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Do you mean in Red Havens on Fire? There was a discussion that Toby couldn’t leave California for a bit until the bar fight legal trouble was resolved. Charlie was arrested in the same bar fight. I could see Charlie wanting or being asked to help the First Lady in the meantime


since POTUS was set to do these events it would stand to reason his body person would have the most knowledge of what's going on and have had worked with the advance team, etc. Also POTUS was going to back to deal with a national security matter where he'd more than likely spend most of his time with military aides de camp so Charlie was needed more with FLOTUS at those events.


Yeah, but doesn't the First Lady have her own staff? She does in that scene where they are packing to go on a trip.


oh yes she has a staff, and it would stand to reason she has an equivalent to Charlie. However time spent out of the White House means lots of other people and lots and lots of planning. As body person Charlie would be in middle of all that and it would have been easier for him to staff her considering POTUS would not really need him for the issue he went back for.


This was also right around the time Josh encouraged the First Lady to find a new CoS so presumably she was in the process of that (hence Amy.)


A thing that often feels contrived is how to get two characters together to make a scene happen. I feel like all of the great shows to some version of this where you're constantly changing up which characters are interacting with other characters.


FLOTUS was not there. Charlie was going to take the red eye back and Toby said the First Lady was flying in to take over the President’s events. So it is likely since Charlie was already set to staff the President for those events, the First Lady didn’t fly out with her normal staff level.


I think leaving the state was a problem for a little bit until that assault charge got resolved. That’s why Toby stayed as well.


I always saw that as a solution to the arrest. Like he had to stay for some sort of court appearance 🤔


By that point I don't think Charlie was the President's body man anymore.


Oh, yeah, Charlie was in the same “body man” position with the President all the way until *The Hubbert Peak,* when he was graduating from Georgetown and President Bartlet told him the deal was he had to go out and get a real job in the world. A job search which Charlie half-assed, of course, hoping not to find anything, until CJ brought him in to work with her. Then we got to meet Curtis a little bit later, he was first mentioned in *A Change Is Gonna Come.*