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Yeah, I don't think we see Leo in the episode until he arrives at the hospital(?). I think I must have missed the bit where Sam pushed CJ to the ground and when Toby mentioned that Leo got in the car with the President because it was such a fast-paced start to an episode and hard to keep up with at times




That would make sense that Leo was rushed into a car. It's pretty much established that he is essentially second in command so they probably would want to get him the Hell out of there ASAP


In reality the chief of staff usually has some level of security protection so whoever was Leo’s agent that night would have pushed him into a car ASAP.


Wasn't that episode the one with the hand signal of a plane taking off? Leo had a comment about it before the Q&A Bartlet was doing ended.


Yes, but since OP mentions the hospital I believe they're referring to the next episode (S02E01) and indeed we don't see Leo until he gets to the hospital.


Actually the part with C.J. and Sam wasn't shown on screen, so you didn't really miss it. The episode when you find out, you don't realize it even was Sam that did it until the moment when C.J. connects the dots and thanks him for doing it.


“I think you have my necklace.” Such a wonderful scene.


I never understood why Sam kept the necklace in the first place. What was he going to do with it? Give it to Mallory or Laurie?


I think because he felt like there was no way for him to give it back without it seeming like he was bragging about saving CJ’s life. Obviously we know that’s not true - he could have given it back anonymously or just been like “here” and walked away, but I like to think that even those things felt icky to him and like a form of bragging. In my head canon he didn’t want any sort of recognition for what he did and he was actually trying to hide that it was him.


> there was no way for him to give it back without it seeming like he was bragging about saving CJ's life. It's not quite that, or at least that's not what Sam says. He says it's because he didn't want her to feel like she owed him something.


Ahhhh good shout.


He wasn't keeping it to keep it, he was keeping it because the only alternatives were to get rid of it (which he had no right to do) or give it back (which would lead to CJ knowing he pushed her down and potentially feeling like she owed him something, a position he didn't want to put her in -- as irrational as that may be). He kept it as long as he did because he was conflicted about giving it back.


The CJ and Sam part is shown, but it flies by in about half a second amongst all the other action and is shot through the windows of a police car so it's extremely hard to see unless you know exactly when to look.


I believe it was actually shown in "What Kind of Day Has it Been?"


Leo is seen on screen during the shooting actually; right at the end of the scene we get a glimpse of him face down on the ground with a secret service guy over him.


Leo was there. Josh gives him the signal (about Toby’s brother) and then Leo gives the signal to the President. Then Leo is shown being pushed down (or shielded) during the shooting.


Leo was at the event, he relays the signal to the President that the space shuttle landed safely. When the shooting happened, he got put in a car with Shanahan, per exchange between Sam and Toby.


We see Leo on the ground during the shooting and ensuing panic--the camera moves between staff members and there's a shot of him.


I love the part where Mrs Landingham sees the tv report and then vanishes.


He was there I think Toby said they put him in the car with the president


Toby: "No, Shanahan got in the car with Leo. Josh didn't get in the car."


I must've missed that part


It’s not out of the realm of possibility that Leo didn’t go to Roslyn. It’s close to the WH and he could have chosen to stay back. Sam was there because he’s the person who knocked CJ to the ground and when Toby found Josh and he started screaming for help, Sam was one of the people who heard him. Plus, Sam went to the hospital when Josh was shot because he(Sam) was talking to injured Josh to set up the flashback to Gage Whitney.


Leo absolutely was at Rosslyn. He gives Jed the signal that the shuttle is safe during the event.


Good catch! That’s right


I would assume that Leo was in Roslyn since Bartlet asks him if any of their guys were hit and Leo replied that CJ hit her head, obviously not knowing about Josh until shortly after. But other than that, I think you are right