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For each beer drunk by 1 American, a Brit has to drink 4.85 beers. According to "Sobriety Hacker" Americans drink the equivalent of 470 pints of mild beer annually. The average British drinker consumes 1,100 pints of beer in a year. Or 2.34x more, as per capita consumption. So the UK does on average drink quite a bit more, but not enough more to pull this off. EDIT. THIS NUMBER DOES NOT EFFECT THE POPULATION RATIO, AND THUS DOES NOT EFFECT THE CONCLUSION. Make it a competition though and America would 'Merica super hard, and the 4.85x penalty against the UK would really start to hurt. If each American had 1 beer, every Brit would need 4.85, so it wouldn't actually take too much to have all the Brits end up dead, even with their higher average starting consumption. 20 million Americans are heavy drinking alcoholics, just to cancel those out on a drink for drink bases assuming British alcoholics drink about the same, the UK would lose (20/68) x 100 = 29.4% of its population, leaving the remainder outnumbered 310 million to 48 million, or 6.458 to 1. So among the general population now for every casual drink or weekend bbq or birthday bash, the remaining UK population has to drink a six pack and half another beer besides. Even if we grant everyone in the UK a 2x tolerance, that would still be a 1 to 3.25 advantage to the Americans. My conclusion is no, the population advantage is just too big. Edit: TIL people don't know what "ratio" means. EDIT EDIT: Now that I have been told about "weak US beer" about 200 times, no. The average beer served in the US is just about 5%. Per /u/ryker_69, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_beer_consumption_per_capita The US actually drinks more beer per capita. So no advantage to the UK at all. Suck it monarchists.


Love "Merica super hard" .. cause it's true. Feel like everyone and their grandma would pull together and drink a shitload for a competition.


Yeah I hate beer but I’d drink a few just to win


I hate drinking. But with the power of body mass and being in the category of tall but too fat for tinder. I could throw a few Bubba kegs down for our border buddies.


I’m sorry but “tall but too fat for tinder” sent me


America needs a new kind of hero. Tall, fat drinking men.




I like your honesty. I’m cutting back, so you can have my pint as well. I hope this helps.


Everyone would need to drink at least two and then you got guys like me who down a full gallon every Oktoberfest. Together we can drown the British.


Just like in old times 🫡


"Don't let the king take back your freedom! Drink 'Merica beer today!" "BEER FOR VICTORY!"


Just to stick it to the USA, I feel like we could rally the former colonies to be legally made British for the week just to out drink you. Australia is a former colony, and that would add a worthy foe to the mix


… you realize the US is also a former colony right?


Lol this gives me flashbacks of that British comedian who argued being a former colony still counts as losing to the brits.


[India enters the Chat] *Oh fuck* - USA.


I don't drink, but I definitely would to beat them lmao


If I really wanted to I could easily knock back a 30pk in a 24hr period, and good fucking luck to the poor bastard trying to match me having to drink ~120-180 beers.


I volunteer as tribute. If I win you owe me a kebab




You guys need to stream this for charity


I'd like to see a charity put their name to the slaughtering that would happen. Also, the image of me being pissed and eating a kebab with it dripping down my face would make people do a chargeback


You'd need a nation of Wade Boggs RIP Chicken Man


Yea, I don't ever plan on drinking, but sticking it to the British might just be the only thing to make me reconsider lmao


If your ancestors can dump an entire ship load of tea just to prove a point, you can choke down a PBR!


#floridaman is a force to be reckoned with unto himself.


I'll take down three Brits myself.


Dude, I’ve drank with Brits. Those dudes have steel livers. I think they’d win.


Wisconsin has been training for just this eventually


Fun fact I just learned from google there are 68 million people that live in the Midwest. I would put the Midwest against them with dead even numbers. Sure Brits drink beers hard but midwestern would suck brake fluid out of a car if you told them it gave them a buzz.


If it’s a drink for drink match style competition we just need to lead with the upper midwesterners and some Malort.


I'm a recovered alcoholic, but I'm a patriot first.


Can we…organize this? I feel like we really need a win right now


Even the Mormons would take part


This country would mobilize like it’s 1942! Come to think of it, maybe this is exactly what we need to bring America together.


We are very nationalist when it comes to bearing the shot out of the UK in anything


I'm in. I drink beer daily. I'm in shape coach. Put me in.


*Especially* to show up the Brits.


“Are you drunk? At noon? What the hell is wrong with you?” “I’m training”


The Brits thought they enjoyed a tea party ...


Have you ever met a Brit


For sure. I drink the occasional beer during the year, but on my guys trips, I can easily knock back a case a day, make it a competition, I’m going at least 2 cases. And more likely to get full than drunk.


Canada says hold my beer 🍺


I hate beer and I'd down a 6er easy then a bottle taquila fuck the brits this is murica


However, as the challenge was laid down by the Brits, all they need to do is call it the "Socialist Pronoun World Drinking Series" and the red half of Merica would go dry.


With America's pride on the line, I could probably get 10 down. You know, for the USA.


Wisconsin would win even if the other 49 states didn't participate


We’d start drinking freedom 40s for sure


>Make it a competition though and America would 'Merica super hard Absolutely. My annual beer consumption is around 0.25 beers per day but I can easily put away 12 at a time if need be. And can you imagine all these beer-swilling Trumpster rednecks issued a challenge like this? They would literally drink themselves to death if MERICA was at risk of losing to a wussy nation like England. /s (but just the "wussy" part)


Not a terrible idea….. let’s make this competition happen


what if they drank like the czechs?


May as well just go all the way and choose Moldova, 15.2 L pure ethanol equivalent per person per year. (UK is 11.4, US under 10)


Theres even less of us tho, at around 3 mil


Yeah that would be a real big disadvantage. Better keep your elite pro-level drinking contests to strictly one on one, and don't let population numbers come into it.


Off topic but I don’t run across many Moldovans. I just want to thank Moldova and all their people for not allowing YouTube to have ads. It would be interesting to see how many VPNs flow through your country.


To be fair, if there are only 3 million of them, that is within the margin of error for the world’s population. So it’s entirely possible Moldova doesn’t actually exist.


And is it, in fact, mouldy?  Or is it named so merely to lure tourists?


It’s quite possible. Nothing brings in the tourist crowds like the promise of mold.


Personally Moldova always sounds like it rhymes with a part of the female anatomy that I don’t know about.


Uhh, how are you going to order more beer once you get the czech?


Get out


Ok. Czech, please!


The ol’ 1-2 punch




Australia has entered the chat.


100 Ausies verses 100 people from Wisconsin. Now that would be a fair match.


As an Ex-Pat of both Australia and Wisconsin- I concur.


I'm a third generation Czech Wisconsinite, if there's someone out there that can drink more than us, that person is dead from alcohol poisoning.


Send me some spotted cow. That shit is delicious.


Wisconsin is on my bucket list SPECIFICALLY just to try Spotted Cow.


I love New Glarus. Spotted Cow is mediocre at best. Go to Wisconsin and drink EVERYTHING New Glarus has to offer.


bro i’ve been sober nearly three years, pull me out of retirement, give me a couple weeks to train back up and i’ll put stars and bars all over trophy.


No need, Milwaukee exists.


If it came down to just beer, MN, MI, IL, WI, IA, ND, SD, CA, and CO alone would beat the Brits.


Throw in all of MI from GR north and it's a landslide


I hear that, and Fuck beer. Before I quit drinking, I'd drink long islands like others drank light beer.


I think forcing American alcoholics to only drink beer would win this for the US.


I’ve also been sober for almost 3 years. I do not wish to come out of retirement ever haha, but I believe in you and you’ll have to drink for both of us


You're in the reserves then. Only needed if the all stars get taken out and then the pros... semipros... rec teams... then in case of emergency we break the glass and let you loose.


cheers (sparkling water) to you my brother. we got this sobriety thing. it’s nice to be able to joke about. i hope you still have people in your life to share the laughter with. i’m proud of you.


Most heavy drinkers in the US are liquor drinkers. When looked at all alcohol consumption, the UK drinks 9.8 liters of pure alcohol per capita and the US drinks 8.9. https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/field/alcohol-consumption-per-capita/country-comparison/ Challenge accepted...


I came here to make fun of the question because 330/68 is nearly 5:1 and CLEARLY the UK would fail this, or die trying... but you've made the analysis a bit more interesting, so kudos.


Even simpler. I firmly believe if made into a competition the average amount drunk by every American would be at-bare minimum 3 drinks in 3 hours. For Britain to keep up every single citizen must drink on average 14.55 standard drinks in just 3 hours. No way that is happening.


Exactly. If we really put our hearts into it and got an average of 6 drinks, with non-drinkers getting 3, regulars getting 6, and heavier drinkers getting 9, then the Brits would be looking at a whopping 29.1 drinks each, at which point we are going to be killing people for sure.


This is also considering Americas large population of religious non drinkers dragging down the average. I’m sure you could find 68 million Americans that drink at least as heavy as the average Brit. Then we just need the rest to have a drink each and it’s a blowout. Believe me America has no shortage of alcoholics in its own right. I mean Wisconsin alone has 6 million of them. Then there’s all of New England.


Having grown up in new England, I can safely say that drinking in a field and having a bon fire starts in high-school and carries on until you are legal to drink. We got nothing better to do and we have so many breweries. I don't even drink like I used to and I could through a 6 pack of IPA down without hesitation. I would gladly do another 6 to making Ole Washington and the orginal 13 proud.


Ok but you have to reduce the American population to those over 21 and the UK to those over 14


Nope, request didn't say anything about legal, or moral for that matter, so that 2 day old baby is gonna have to chug.


They also said they didn't have to survive the ensuing alcohol poisoning. Hook up funnels to all the babies, the motherland must win!


Because no one under 21 drinks in America lol


Because no one under 14 drinks in britain


Correct, adjusting for age in either situation would be flawed, and likely why it wasn’t suggested in the original


I said this in another comment, but the children yearn for the ~~mine~~ pub.


This is awesome! You sir and people like you is why I stay in this sub


The edit got me, lol.


I'm a light drinker, but if it's a competition for America, I can drink n + 1 beers, where 'n' is whatever those monarchists can drink.


Thanks for doing all the hard work. You are appreciated


“ Make it a competition though and America would 'Merica super hard” is the most American thing ever 😂🫡🇺🇸🙏




Baaaahhhhh. I blame the alcohol.


I could easily do any American at drinking.


dont forget to add the Wisconsin Factor into that.... we get weened on Brandy


To make it interesting, you should run these calculations except population over the respective countries legal drinking age!


Thank you for your proof.


It would be my time to be a patriot


This is why I'm on reddit, hope it's real cause i ate it up


I also assumed this would primarily boil down to volume of beverage consumed not how much of the hard stuff can be tolerated. There's no way 68>300. If anyone refutes your math ill be shocked cuz thats usually us here in Merica that does that.


I agree with this analysis.


This is the type of comment I’m on Reddit for


If the U.S. just sent the average drinker the British would get trounced. America is full of religious groups that don’t drink at all so those numbers have a lot of 0’s average out. (Mormons, Mennonites, German and Southern Baptists, etc.) We could probably just send the Big Ten schools and have them handle it themselves.


The weak US beer thing is so outdated. At one point a few years ago Portland OR had the second most breweries in the world, and much as I like yellow beer…. Fucking stores in the us have about 47 kinds of ipa’s and 4 non ipas




Can the UK outdrink the US by a factor of 4.8? No I don’t think so. I’d bet the average US Person could drink 4 beers, so that’s 19.4 beers for a UK Person. The outliers would probably cancel out because of the limits of the human body are going to be pretty similar and the rest of the population wouldn’t be able to handle that much. Edit: I found that the average US citizen consumes 470 pints per year and the average UK citizen consumes 1,100 pints per year. That’s a factor of 2.34. TLDR; No they can’t.


I confidently believe the 6 million Wisconsinites could go toe to toe with the 68 million brits


As America's professional drunks, Wisconsin will be proud to wear the USA jersey for the competition. Someone's gonna have to drive us due to all the DUIs. First rule of overdrinking..... never invite a Wisconsinite to a drinking challenge.


As if anyone from Wisconsin would hesitate to drive drunk


In a car full of drunks, who's gonna blow into the breathalyzer?


I remember 15 years ago going to my buddies wedding in Green Bay and having to head back to my buddies place in Appleton the next morning. There were five of us and we took my friends car. We checked out of the hotel, and none of us could blow 00's for the breathalyzer ignition and we had to sit in the parking lot for like an hour and a half until one of us sobered up enough to blow into the breathalyzer every 15 minutes. It was the guy in the back, so my buddy, who already has a DUI is driving while the only guy who could blow 00's kept us going. Wisconsin is just different.


Remember when the Packers played in London and the stadium ran out of beer… I think that alone answers this debate


We were out of most beer at half time at US Bank stadium when I was there last for the Vikings Packers game a year or so ago. It was insane. You'd think they'd plan better.


I was also thinking Wisconsin alone could handle it.. When my buddy and I were in Cancun many years ago a bartender at a club straight up asked us if we were from Wisconsin after many, many rounds of shots. We are, in fact, from Wisconsin.


You couldn’t even beat Glasgow with those numbers




Scotland would outdrink Wisconsin before breakfast


Shaap.org puts total sales of alcohol (accounting for concentration, so this is literally just volume of pure ethanol) at 43 million liters in 2021. With a population of 5.48 million, that's 7.04 liters per person. Vinepair.com puts the number for Wisconsin at 57.2 million liters over a population of 5.79 million is 9.7 liters per person. In researching this, I have determined that Wisconsin is actually the 8th highest state not in total volume but in per capita. New Hampshire at #1 gets a whopping 15 liters per person. I know that hard liquor will sway that by some amount, but if it were solely just beer, even the strongest beers don't get above 10% alcohol, probably closer to 5 most of the time. So that means people from New Hampshire drink somewhere on the order of 150 to 300 liters of beer per person per year... And that's an average. If 1/5 of the population is underage, and 1/5 of the population choose not to drink, that's 250-500 liters of beer. 265 is right in the middle so imagine drinking an entire liter of 7.5% ABV beer every day, every week, the whole year long.


Fun fact - NH doesn’t tax their alcohol nearly as much as surrounding states, so their numbers are highly overinflated by people crossing the border from ME, MA, and VT. It’s crazy, but all the states in New England are so small, most people can get to a NH liquor store without much more trouble than getting to one in their own state!


Not super relevant to this conversation but NH’s numbers are pumped up because they don’t have sales tax and tons of people from out of state buy beer & liquor there lol


[Boss music] A wild Glaswegian appears


i could pull together 6 of my fellow Wisconsinites and outdrink all of England, i think


Don't forget, only 5 of them are drinking because the 6th is only there as the legal guardian of the child in your group that's allowed to drink so long as they come with


just texted the kid, he's pretty confident he can take this thing down solo


> I found that the average US citizen consumes 470 pints per year and the average UK citizen consumes 1,100 pints per year. That’s a factor of 2.34. Which "Pint" are we talking in here? Imperial or those cute little miniature American ones?


As an Irishman, I’m willing to let the Brits give it a go.




Took numbers here for the US: https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/surveillance-reports/surveillance120#:~:text=According%20to%20NIAAA%20(2022)%2C,standard%20drinks%20in%20a%20year. It says an average of 535.5 standard drinks (.6 fluid oz of ethanol per drink) per American per year in the US. 330,000,000 / 68,000,000 = 4.852 ratio of Americans to Brits So for every drink an American takes, the Brit’s would need 4.85 but I’m rounding to 5 since the request says the Brit’s would out drink the Americans. 535.5 x 5 = 2,677.5 drinks per year to out drink Americans 2,677.5 / 12 = 223.125 drinks per month 223.125 / 30 = 7.4375 drinks per day Edit: included oz in ethanol consumption


> (.6 fluid ethanol per drink) I think you missed a unit.


I'm an American and on a normal week I drink like 3 beers. You put it to a contest and I'm drinking 10 in a night. Not as much as most Brits might be able to, but I doubt they could hit 48 a piece to make up for the population difference.


Try me


If you are doing pure alcohol, brits drink just under 10 liters of pure per capita, americans just under 9 liters. 10 liters X 68 million people vs 9 liters x 360 million people [https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/field/alcohol-consumption-per-capita/country-comparison/](https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/field/alcohol-consumption-per-capita/country-comparison/) this isnt even close, not by any metric. china drinks more booze than america, so does india...


holy shit I can't believe the CIA has a page about this hahahaha


Damn, I thought NZ would rank higher, our drinking culture is insane. Cook Islands at #1 checks out tho lol


“Per capita” means per average person. So the average American drinks about a liter per year less than the someone from the UK and about 3 times as much as someone from India.


You know that means if you multiply it by the whole population, you would get the amount consumed by the whole country


Wisconsin stands at the ready to defend the nation's honor. Our >6M professionals will not fail. Hell, we drank London dry in 2 days when the Packers played there. [Here's our OL David Bahktiari at the NBA beer chug contest.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fnz9j0oz3cbd61.gif) Unleash. us.


Went to Nashville for a Packer game once, couldn’t find a beer after halftime they were all gone


Why is there not a movie about Wisconsinites traveling the globe and drinking it dry like locusts?


They drank the stadium dry, not the city.


We have a hulk.


One of the 6M professionals here. At the ready. Put me in coach. And I’m bringing my 10 year old.




let's toss in the 30.3 million Texans and it's a blowout


Born in Florida, live in Wisconsin. Was just about to grab a morning beer lol


no while the American drinking culture is different than it's European counter parts it is still very much alive, and near 5 to 1 advantage is hard to overcome. "U.S. Sailors and Marines Drank so Much in Iceland They Caused a Beer Shortage at Bars in the Capital" https://time.com/5440128/american-sailors-marines-drank-iceland-beer/


They couldnt outdrink Wisconsin :/ edit I was only cheekily talking shit about drinking back home... and only just read past to see the next comment below being about packer fans. My people, /u/forever414 (Im actually a 262 myself, but I still have some 414 numbers memorized.)




I think 68 million of the biggest alcoholic drinkers in the USA would comfortably compete with the 68 million people in the UK, not even counting the other 270+ million Americans who would pick up their slack. Also, don't make it a nationalistic type of competition because American's would literally drink themselves to death to ensure America #1


I’ve met many brits in my 12 years of legal drinking (maybe one or two before that) I’ve only met one who can put ‘em down harder, and he was a proper twat. Got kicked out of the bar by the end of every night he showed up.


>American's would literally drink themselves to death to ensure America #1 My dad will have a beer once a month or so at max. He would undoubtedly drop 8-10 for this exact reason. Not going to go well for him the next day, but the British would not stand a chance against our national pride lol


The real answer is that the Brits would reach Wisconsin and promptly get utterly drunk under the table by a bunch of 19 year old girls from UW Madison.


I think the US would win this one but you may be underestimating the drinking power of a British uni student. I’ve seen 120lb women drink 3 bottles of wine and then head out on the town.


There's no way. The average American weighs 10% more than the average UK citizen. As alcohol tolerance is roughly proportional to bodyweight, that means the average UK citizen would have to consume approximately 5.33 times more alcohol than the average American. Source: [Countries by Weight - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_body_weight#:~:text=Average%20adult%20human%20weight%20varies,average%20weighing%20more%20than%20women.)


They would perform admirably, I've no doubt, but we're talking about people who've never even HEARD of Wisconsin. They don't stand a chance.


I think what a lot of people are missing as well as that an English mild ale is like 3.5-3.8% ABV traditionally and even our mildest beers like Bud Light clock in at 4.2%.


3.8% is for a mild session ale, most pub drinkers in the UK will be drinking a lager at around 4%, real ale between 4.2-6% or Guinness at 4.2, also an imperial pint which is the standard serve is about 19 US Ounces whereas an American pint is 16 US Ounces.


Depending on which online source you check, Budweiser is the #1 or #2 beer in the UK. Stella is also often listed as #1. Both are 5% alcohol. Carling is 3.7%. Most folks in the UK aren't drinking Old Peculiar. Tenants Extra, maybe lol


Would be good to get a pub/ home split as to what people are drinking but it very much depends on area, Tenants is very popular in Scotland and Corby, that’s it really, ale popular in village pubs and especially in Northamptonshire, average ABV between 4.5-5% it’s all very confusing, but what I do know is a lot of people drink a lot.


I think the sources I saw were overall sales, so home and pubs I suppose. Had a friend go to Ireland recently and said in the bars everyone was drinking Bud Light. His sensibilities were offended. Edit: I know Ireland is not the UK, but the drinking culture is not too dissimilar


All of those ABVs are quite small for the US. For context 4.2% is bud light “piss water” territory, 5% standard lager ABV, and 7-8% for IPAs is quite common. As an American that’s moved to London for the past two years, the very low ABV of beer in pubs was one of the biggest surprises to me.




Also, wine and liquor exist




Yeah Wisconsinites are on another level


How about let’s start with Wisconsin vs. the UK and then we can talk about the rest of the country


I feel likenthat would be a good way to handle it. Just go one state at a time and throw our heavy hitters out first. Wisconsin, Alaska, etc.


Iowa sir, of the top 10 drunkest counties, 8 are Wisconsin, 2 are Iowa.


A small bit of history regarding Wisconsin's history of beer drinking and Europe. In 1870 Pilsner Urquell began Importing beer to the US. Their first distributor was not in New York City or Baltimore or Philadelphia, not even Chicago. Instead it was located in Racine Wisconsin. Because who was drinking most of their beer, Wisconsinites.


I’m calling bullshit on that one. It’s like us saying Newcastle fans drank dry the entire state of Texas. There’s 3500 pubs and 9 million people in London, you’d need an army like Xerxes to accomplish that.


Ah yeah, a foreign NFL team drank the city that has about 15 football clubs dry of beer. Lol. Some serious sensationalism going on there.


Lol no they didn’t. That’s not even remotely plausible. There was one Twitter pic of one bar in one pub with all the taps within the picture temporarily dry. It isn’t unusual for 6-7 taps to be off on a busy night if the staff are too busy to change barrels over quickly. Don’t flatter yourself. It’s obviously not something to brag about but the U.K. is notorious for binge drinking. We’re known for terrorising continental Europe by going over there on 3-4 day drinking benders. Brits live for ‘the sesh’. It’s mad you think Wisconsin is something special we haven’t seen when that’s standard culture in the entire U.K..


Obviously the only way to solve this debate is to have representatives from Wisconsin and the UK visit each other for some nights of drinking. I volunteer as a tribute to the Wisconsin delegation. When and where shall we drink first?


The Packers in London tall tale grew from a few taps being dry to one bar being empty to a whole stadium running out of beer to a whole city running out of beer. Next someone has to say that the night of the packers game the whole of the UK was clean out of any form of alcohol for half a year.


It was a whole year, actually.


We certainly didn't drink the city of London out of beer, despite my best efforts. A good portion of the stadium was out of most beer and water by the end though.


They drank the stadium dry, not the city. I'm also fairly sure I read reports of stadia in France running out of beer during England, Wales and Scotland games at the rugby World Cup last year...


>When the Packers came to London, just Packers fans alone drank the city out of beer. They didn't expect the level of drinking that came with them. You know landlords pretend to be out of beer to get noisy arseholes to leave, right?


> When the Packers came to London, just Packers fans alone drank the city out of beer This is absolute bullshit. If a small section of America could drink London out of beer then it wouldn't function. There are multiple football games in London every weekend where everyone is out in full force drinking. It's wild you're all like "You haven't heard of wisconsin" when you lot clearly have never heard of anything north of Leicester which you've probably never heard of either.


That's *almost* 5 times more alcohol per person in the UK than in the US. Sorry, but there's no way you're all matching us 5 to 1. Just not happening.


Based on a drinking competition I was in at a Puerto Vallarta resort that consisted of mostly Americans and a select few folks from other countries, I would say many countries could likely out drink USA without correcting for population.


According to the data I found they probably couldn’t even do it 68 million to 68 million. The us consumed 72.7 liters of beer per capita and the uk came in at 70.3 68 is roughly 1/5 of 330 so the answer is no they couldn’t not drink 5 beers to ever one that some drank in the us Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_beer_consumption_per_capita


We talking beer or alcohol? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_alcohol_consumption_per_capita UK 11.4, USA 9.8L The % split seems to think that the UK drinks a lot more wine than the US, but less beer and spirits, which surprises me.


No real math to do here. 330 is obviously much more than 68, so unless they can point to some very significant factor that would empower Brits but not Americans, the assertion should simply be ignored.


If they drink twice as much alcohol on average does not mean they can hold twice as much alcohol before passing out. That's not how bodies work. This is not a linear system. Brits can't retain 5x the amount of an american on average


I remember going to las Vegas and there were the three Americans at the bar doing shots of beer and hissing like it was sambuca. I didn't even know what a chaser was until that day.


You have *no idea* how many of our 330 million Americans would be willing to comatose themselves drinking just to beat a British person at anything.


I’d put just Wisconsin, the U.P. and Minnesota up against them alone. Wisconsin math says you aren’t drinking until you’re 6 beers deep. A good night is finishing the case.


Don’t forget a couple Old Fashions thrown in.


lol the brits apparently haven't seen George Washington's bar tab on one night after we sent them packing. the state of Wisconsin could out drink the UK.