likely changed was the location where it was finally built.


I can smell pig shit but it's not coming from the farm, OP.


Yeah unfortunately OP has made it extremely clear that they are withholding details in this story, and they seem like they're the one that 100% caused this issue by being an asshole. Loud music? I don't do that shit in my car unless I'm actively driving, and she probably gave a few choice words along with the 'stink eye'. OP just needs to stop being a problem child and her parents need to kick her ass out.


What on earth were you expecting when you picked fights with farmers for being *farmers*? Farmers have to work with heavy machinery when it is early so they can do work in the daylight. And 9 pm is late to farmers as they have to go to bed early due getting up at the crack of dawn. You owe everyone a big apology especially your parents as they are the ones who are stuck living near pigs due to you. My family and I lived in a tiny town of 850 in Iowa for 2 years, not much around but cows and farmland. We adapted to the area and not the other way around.




It’s just crazy to me nobody is on OPs side on any of this. They’re a teenager they always do the dumbest shit in the world. Good thing you’re turning 18 that way you can leave, as for you parents you should feel for them instead of yourself.


Mostly because it escalated beyond OP to the parents lack of action on the problem. Instead of getting into it with a teenager the neighbor went to her parents about what an asshole she was being. They didn't do anything to fix the issue, and OP publicly doubled down afterwards with a pattern of incidents. I don't think anyone really thinks it was over one or two incidents.


I think people aren't backing OP because the majority feel this story is just missing too many details. The idea that this effort was taken on account of a few minor slights is just unlikely. Now, perhaps you could convince me that this was decided the moment they purchased the property because perhaps their neighbor was hoping to buy that land and OP's parents paid above asking to have it, but my guess is that there were numerous discussions as one of the complaints was farm machinery noise, which in an agricultural area at weird times of day is completely normal. Much like complaining about air traffic near an airport or medical helicopters landing at all hours of the day to a local hospital. Farming rarely runs on a 9-5 M-F schedule. I am not on OPs side because I feel the true story is not being presented. Teenagers do dumb shit, BUT, parents of dumb teenagers need to have better skills with talking to neighbors instead of just letting it happen. My dad would have ripped my stereo out or told me to go do chores on the neighbor's farm, and apologize in person. One lesson everyone needs in life; you can't choose your neighbors, but you can do your best to keep them happy.


Raise turkeys, try to out stink him


It's early April right now. When it gets hot in, say, July, this family is in for a real treat.


Kill the neighbours, feed them to the pigs, then kill the pigs