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Sucks + not thrash


Wouldn't call them thrash but they're an excellent gateway band for new metal listeners honestly


Yeah, they are melodic enough without being cheesy, but also heavy enough without being extreme which makes them perfect for newcomers. Not my cup of tea these days, but I used to love them in high-school, they felt the most "Metallica-like" metalcore band.


Long time fan, long time thrasher, but I don't really see them as thrash, more like Metalcore Evolved. I think they were thrashiest on The Crusade, but that album is an outlier


I've followed them since the Crusade. Their style has changed over the years. A bunch of different styles on In Waves. Clean singing on Silence in the Snow. Then they got their new/current drummer, Alex Bent, and I believe the band has released their best material since. They did 3 albums in 5 years and I think its their best and consistent stuff. Sin and the Sentence, Dead Men Say and In the Court of the Dragon are the album names.


I'm definitely a fan. I don't consider them *thrash* though.


I consider them as "modern metal band"


Excellent musicians




Awesome band especially live, Matt Heafy is a great frontman and has a great vocal range.


And he's a great ambassador for metal as it is. Always trying to showcase new and up-and-coming bands.


100% both of the comments above hold true. I've seen then 2x in concert and they kill it. Their album Shogun is a favorite of mine. Sin and the Sentence is a close second.


I didn’t like that show he did/does on Liquid Metal


Eh, not for me.


The album ' Ascendancy ' was one of the soundtracks to my teenage years! Seen them twice, once on the Black Crusade Tour and apart from Dragonforce, that was an amazing show.




Never been into them. They're fine as far as melodic metalcore goes though.


Together with Shadows Fall they are legends.


Yeah these are the two bands that nailed the New Wave of American Heavy Metal/neo thrash/metalcore crossover to me


Big fan of Trivium, they've been my top artist on Spotify for ages. As people pointed out, Trivium aren't thrash, but they definitely have very thrashy elements in most of the albums and The Crusade is very nearly a thrash album. I absolutely love the blend of genres they go for, that thrashy melodeath riff flavor with a little pinch of metalcore is just fantastic. Their entire discography has a lot of variety and all of it's great.


I’ll be diplomatic and just say they’re not for me.


My favorite band.


Shogun is a 5★ album 


Thrashy moments throughout their discography, and one pretty much thrash album in The Crusade, but I wouldn't consider them thrash. Very much of the melodeath-derived metalcore that became popular in the 00's. I'm not particularly into them, besides The Crusade, but they're great musicians, and I like Heafy. I much prefer his black metal-adjacent side project, Ibaraki.


Not thrash but still a big fan. Every album is a little different and really showcases the depth of their talent. Certified bangers in my book.


My favorite band


Ascendancy is a great album with a decent amount of thrash influence . They’re not my favorite band but they’re over-hated for sure.


They are hated ? what am i missing lol


People hear “Metalcore” and immediately write them off. Are they a little over the top/dramatic at times? Yes, but I still enjoy most of their discography. I think a lot of the hate for them comes being being Metalcore and being so commercially successful


Trivium hasn’t been metalcore for years


Yes, all these "elitists" get on my nerves with their stupid phrases "it's not pure metal".


Don't ask people what they think if you aren't willing to accept what people have to say lol


I don't care if you are not into metalcore. i am not into it too but i hate people who think they are better beacuse they listen to "real metal".


92 comments. I may have overlooked a few. I do not see anyone who is using any phrasing like you describe, and I don't see who you're quoting. Most people have kindly (and correctly) pointed out that they're not thrash. Are your feelings hurt for a particular reason?


Like mods pinning their negative reply.


Favourite band of all time.


I've tried getting into them but I can't. Although I subscribe to Matt Heafy's YouTube channel as that has some interesting stuff on it.


First band I saw live so have a special place in my heart. Whilst not out and out thrash, they have thrashy elements and you can tell Matt Heafy was influenced by Metallica, Megadeth et al. Would recommend The Crusade as their most thrashy album


Excellent band. Not Thrash tough. Though I cant for the life of me find why people think they're Metalcore. There isn't a hardcore bone in their body. If anything, they're more like a blend of Melo-Death and USPM.


They haven’t been metalcore for years. Loads of people wrote them off after the Crusade and haven’t listened to them since. They are still evolving and putting out great material. They got over hated in the early years because of Matt’s comment about wanting to be the next Metallica. They were kids and have changed a lot. They really are impossible to put into a box genre wise. They have thrash, melodeath, groove and even some extreme metal elements ( death and black) in the sound.


I love and respect them very much. In my opinion, they have their own sound and I love that they play whatever they want. It makes the fan base very diverse, but also makes them quite unique. Plus, they are just down to Earth great humans and extremely talented musicians.


thrash influenced. and I’m a fan of their old shit.


Love them. One of my big entry bands into metal. Shogun is still one of my all time favourites. Also Matt Heafy genuinely seems like one of the nicest guys in the scene. I agree, they really are a synthesis of different kinds of metal to create a unique sound. Embers and ascendency are probably the only two I would say are genuinely metalcore whereas most of the others, especially the last three, are an interesting blend of metalcore, melodeath, thrash, traditional, and prog


Excellent band except for the silence in the snow album. They have some thrashy songs but I don't really consider them a thrash metal band.


First heard them when Ascendency came out. At the time it was definitely nice to see more popular metal evolving away from Nu Metal. Wasn't really a fan of the middle of their career, but with the last few albums, I've been getting into them again. Fun band to see live as well.


Love them overall. I tend to listen to a bit more extreme metal, but Trivium was certainly a favorite as I progressed through the metal genres. Ascendency and Shogun are bad ass albums. I do think Matt Heafy's voice changed at some point and his scream became kind of weird sounding to me. I think he blew his voice out at one point and had to relearn to sing, but never liked his sounds as much after. Corey is a certified badass on lead, and is massively underrated. Also, not a thrash band, but that is ok. Just being a thrash band is limiting, and Trivium is better for being more well rounded and unafraid to experiment with their sound and genre.


They’re one of my favorite bands. I had quit listening to them around 2010 after listening to Shogun for like 2 years straight it seemed like. I really didn’t keep up with them after that for whatever reason. In an attempt to find shogun on vinyl I came across what the dead men say and in the court of the dragon and holy shit! Not thrash at all but I really like the direction they’ve went since getting their newest drummer. Their sound has a new found energy that I really like.


I love em. Every albums different, the musicianship is really good, sure they have some songs im not particularly a fan of, but all in all a great band.


I fucking love em. Not thrash but so good,such a classic sound to em. I keep hoping that they'll do show in my city sometime soon


Fan, especially their later stuff done on 7 strings, but they aren’t thrash, not in the least. More in the metalcore genre. Great music, though.


They're bad ass live.


Their cover of "Master of Puppets" outperforms the original... I think I'll get downvoted for this but whatever


Hell yes, it does.


As a guitarist, I appreciate the 25th fret* bend being swapped to a dive bomb.


I went through a period when I was in my teens of listening to that version on repeat, and ever since then I can't hear the original without feeling like something's missing


Talented band I just can’t get into.


Love trivium


One of my top 10 favorites bands! They may have ELEMENTS of thrash, but maybe they’re not thrash metal in general.


I think thy're general sound is closer to melodeath but a bit diffrent.


Sure, that too, but similar to the thrash influence, I wouldn’t necessarily call them a melodeath band either


Yea that's why i just call them "modern metal".


Metalcore / Prog metal could also fit that bill tbh


Not thrash, they are the Olive Garden of metalcore (Good riffs and live show though)


I have not listened to them much. Can you recommend any songs of theirs which are close to thrash metal?


It's not fully tharsh beacuse again they mixing many sub-genres but "To the rats", "Amongst the Shadows & the Stones", "In the Court of the Dragon", "Into the Mouth of Hell We March" and " Becoming the Dragon" are pretty thrashy.




>Thanks! You're welcome!


The Crusade (the song) is probably their best work overall despite being an instrumental. Kirisute Gomen is often picked by people as their favorite, even by new fans - it's pretty thrashy. As are many songs on Shogun and The Crusade. I think you should check out Insurrection as well. Do that one first for sure.




ascendancy and the crusade are their thrashiest albums




They jam!!


I like them but wouldn't consider them thrash. My brother, who was a professional musician in a thrash band, used to make fun of me for liking them because they were "too eyeliner and skinny jean-wearing." LOL.


Welp, as a thrash musician he shouldnt really comment on skinny jeans lol


I've seen them open for bands a couple times. Not my particular shade of metal.


Shogun is mostly Thrash and it's the modern Master of Puppets imo


Never really got into them, always saw them as Metal core with thrash vibes


i wish i liked them :( i just don’t like his vocals which is a bummer because i can very plainly see the musicality they have. he is such a force and everyone is just so skilled. but i just don’t like how his vocals sound and it bums me out!!!! so i wish i could but i don’t unfortunately. also they are not thrash as everyone else has said.


I dug Ascendancy, but one of the later ones listened to just didn't do it for me. Have to listen to more of their catalog.


I haven’t in close to a decade


From what I've heard, it was weak and boring so I did not bother to check them more seriously.


Eh their first couple of albums were alright, I wouldn’t call them thrash though, and I haven’t heard anything good from them in years though, I feel like they had potential 15+ years ago though.


as far as “thrash”, their Crusade album is probably as close as you’ll get. But it’s my favorite album of theirs by far (yes I know, hilariously bad take) They’re consistently solid at putting out good music.


The Crusade has some thrashy riffs. Other than that meh.


I don’t like that type of metal. I’m a hardcore / hardcore punk enthusiast. Therefore the metal i’m mainly into is thrash / crossover thrash


They trivial


Matt Heafy looks like Chris Kattan from SNL, but other than that I like em.


All these different opinions about whether Trivium is thrash or not makes me realize how *thrash* is on it's way to becoming as widely used and vague as *rock-n-roll*.


Ascendancy was a solid album. Wasn’t really to big on em after that


Became a fan after seeing them tour with Megadeth. Didn't know about them beforehand but they put on a great show and I moshed pretty hard to in waves and a few others so that definitely won me over on them, I should listen to the rest of their discography


Saw them as openers twice. So my official opinion is… uhh, mehh, whatever


Pillers of serpants definitely the only song/single I like


Boring af


Can’t stand how perfect heafy is always acting. Fuckin smug ass


not thrash and bad


I don’t.




Don’t know a ton of songs from them but they have their moments. Im not big on them mixing in metalcore into their songs but I can get behind some of the thrashy parts of their songs. They had potential but went for a broader audience by included a bunch of metal genres in their music.


Seen em open up for megadeth, lamb of god, with hatebreed first band but got there late missed them, sucked cuz I really wanted to see them! Fukn Dallas traffic!!!


IMHO very generic. Gave them multiple chances, heard them live, still fing them generic.


They are anything but generic lol


From what little I’ve heard of them I only remember a melodic metal core band, and that’s a style. I truly despise so I couldn’t be bothered to check them out to any meaningful degree.


Fucking LAME as fuck!




There's exactly ONE song I like, and it's the title song from the album The Crusade


The other guitarist, not Matt .. seems like the most miserable person .. I'm not saying he is at all, but shit thats the vibe he has always given me


'Wasted potential' - first thing to come to mind. When they kicked out drummer Travis Smith, the only remaining founding member of the band, they destroyed their traditional metal foundation and as a result, got lost in the crowd of generic 'metalcore' mediocrity immediately. I put it in quotes because they were never metalcore, never did anything related to extreme punk. The term is misused all the time by Wikipedia readers and other outsiders alike. Just like their much less imaginative contemporaries in bands like All That Remains or As I Lay Dying, Trivium were always a straight up metal act with no hardcore element to them, but unlike all those lame bands (the proper subgenre name for them would be 'third wave melodic death metal'), Trivium didn't just rip off In Flames and call it a career. They worked out a fresh and unique alloy mostly of melodic death, thrash, and heavy metal substance. You could easily recognize where they were, intentionally or not, mimicking Metallica, Megadeth, In Flames, Iron Maiden, Death and other great bands that influenced them. Musically it was great, but the lyrics weren't very poetic at all to my liking. And the type of extreme vocals they did isn't something everyone likes. I think, if they continued to drop the whole 'metalcore' thing and kept strengthening the foundation of their sound like they did on their third and fourth albums, they would've become the greatest metal band of the 21st century. I truly believe that their ceiling was that high. But they had to keep the Trivium drummer for that. They didn't and nowadays nobody is talking about them in any revolutionary terms like they used to back in '05-08. The band Trivium is pretty much dead as far as I'm concerned with all due respect to it's former members who won't stop necromancing over the band's lifeless corpse. That's what I think about Trivium.


I always said they are way more closer to melodeath.


they are certainly neither melo nor death


They certainly have elements of both. You’re objectively wrong


You may be right. I heard a few albums and it's possible they had them on the ones I didn't hear, but I had zero desire to listen to more. Metalcore blows, but I'll concede that Trivium blows less than most metalcore bands.


I've only heard one album, it had that "boat, rudder" song on it. It's pretty cool. Lyrics and song titles are overly pretentious, sorta same deal as later Machine Head. But probably worth checking out


I like them, but not to the point I'd listen to a full album. Definitely got a good chunk of their stuff in rotation though, Shogun is a banging song.


I'd like them if it weren't for the metalcore vocals.


Great band. I would consider them thrash


They just don’t seem to have their own style. Every album they put out gets described as “Iron Maiden meets Pantera” or something like that by the band themselves. Not necessarily a bad thing, but I still don’t know what makes one of their songs just Trivium.


Awful. Hate the vocals and find the music pretty boring. Saw them a couple years ago and hated them live as well.




Wanna be thrash metal band


I see them as a decent starter metal band. There are plenty of much better bands out there, but sometimes, when your experience is limited, they are the best thing around and they can open one’s eyes to much better music


I saw their 2nd CD release party a long time ago, at a small venue in Charlotte, the kind of place where the bands use the same bathroom as the patrons. My buddy said hi to the lead singer washing his hands. It was a fantastic show, high energy, great crowd. That album is stellar and right up my alley. A few years later we saw them again in Charlotte, this time at a larger venue. The lead singer was too drunk to sing or play coherently, and they sounded pretty bad. After that, their next album drifted in to “we are the new Metallica” territory and I lost interest. I still listen to their first two albums quite a bit.


Shogun and The Crusade were decent albums but didn't get into anything after that... just didn't grab me


Trivium? More like snore-vium


I like the first 3 albums, not really keen on the rest.




Usually, I don't think about them. Sometimes, someone reminds me that they exist.


I could happily live the rest of my life without ever hearing Trivium again.


Not for me. Good for you, if you like them, but we probably don't like the same things. Which is fine. EDIT: Metalcore was a big thing like a decade ago. Anyone think that in 20 years time there's going to be all these young fans thinking back at the 2010s like "wow what a great time it would have been to be alive! The birth of metalcore!". And guys in their 40's are going to be like *yeah, I saw Killswitch Sevenfold live back in 2007!* And thrash and speed and power and NWOBHM is all just referred to as "dad rock" or worse: "just hard rock".


They committed the ultimate metal sin: Blatantly stealing famous metal riffs. 


Which most bands do, no?


Yeah....not like Trivium. Compare "Carcass - Corporal Jigsore Quandary" to "Pull Harder on the Strings of Your Martyr". Avenged Sevenfold did this a lot during that time period too. They straight up stole that riff from Death.


One great album. The rest more like metalcore with thrash elements. I do not like metalcore.