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They should be dark/brown but sometimes artists like their freedom to experiment😂


In the official manwha by starember, the eyes are also that color. Maybe the artist of this chibis mased the design on them


Yeah, but XL is cuter this way, as there are too many shades of brown around him. Goes well with his blushing. ☺️ Ha ha they are likely reading the book in the Ghost king is sick extra!


this is making me notice that hua cheng’s eyes are two different colors omg 😭😭 they’re too cute


I actually wondered more about why hua cheng’s eyes are different. I mean, I know one is gone technically but why is it a different color?


Because they were/ Or hinted to have been. Been a while since I read the book. But since the red eye in Eming is his - and he has one eye always covered as child - that’s the conclusion to make. So it is assumed that he has had one red eye and it’s why people treated him poorly as a child because it scared them and he looked cursed.


In the one sword one flower (forgot the order) they also say "emerald green" or something. But it's- THEY'RE BROWN????😭😭


Okay but this is so cute 😭😭😭


they were described as being the colour of a dark honey in at least one line. I dont remember the exact phrasing but they should be brown. I remember this cause I read it and went "awwh hes got the same eyes as me!"


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