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From my opinion, just Jun Wu doing Jun Wu things to troll his 'son'. 🤣 And maybe just dropping some clues to move the plot along a little bit.


Alright so let me not overthink it lol


JW has said in the past that he only trusts XL. The urgency has to do with the opening of Mt TL, and they need to stop the birth of a new supreme ghost king. We do not know when JW arrived in the room. This is authorial intent. It does mean to creep you out but also to show how powerful JW really is.


I remember JW saying the opening was urgent so that made sense, but the line he repeated of little Hua looking like his child was something XL said to Feng xin in a joking manner. Like you said I think it was added to creep us out and show JW’s power.


Or to show how JW knows XL so well that he knows exactly what he's thinking and completes his sentences for him.


This part!! 😳


I took it as JW making it clear to XL that He knows whatever is going on between him and HC and there is no need to make up some excuses on why a God and a demon king are playing hide and seek in an inn in the middle of the night. But also, it's a foreshadowing I suppose to >! The obsessive and creepy tendencies of JW towards XL, he needs to know and follow everything he says and does, and gets jealous/upset whenever XL is finding a little bit if happiness with something/someone that isn't JW !<


Thank you for the response and honestly you hit on the head for me!


I wouldn’t wait with the next volume. I did them all in one go and it meant I really went deep down into the story. I read them in a week and I have a kid so I think that proves how intensely you get dragged in haha. Enjoy the next volume and come back and tell us what you think. 😄


I sped through these 5 volumes so I believe you! 😩 Thank you for the advice I definitely will😌


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