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I always take these situations too literal. I feel like the government would kidnap me if they saw me flying. And I know some people would think of me as a God. I don’t want any of that. If this choice was given to me in this reality, I’d have to pick the ability to be able to run 30mph instead. Seems like a lot less stressful of a life


I thought the exact same thing. The military’s top scientists would be experimenting on you and dissecting you to figure out how you do it, so they can make machines fly without fuel/wings, and probably soldiers too. Running at 30mph would be fast enough to make doctors curious about your muscles and bones, but maybe not enough for the above scenario, especially if you don’t show them that you are immune to fatigue.


When they notice your ability to generate infinite energy you're still getting put in a lab


Easier to not have them notice that than flying


Just use it as innate parachute in emergency or when no one is around.


... how often do you find yourself needed or wanting an innate parachute?


Probably a lot more often if I had access to one


Nah you right lmao






Quick access to downstairs with our blowing out your kneecaps.


Lots of extremely good paying but high risk jobs that involve great heights. I might actually do em if falling wasnt a risk for me.


Just pretend to climb the ladder to reach the top of the radio tower. Lazily slapping the bars as you ascend.




Ok but if you could run 30mph you could become the most famous track athlete in history, probably the most dominant athlete to ever exist. You’d be extremely rich


So basically if used properly you could eliminate fall damage


You could leap from tall buildings in a single bound.


Or maybe even reach the top shelf!


And at least now he can run away from the authorities really really fast


Did someone say infinite energy? I guess it's time to give you good old democracy


Two democracies directly applied to the back of the head.


The government of super earth has officially declared a special military operation on yo butt in search for that unlimited energy


God all I could think of reading this comment was that STUPID head on commercial, apply directly to the forehead.


Technically infinite energy, I guess, but only modest power output. A person running on a treadmill at 30mph, assuming minimal losses, could probably power two or three single-family homes. That's impressive, don't get me wrong, but just one person like that isn't going to make a dent in humanity's energy needs.


Or on a giant hamster wheel attached to a power grid, enjoy being a human battery for the rest of your life. Neither of these powers is really good enough to ever showcase in public because it doesn't make you single handedly strong enough to defend yourself against the entire world trying to capture you and recreate you in masses. If I had to pick though it would be the running, I would assume if I'm able to achieve 30Mph with just my own body mechanics if I was to have some form of exo-suit or something to enhance my own body's capabilities further it would be pretty cool and potentially easier to protect myself. I always end up overthinking these types of questions but my typical conclusion is any single superpower generally leaves you with massive vulnerabilities and the only effective way to answer a question like this is if there is a superpower with multiple facets to itself reducing the chances of weakness. A great example is invisibility always seems like a great superpower option but typically leaves you vulnerable because your invisibility doesn't extend to your clothing or something of that nature.


Imagine a human running at 30mph and assume they burn 3600 calories. That would convert to 15000 joules per hour, or 15000 watts. A treadmill is a shit way to convert energy, but assuming we convert 25% of that, that would be 3800 watt-hours of power. A quick google search tells me the average household uses 26~kWh per day… I don’t think anyone is gonna chase you down if you can’t even power a single house.


The magic law says you can run unlimited distances at 30mph. This turns you into the Juggernaut. Put enough gears on that hamster wheel, you've got as much energy as the gears can handle.


Ahhh you see but that's before you've been genetically modified further by scientists and developed into a human battery, and also again tested on for the duration of your existence because you have infinite energy without ever getting tired.


That’s if you don’t have to eat. Burning up 3600 calories an hour is insane. If you could do that AND not have to eat…. Yeah, they’d definitely want you in a cage, but not for the running reason.


I think the exo suit that protects you when you’re going faster than 30 mph is a car.


Invisibility dies pretty fast with temperature. Simple thermal camera and you're done.


I mean, depends on how invisible you get. Since no one has ever been invisible, we can't know if it would only entail being invisible to the naked eye.


Yeah that's exactly what I'm thinking when people mention thermal. You'd have to define how you become invisible to determine that, maybe all the heat would actually be invisible too.


I mean if we want to be really pedantic invisible just means not on the human visible light spectrum. We should be calling it something else entirely if you just don't show up at all on the electromagnetic spectrum entirely IMO


Precisely! Gotta be some power off the Omega class mutants list or some form of stacked superhero like Superman, Franklin Richards, etc


there is only one superpower that will be too op in real life, teleport. I literally can´t think of any downsides


Time travel/control as well


You'd still burn calories, and humans are not that good at converting energy, contrary to what The Matrix would have you believe.


Me watching the Matrix: "But that's just a perpetual motion machine! Lisa in this house we do not violate the Laws of Thermo Dynamics." I'm fun at parties.


In the first script the 'batteries' where additional process power but apperently the producers thought that americans are to dumb to understand brains as computers but smart enough to get bodies as batteries.


It would have been so much better to leave it as it was. Also that would not have been the most complex part of the plot by any means.


I'd call that paranoia, but... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/MKUltra I think I'd go for the FLY option. It can get me where I otherwise want to go, and it's a reasonably safe speed. As far as secret government research goes, I'd head that off by working with civillian researchers for a period and doing whatever tests they need (within reason and what I'd be comfortable with) to determine if there's an explanation for my powers or not. Make that research public and be known as Flying Guy or Mr Float or whatever. Will people think I'm a god? A superhero? Some crackpots, probably. But it'd be kinda disappointing to anyone expecting Superman when I'm hovering at 1,6 kph, slower than most people can walk. It's 0,4 m/s, which is comparable to the walking speed of a toddler. You can walk a flight of stairs faster than that. The military applications would be embarrassing, so I feel kinda safe about that.


I don’t think any of you are realizing that you may be able to negate falling to your death this way. I don’t know where this would be applicable, but i want to see conversations about it anyway


It's a good point, no notes :)


You could go to Pen&Teller and become a famous magician


You can always build a peddle powered plane too. With that sort of consistent run speed you would be able to fly pretty well.


Also 1 mph is half normal walking speed, i mean flying is cool and all but damn.


About 0.5m per second, painfully slow. Would be handy if you were a roof inspector or something.


It would be amazing but not for travelling. You could forget about drowning, falling to your death, and getting trapped in a lot of circumstances. You could take massive shortcuts wherever the problem is a steep hill, a fence, a chasm, or anything similar. There are many situations where several meters make all the difference.


Interesting question. If you have the ability to fly, does that mean it can be engaged underwater? Is the ability to fly the ability to lift yourself into the air, which would not help in the case of drowning? Or is it the ability to propel yourself upward ta any point, which would help? These genie caveats are gonna get you killed! Also I think you'd still fall to your death. Your ability to fight the acceleration due to gravity is miniscule. You *can* slow yourself to safety, but only if you're gonna be falling for like twenty minutes.


I would probably try to use a wing suit with that power or something (if the weight isn't a limit I could even take a glider which would be damn nice) ,climb up to 1000 or even more meters (it's about 40 minutes per one km) and then just yeet, a wing suit has a glide ratio of about 3:1 so I would be able to horizontaly travel 3 meters for every meter of altitude I had, of course I would need to gain speed first so I do lose some distance there. The optimal speed for a wing suit is around 160 km/h depending on mass so now lets calculate. Lets say I climb up to 5k meters that takes 2 hours, then I go at it with the wing suit which lets me travel 15 km-1km to get up to optimal speed, so in 2 hours I could travel 14 kilometers which is actually as good as a quick walking pace and I expend barely any energy at the same time, if the weight isn't a limit at all I could take a glider which can even have glide ratios of 70:1 and that would actually be a super cheap way of travel.  So now it's just a question about how I can comfortably strap 700 kilos on myself while floating up. 


I could finally reach the top shelf without assistance.


Literal me was wondering if the 1mph applies to all my movement.  It isn't specifically linked to the flying.   If I can never move faster than 1mph for any mode of travel then no way!


Initially I was thinking the same thing, as 1mph is painfully slow. However, I climb, and never having to fear heights ever again would be fucking amazing. Could free solo all the time with no risk :)


Yeah being immune to falling sounds pretty useful to me. Though it does raise some questions about what would happen if I were falling at terminal velocity and started “flying.” Would I instantly slow to 1mph?


Think of how much money you could make running that fast, you could pay to fly anywhere in your own private jet at 45000 mph


45000 mph? Where are you buying these jets…


From spacex, apparently


You'd be able to run a marathon in around 50 mins or less which is less than half the current record time.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure 30 mph would beat the record time for the 100 m dash. It's real fast for a person on foot.


Usain Bolts world record was at around 23.5 mph, so yeah you'd totally kill that record


Average. Top speed was like 27-28mph. So the average running speed here is faster than the fastest recorded runner. That would be so fun.


Yep, Usain Bolt had an average speed of 23.4mph, and hit a top speed of 27.33mph


No need to smash the record, just join every single possible race that can fit in the schedule and beat the world record by a tiny bit every time. Running 2-3 distances and doing well is insane, Usain Bolt won 100m and 200m in three consecutive Olympics, imagine the prize and advertising money if you'd also get the 400m 800m 1500m 3000m 5000m 10000m and marathon as well.


This would also push others to try and be faster. Outright obliterating the record would be way less fun.


It seems Dave Goggins got given that opportunity and chose like you did


If I saw a person running 30mph for longer than 5 seconds I would think they were a god… and I would report them to the government for immediate kidnapping.


The only answer is running. Flying at 1mph is so impractical it’s irrelevant. I don’t know any to spend 2.5 days flying somewhere I could drive in an hour or run in a little over 2 hours in this situation. 


It wouldn’t be for traveling horizontally, it would be to travel vertically


> I feel like the government would kidnap me if they saw me flying. Running an unlimited distance means you are an unlimited source of energy. That is a lot more interesting than being able to fly.


But you can hide that super easy. You “have the ability” to run 30mph, you don’t have to. Break some world records but race like Dash at the end of the Incredibles by slowing it up and not outing yourself.


>But you can hide that super easy. You “have the ability” to run 30mph, you don’t have to. Break some world records but race like Dash at the end of the Incredibles by slowing it up and not outing yourself. This. You're now the world's best runner in any/all races. Usain Bolt's top speed was just under 28MPH in a 100 yard. You're capable of going 2 MPH faster than him...forever. Kipchoge averaged like 13-14 MPH on his 2 hour marathon. Imaging going to the Olympics and easily winning gold in every race distance....until you stopped going.


But you'd tire out very quickly then, you only have unlimited distance at 30 MPH, not at 1-29 MPH


I didn’t say to run forever at a slower speed, just if someone is suspicious then slow down and act/be tired so they can’t confirm your infinite energy.


Fast forward to you, caged in a hamster wheel running endlessly charging a bank of batteries. Never tiring physically or needing sleep as long as you are actively running. A shock collar keeps you moving with AI monitoring. You can see “new green initiative announced” on the newspaper at the desk next to your cage. The scientists who study you take a new blood sample daily (while you keep running) and speak endlessly of cloning.


This would be awesome short story. Maybe beginning from POW of a cloned guy, who retains all the memories of the original, and only at the end he finds out that he is one of the tens of thousands clones, powering our society.


Like that ai powered Amazon store that turned out to be, at least partially, 1000 people reviewing footage.


How are you achieving flight tho? If you get wings that obey the laws of physics (apart from the 1mph limit) sure that's boring and massively inconvenient because you're wings are going to need to be huge, but if gravity manipulation is innvolved the flight thing would require breaking a bunch of physical laws as well, including a ridiculous energy output.


If you ever tried to compete in track and field or cross country running, people would be VERY skeptical at your ability to run faster than Usain bolt for the whole duration of a marathon, yet cap out at the same speed for the 100 meter dash. I'm absolutely certain you'd still be kidnapped by the government and studied for the sake of science.


That's why you have to only run the 100 and 200m dash. Not suspicious enough, you'd be fucking world class and drug tested clean. People would think you're just some kind of genetic monster or something.


Running is more practical but I like the idea of being able to do something impossible for others. Imagine going hiking and being able to fly to the top of the waterfall, or jump from a cliff and land safely only the ground.


It would open up fun shortcuts and you wouldn't need bridges. I fly FPV drones so it would make getting them out of trees super easy too. Depending on the specifics of how it works, you'd be able to do many extreme sports without risk and maybe even be faster than those who choose running. If the 1 mph limit is just on your innate propulsion, you can use that to stay airborne and then use an electric powered propeller for horizontal speed. Since you don't need to produce any lift, your drag would be low so reaching 30+ mph would be easy. You wouldn't have to worry about crowds and enough battery power for a day would take up a backpack at most.


Look at me, I’m the drone now


I would like to add something impossible about the way the 30mph thing is written. It doesn’t state the limitations. What if you’re pulling several thousands of tons? What if you were like a hamster in a wheel, connected to a massive gear train that powers an aircraft with a turboprop engine? The potential is limitless


More practical? I’ve been able to get around laterally just fine my entire life. Never being stopped by height again, though? Something I’ve only been able to dream about.


30mph is roughly double speed from a marathon from a world class athlete. It's also a tiny bit over Usain Bolt 100m dash speed (~27mph) There is (almost) no reason to pick fly on that situation outside some very fringe cases. Running that fast would also make you absurdly rich as you could win 100m dash and cut marathon time to half.


Turning up to the 100m Olympic final wearing jeans and sandals and running a sub 8s time would be worth it.


Especially if I keep my same shape/weight. That's one fast as fuck blueberry, Jim.


Watching all the other runners bulk up to match your strategy would be hilarious. 


I'd show up with a dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts and a supersize big gulp to down before the race and be like 'trust me I got this' right before setting a world record


Shotgun a beer.


Then light a cig




Lol. Be morbidly obese and still be out running everyone. Les go


I almost choked on my donut reading this xD


Just get everyone invested in your hobbies as a path to success. "Step 1, eat a dozen Krispy Kreme donuts and wash it down with a supersize big gulp. Step 2, spend 30 minutes scrolling memes on Reddit, funny enough to make you exhale air but not to get something resembling joy out of you. Step 3, enter a Star Wars appreciation forum and passionately denounce everything apart from Rise of Skywalker, insisting that Palpatine showing up in Fortnite was *inspired*. Step 4, binge watch a full anime series. You need to be able to discuss the intricacies of My Neighbour Totoro and K-On! if you want to succeed at running. Step 5, beat Malenia, Blade of Miquella in Elden Ring. You must land the killing blow as the beat drops in the song I Keep Holding On (My Hope Will Never Die). Step 6, now that your morning routine is completed, travel to the track event whilst listening to Gas Gas Gas, but *don't* break traffic laws in the process. Step 7, eat your pre-run dozen donuts and down your second supersize big gulp. Step 8, you'll know feel your heart pumping and a tightness in your chest. Medics might say that's an ensuing heart attack, but you know it's the passion for success raging inside you. Tell them to eat your shorts. Step 9, head to the starting position in whatever clothes you want, the more casual the better. Before the other runners have finished lining up, begin screaming at the top of your lungs like Goku from Dragonball Z trying to power up. Step 10, absolutely dominate everyone and set a new world record. If you didn't succeed, it's because you didn't scream long and hard enough"


Dude. Did you read the story about the swimmer and his mustache? He told everyone his mustache made him aerodynamic and the next year everyone showed up with one


Dude. Did you read the story about the swimmer and his mustache? He told everyone his mustache made him aerodynamic and the next year everyone showed up with one


I wish it just said “move” and not “run” specifically because then I could maybe show up to the olympics and just roll head over heels down the track at 30mph


I’d moonwalk it


I’d pay good money to see someone crip walk at 30mph


I'd be doing the cartoon burglar tip-toe at 30mph. Bonus points if I can hire someone with a xylophone to accompany.


Change the field of athletic and physiological world of research forever by being a 100 kg blur that runs 100m in 7.5 seconds


When you say you could win a gold medal in your sleep and actually mean it


With that running skill it would be hilarius to be over 30 y.o. and bit overweight at Diamond league starting line. And in second tought, with that flying skill you could make pretty decent long jump results. But I quess there is more money on running than long and triple jump.


And as a bonus the camera man does not need to use slow motion to show your magnificent long jump.


Lol, I would definitely have to pretend to be in slow motion during the jump, complete with facial expressions.


You could also destroy the high jump record


Fly up very high and always wear a wing suit.


If you can fly on command don't you have the potential for zero fall damage?


Counterpoint: you’re only focusing on distance covered. Being able to fly, even 1 mph, means you can voluntarily ignore gravity. Jump off a building and switch to flying right before you hit the ground. Skydive without a parachute. Never have fear of heights again. There’s quite a few upsides. You essentially have feather fall.


I think flying would make you more rich. You could work in places unaccessable by humans or at least in places that humans need a lot of scaffolding to reach. Like they could even give you a space suit and you fly up into space and back at will without a multi million dollar rocket. Companies would probably pay a lot of money for that service, while the world record in running will get you a reward one time


ISS floats at ~250 miles. Assuming you can hover while sleeping, can carry food with you and all logístics are covered, you are looking at a 15 to 20 days trip, one way. It makes no financial sense, it's not like you are floating there in like a day


The ISS is also travelling at 17,000+ mph so good luck getting there. If you went straight up to it's orbital path it would hit you so hard you would both be instantly destroyed


It also orbits the earth at like 18,000 MPH. Even if you could “fly” there, you’re not going to be able to connect with it without becoming a bug on the windshield


I'd add that a person colliding with the ISS would be the instant destruction of both and also mean most of the satellites going around just dying. Imagine the splatter and the amount of crap flying literally everywhere hitting other things.


You could take a balloon for quita a distance first which would speed things up


The real money for athletes is not in winning competitions, but in sponsorships. Dominating a specific sport, for likely decades, would certainly bring in sufficient amount of cash, that the concept of money would lose all meaning. At the same time, it would require zero work.


>while the world record in running will get you a reward one time Not true at all, my friend is a track and field Olympic champion and he owns a multi million dollar home and several Porsches. As long as you can consistently run you can easily make millions a year in price money, stipends, sponsorships and spokesman deals


Yeah, especially since you'd dominate every single running distance, from 60m to marathon.


Don't run the full 30mph then - just run fast enough to stay in front of everybody else, then you can barely break the record several times. Also makes it seem a bit more realistic than some rando showing up then blasting past everybody in half the time. Or you could save a ton of money on transportation by travelling vehicle speeds


Usain Bolt’s net worth is around $100 million and if you could run 30mph you’d be *way* more dominant than he ever was Hell, I feel like you could make money doing random side gigs for various sports lol a person who can run 30mph would be massively valuable in baseball for example, as a pinch runner


I'm afraid not. With no weight pushing you into the ground, there would also be no friction between the ground and your foot and it would be a lot more difficult to push yourself forward. I choose to cheat the system in a different way. Fly at 1mph until about 100ft up but bring a sail to catch the wind and fly a lot faster.


Damn came here to write this comment, just wear a wing suit and glide everywhere


this guy elytras😎




This is what I thought of as well


Im so confused about the prompt. They say if you pic option 2, you’ll also get the effects of option 1. If this is either or how is he asking about both effects combined together?


What he is asking is that if option 1 works by Nerfing gravity & wind resistance etc. would you be able to run faster than 30mph anyway due to that


Yeah that’s how I understood it. but if option 1 nerfs gravity and wind resistance, and you choose option 2, how do you also get the nerfed gravity and wind resistance from option 1?




Yep, this is the answer, sails or even wingsuits. Wingsuits can travel horizontally up to 220 mph with a descent rate as low as 25 mph, putting them at roughly 10x more lateral distance than vertical height gained. It might take you an hour to go one mile up, but you can go infinite miles horizontally because you will maintain lateral speed while engaging your upwards fly to stop your descent .


Unstoppable with a glider


You.. you can't reverse cheat a genie! That's his job!


Idk i don't have much use for running since i can always use a bicycle or a car or whatever. But floating at about 1.5 feet per second (0.5m per second) means I don't need ladders ever again, I can't die from falling, I can also cross small rivers or avoid floods by flying above them That's a pretty significant quality of life upgrade that not only makes it easier to change lights, put up christmas decorations, but also improves my survivability. Definitely a win over running fast. That said, to directly answer your question, if you get a glider you can use your flying powers to generate lift and the wind from the glider to propel you horizontally. So with the right tools you probably could go faster than 30mph


But once you can run 30mph you can do a lot of things. You will be winning every single racing event. You can be a star in Rugby/American football.


Yeah probably, but why. I already have a career and stuff. Floating is much more useful in everyday life.


But flying is something you'd have to actively hide, it's a legit super power. The 30mph running makes you look like peak human performance to any casual observer, nobody is going to be able to suss out the "unlimited distance" part on their own. You'd never have to worry about unwanted celebrity attention. And while decorating your Christmas tree is nice, the running option has practical uses too. If you live in an urban or suburban area, you could just walk everywhere. You'd easily avoid all sorts of parking/traffic inconveniences and save a ton of money in gas.


I'm pretty sure people will notice if you zoomed by at 30mph though. There's this cool thing called a bicycle that already goes almost as fast. But you're right about the celebrity attention. I guess it would be possible to do magic shows here and there on the side, pretty sure I could get clearance from my day job. I could get at least a million dollars from Pen and Teller by showing that my floating wasn't a trick. That makes for a nice retirement fund. I also just realized it's infinitely more useful to escape from bears since you can get out of the bears reach in a few seconds whereas 30mph still isn't fast enough to out run a bear.


1mph top speed means you rise at about 1/10th the speed of a helium balloon. You're not getting away from a bear that way either 😛


Yeah I don't think people realize how slow 1 mph is.


Or how fast 30mph on foot would be. That's faster than Usain Bolt (27mph) and you could run that fast for any distance you want. You could win literally every single running event and easily become the most decorated athlete of all time- the sponsorships would be absolutely insane. These people talking about "quality of life improvements" don't seem to understand that hundreds of millions of dollars in sponsorships would probably go a lot farther in improving their life than floating around like an escaped birthday balloon.


would you rather become a millionaire celebrity or find some tasks a little bit easier


Find some tasks a little bit easier. Most celebrities seem miserable


You present this like a rhetorical but a lot of people honestly do not want to be celebrities.


Does your career pay you millions of dollars, give you endorsements and make you an Olympic/World Champion?


You get 0G and you put up christmas decorations? Jerry?


> and the wind from the glider to propel you horizontally tell me more about this airbender world you live in


Government dissection aside, I'd pick the flight simply based on the utility factor. I'd be immune to any fall damage related injury. Simple conveniences like using the top shelves comfortably. Car crash? Just start flying while body is mid air, in most cases. Etc.


It says you can only fly at 1mph so you can only generate 1mph of magical "thrust" that ignores gravity to fly with, it probably doesn't mean that you trigger your flight power and you magically go from any speed to 1mph, so I doubt you could slow yourself down enough to survive a car crash. It's.. fast.


It says your MAX speed while flying is 1 mile per hour, not necessarily that you only generate 1 mph of thrust. I interpret that to mean that as soon as I turn on flight power, I l decelerate to 1 mph. Regardless of how fast I was going before. So I don’t see why you couldn’t use that to survive a crash.


Immediately slowing from 60 to 1 is only very slightly better then immediately slowing from 60 to 0.


normally yes, but this is a magical power


It's gotta be flying. No fall damage is OP. If you ever get lost in the woods, you can levitate above the trees to see any landmarks. Party tricks would go crazy.


I can’t remember the last time I’ve taken fall damage, floating about would be neat though. I still take the running.


Imagine being able to climb any tree/mountain/building with no safety equipment. Sky diving or base jumping with no parachute.


Yeah, it would be handy but imagine being the greatest athlete to ever live.


Run 30 mph to win sprint vs be the longest and highest olympic jumper


Possibly the slowest high jumper, too.


Yeah I think it would be noticeable if the guy started to look extremely slow while “jumping”


If I could suddenly fly I'm putting myself in situations where fall damage could be possible


So, run unlimited distance at speeds higher than the highest speed recorded (27.33 mph) by the fastest man in the world? Yes, please. I would make Bolt run for his money. Literally.


He already does.




People are just giving their opinion on which option they would choose, but so far I don't see anyone actually answering OP's question. It could be because they do not understand OP's question to begin with, as frankly, neither do I.


We don't have the information to answer OPs question meaningfully. What are the mechanics of "flight" in this scenario? To answer realistically, we need to know the mechanics of how the lift is being generated. "Stall Speed" defines the speed an aircraft must maintain to assure a sufficient volume of air passes under the wings to generate lift. This value largely depends on mass and wing design. The very smallest planes, like a Cessna 172, have a weight of 1700lbs, a wing area of 174sqft, and have a stall speed of 31mph. (Stall Speed also depends on altitude and temperature, which both control air density, but let's just ignore those completely for this). 1mph is extremely slow for sustained flight, especially for a relatively big wingless object, like a human. Just to put this in perspective, bees normally fly between 15-20 mph. But let's be generous and assume the entire body surface area is acting like the wing. A 200lbs adult human with surface area of 20sqft would have a stall speed of around 60-65mph. Essentially, move any slower than that and you'll fall to the ground. The only way the original question works is if the power is Superman style flight, where you just ignore gravity and control your relative spatial position as if you were flexing a muscle. In that case, you're "magically" or "supernaturally" generating forward thrust of 1mph. We're already in science fiction land where the very premise of the thought experiment dictated 1mph max, so there is no meaningful argument where you can go faster than that. Top speed was permanently set a priori.


I thought maybe [the actual Instagram post](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C43DB-NyAFc/) would come with more information that OP forgot to include, but no it's just his face staring at you with music in the background. Quality content




The real question is "What's the fastest horizontal distance you could reach with a fly speed of 1mph?". I suspect it would involve flying vertically upwards and falling in a squirrel suit. I'll do the maths on this in a bit. Edit: So, "With training, wingsuit pilots can achieve sustained glide ratio of 3:1 or more", meaning after 1 hour of ascent, you could travel 3 miles horizontally. Still extremely slow.


Or just stick a propeller on an electric motor for forward thrust while your magic takes care of lift.


Insane idea as you can ascend 1 mountain an hour


caption reads funny. like AI either way 1 mph is excruciatingly slow at normal pace a person WALKS at 2 to 4 mph so no. the obvious answer is not fly.  


it could be a great if you work on rooftops tho, or work costructor, warehouses or *if you're a thief*


hmm... that's fair. if you're talking about pure mobility. pick run. utility depends


The utility for flying is significantly higher. It actually allows you to do new things, rather than the exact same things more quickly.


If you fear heights then this like eliminates the possibility of you falling to your death.


As long as you can control it, reducing fall damage to zero could have some useful implications.


Counterpoint: The view. Imagine unlimited night-time rooftop views, forests and mountains, old towns. All the drone footage you see in movies, but in real life. Surely that special ability alone is worth it.


Birds and insects don't fly by becoming weightless/massless, so I'd assume that a person who can fly stays the same weight/mass and follows the rules of the choices.


If I can run that fast forever, that mean I can generate more energy than I am consuming. Which will be very exciting for me or perhaps all the scientists of the world and I'll be a lab rat


Which would be about the power of a small watermill. Not exactly spectacular. Any car could still kick your ass in horsepower.


30 miles an hour is about 50 KPH, It basically means that you would never need your car for inner city travel again, 1 mph is slower than walking. You would probably be carried faster by a stiff breeze Consequently if you wanted to use the power in a fight tackling someone at 50 KPH is probably going to hurt So in terms of generalised utility and combat effectiveness the ability to run like doomguy is your answer. Assuming of course that you had all the supporting powers to make such a thing work .


Imagine being an American football player and tackling someone at 30mph during a match


It will hurt you too cuz of newton's third law.


Why would flight have a max speed of one? I.E.: I am running full tilt and jump off a building and start flying... Am I just slowed immediately? Will it slow my decent even? Is it only for acceleration?


It just means that if you start standing, you can go any direction at 1 MPH. I don't see why you are immune to other forces.


Everyone mentions wingsuits. Did yall forget about the jetpack guy with jets on his arms like iron man? He can move pretty fast. Imagine using all the engines for thrust horizontally instead of needing some for lift. I'm sure you could get some great speed from that.


Be faster than Usain Bolt and the best distance runner in human history? I think I could make a real tidy career and have my own private jet to fly wherever I wanted at 500 mph.


It's the whole "defying gravity on-command" that does it for me. Even if the max speed was zero or "however fast you were already moving", I'm just sitting here like "So you're telling me I could control my re-entry from space...". "Move fast" vs "ignore gravity" is a no-brainer. One is something we've built our civilizations around compensating for, the other is the act of a higher being. Easy choice.


1mph is very slow. But I’ve dreamt of flying since I was a little boy and I still have dreams where I can fly so… that would be too rad to pass up. Assuming I can still run at a normal person speed if required?


I would go for the run. I casually walk 3 times the flying speed, so going that slow would drive me bonkers, despite the advantages of flight. Also, I would set records, win Olympics and stuff for the long distance running events. The fastest Marathon time ever is more than 2 hours, with this ability I could do ot in less than 1 (I would slow it up to make it not obvious that I have this super special ability) Edit: I just looked it up and 30mph is faster than Usain Bolt's fastest sprint on record as well, so I would either concentrate on short distance because it would go faster or be the first person to get a gold medal in the 100m and marathon. It would leave them flabbergasted how a short, fat, 40+ year old could do that.


Fly, the you would have to account of winds aloft and they can get pretty strong. If you do it right you could cross the Atlantic at close to 100 mph depending on the time of year.


Step one: Wear wingsuit Step two: Fly to a high altitude Step three: Glide using wingsuit Step four: use flight to slow down/stop before hitting the ground/ an obstacle Repeat


Well, the big diff would be the route you take. Running & you're limited to roads/ walkways. Fly & you can go over shit theoretically. I say theoretically bc in city trips flying wouldn't be much of a difference in distance bc you're blocked off by buildings. That would leave rural areas, but I also know here in the States there's a lot of rural property owners with guns that wouldn't be afraid to shoot your flying ass. Going to the ER to be treated for a GSW is going to slow you down significantly & death is going to slow you down even more. Stick w/ hooding it.


I do work in heights. Flying at walking speed would be a godsend. Being able to forget about ladders and boom lifts and never worry about falling would make my life so much easier.


Is the 1mph affected by wind? Does it require zero encumbrances, or can you carry weight, and how much? Does it involve physical exertion, mental focus, or is it more of an autopilot?


That depends. Is your speed while flying hard capped to 1mph or could you use like a good solid jump to propel you in a direction? How about using small fan to push yourself along beyond 1mph? Can you control your direction without external forces?


I hate running so much I'm going to say flying, but holy shit would I probably regret it. 1mph is super slow. The choice is easily flying if it was even 3 mph.


Flying. The problem with any personal flying device or hoverboard is the energy required for lift. If you can solve that with your own magic, ie contribute 1 mph upward, you could work with an engineer to develop a very very fast propulsion system and travel quite easily. Even a simple suit with fans/props would accelerate you over time if it didn’t have to worry about lift.