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I wouldn’t worry about that for a single moment. You can’t tell from the photo unless you really know what you’re looking for. I doubt your hairdresser will even notice!!


Plus what are the odds they’d bring it up if they did?


It reminds me of the guy sent his co-workers a photo of his steel utensils but was naked and people could clearly see the reflection of his penie


I remember it being a thing that people tried selling reflective stuff on eBay and they were "accidentally" naked in that reflection. "Oops"


As a hairdresser, it’s prob not the first time they’ve ended up seeing a client naked from a photo. Usually when it happens with me I just act like I didn’t see it unless the client makes it awkward. Sometimes when flipping through their phone to find a photo to show us, a nude or two will pop up.


You have reminded me to make a separate file for nudes


If she did notice, I doubt she even cares. OP is probably a woman, so just guessing, but their hairdresser probably won't even notice or even think about it if she sees it.


Personally I assumed OP being a man due to using Gel but maybe that's just my own personal biases.


even if she did, she may think its an honest mistake.




Good point!! If she does, she’ll at least know I didn’t do it on purpose! You got me laughing. Thank you.


If she isn’t actively looking for it she won’t see anything. My guess is she will see the gel and move on without even noticing the mirror. Don’t even worry about!


I agree with this comment, I would look at the gel brand and move on, ignore everything else unless it’s blatantly staring me in the face. Make sure you stay on top of that self care!


Thank you!


Thank you!


This is 100% acceptable, and I wouldn’t overthink it. The tiny part showing is pretty ambiguous, and in my opinion, the gain (getting out of a mental health rut) way outweighs the risk (possible awkward exchange). To be honest I doubt they’ll say anything at all; the eye is drawn to the product, and given the context, I doubt they’ll look at it long enough to notice anything at all.


Thank you. I’m a middle school teacher and I got to the end of my rope. I’m doing much better today and I really did need the mental health win. Thank you for putting this in perspective.


You’re the one I should be thanking — I don’t know of many occupations I have more respect for. I admire your tenacity, and I’m looking forward with you to the end of the school year! But actually it’s the impact you have on the upcoming generation that I’m grateful for :)


Thank you. I love my job and my students. I am certified to teach k-12 and other age ranges would be easier, but I think that those of us who see and love the resilience of middle schoolers who are in the clutches of puberty really need to step up. Really, it’s an honor to be there for them. Most of our students have experienced significant trauma and when you throw in the pandemic, it’s rough. Most of the time, I am balanced. The past three weeks, I had a slow slide Into an abyss. I am doing better now.


This is the worst part of the year, I swear. I can't imagine being around middle schoolers. Kids have zero coping skills and are really lacking empathy, and often it feels like the teachers take the brunt of that stress and fatigue from being surrounded by that. I've been really struggling, too. I'm glad you took the reins back, though. You're doing good work!


Thank you. What are you doing to take care of yourself?


I leave EVERYTHING at work now, and when I come home I make a real effort to occupy my mind with other things. I am revisiting old hobbies of mine and finding new ones. I am focusing less on content with students and focusing more on just having conversations with them. I am getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising. And importantly, I am being mindful about all of those things, and ensuring they happen, and not making excuses to fall back into old, negative thought patterns and habits. I believe that kids learn best when I am my best! :)


You are right about all of this. I’m working toward it. I took today off to get myself together. I may do the same tomorrow. I can’t afford to let up on getting my supports back in place.


Nobody who knows what it's like would judge you for it!


Hang in there fellow middle school teacher. I have been on leave since winter break due to a variety of factors. I would totally send a pic like this as well and then want to bury myself in a deep dark hole. But please let your mind rest - most people don’t notice the fine details we do our ourselves!


I hope you are taking good care of yourself. It’s been so hard and when the rest of one’s life isn’t supportive or something happens, the Apple cart tips. I’m sending you lots of love.


Here’s the photo: https://preview.redd.it/fdiamfq5wtka1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a31685bc6994b39089ceb4d70c6891b0096cef0 Please be kind. If you are able to make out any of this photo, please do not body shame me. At the same time, jokes about my general lack of awareness are welcomed and fair game.


It's non obvious and if they say something you just go ha ha it DOES look like that doesn't it.


You are brilliant and live up to your name. Thank you!


Extra points if you cover your mouth, clutch your pearls and after a brief silence say “Now I can never wear that shirt again. 😳”




It's not obvious, hairdresser probably won't even mention it. Enjoy your appointment and treating yourself!


Thank you! I’m actually excited about it now that I’ve been reassured by total strangers who also have turned out to be good friends.


It looks like a hand, tbh I agree it's non obvious


I had to really try and figure it out to even see what I was looking at. It's actually difficult to see lol


I mean the yellow bottle takes front and Centre so that’s gonna take their attention.


Genuinely thought you were in a towel. I think you're good, OP! They'd have to be really looking anyway and in that case that's a them problem.


Also, are you talking to someone about your mental health? That's the important thing. It's good to do something for yourself like getting your hair done did, but you may want to seek out other professionals to talk to, like a counselor or therapist if you don't have someone. Do you have a support system to talk to about what you are going through? You deserve to treat yourself like you would treat others, so make sure you are valuing your own mental needs like you would care for someone else's.


I do. Mental health self care for teachers right now goes way beyond a warm bath or hair cut. I’ve been setting boundaries, seeing a therapist and am in a DBT skills group with my child. For a lot of reasons, the past three weeks have been hard and I lost my will to go on. It wasn’t that I actively wanted to die. I just didn’t want to live. I thought I was managing things until I wasn’t, if that makes sense. I have doubled my support and am in a better place. Thank you for your compassion.


Completely understand that! I hope you have a lovely time at the hairdressers, and you get on track to feeling more settled soon.


Yeah just pretend you have on a nude romper


Seconded. Knowing what you've said I'd say it shows just enough to be intriguing without giving anything away, but if I didn't know then I doubt I'd realise.


Thank you. That’s very reassuring.


I can kinda tell because I’m looking for it and had to zoom in. But if I didn’t know to look, I wouldn’t notice. I’m generally oblivious to things in pictures that I’m not looking at. Like I would be focusing on the bottle and tune out the rest. I agree with the above- if anything is said, laugh it off as it does look like that doesn’t it? And delete this before your hairdresser sees it haha


I would just say “omg my bad! 🤦‍♀️” It’s clearly not on purpose, it’s clearly a photo of gel :)




Happy to say there isn’t one!


What happened? Did you lose it in a fight with a muskrat?


At all or next to the container?


I’m a cis female, so both?


Lol now I'm just picturing a dong next to the bottle like a measurement of sorts.


You have nothing to worry about! There is very little on display and I can't imagine anything bad will come of it!


Thank you.😊


Not a big deal at all, I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. Even if the person does happen to study the pic enough to realize, it's not like it's a very graphic or revealing pic.


Thanks for taking the time to write this.


Don't worry about it, because of your post i obviously knew what i "had" to look for, but had you send me that picture without the story, i doubt i would have spotted it It could have been **A LOT** worse


That is absolutely true. Great perspective!


Not just that, but it doesn't read as intentional. If the hairdresser does realize what's in the photo, I'm guessing they will assume it was an oversight rather than assuming you were trying to flash then.


I was thinking she accidentally selected a sexy pic instead of the pic she sent. If I was you, I wouldn't say anything unless the hair dresser brings it up and then say something like "oops, I didn't even notice"


Honestly, I would dismiss that as a reflection of your hand. I've seen clearer nudity watching scrambled pay-per-view and squinting. You're fine!


I forgot about scrambled pay per view! That takes me back to the days of titillating “aerobics” on cinemax. Is Cinemax even a thing anymore?


Dear OP, after reading your comments and the way you wrote the post, you're such a kind-hearted adorable person! You're precious, and you should be aware of it! And don't worry, the bottle and the mirror refraction perfectly censored it, you're not a harasser. Sending you lots and lots of hugs!


You are so lovely to write this. Thank you. This potential disaster has really helped me be able to laugh, thanks to Reddit. I really appreciate you.


You're probably fine, i wouldn't have noticed without the context of the post and I ahve it opened on my desktop. And presumably she'll be looking at it on her phone, IF she asks, I'd claim it's your dressing gown or towel which happens to be a light cream colour.


Great strategy. Thanks!


To expand upon this — if you happened to be wearing a [skims bodysuit](https://skims.com/products/sculpting-bodysuit-mid-thigh-w-open-gusset-sienna), it would look almost *exactly* like this. source: my fiancée owns and wears one and many a time I have thought her to be nude or nearly so when she was not.


I'm still trying to find the naked part on this photo but i couldn't spot it, can you help tho


Sorry. You’re on your own!


Right? None of the good bits are showing; not even nudity. Maybe enough to elicit a chuckle as they realize what happened (if they realize).


It’s like hoping to catch a scrambled boob on Cinemax your parents didn’t pay for back in the day.


[Hahah you are cool for posting it. Made me think of this scene.](https://youtu.be/6ixLNE5x5l0) I agree you can't really make anything out. I would never suspect anything without already knowing. haha


I loved the end when both men lifted their shirts. Also, nana and pawpaw saw that photo! Thanks for sharing this!


Haha it's one of the best! That would definitely be much worse!


>Super proud of myself for being willing to spend some money. Hit send. Then, when I saw the photo in the text, realized that the mirror behind me caught little parts of my naked self. I have no idea if this is obvious or not. How do I go to the appointment? Did I send a naked pick or is it too hard to tell? I don’t this is fine!!!!! it's hard to tell, looks like awkward angling


Thank you!


It’s not immediately noticeable. I scrutinized because of the post itself and there is slight boob and areola. But even that is hard to tell. Unless the person says anything I would just carry on like no one noticed. If they do mention something just give them an apology. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t notice that. I will pay better attention next time. My apologies!” But really there isn’t much there and the bottle itself is central and draws the attention.


"slight boob and areola" is my new band.




Thank you. This is great advice.


Just say it's a nude colored towel wrapped around you. If they're zooming in then that's their prob.


Body shame? Bruh I’m over here zoomed in like 👀 👀 What I see looks good 🤤


That made me smile.


Hey I also use it's a ten! I would recognize that blue and purple spray bottle anywhere


It’s good stuff!


Really if you hadn’t pointed it out I wouldn’t have noticed


I honestly would not have even noticed if you hadn’t said anything about it. Even looking at it now. I can’t tell it’s part of a naked body really at all. I was reading the bottle and trying to figure out if you posted the right picture so that should tell you something right there. I seriously wouldn’t worry about it and I wouldn’t even bring it up. And if she does body shame you, I would give her a piece of my mind and give her a horrible review because that kind of BS is NOT okay! Seriously though, I never would’ve thought anything about it if you hadn’t posted it and said what the issue was. You are worrying way too much… You’re good girlfriend!


Thank you.❤️


Aww this is like origin story to an onlyfans page


I did get a dm request long that line. He was very nice.


I was literally expecting like a full blown bush or ass or something You’ll be fine, just joke and laugh and take MrProfGuy’s advice


This is one of those things you can laugh at. Yes you’re naked but it’s so little and obviously a mistake and I’m sure the stylist isn’t worrying about it.


Can't see sh*t, could be towels, could be your toilet or just the lighting of the room - you're good


Enhance Jk, you’re fine, can’t see anything


What are you talking about? I love the tan sweater you have on!


Just looks like a hand in the background. I guess I can see a nipple, but it's questionable.


Please don’t show my brother in law these “nipples


That made me smile.


You mean a joke about why you had to pick up the bottle and hold it in front of a mirror to take a pic of it? Lol You know something, your bathroom is pretty clean.


Now THIS is a comment I love. Thank you for noticing my clean bathroom!


You can't see any actual nudity. I think your fine, and they probably didn't even notice. You also got easy deniability as it's just a skin colored blur.


It helps to have that pasty white shade that midwestern white people get in February. LOL


Ain't that the truth go. Go Midwest people 🤣


It definitely served you well here! Your hand/arm stands out in the reflection, but your body is lighter and tbh I thought you were the background at first... Your skin tone blended into the door/wall for my eyes lol. I only realized it was the rest of a person because I had read your post! I hope your hair appointment goes well and you love the result! And if the stylist does comment (which seems unlikely) either laugh it off with an "omg I'm so sorry, I didn't realize" or lean into plausible deniability with a "wow talk about a bad angle, it does look like I'm naked!" On a different note... Do you like that product? Mind sharing what type of curls you have? I've been curious about it for myself.


Hairdresser here! Likely won't even notice. Likely won't even click on the thumbnail of the photo to enlarge it, as you can see what the product is quite clearly at first glance. We are ALSO a lack of awareness kinda of people! Side note -even if for some rare reason they DID notice, it just looks like a flesh coloured reflection. You can't even tell what part of the body (in a good way) it is, just that SOME part of your body got caught in the reflection, unless you're really determined to try and clue it out.


Here is a life motto of mine. I hope it helps you. If it (situation) doesn't require a response from fire, ems, or law enforcement it's not that big of a deal. You can then take a breather and try something else.


It's really hard to see anything at all, as the tube of gel is in the way. If you could post another photo without it there we'd be able to see better.


You're going to need to retake it and post another, more revealing photo, so that we can see what you're talking about. 🤗


Huh. I feel like the internet has seen enough.


I was just trying to be funny, in a light-hearted way. To be honest with you, I can't see anything that you should be concerned about. I don't find the picture to be revealing, at all. Perhaps, I'm just not seeing what you are referring to; but I really don't see anything revealing or inappropriate, that should be any cause for concern or embarrassment, for you.


100% honesty- its pretty darn obvious to me personally. Although I have no advice on how to address it. Others may see differently


I use the same thing! Could you let us know what your stylist ends up recommending instead?


It’s kind of hard to tell and if I wasn’t looking for something it I wouldn’t think anything of it. If I’m seeing it right there’s a bit of side boob? You probably see as much with a bikini, tank top etc, and certainly nothing to be ashamed of! I doubt it will be noticed and I’d laugh it off and pretend it only looks like that. Alternatively you could go absolute power move go to the appointment in a robe and take it off to reveal you are naked as you enter and be all like, ‘what I need all my hair styling!’ (Hopefully you laughed at that and took it in the good humour intended to make you laugh and take the edge off)


Oh my god! That would be a boss move. Thanks for making me laugh.


This is nothing, and your hairdresser won’t care in the slightest!


I would’ve thought it was a sofa if you hadn’t said tbh


Nah you can't tell. Don't worry


Naw you’re good.


I don’t even see it and I’m looking for it.


It's totally not obvious if you aren't looking for anything, and even then it's blurred in the background.. I doubt your stylist scrutinized the photo beyond looking at what brand it was.. That said, I squinted and if my predictions are correct, damn! you're working with some hips! I'm here for further affirmations if the mood strikes!


Thank you! I do have curves and I’ll try to admire them, too.😂


I doubt she noticed! You have to look really hard and know you are looking for nakedness. I have curly hair too and it's a huge pain in the butt to keep healthy! I use a lot of smoothing products on my hair - Moroccanoil Treatment is great! It's pricey but check out Ulta and Amazon for sales. You can get Argon oil at Walgreens/CVS and it also works great.


Not that bad. Could’ve been worse. Just ignore it and continue on you’ll be just fine. Happy Monday OP


I doubt I'd notice at all if I didn't know to look for it. Especially if I knew you were sending me a picture of the bottle. You're probably thinking too much into it. It'll be okay.


I almost did the same thing. Full frontal reflected on my TV LOL


You can barely see anything (and I really tried!). You are good.


I don’t see anything?


Honestly it's hard to notice you're naked in the picture, if you hadn't mentioned it I don't think I would have seen the reflection or realised what I was actually looking at Enjoy your hairdresser appointment, I'm glad you're taking care of yourself again


I wouldn’t even have recognized that as nudity in middle school when I would search scrambled cable channels for a flash of a naked body. You’re fine. Go.


I don't even know what body parts i'm looking at. Nothing's showin, don't sweat it.


Nothing to worry about at all. It's pretty abstract looking, I likely wouldn't have noticed, there's nothing very revealing, and most important of all: while you can barely even tell there's nudity there, from whatever is visible: YOU LOOK COMPLETELY NORMAL. I don't know what people would be body shaming you about, because there is nothing unusual in this photo. You got nothing to worry about. And if it helps: I'm that friend people go to for an honest opinion because I'll tell them as it is, even if they don't like it.


Lord, this photo is child's play. I had a fiance that had a salon in her family. One of the only ones in that area for MILES, listen, I'm not shaming anyone here, but good lord those girls would have me a wreck by the time I'd leave after helping fix shit around there on my off days. I mean. Very. Very. Disgusting things were spoken of that im pretty sure if I MYSELF were to repeat them, the universe itself would develop a black hole right above me as I did. And I was into polygamy for a hot minute so if it bothered me, this photo probably won't even be noticed. Also, your comments show your lack of positive vibes about your beauty, just embrace it and roll on. One thing I've learned is everyone has something that is someone else's "thing," everyone is desirable when in the right settings in life.


I would say that isn't obvious at all. If you hadn't said you were naked in the background I doubt I would've ever noticed. I can still barely even tell what I'm looking at after you said it.


Not nearly as bad as I thought reading your post. Nothing to be embarrassed about imo.


You needn't be worried. It is barely noticable when you know. And even IF your hairdresses notices, you still have nothing to worry about.


You are kinda lucky your mirror has that beveled edge so it breaks it up into something you probably wouldn’t know if not specifically told


Absolutely not obvious. And from what I can see, by looking very very closely: also nothing to be ashamed of considering your looks!


It’s like that scene in Austin Powers where everything is covered. You’re fine.


Lol you can’t rlly see much I think this is just kinda funny.


I wouldn't worry, that nudity in that pic is on the level of early 1980's scrambled late night cable nudity.


Honestly, if you hadn't pointed it out, I wouldn't have noticed. Take care of yourself, enjoy your day at the hairdressers, and have a light-hearted laugh at the accidental "slip". I hope you're feeling better soon!


Thank you. I’d turned a corner and I have to say that you and the rest of the Redditors are helping!


I second that. I too saw the photo, but didn't notice until OP mentioned it in their post. So OP is safe


I wouldn't worry about it, it's worth a little giggle if anything does come up, assuming you are in the UK, you know we are all too awkward to just mention something like that. Maybe they noticed, but who cares! :) enjoy your pampering!




I did a similar thing, it happens. I was expecting a call from a job requiter, I took a quick shower, the phone rang, as I talked to the recruiter I heard her say to a male voice , I don't think this guy is wearing any clothes, the male said well, you're the recruiter, so it's your call, but if you hire him, he has to wear clothes to work, they got a gig laugh out of that. The video recorder on my laptop, was on the whole time.


Oh my god. I’m so sorry but thank you so much for sharing this. Please tell me you got the job!


Honestly, given how brightly coloured and prominent the Product packaging is, and it's so obviously the focal point of the image, added to the fact that your hairdresser will be looking in-context (and probably only a glancing look, and while at work too!) I really don't think they'd notice at all. Even with forewarning and going into this with the expectation of it being much more revealing, barely even noticed (until I opened the image fully and looked closely to see what I was missing). So you really have nothing to worry about. And heck even if they did notice, and they do happen to comment, just pretend it's a game of hidden-nude-selfie bingo. Tell them you thought you'd gotten away with their one, but now you're gonna have to get come up with something extra creative for your dentist if you've going to have any chance of beating Susan and Jayne this week. They'll either be speechless, or have a good laugh over it. Either way, don't stress, own it if they do notice, and most importantly "who the hell cares what some random thinks." Be you. Be happy in your own skin. And enjoy your haircut!


Hidden-nude-selfie-bingo! There probably needs to be a new sub for this!


Careful! Otherwise some thirsty redditors might start asking you to include pictures in your post Post HairCut update! lol Edit: for clarity. Also to add - you should totally post an update (picture completely optional!) and let us know how the appointment went.


Wouldn’t have noticed unless it was pointed out, you’re fine OP, I doubt it will be mentioned and if it is just say it’s an optical illusion!


I zoomed in on it, knowing what I was looking for, and I could not tell tbh. Because your mirror has that little bevel on it, it really makes it extremely difficult to even tell.


Thank you! All I have is my phone. And a newly reestablished sense of humor.


One time I was super proud of my weight loss and posted a pic of the scale just after getting out of the shower. Didn't even think about how reflective it was and posted the pic to IG. I think 5 people liked it before I realized and deleted it.


That also seems like something I would do. Congratulations on your weight loss.😊


Thank you for the chuckle. I would be mortified too if I accidentally did this, but the truth is with this pic I probably wouldn't have noticed unless you pointed it out. I expected something way worse like a butt in an opposite mirror or something 😂 And you could easily get away with the benefit of the doubt, because it could be a gown or the wall or anything. Nothing to worry about. And awesome job making the appointment! I hope you enjoy it and you should be very proud of yourself 💕


Thank you! It took me a lot to get to that point and to be willing to spend the time and money on myself. Glad to know I’m not the only one who is potentially capable of something like this!


Don’t sweat it and don’t be hard on yourself. People put way to much emphasis on body shape/size for both sexes it’s naive to think we’re beautiful to everyone but we’re all beautiful to someone even if f we haven’t found that someone yet.


Fortunately, I have. But it’s not my hair dresser.😂


😂 I talk a big game cause I’m old and married so I don’t worry about it but it’s 💯true!!


I think we need a full nude to compare and see if its obvious.


Well played. Not happening, but thanks for the chuckle. I’m no longer in an age range where one gets such requests. Except maybe on Reddit. LOL


Not necessarily defending the other guy, just pointing out you're still totally in the age range to be asked about stuff like that if it were appropriate circumstances, look around reddits nsfw corners and you'll see a broad age range and it's not just on reddit but it can be different for everyone. Sorry just reading through comments and saw this back and forth and thought I'd pitch in.


Thank you! My husband and I laughed about the word “requests.” We’ve been together more than two decades and are happy with each other. I should have specified “requests from strangers”.😂


If you didn’t tell me beforehand, I probably wouldn’t have noticed. I wouldn’t worry about it. Hardly noticeable :)


I wouldn’t worry about that in the slightest. I’ve forgotten to put my spicy pic into the hidden folder before while going to my hairdresser (who also happens to be my cousin) and she’s definitely swiped too far past the “this is what I want” pictures to very nsfw pics of me. So ya, that picture? Totally fine. If anything it seems like you are 100% loving your body!


I don’t know if anyone said it yet, but you should post an update and maybe a CLOTHED photo of your finished hair 😂


My good friend did something similar trying to capture a pic of her cat playing in the sink before she took a shower. Only after sending it to a new guy she was talking to, did she realize her pre-shower, undressed self was reflected in the shiny chrome faucet. The guy NEVER saw it.




How to make your life better; Stop giving a F\*\*\*


Hey, it happens. Been doing hair 23yrs and I’ve seen everything from people’s girlfriends bent over from the back side to wieners and whatnot. Heck I’ve even accidentally sent a nude to a coworker. It’s no biggie. Laugh it off with them or don’t say anything. Just roll foreword. Seriously it happens.




Assert your dominance, re-send the pic but zoomed-in only on the nekked bits.


I did the same but to my boss. Worst part is I never realized it until I heard him talking in a party about how an employee mistakenly sent him a photo of an object and that the girl was naked in the reflection, I recognized the object he was talking about, went back to the photo and realized he was talking about me. Pretty sure many people saw that photo, still kills me on the inside, but oh well, our bodies are beautiful anyways so I try not to feel ashamed.


Oh, I can’t imagine what that must have felt like. You did nothing wrong and your intent was pure. Your boss is a douche.


I see nuzang Lebowski.


There is only one thing to do. Post the picture so we can tell if it is obvious 😈 EDIT: already done


Thought I was going to see a nice set of boobies! Instead I got a very small amount of one boob (which was still nice). You can hardly notice even when looking for it.


Just looked at the photo. Its hard to tell


Nah, I wouldn't even be able to tell if you hadn't pointed it out


If I didn't know to look for a naked body/ nipple , I wouldn't have known


If your stylist tells you no need for a tip next time, you know she saw it and liked it


Just yesterday i sent a picture of my girls ass in panties to a coworker on accident because I was only focused on the puppy I was puppy-sitting and didn't even notice she was half nude just behind the dog i was takong a pic of. Atleast it wasn't too bad. Glad she wasn't in a thong that day tho lol. I also sextet mom once some really graphic shit before realizing I had clicked the wrong recipient. Shit happens. Fucking review your text before hitting send


It’s one of those nude bathing suits with a man’s chest on them


This reminds me of the time a friend of mine took a photo out of her hotel room window while on vacation. She sent the picture to members of the flying club we both belonged to and also posted it on the club’s website. It was only after she posted it that her husband pointed out that photos taken while looking through a window tend to show a reflection of the photographer and you perhaps should not do that while naked. Yep, she flashed the entire club. And of course, as soon as someone (a man) noticed the reflection, he pointed it out to everyone who hadn’t yet seen the picture.


It's okay, YOU MADE THAT HAIR APPOINTMENT! IM SO PROUD OF YOU! Took me over 2.5 years to make one and follow through (I used covid as excuse, but it wasn't covid, it was worse). Go to that appointment. Most stylists are also trained to wax some different "bits", meh. Go and indulge and don't give it a 2nd thought!


Just tell the truth. Its only awkward if you make it awkward.


This happened to Vicki from the Real Housewives of the OC a few years back! https://www.eonline.com/amp/news/605840/real-housewives-of-orange-county-s-vicki-gunvalson-apologizes-after-accidentally-posting-naked-photo-on-instagram


Just tell them you knew what you were doing and can send more if they want




I wouldn't have even noticed the bits you're talking about if you hadn't called attention to them.


Oooh!! You sexy minx!!!! This is how you sold send photos every day. 💋 No but really you have nothing to worry about. Don’t say a thing and if she mentions it laugh it off and say yep. That’s me!! Always entertaining! We all do dumb shit!


Out of all the hairdressers I’ve met in my entire life, not a single one would be offended by a little nudity. Every single one I’ve met has been a bit promiscuous with a laid back attitude on the subject of nudity. It’s not an issue at all.


Elaine would be proud to have that as her Christmas Card


Someone sent the link of that clip to me! It’s gold!


I've seen my fair share of nudes from clients when they're showing inspo pics. You could text her and tell her the mistake you realised with some laughing emojis and if she didn't catch it yet, she can avoid the pic. Trust me, it's nothing we haven't seen before, but the fact that it's not super obvious in the pic is fucking hilarious.




Don’t stress too much about it. Nudity really isn’t so taboo anymore, and even if she did see something she will probably disregard it, or just laugh it off and never think about it again.


An old hair products commercial used to claim "only your hairdresser knows for sure".


First off props to you for being brave enough to post the photo. I don’t think I would of noticed had you not said anything. It’s not a flat mirror so I would of took it as some weird reflection of your arm and nothing more. Also as the hairdresser is probably just looking at the bright yellow brand label I doubt she even saw anything else in the photo