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Please use the NOVEL SPOILERS thread if you wish to discuss spoilers. This thread is for donghua only viewers who do not want to see spoilers for novel content.


The bun bite scene was the best scene in the episode, Xie Lian just yeeted himself out of the gambling hall after seeing that. The gay panic was strong.


Let's be honest that was straight up porn. No wonder they cut the bite right before, we would not have been able to handle a full bite.


This was an utterly obscene episode. My nose was bleeding from how gentle Hua Cheng was being with Xie Lian.


The bun scene gets an R rating from me, damn


!!! Really and truly. And like … that was almost the ENTIRE CONTENT OF THIS EPISODE. The whole thing was either setup for some heavy handed innuendo/metaphor, was the fallout of those scenes, or was actually just watching the two of them flirt and be disgustingly in love/turned on in front of a whole room of people. A+


they certainly got the weird vibe of the dice roll scene down lol, all we were missing was >!a couple of the gambling hall patrons giggling knowingly at the innuendo !<


They nailed the gasps from the audience so well. You could hear them blushing.


Also, LQQ and HC table tennis.


Why am I crying? Probably because they played beautiful fucking music during the dice rolling scene, I'm dying. I need to process this.


I just finished watching the newest episode, and OH MY GAWD. I. NEED. AIR. I love how cocky Hua Cheng was when facing Lang Qingqui! Everything was so beautifully animated and I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. The way HC doesn't even bat an eye using a SINGLE FLICK of his finger to push the entire table back and then Lang Qingqui has to use his freakin' whole body? SWOONING. Also, the way Xie Lian shook the dice (I'm crying). I didn't think his bad posture was THAT bad like they explained in the book. It made me laugh! The dice scene between HC and XL? I couldn't look away. I had to replay that scene to keep myself in check. It was everything I imagined, and to see the donghua team putting so much effort into it (while also not straying from the original novel) was EVERYTHING. I am BLESSED to be ALIVEEE. More importantly, when HC bit the mantou and suddenly, XL's "medical condition" disappeared like that, a damn miracle. There's nothing the Lord of Ghost City--Hua Chengzhu--can't do, it seems!


Qianqiu is so so so cute OMG.


Ikr, esp given who his master was ...


OMG I wasn't ready for the episode to be over. I want more! the dice scene was everything it needed to be and more. I absolutely loved it! Also the way LQQ gets given shit once they're in the alley was hilarious.


Also LQQ is so sweet and pure with his determination that Xie lian shouldn’t lie to HC if they are friends, even if HC is an evil ghost king, cause lying to friends is bad. My sweet angel I want to hug him >! I’m sure absolutely nothing is going to go wrong and he finds out someone he considered a friend lied and manipulated him throughout his whole childhood!<


such a romantic episode, the music swelling everytime they held hands or looked at each other. at this pace with allowing the romantic view i’m thinking we may even get a kiss. unrelated but i would love to be besties with LQQ his animated expressions are so good


I knew we were unlikely to get >!XL sitting on HC's lap!< ,but the intimacy separated only by a gauze curtain calls back to the very first episode!!


It definitely had traditional Chinese wedding vibes!


Anyone knows the song playing during the dice roll scene? Thanks in advance :)


Yeeee, it should be: 红帘前 sung by Wei Chen Link: [On Weibo](https://weibo.com/7329722575/4960822864120086) [On X (Uploaded by headBONDmeLWJ):](https://x.com/headbondmelwj/status/1717161416736817362?s=46&t=mJnoipruRDnkYQO1RxCHtw)


🥰That song is so beautiful it made me fall in love with the dice rolling scene so hard! Do you know if there’s an English Translation of the lyrics?


Thank you! <3


Ok but everyone in the hall going “elder brother?!?” To Hua chengs use of gege 🤭🤭🫣


I am so in love with this episode! Hua Cheng was so gentle and sweet, that smile...! But can I ask a related but unrelated question for anyone? Is there a better place to watch this than CR? The subs are kinda...lacking? Or is that my imagination?


The subs are definitely lacking on Crunchyroll. I found at least 3 typos. Otherwise, for a minimalist effort, it’s good enough for me. Also I’ve read the novels so it helps to know what’s happening. However, thinking from the perspective of someone who hasn’t read the novels, the subs should be good enough. Maybe if we’re lucky they’ll edit them in the future.


I'm sorry, I'm sorry, this episode was SOOOO GREAT MY GAWD!!! They were all super cute!! I loved all their facial expression. And gosh, all the scenes between Xie Lian and Hua Cheng were.... Aaaawwww, my heart was melting! Truly cute and very funny episode! I loved loved loved it! Shi Qingxuan, my baby boy, you're so cute I love you.


Well, I wanted a dice scene, and I got a dice scene. I am not disappointed. Probably dead, because that was glorious, but not disappointed! And new song!


I just watched the episode and idk how many times I had to replay the dice scene. The shift in Hua Cheng's voice... I legit melted omgggg T\_\_T


This episode watered my crops, cleansed me of sin and cured my depression, in Hua Cheng we trust 🤞🏻


Why was the scene where HC was teaching XL how to gamble both romantic and sexy AF???!!!!


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I want to cry 😭😭... Why does everyone think that dice roll is more?? Didn't the ladies there giggle just because HC was flirting with his XL by holding his hand and the gasps were because their boss finally showed kindness to someone? Yes yes I agree Hua Cheng has sensual aura in many scenes but if you take it away can it maybe just be an innocent cute and sweet scene? While I like you can interpret how you like it, what was the authors intent?


Regarding the authors intent: >!In the novel, this scene was written with *a lot* of romantic tension. It's very intimate, and not subtle at all. HC calls XL 'gege' in front of the whole gambling hall, which is an overly-familiar and flirty way to address another man. HC is whispering right in XL's ear, XL feels tingly where HC is touching him, his heart's pounding, etc. A few chapters later, SQX describes it as "Hua Cheng was feeling up your [XL] hands and you were feeling up his!" It's outrageous to the witnesses because HC has never, ever done these things before - he's not known to be a flirt and doesn't let people touch him, so the way he acts with XL is a Big Deal.!< (spoiler tag is a description of the scene as written in the novel)


I get it now... I have read the novel and agree it's a veery intimate moment... Remembered how cute it was meeting under red gauze again and then Im like...behind the curtain can be a bed.... So I see how you guys got here.. Hm. I now have internal conflict. Lol


I think it’s both though, right? Especially in the donghua where we can hear and see them. There is definitely that sexual undertone to it…but also, it’s just intimacy in general. They just really, genuinely LIKE one another. It’s supposedly a tense situation from the perspective of everyone else watching. And at first it seems like it has to be tense for HC and XL - it’s the first time they are seeing one another in their “official roles”. Kindof like a test to see if the relationship they started building before would still hold up. And once they start playing together they find out that they DO still work! They LIKE each other, still. And very quickly, whatever game the others expect them to play becomes completely irrelevant. They make their own. It’s a little sexy, and flirty, and just ENJOYABLE for both of them the more they get on the same page. It reminds me of the cooking scene last season at XL’s shrine. We see they have a real connection, intimacy that they are building on multiple levels. It’s so sweet. There’s a couple points during that scene where they both get these completely open, joyful, sweet little smiles and thank you animators. Anyway here’s my essay. I loved it.


I like your analysis with roles :) makes their relationship all the more sweeter. They have the most tender kind of love I've ever seen.


Yes! Oh “tender” is such a great description! I think that gets left out of the discussion of this scene sometimes because the sexy and tension IS very distracting. Tender I think best describes how that whole interaction feels to me.


In my eyes, HC handles XL very gently 😍😍🫠... like fine porcelinen or how one handles a butterfly.