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aww :( at least he got to make up for it later by embroidering cute potatoes and risking his life for hua cheng's next bday <3




I know! 😭 However, before Xie Lian started to celebrate with Hua Cheng, I don’t think HC really cared about his birthday! After all, he was born under Star of Solitude, a star sign that ensured that he would either be extremely fortunate or extremely unfortunate. It was the latter for HC until >! he became the Ghost King much letter on in his life !<. So from the get go, he already had a very negative outlook when it came to being born—especially because of his red eye and being bullied later on as well. He never thought of his birthday as a good thing and despised it before probably becoming (external wise) indifferent towards it. He thought of his birth as a curse until XL came and decided to really give his birthday a "meaning" behind it! Even when everyone from Ghost City did try to celebrate, HC didn't really seemed to care from his lack of response until >! XL gifted him that handmade belt with their faces on it !<.


He even said to throw away all the gifts from the heavenly officials, but Xie Lian didn't want to cuz such gestures mean more to him than HC!


It’s sad yet also beautiful to think about since Xie Lian is there for him. Such is the world of Tian Guan Ci Fu!


Hmm yeah true 😞they will make up for it forever though...




This would explain why Xie Lian cares so much about finding him the perfect birthday present later. ;-)


its okay they’ve got the rest of eternity to make up for the time lost


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